HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-24; City Council; Minutes'2, z CITY OF C RLSBAD COUNCILMI - b Meeti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourn.ed Regular Meeting) * ROLL CALL: .Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission present were: Commissioners Schwab, Kinghorn, Wollric%l, Egermayer, R.hodes, Dediminicantanio and Tarango. The City Manager gave a brief in,troduction referr- ing to previous permits issued to Snug Harbor Ski Hut and Litchfield Bros., and the.ir request for an extension of their permit to test boats on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. He further noted that re- sulting problems had been minimal. Mr. Lefferdink a resident of Bristol Cove, was recognized by Council. He stated that the residents of Bristol Cove had no complaints.or objections to the.boats being tested on the Lagoon. Council discussed the various factors involved, an( it wa,s determined that the main concern was the excessive speed. Councilman Skotnicki stated that he would like to conduct, or have conduct'ed, a study of the people in. the Lagoon .area in this regard. It was moved that Council authorize'the permit re- newal to the Snug Harbor Ski Hut and Litchfield Bros. for the purpose of testing boats on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon with the same conditions as prior permits: Councilman Skotnicki then as.ked that Staff review the question of the legality of the boat testing with regard to the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. lease, which ,stipulates the use of the Lagoon as strictly for recreational 'purposes. Motion Ayes X 2. DISCUSSION OF PARK AND RECREATION RELATED SUBJECTS. E701 Swimming Pool The City Manager gave a brief introduction, fol- lowed by a staff report by- the Assistant City Manager, Mr. Bill Baldwin. Nr. Baldwin repo.rted on various sites that were thought to be suitable- ~ locations, noting necessary, irnprov.ements or other I problems involved in making the sites suitable for I A great deal of discussi.on ensued with regard to a public pool. I I. , the site located on the high school property, which would also necessitate acquiring the adjoin- ing one-acre'lot to facilitate room for additional parking. Another item of concern was whether the public would consider it a public pool 'or a school l j pool. ~ 1 . It was- noted that the architect would possibly 1 I be available the following week to prepare an j . analysis of; a site or sites. 1.t was the general ~ concensus of Council that Staff contact the archi- tect to do the analysis of the site located par- tially.on the high school property and the adja- cent one-acre lot. 1 ' CITY OF CARL% CCWNCILMI - b- .. 1 -2- 4 August 24, 1976 e RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a rece.ss at. 6:20' P.M., and the Council reconvened at 6:32 P.M., with .all Council members present.. /I201 Harding. Street Comm-unity Center I I 1 i I I. ~ The Parks & Recreation Director gave a Staff repor on the proposed plans for the various buildings a$ St. Patrick-"s Church property, which was purchased by the City. He noted the need for some type of activities to commence in the next 45 to 60 days to help eliminate the possibility of 'vandalism. He stated it would be possible to go in and use a1 of the buildings immediately with- minimal remodel- ing, such as wheelchair ramps and expanded.doors. He then noted that this item would be presented to Council at a subsequent meeting. Council discussed at length the various aspects of the proposed use of the property. Councilwoman Casler noted that the p,roposed plans had been 'show to the Senior Citizenl's Advisory Committee and the were concerned that the entire Rectory would not be fo-r the use of senior citizens only. 'Council further discussed the question of fees. It was the general concensus of Council that the project be tested for a six-month period for community reaction. At that time, it would be possible to better evaluate the project and derive methods of generating more partictpation and use of the center. t 1 i The Mayor excu.sed the members of the Parks & Recreation Commission at 7:l.Z P.M. I 1621 Assembly Bill before Legislature on Re.d.evelopment r 281 Councilman Skotnicki made-mention of an Assembly Bill currently in Legislation with regard to re- development. A portion of that bill, if passed, ' would require that 20% of the tax increment gen- erated by redevelopment be ap.plied. to. low income housing. He question'ed whether Council wanted to express any opinions regarding th7.s matter.. Council discussed 'briefly .the restrictions th.e Bill would imposeg noting it would be prefer.able to.._make that determination at City level, -I By minute motion, it was moved, tha't Council, in writing; express opposition to that portion of th Assembly Bill before the Legislature which. would require 20% of the tax i.ncrement generated by re- development be applied to low income housing. EXECUTIVE SESSION: e Mayor Frazee call-ed for an Executive Sessl'on at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litiga- tion. The Council reconvened at 8:03 P.M. and the Ma,yor announced that litigation had b.e,en . discussed. ADJOURNMENT!: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. I . .. Motion Ayes ! CITY OF CARLSBAD C€wNCltPdJl Respectfully submitted,