HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-29; City Council; Minutes,P - I) B CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllME - Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 29, 1976 Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers /a 8' ROLL CALL: X X Present Absent [@fl 1. CITY COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY POLICY. [GO1 Agenda Bill #3691. A report was given by the Ci'ty Manager regarding the City',s Comprehen- sive Liability Policy and it was pointed out that the City's present insurance company is no longer insuring municipalities for liability and has, therefore, given notice of cancellation. It was moved that the writing of the insurance Motion be approved as recommended in the Agenda Bill, Ayes xx for doverage with three separate insurance companies. [29] 2. BUDGET Agenda Bill #3692. Following a report by the city Manager, Resolution No. 3938 was adopted by title only: Resolution No. 3938, ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY Motion ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON APPROPRIATIONS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS, EXCEPT LIBRARY BOOKS. Discussion continued on the Departmental Budget and the following budgets were given tentative approval : OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976-77 AND xx Ayes Sanitation Water Pollution Street Lighting Parks and Boulevards Water Regarding the Departmental Budget for Water, the City Manager noted that the water utilities budget reflects an anticipated increase in water rates. An allowance of a $15.00 per acre in- crease has been reflected and at such time as the City is notified by CMWD as to the actual increase, a report will be brought to the Council. Further discussion was held on the Plaza Camino Real water line and the Singer Computer in connection with water billing. ~- RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 6:05 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 6:lO P.M., with four Council members present. Library Budget. A brief report was given by the City Manager and lengthy discussion was held regarding the Library Budget, specifically the proposed Child- ren's Library and salary increases for certain 1 i brary personnel. It was agreed that the budgeted amount for study Motion of the Chi1drenl.s Library and salary increases Ayes xx be left in the budget until staff reports have Noes been completed and urexiewefl 'by the City Council; further, that the Library Budget be accepted 1 X X X X -P - B D q CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- June 29, 1976 as revised, subject to two conditions: 1) That a study be made on special salary increases and 2) a report given on the need for the Children’s Library, which encompasses the recommendations in the Memorandum dated June 25, 1976 from the City Manager. Chamber of Commerce Budget. The City Manager reported on the requested allocation of funds for the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and lengthy discussion was held as to the requested amount for the Chamber budget. Each of the Council Members expressed opinions on the manner in which the Chamber monies were being expended and the benefits to the City. Mr. William Nickels, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce offered explanation regarding the expenditure of funds for Special Services. Following ’further discussion, it was agreed that $25,000 be approved for the basic fund and$10,00( be approved for Special Services as outlined in the contract, with the understanding that the Council review those Special Services prior to the time they are forthcoming. Complaints re: Parties Councilman Lewis stated he had had a number of complaints regarding parties held over the past weekend. He stated one of the parties resulted in the blocking of a street and caused distur- bances l’n the neighborhood, which was reported to the police. He stated he felt some definite steps should be taken to allow better control by the Police Department to prevent similar situations from arising and suggested that per- haps placing a time limit when parties should be ended. The City Manager reported on this matter and the Counci’l permi’tted Mrs. Robert Beech, 4055 Sime Drive, Carlsbad, to be heard regarding this matter. She presented a petition signed by residents in the area of Chinquapin and Stella Maris. The City Manager stated there are a number of Ordinances in effect which allow control of this matter and that greater enforcement will be made to correct this type of situation. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Frazee called for an Executive Session at 7:50 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Personnel. The Council reconvened at 8:32 P.M. with four Council Members present and the Mayor announced that Personnel and salary and wage negotiations was discussed. The following Resolution was adopted by title only and further reading was waived: I COUNCILME Motion x Noes xx Ayes X # CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 ‘Md -3- Ub June 29, 1976 M /30 [74] Resolution No. 3939, ADOPTING A STATMENT OF Ayes INTENT CONCERNING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF ANY X Motion SALARY PLAN ADOPTED AFTER JULY 1, 1976. xxx - ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at X Mot i on D 8:34 P.M. xxx Ayes Respectfully submitted, WydF4G MARGAR E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora K. Gardiner, Recording Secretary B