HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-03; City Council; Minutes': - P D 1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 3, 1976 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Mayor Frazee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held January 20, 1976, were approved as corrected. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for -6he General Expenses of the City: City Opera tions $126,968.94; Water Operations $3,245.06; Net Payroll Transfer $80,698.18 for the period January 16, 1976 thru January 31, 1976, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. 1- Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $124,396.51 for the period Janu- ary 5, 1976 thru January 12, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. [34] Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Frazee stated he had audited the bills of the Chamber and found them to be true and correct to the best of his know- ledge. He recommended reimbursement to the Chamber in the amount of $2,437.29. [74] Announcements. The City Manager announced that [51] Mary Lou Arnold, Secretary to the City Attorney was in the audience and introduced her. He also introduced Jane Bangle, and stated Mrs. Bangle was a CETA Employee and would be working on the Human Needs Assessment and briefly reviewed her background., Further, the City Manager read a letter dated January 30, 1976 from Girard Anear, Fire Chief, announcing his intention to retire, effective November 1, 1976. CONSENT CALENDAR: The City Manager requested Item #5 be removed. Councilwoman Casler requested Item #1 be removed and Councilman Skotnicki requested Item #3 be removed. By unanimous consent, it was agreed these items be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items, with the exception of Item #'s 1, 3, and 5, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: [99] 2. AGENDA BILL #2105 - Supplement #2 -ACCEPTANCE [83] OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -LA COSTA VALE UNIT #2. The public improvements as completed, were accept ed and the Utilities Maintenance Director was directed to commence maintenance; further, the Finance Director was instructed to releasedeposits and the City Clerk to record the Notice of Com- pletion and release applicable bonds for CT 72-20. COUNCILME; Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X - CITY OF CARLSBAD 7 D D - -2- February 3, 1976 [99] 4. AGENDA BILL #972 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE The public improvements for CT 72-24, were accepted and the Utilities Maintenance Director was direct [83] OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -SPANISH VILLAGE - UNIT ficl.. ed to commence maintenance; further, the Finance Director was instructed to release deposits and the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release applicable bonds. [55] 6. AGENDA BILL #3501 - Supplement #1 - REFUSE COLLECTION STUDY. The request from Van Ort Enter- prises to withdraw its letter dated October 31, 1975 which requested a rate adjustment for refuse collection services, was acknowledged. [93] 7. AGENDA BILL #3545 - Supplement #1 - APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS. Resolution No. 3842, approving specifications for emergency generator and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, was adopted. C571 8. AGENDA BILL #3562 - Supplement #1 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT DATES. The revised Public Hearing dates for the General Plan Amendments, were I approved. I [481 9. AGENDA BILL #3576 - FEDERAL VOTING RIGHTS OF E621 1975 - BILINGUAL VOTING MATERIALS. Resolution No. 3843, requesting an Amendment to Federal Voting Rights of 1975, was adopted. [29] 10. AGENDA BILL #3577 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - [50] REVENUE SHARING BUDGET. Resolution No. 3844, amending Revenue Sharing Budget, was adopted. [llO] 11. AGENDA BILL #3578 - ACCEPTING BID - FABRICA- [45] TION AND INSTALLATION OF LADDER BARRIERS. Resolution No. 3845, accepting bid and authoriz- ing contract for fabrication and installation of ladder barriers at four city reservoirs, was adopted. [99] 12. AGENDA BILL #3579 - REFUND OF APPLICATION [SO] FEES - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY - ALGA HILLS. Authorization was given for a refund of 25% of I application fees to La Costa Land Company in connection with Alga Hills. (CT 73-26) I ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR. I [99] 1. AGENDA BILL #2144 - Supplement #7 - FINAL MAP ACCEPTANCE - RANCHO DEL PONDEROSA - UNIT #3 I Councilwoman Casler stated she had consistantly voted "nott on this matter and requested it re- moved from the Consent Calendar for that reason. A motion was made that the Final Map for CT 73-18 Unit #3, be approved and the following Resolu- tion was offered for adoption by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3840, ACCEPTING FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN PREVIOUSLY REJECTED EASEMENTS was adopted. REQUIRED BY CARLSBAD TRANCT 73-18, UNIT NO. 2, COUNCILME1 1 - 29 ~ Moti Ayes Noes Moti Ayes Noes on X x XI on X x x~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 1 - B D I February 3, 1976 -3- \ 30 ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) 1- C991 3. AGENDA BILL #3299 - Supplement #2 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - SPINNAKER HILLS - STANDARD PACIFIC (CT 73-39A). Councilman Skotnicki stated he requested this item be removed so that he may vote "no" as he has consistantly done on this project. RESOLUTION NO. 3841, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF Motion FAMILY DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF Noes LAGOON LANE BETWEEN POINSETTIA LANE AND THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON, was adopted by title only. TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-39:A) FOR A 307 LOT SINGLE Ayes [37] 5. AGENDA BILL #2193 - Supplement #1 - STREET [981 NAMING PROGRAM. I A motion was made that this item be continued Ayes to the next regular meeting. Motion By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting was waived. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [I141 ORDINANCE NO. 9450, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE Motion CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTE.R adopted. RESIDENTIAL) ZONE, was given a second reading and i Ayes PUBLIC HEARING: 21.25 TO PROVIDE FOR THE C-LR (COMMERCIAL LIMITED C881 14. AGENDA BILL #3567 - ANNUAL INSPECTION FEES FOR FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS. The Mayor announced this item was advertised for public hearing but since it was not being adopted by reference, it was not necessary to do so. Following a staff report and discussion by the Council regarding the increase in County fees over the past few months for various services provided by the County, the staff was instructed to review the various fees to determine how many actual dollars are going into the County for this type of service each year which would serve as a basis for consideration by the Council of establishing the City's own department. The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to be heard. No one wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:28 P.M. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 5049, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER Motion 6.02, SECTION 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL Ayes CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTION (C) TO REVISE MENTS. THE ANNUAL INSPECTION FEES FOR FOOD ESTABLISH- X X X ~ X xx xx xx X xx - D D I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 1 -4- February 3, 1976 631 ~ VG m [lo51 HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:30 P.M. and reconvened at 7:53 P.M., with all Council members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning. [113] 15. AGENDA BILL #3528 - Supplement #1 - CALIFORNIA [45] COASTAL 'ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION - AGUA HEDI'ONDA 'LAGOON SPECIFIC PLAN. A staff report was given by the Planning Director and questions were asked of the staff. The following Resolution was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3846, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- Motion ~ TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CALIFORNIA Ayes xxx I I I COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FOR PREPARA- TION OF AGUA HEDIONDA SPECIFIC PLAN AND AUTHORI- ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:05 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:20 P.M., with all Council members present. City Manager. [23] 16. AGENDA BILL #3571 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR [84] AMBULANCE. The City Manager stated this matter had been con- tinued from the last regular meeting due to a question which had been raised with regard to the specificat.ions for the ambulance meeting the specifications for a full paramedic unit. He offered a lengthy explanation and dfscussion was held by the Council. Resolution No. 3833 was offered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 3833, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS Motion X AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT OF THE CITY Ayes xxx TO INVITE BIDS FOR AN AMBULANCE, was adopted by title only, with further reading waived. [88] 17. AGENDA BILL #3580 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES RELATING TO HEALTH PER- MIT FEES FOR APARTMENTS AND HOTELS. Following a staff report by the City Manager, Ordinance No. 5050 was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 5050, AMENDING SECTION 6.02.010 OF Motion THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF Ayes xxx SUBSECTION (d) TO REVISE THE HEALTH PERMIT FEES FOR APARTMENTS AND HOTELS. The following Resolution was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Coun- cil, further reading was waived: .I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 1 - B B I -5- February 3, 1976 ~~~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 3847, REQUESTING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH TO ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF THE HEALTH PERMIT FEES FOR APARTMENTS AND HOTELS ORDINANCE. [94] 18. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #3 - PLAZA [45] CAMINTREAL EXPANSION AGREEMENT. The City Manager stated this matter was returned with the documents necessary to amend the agree- ment regarding deletion of a water line and modi fying the street improvement reimbursement pro- visions. RESOLUTION NO. 3848, APPROVING A FIRST SUPPLEMEN AMENDING SECTION 2.4, TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE PARKING AUTHORITY AND PLAZA CAMINO REAL REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT, was adopted by title only. [70] 19. AGENDA BILL #910 - Supplement #5 - MUNICIPA SWIMMING POOL. The City Manager gave a brief report on this matter and discussion ensued. A motion was made that the report from the Swim- ming Pool Committee be accepted with thanks. Further, it was moved that a definite proposal for the site at Chestnut and Monroe be obtained within a six month period. [Sl] 20. AGENDA BILL #3552 - Supplement #2 - MAGEE HOUSE. The City Manager gave a brief report on this matter and stated Mr. Ebright, designer for the Magee House, would make a presentation. Mr. Ed Ebright made a presentation with floor plans and elevations of the Magee House and what restoration of the Magee House would entail. Discussion was held by the Council and it was moved that the Council approved the plans as presented and that the architect be instructed to proceed with finalizing the plans. By concensus, it was agreed that the City Manage be instructed to obtain public in-put for any minor changes which could be incorporated into the final plans and return to the Council with any suggested changes by the first meeting in March. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Council Committee reports were given and no action was taken. [28] Housing Commission. Mayor Frazee stated appoint ments to the Housing Commissi.on must be made and suggested that another Council members review an assist him in screening the list of HUD housing tenants which was provided by the Secretary to the Housing Authority. Further, he suggested I - T L r I Id - Motion Ayes xx Mot i on Ayes X Noes X Motion Ayes xx [X X (X X' X X X .. D B I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 1 -6- February 3, 1976 33 that those persons who were serving on the Housing Advisory Board be appointed to the Hous- ing Commission and that two tenants be appointed. It was agreed that Councilman Lewis would assist the Mayor in reviewing the list of names. The City Attorney advised those reviewing the list of the requirements of the Affirmative Actior Program. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: I [74] Labor Relations Meeting. The City Attorney re- ported on the Labor Relations meeting which he and Councilman Skotnicki attended. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [92] Joint Advisory Committee (JAC). The City Manager reported that the JAC Committee has taken action to recommend to each of the member agencies that they participate in supporting a defense of the appeal to the permit which is positioned for the expansion and secondary treatment for the Encina Water Pollution Control plant by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission and the appeal is coming before the State Coastal Commission in the middle of February. The JAC Committee has suggested that the Administrator, Mr. Ron Beckman be involved and the attorney for the Vista Irri- gation District, who is responsible for the con- tract will be at the appeal hearing. The City Manager stated Mr. Beckman would appreciate any guidance the Council could give him in this matter. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made that the City of Carlsbad take an active rather than a passive role in responding to the appeal. [37] Voting Machine. The City Manager stated the agreed location by the Council for the Voting Machine may be a problem and inquired if there was some other location the Council could suggest that would be more suitable. Some discussion was held and it was moved that the City Manager locate the voting machine wherever he determines is necessary for proper functioning. ADJOURNMENT: I By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1O:ZO P.M. to Tuesday, February 10, 1976 at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. 37 Respectfully submitted, cti4zP4u MA GA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Gardiner, Recording Secretary Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes xxx I ~ x x: x ~ , X xxx