HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-08; City Council; MinutesL - I) 0 c CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meet' Date of Meeting: January 8, 1976 Time af Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meetinq: Council Chambers // " r ROLL CALL: Ci ty Manager. REPQRT ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT STUDY. Mayor Frazee announced the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Taylor Dark, a con- sultant hfred by the Chamber of Commerce to study the development of the downtown area, were present Tn the audience. MR. TAYLOR DARK, reviewed the highlights of the report he compiled during his analysis to deter- mine the development of the downtown area and informed the Council the report would be avail- a61.e on the afternoon of January 9, 1976. [lo51 24. AGENDA BILL ,#3,325 .i .DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT. A staff report was given by the City Manager and inquiries were made of the City Manager by members of the Council. Certain points were clarified to the Council by the City Attorney and City Manager with regard to the formation of a Redevelopment Agency. Lengthy discussion was held and it was moved that the staff be instructed to contact Mr. Eugene Jacobs and obtain a proposal for doing the work necessary for establishing a Redevelop- ment Agency. [28] 25. AGENDA 'BILL #3565 .- HUMAN 'CARE .SERVICES. Mayor Frazee announced Council action was taken at the regular meeting held December 16, 1975 under Agenda Bill #3542, which was to authorize the staff to proceed with a Human Resources and Social Service Needs Assessment. The Council heard from Mr. Louis A. Sciarra, Ad Hoc Committee member for Human Resources. In his dissertation to the Council, Mr. Sciarra recommended consideration of a Human Resources Coordinator. It was the concensus of the Council that further consideration would be given human care services following the Human Resources and Social Service Needs Assessment. ~ [8%] 26. AGENDA BILL #3566 - NATIONAL HEALTH PLAN- NING AND RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1976. A staff report was given by the City Manager and the following Resolution was presented for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 3825, RECOMMENDING THE DESIGNA- TION OF SAN DIEGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES AS A LOCAL HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY, was adopted by ti tl e only. ! P 7 I) 8 1 f Y m II CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -2- January 8, 1976 /a [88] 27. AGENDA BILL .#3.567,--' 'A.NNUAL '1NSP.EC.TION FEES FOR FO0.D ESTA,BLfSHM,ENT5.: This matter was discussed'at the regular meeting h.eld January 6, 1976. [32] 28. AGENDA BILL.'.#.3.568 .- 'STATE 'LANDS 'DIVISION - [SI] SUBMERGED- LANDS-. Fol?owing a report by the City Manager and inquiries by the Councfl to the City Manager and City Attorney, a motion was made that.the Mayor be authorized to represent the City of Carlsbad in requesting an extenston of time at a hearing to be held January 15, 1976 in Sacra-. mento, to allow for the introduction of legisla- tion granting these lands to the City. Mayor Frazee requested Councilwoman Casler to attend this heartng with him. C941 29. AGEN.DA. B.TLL YB.48.1' '.- 'Suppl'eme.nt '#2 - PLAZA CAMI'NO R.EAL 'EXPANS.TON. 'AGREEMENT, The City Manager gave a lengthy staff report regarding the Plaza Camino Real Expansion Agree- ment and referred to a wall map, marked Exhibit "B" in connection with the development of Marron Road. FollowSng questions by the Council, a motton was made that the staff recommendation be accepted and that the City contribute to the costs of a 12" water line i'n Monroe Street which is in ex" cess of the cost of placing a 6" line in the ground; that parcel 154-160-24 be divided into three subparcels with the development of a sub- parcel requiri,ng street reimbursement cost for that sutjparcel .only; and that a reduction be made from $45.00'.per front foot for Marron Road street fmprovemerlt reimbursements to approximate ly $35-00 per front foot, which is due to the elimination of a'water line in the Marron Road extension; further that the City Attorney be instructed- to' prepare the amendments ,to theAgree- ment necessary for approval. [281 30, AGENDA BILL #3569 - SENIOR CITIZENS INFORMA TION CENTER FACILITY. 1 Following a report by the City Manager, a motion was made that the Information Center be allowed to continue its operation out of the Housing Assistance Office without further rent payment through as much of the remainder of the fiscal year as necessary, as recommended by the staff. [68] 31. AGENDA .BILL #3570 - CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZEN ASSOCIATION - 1976-77. FUNDI'NG REPORT. 1 ~ Motion 1 Ayes Mot i on Ayes ~ Motion Ayes I X ~ ~ ~X I I I ~ , X X X X A report was given by the City Manager and Mr. Ray Ede, President of the Senior Citizens Associ- ation, was heard by the Council and stated he would answer any questions the Council may have regarding funding. He stated the request by the Senior Citizen's Association to the Council at this time was a letter of intent to consider ! me (E X X X CORRECTION TO MINUTES: The last paragraph of Item #28, Agenda Bill #3568 is to be deleted and the following statement is to be added and incorporated as part of the minutes of January 8, 1976: Mayor Frazee requested Councilwoman Casler to serve as alternate for the North County Transit System Meeting. I 1 I - .. 7 @ m .r ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME’ January 8, 1976 -3 - .4 ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ funding at the time the City budget is revlewed and stated, th.e letter of intent would sufftce for the purpose of seekfng rnatch-ing funds from other agenci’es, Following dfscussion, ft was moved that the Councfl refer the matter to the staff for incor- poration and Tnformation in the budget for the determtnation of whether the City wishes to fund a portion of‘ or any part of it; further that the staff be instructed to submit a letter of a gen- eral nature that some funding is occurl’ng now and that the Councl’l will consider additional funding depending on the availability of funds in July of this year. RECESS:, Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:45 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 9:00 P.M. with all Council members present. C701 32. AGENDA BILL #910 - Supplement #4 - MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL. The City Manager reported that he had been in contact with the Church of the Latter Day Saints to determine if the property at the corner of Chestnut and Monroe is still available for pur- chase for the municipal swimming pool. He had been informed that the property is still avail- able but there 1s a problem as to when the Churct would be in a position to release the property which depends on their negotiations on another site for construction of a Church. He requested further gutdance from the Council. Dfscussfon ensued and Councilman Chase suggested constderati’on of Holl’day Park as a possible site for the municipal swimming pool. He cited all of the reasons he felt it was the most logical site for a pool. Reference was made to the Holiday Park Master Plan which was completed by Lampman and Associates and the Planning Director presented the rendering of the Master Plan and ather graphics for review by the Council. Mr. Barney Schindler, representing the Pool Committee spoke in favor of the site at Chestnut and Monroe and stated that this was the recom- mendation of the Pool Committee. During further discussion, another site was briefly discussed, known as the Hummel Property, located on Park Drive and Monroe which was a five acre parcel. Mayor Frazee instructed that the Site Selection Committee be reactivated and that they submit a report with regard to consideration of Holida) Park as a possible site, and also consider other sites discussed. A motion was made that the City Manager be authorized to secure proposals for architects and report back to the Council. 1 j I 1 I 1 I Motion Ayes XXI CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -4- [70] 33. AGENDA .B,I.LL ,#32,13' '-. 'Su~pp~le'm'e'rit' #l .,- CARRILL0 Followi'ng a staff report by the City Manager, lengthy Counci'l di'scu'ssion ensued. Questions asked by the Council were answered by tfie City Manager and City Attorney, Follol'wng further dlscussion, it was moved that Motion the staff return to the Council at the earliest Ayes X date with a report fndl'cating both the legal pro: Noes quirement as well as a report expla3ning the cess that would be requl'red to change this re- xx formation for those hearings so that the Council staff process that would go into developing in- matter to Public Hearing. could determine whether they wish to set the CrTY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSI'NESS: Proposi tian 9. The City Attorney gave a staff report regarding prosecution for violations under Proposition 9. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 P.M. to Tuesday, January 13, 1976, at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Motion I) Ayes xxx Respectfully submrtted, yr ...&Y4& MA G ET E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora K. Gardiner, Recording Secretary @