HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-30; City Council; Minutes, c -> - a. 0 P 4.. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (AdjoGrned Regular Mee Date of MsetSng: December 30, :975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Councii Chambers 62 7!% T ROLL CALL: [29] CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT .- PROGRAM The City Manager gave Council a brief intro- duction to the Capital Improvement Program. The Public Utilities Uirector reviewed with the Council mzrnb2t-s the projects which were included in the report and answered any questiofis Councilman Skotnicki suggested to the staff that he felt the report would be more advanta- geous to the City if tne report was compiled by project function as well as by year of expendi- tures. KECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:15 P.bI. and the Crjuncil reconvened at 8:2G P.M. with all Council members present. Discussirjn on the Capital Improvement Program continued and it was the consensus of the Council that further discussion would be held at a later date. 1[114] PLANNED cOMMUF~ITY ZONE It was agreed by the Council that this matter be postponed and heard at a later workshop. [92] ENCINA PHASE I11 - WASTE PERMIT CONUITION Mayor Frazee brought forward the matter of the Draft Condition which would be necessary for the City of Carlsbad to obtain approval from the Coastal Commission for Encina Phase 111. After some discussion among the Council, a motion was made that the City accept the Condi- tion prescribed with the reservation that the City questions its legality. Motion died for lack of a second vote. Councilman Chase moved that the City accept the condition with the understanding that the City Council feels it is a discriminatory condition and its legaiity is questionable. The condition is being accepted because it is necessary for the approval of Encina Phase 111. I371 GENERAL COUr4CIL " DISCUSSION [28] Mayor Frazee brought up at this time that Council shoiild give thought to different and efficient methods for appointing to office persons recommended for positions in the Com- mission and Committee. The Council agreed that further discussioz on genera: Coiinci'l matters be continued to the next wsrkshop. COUNCILME1 ting) Presen Motion Moti on Ayes A L xx: xx Y \ I x X 1.. . -r CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME) i .- 2 - k\ or9 2 75 PO h. Cecember 30, 1975 3 I _- ADJOURNMENT: Ey proper motion, the zeeting was adjourned XXX Ayes at 10:25 P.M. Motion D Kespectfully submitted, '- ,/ +7~&!pJF@L,/, ,y E.:AKGA@T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Tobi L. Dobson, Kecording Secretary D