HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-06; City Council; Minutes.f CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME - B D Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 6, 1976 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place df Meeting: Council Chambers I ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. PRESENTATION: Mayor Frazee read Resolution No. 3940, commending Varsity Teams of Carlsbad High School and presented the Resolution to Mr. Dediminicantanio, who received it on behalf of Carlsbad High School. A motion was made tha.t Resolution No. 3940, be adopted by title only. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held June 15, 1976, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held June 22, 1976, were approved as presented. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills f-or the General Expenses of the City: City Operations $395,105.13; Water Operations $182,498.87; Invest- ments $500,000.00; Net Payroll Transfer $87,198.67 for a total of $1,164,802.67 for the period June 16, 1976 thru June 30, 1.976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given by the payment of the Pay- roll in the amount of $131,710.62 for the period June 14, 1976 thru June 27, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance. and approved by the Auditing Committee'.. Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Frazee stated he had audited the Bills of the Chamber of Commerce and found them to be true and correct to .the best of his knowledge. He recommended reimbursement to the Chamber in the amount of $3,093.51. CONSENT CALENDAR: I Mayor Frazee announced that the City Manager had requested Item #14 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Skotnicki requested Item Nos. 4 and 12 also be removed. The following items, with the exception of Item Nos. 4, 12 and 14, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: [gg] 1. AGENDA BILL #2144 - Supplement #8 - T.EN.TATIVE 5 - PONDEROSA HOMES. Resolution No. 3941, approv- ing an Extension of Tentative Map (CT 73-18) for .a 360 unit residential development of a p-roject generally located northerly of and adjacent to Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real, was adopted. MAP EXTENSION. - .RAN'C'HO DEL 'PONDEROSA, 'U'flITS 84 'AND I Motion Ayes Motion XX) Ayes X XX) Motion Ayes xxx 1 1 .. Motion xxx Ayes X Motion Ayes X xxx Motion xxx Ayes X - I) D I CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- July 6, 1976 [991 c511 E451 [ 991 E991 Kg71 c931 1961 [lo21 [ 961 [lo21 C961 [lo21 E1141 [431 c 2. AGENDA BILL #2256 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPT- The public improvements as completed, were accepted and the Utilities Maintenance Director was directed to commence maintenance; further, the Finance Director was instructed to release deposits and the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release applicable bonds for ANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CHARLES KUDERNA. CT 73-52. 3. AGENDA BILL #3240 - Supplement #6 - CHANGE NO. 1029. Change Order #1 to Contract #lo29 was approved and the City Ensineer was directed ORDER NO. 1 - FIRE STATION NO. 3 -.CONTRACT to execute the Change Orher.- I 5. AGENDA BILL #3266 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE No. 6 AND 7. The Public Improvements as complet ed, were accepted and the Utilities Maintenance I OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS Director was directed to commence maintanence; further, the Finance Director was instructed to release deposits and the City Clerk to release 75% of the faithful performance bond, retaining 25% for one year as a warranty, and the labor and material bond, after a six month period. 6. AGENDA BILL #3421 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPT- CT 75-4. Resolution No. 3943, accepting for Public Street Purposes certain previously re- jected streets required by Carlsbad Tract 75-4, was adopted. ANCE OF STREETS - LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH.- 7. AGENDA BILL #3693 - PARTIAL REFUND OF SEWER LATERAL CHARGES - ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH - Adams and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Approval was given a request for refund of $499.00 to the St. Patrick's Church for overpayment of sewer lateral fees. 8. AGENDA BILL #3694 - YIELD CONTROL ON FOREST AVENUE AT OLIVE DRIVE. Resolution No. 3944, designating yield control on Forest Avenue at I its intersection with Olive Drive, was adopted. I 9. AGENDA BILL #3695 - STOP CONTROL ON LARKSPUR LANE AT ADAMS STREET. Resolution No, 3945, designating stop control on Larkspur Lane at its I intersection with Adams Street, was adopted. I 10. AGENDA BILL #3696 - FOUR-WAY. STOP C0NTRO.L 1NTERSECTI.ON OF .GRAND AVENUE AND JEFFERSON 'STR-EET. Resolution No. 3946, establishing fouu?-.way stop control at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Jefferson Street, was adopted.. I 11. AGENDA BILL #3697 - REQUEST FOR ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - .DEL'ETI.NG REQUIREMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PER,MI'T (CUP) FOR ."PRI'NTER",. The staff' was instructed to study a possfble Zone Code Amendmen 1 deleting the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit for such printing operations, and set to public hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council ., COUNCILME1 't2 1 VC \) -4 /3a ,, ,I .s 7 B 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- July 6, 1976 ~~ -1 [31] 13. AGENDA BILL #3699 - REQUEST FOR BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND. Authorization was given for a refund in the amount of $80.00 to Productive Capital Systems Construction. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [gg] 4. AGENDA BILL #3253 - Supplement #2 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - TEMPLIN HEIGHTS - CT 74-14. Coun cilman Skotnicki stated he had requested this item be removed so that he could review some of the discussion which took place when the project was first presented to the Council. A transpar- emcy was exhibited and following discussion of the project by Councilman Skotnicki, he stated he felt the project should be developed as a PUD rather than as straight residential zoning. Mr. Russell Grosse was heard by the Council on behalf of the project and the following Resolution was adopted by title only. c RESOLUTION NO. 3942, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP CT 74-14. [81] 12. AGENDA BILL #3698 - EMPLOYEES PARKING LOT - [45] CITY YARD. Councilman Skotnicki stated he had made inquiries of the City Manager earlier in the day regarding this matter and the City Mana- ger was to furnish the answers this evening. The City Manager reported on this matter and answered questions by the Council. The following Resolu- tion was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3947, ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF THE LEASE OF AN EMPLOYEE PARKI'NG LOT, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING FUNDS FOR THE LEASE. Mayor Frazee stated he would like the staff to investigate the possfbility of obtaining the en- tire lot for employee parking. [gg] 14. AGENDA BTLL #2091 - Supplement #9 - TENTATIVE SOUTHWEST CORPORATION - CT 73-8. The City Mana- ger stated it was the request of the staff that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar. The Public Works Administrator reported that meetings have been held regarding the alignment of Tamarack Avenue in connection with this projec He stated the meetings have been attended by all interested property owners and the revised align- ment, as proposed, has been agreed to by the City and those present at the meetings. Mrs. Brownley, whose property is effected by the pro- posed future alignment of Tamarack Avenue, was heard by the Council stating she was not opposed to the revision of Condition #9, as proposed. MAP EXTENSION - CARLSBAD PALI'.SADES - DOUGLASS t Following Council discussion, Resolution No. was adopted by title only: ~ 38561 RESOLUTION NO. 3856, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3758 WHICH APPROVED AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP 1 CT 73-89 TO FURTHER REVISE CONDITION #9 REGARDING TAMARACK AVENUE. I COUNCllMEl Motion Ayes X Noes xx Motion xxx Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx - I) - CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIlMEI -~ July 6, 1976 -4- By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting - was waived: ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I [113] 15. AGENDA BILL #3653 - Supplement #1 - SPECIFIC PLAN FOR LA COSTA VALE #4 - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 9462, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-176) FOR A 117-LOT SUBDIVISION 0N.A 40-ACRE SITE GENERA LY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROXD BETWEEN LA COSTA AVENUE AND SAN MARCOS CANYON. [113] 16. AGENDA BILL #3669 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE (ZC-174) - RUSSELL GROSSE. I ORDINANCE NO. 9463, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-174) FROM R-A-10,000 (F-P) TO R-A-2.5 ACRES WITH APPLI- CABLE FLOODPLAIN AREA TO BE ZONED R-A-2.5 (F-P) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF SUNNY CREEK ROAD EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL. [I131 17. AGENDA BILL #3670 - Supplement #l - ZONE CHANGE (ZC-175) L. BRUCE STALLARD (AGENT FOR PAUL ECKE). ORDINANCE NO. 9464, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO (RESIDENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL) TO PM-Q (PLANNED ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENIDA ENCINAS AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-175) FROM R-A-10,000 INDUSTRIAL-QUALIFIED) FOR APPROXIMATELY 4.3 [113] 18. AGENDA BILL #3671 - Supp%ement #l - SPECI- FI'C PLAN - 'ALTAMTRA #4 '- PACIFIC SCENE, INC. ORDINANCE NO. 9465, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-775) FOR A SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF 738 I DWELLING UNITS AND 140 LOTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF PASEO DEL NORTE, NORTH OF CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS-, EAST OF CAMINITO DEL PRADO AND SOUTH OF CAMINITO ESTRADA. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [43] 19. AGENDA BILL #3700 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) - JAMES M. GAISER (CUP-86-A). A staff report was given by the Planning Direc- tor who stated the Conditional Use Permit when it was originally approved in June, 1973 was granted for a one year period and has expired. Further background was provided by the Planning Director in this request for renewal of the Conditional Use Permit. MR. PAUL SWIRSKY, co-owner and tenant of the temporary mobile facility, was heard by the Council on behalf of the applicant. I Motion xxx Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx Motion ~ Ayes xx: ~ MR. HAROLD CLARK, 824 Caminto del Reposa, Carls- bad, spoke in opposition to the request. ,I - @ I) CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- July 6, 1976 No one else wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed at 8:20 P.M. Comments were made by Council Members Casler, Lewis and Skotnicki regarding the expiration of the original Conditional Use Permit and lengthy discussion was held. It was moved that the Council adopt the findings of the Planning Commission. The motion died for lack of a second. A further motion was made that the appeal be granted and the matter be returned to the Plan- ning Commission for further report and that the intent of the Council was that the appeal be granted with the additional Condition #3 that the temporary facility be removed within 30 days after the six month period of the Conditional Use Permit. The staff was requested to provide information to the Council with regard to the fire require- ments in connection with the Conditional Use Permit on the mobile facility. COMMISSION DECISION DENYING ZONE CHANGE REQUEST [113] 20. AGENDA BILL #3701 - APPEAL OF PLANNING L. BRUCE STALLARD (ZC-176). - The Planning Director gave a staff report regard ing the Planning Commission’s decision to deny the request for a change of zone and referred to a transparency which was exhibited for review. 1 MR. RUSSELL GROSSE, representing the appli’cant, spoke at lengthy regarding the request for zone change. Mr. Grosse stated he felt the requested change of zone was compatible with the General Plan and urged the Council’s favorable decision. Questi’ons were asked by the Council. No one else wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed at 9:17 P.M. I Council discussion was held regarding the matter of travel services and traffic dependent commer- cial uses since the zone change request was from R-A-10,000 and P-M to C-2, and the C-2 zone, as it was pointed out by the Planning Director in his staff report,was not consistent with the travel service designation of the General Plan. A motion was made that the City Council deny the appeal for ZC-76 for the reason that the C-.2 zone request i’s not compatible with the General Plan. It was moved that the Council direct the staff to bring back a report on a possible travel services and traffic dependent commercial uses I j aone, Further, it was agreed that the staff investigate other alternatives which relate to auto dealer-. ships. I COUNCILME1 Motion (Motion X died) Motion Ayes xx X Motion Ayes Noes xx: Motion Ayes Noes x X Motion xx Ayes X Noes - B I) CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- July 6, 1976 HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 9:50 P.M. and reconvened at 9:54 P.M., with all Council members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning. [114] 21. AGENDA BILL #3681 - Supplement #1 -. ZONE [43] CODE AMENDMENT - CARNIVALS. Following a brief staff report by the Planning Director, Ordinance No. 9466, was introduced for a first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 9466, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE SECTION (2)(D) TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO GRANT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CIRCUSES AND CARNIVALS UP 'TO FIVE DAYS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUB- [81] 22. AGENDA BILL #3702 - SALE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY I The Planning Director reported that the subject property is located on the east side of Inter- state 5, adjacent to the freeway right-of-way and across Pi0 Pic0 from the intersection of Buena Vista Avenue. A transparency was exhibitel for review. He stated the Planning Commission recommendation was that the property be sold subject to condition. Brief discussion was held and it was agreed that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary documents and the City Manager be instructed to initiate the sale of this property [86] 23. AGENDA BILL #3703 - REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF [28] ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE. FOR SENI0.R CITIZEN HOUSING. Following a staff report from the Planning Direc tor, the Council heard from Mr. William Rick, who has proposed that the City review standards of development for Senior Citizen housing in multiple family zones. He stated the purpose of this request is to provide Senior Citizen"s con- venient housing at affordable costs. Discussion ensued by the Council and it was moved that the City Manager prepare a study on Senior Citizen housing in general, particularly in relation to the possibility of increasing density in a zone and reducing the amount of parking spaces usually required. Public Works. [99] 24. AGENDA BILL #2094 - Supplement #6 - FINAL DONALD B. AYRES, JR. (NEWPORT SHORES BUILDERS) [45] MAP AND JOINT USE AGREEMENT - RANCHO LA CUESTA (CT 72-34). I The Public Works Administrator gave a staff re- port and referred to a map exhibited for review. COUNCILME1 - I) I) - CITY OF CARLSBAD July 6, 1976 -7 - - He answered questions by the Council with regard to the sewer line and the Joint Use Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Discussion was held and a motion made to approve the Final Map for CT 72-34, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3948, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE JOINT USE OF EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT REQUIRED FOR A SEWER FACILITY KNOWN AS "RANCHO LA COSTA SEWER. [92] 25. AGENDA BILL #3310 - Supplement #4 - VISTA- CARLSBAD SEWAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION - PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTI BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION. The Public Works Administrator provided back- ground information and an up-to-date report re-, garding the Vista Carlsbad Sewage Transmission System - Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Phase I Improvement/Buena Vista Pumping Station. Brief discussion was held by the Council and the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO, 3949, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT TO rNVTTE BIDS FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF PROVEMENT AND THE BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION STANDBY POWER SYSTEM. THE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION - PHASE I: I"- [92] 26. AGENDA BILL #3500 - Supplement #2 - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CO'NTROL .FACILITY - PHASE I11 UPGRADrNG AND ENLARGEMENT PROJECT. Following a report by the Public Works Administri tor, Resolution No. 3950 was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3950, APPROVING MODIFICATIONS IN PROJECT APPROVAL. [SI] 27. AGENDA BILL #3552 - Supplment #l- RESTORA- [45] TION OF MAGEE HOUSE - CONTRACT #1034. The City Manager reported on the bids received on Contract #lo34 and it was noted that on Line 8 of Resolution No. 3952, the Fund should be changed to read"Fund 5-000-0900, Parks and Recreation Fund". The following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3951, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORI- ZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1034 FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE MAGEE HOUSE. Contract No. 1034 was awarded to Helton Construc tion of Carlsbad, the low bidder in the amount of $73,356.00. 9- - COUNCILME1 r $4 kb mcr 2 137 Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion XXI Ayes I ~ - D B - CITY OF CARLSBAD -8- July 6, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 3952, AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE MAGEE HOUSE PROJECT, as amended. [97] 28. AGENDA BILL #3638 - Supplement #2 - RESUR- [45] FACING OF CITY STREETS - CONTRACT NO. 1031. The Public Works Administrator reported that this subject was being returned for approval of a supplemental list of streets to be added to the resurfacing program, which requires a Change Order to the contract. A motiion was made.ithat the supplemental list of streets to be resurfaced be approved and the City Engineer be instructed to initiate the necessary change orders. [io51 29. AGENDA BILL #3704 - PUBLIC FACILITIES AND [57] LAND USE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - 701 GRANT APPLI- CATION. " The Public Works Adrnjnistrator gave a brief re- port on th?s matter and the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3953, REQUESTING PLANNING ASSIS- TANCE, AUTHORIZING USE OF CITY RESOURCES AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. EXECUTIVE SESSION: I Mayor Frazee called for an Executive Session at 10:53 P.M. for the purpose of discussing salary and wage Negotiations. The Council re- convened at 11:23 P.M. and the Mayor announced that personnel was discussed, specifically wage and salary negotiations. City Manager. I [74] 30. AGENDA BILL #3705 - MEMORANDUM OF UNDER- 1291 STANDING WITH CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEE'S ASSOCI- [so] ATION. The followi'ng Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3954, ACCEPTING A MEMORANDUM OF MENT AND THE CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEE'S ASSOCIATION UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF MANAGE- [74] 31. AGENDA BILL #3706 - SALARY PLAN FOR MIS- [29] CELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976-77. RESOLUTION NO. 3955, ADOPTING THE SALARY PLAN FOR MrSCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR NO. 3700, AS AMENDED, subject to the deletion of Recreation Leader I and Recreation Leader I1 of the Classification and Salary Range Schedule, since these are non-classified positions. ~ c501 1976-77 AND RESCINDING PORTIONS OF RESOLUTION COUNCILME1 ,,3 g' \\ -1 Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes x Motion xx: Ayes I Motion Ayes xx: 1 1 *- - D I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -9- July 6, 1976 [74] 32. AGENDA BILL #3707 - SALARY PLAN FOR EXECU- [29] TIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL. ~501 A motton was made that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting. [74,;] AGENDA ,BILL #3724. EFFECTIVE DATE OF SALARY C291 C 501 PLANS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976-77. RESOLUTION NO. 3962, MODIF.YING RESOLU'TION NO. 3939, CONCERNING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF ANY SALAR' PLAN ADOPTED AFTER JULY 1, 1976. CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The City Council adjourned to the first meeting of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency at 11:35 P.M and reconvened, with all members present, at 11:55 P.M. [28] 33. AGENDA BILL #3708 - CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3957, APPROVING AGREEMENT ESTAB- LISHING CITY-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS. RESOLUTION NO. 3958, APPROVING THE APPROPRTA- TION OF FUNDS AS A LOAN TO THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOF MENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE FUND FROM THE UNAP-. PROPRIATED BALANCE IN THE GENERAL FUND. It wa,s moved that Resolution No. 3959 be adopted and that line 16 reflect the sum of $25.00 for regular and special meetings of the agency attended., Councilman Packard seconded, th.e motiol and di,scussion ensued, The motion was withdrawn with the approval of its second and further di,scussion was held. rt was agreed that approval be given th.e Adminis trative. and Overhead Budget for 1976-.77 Fiscal Year, as shown on ExRib'it.3 of the Agenda Bill. [io31 34. AGENDA B'.ILL: #3676 '-. APPOINTMENTS T.0 .TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMXSSTQN, Mayor Frazee stated he had previously mentioned the name of A.M., Hanna be nominiated for a short term appointment on the Traffic Safety Commissior also that W.C. Harkins and Michael Riley be nominated for long term appointments. Counci'l discussion ensued and the qualifications of Mr.. G.S.. Moore were briefly reviewed, The Mayor announced the;:appointment' of M,r. G,.S, Moore for tke unexpired term; the reappointment of Mr., Willlam C. Harkins and the appointment of Mr. Michael R. Riley to serve full terms on the Traffi'c Safety Commission, and the following Resolution was adopted by title only; 'RESOLUTION, NO. 391'9, APPOINTING THREE MEMBER.S TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMM,ISSIOI I r' I ). 7 - - 1 u Motion Ayes X Mot i on Ayes X Motion Ayes Motion X -Ayes X Motion Withdrawn) (Motion Motion Ayes 1 b ~ I Motion F Ayes 1; xx XI X xx X xx X :xx ( (XI .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -1 0- July 6, 1976 - B D 1 ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ [63] 35. AGENDA BILL #3689 - APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Mayor Frazee announced the reappointment of Gerald C. McClellan, Jr. to the Library Board of Trusltees and the following Resolution. was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3936, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. [94] 36.. AGENDA BILL #3690 - APPOINTMENT TO PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mayor Frazee announced the reappointment of Glenn E. McComas to the Parking Authority and the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 3937, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. [as] 37. AGENDA BILL #3709, APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEE ON SENIOR .CITIZEN’S AFFAIRS. It was announced that Ede Westree would like to remain as a member of the Committee on Senior Citizen”s Affai’rs and Molly Acuna has indicated she would like to serve on this Committee, also. Discussion ensued regarding a duplication of members serving on the Advisory Board and the-.- Committee and no action was taken. [@8] 38. AGENDA BILL #3710 - APPOINTMENT TO CITY OF CARLSBAD HOUSING C.OMMISSION. It was announced that the Secretary of the Hous- ing Authority has suggested that the-name of Michael Straub be considered for appointment to the Housing Commission. No further actton was taken on this matter and by concensus, it was continued to the next regular meetl’ng. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Councilman Skotnjcki reported on damage done to the benches and restroom facilfties at the beact commented on the newspaper articles regadding the S.D.G.& E. referendum and city participatior in a tug O’ war with the downtown merchants. Counci1,woman Casler reported she will be attend- i:ng a League of California Cities Human Resource Conference i‘n Oakland on July 14, 1976. Councilman Lewis stated he had previously dis- cussed the manner in which appointments to boarc committees and commissions are presently being made and requested the City Attorney prepare a report as to the legality of the Council adopl ing an Ordinance which changes that method. 7 1, I, I ! 1: COUNCILME Motion Ayes X xxx 1 1 . I' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -11- Counci'lman Packard stated he felt commendation should be given to service groups and city personnel for their participation in the Bi- centennial 4th of July Celebration and the staff was instructed to prepare the necessary docu- - ment to commend these people. A brief report was made by the Mayor regarding the Transit Development Board. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12;28 P.M. to Tuesday, July 13, 1976 at 5:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, D gK$gfgi C1 erk - - ".. -. , ~