HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-05; City Council; Minutes4. CITY OF CAWLS CgUNGlLMEN Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: 0ctobe.r 5, 1976 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers , Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. W" -~ ~~._~~~~~ ~ -~~~ ~ ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held September 21 1976, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held September 28, 1976, were approved as presented. It was requested by Councilman Skotnicki that the record indicated that he was absent at the meeting held September 28, 1976 and Councilwoman Casler requested that the minutes reflect that she was absent at the September 21, 1976 and September 28, 1976 meetings, which was the reasol for abstaining on approval of the minutes of those meetings. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Operations $313,759.60; Water Department $48,545.73; Net Payroll Transfer $172,042.39 for a total of $543,347.72, for the period September 16, 1976 through September 30, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. I Ratification was given, the payment of th.e Pay?,, roll in the amount of $137,083..31 for. the pe'riod September 6, 1976 through September 19, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and appr0ve.d by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: At the request of Councilman Skotnicki and with the unanimous consent of the Council, Item Nos. 2 and 5 were removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: [741 ~781 1. AGENDA BILL #3624 - Supplement #1 - CHANGE OF EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS FOR' THE CLASSIFICATION - . . . . . -. - TITLED JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (FEMALE). Resolution No. 4015, amendinq Resoluti.on No. 388 by deleting c ertain employment standards for .. ." the position of Juvenile 'biversion Officer (Female), was adopted. ~.._ ". ;7 [99] 3. AGENDA BILL #3182 - Supplement #4 - TENTA- TIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 74-7 - BARRIE F. CHASE. (CHASE FINANCIAL). Resolution No. 4017, approv- ing with conditions an extension of Tentative Map (CT 74-7), was adopted. CITY OF . CARLS COdlNCIbMt - b b -2- 4 October 5, 1976 C841 4. AGENDA BILL #3775 - PURCHASE OF TRUCK MOUNTED [451 VALVE OPERATOR. Resolution No. 4018, authorizing The contract was awarded to Western Water Works [971 6. AGENDA BILL #3638 - Supplement #3" - RESURFAC- [451. - ING OF CITY STREETS FY 1975-76 - CONTRACT #1031. Approval was given Change Order #1, the work for Contract #lo31 was accepted and the.City Clerk was instructed to record the Notice of Complet-Fon and release the bonds thirty-five (35) days after the recording date. [lo11 7. AGENDA BILL #3499 - Supplement #4 - REQUEST TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF TAXIS - JACK KNOX - ~dba A-1 TAXI. Resolution' No. 4020,. amending Resolutio No. 3789 and the Certificate of Convenience and 1 Necessity issued to Jack Knox - dba A-? Taxi. I [281 8. AGENDA BILL #3389 - Supplement #1 - DISSOLU- .. TION OF SCENIC HIGHWAYS ELEYENT CITIZEN'S ADVISORY CQMYITTEE. fiesolution No. 4021. dissolvino the I ~~ ~ . ~~. Scenic Highways Element Citizens Advis0r.y Committed, J ~ ~"-" ~"4 - " was adopted. I ITEMS REPllOVED F2OM COPJSEFIT CALENDAR:. t [741 2. AGENDA B1L.L #3608 - Sunplement #1 - PROPOSED C781 SALARY RANGE CHAYGE FOR THE .POSITION OF COYMUNICA- TIONS AND RECORDS SUPERVISOR - POLICE-DEPART~~E~.~T. I Councilman Skotnicki rai'sed questions regarding . this reclassi.fication-. . The City Manager stated the Personnel Director was available to answer any questions. The Personnel Director stated the' justification for this reclassification, after which the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION rw. 4016, AMENDIYG RESOLUTION N-I. 3972 BY AMENDMENT OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE (SAFETY) FOR THE POSITION OF COV- MUNICATIONS AI(ID FECORDS SUPERVISOR, CHANGING THE SALARY RANGE FROM 24 TO 28. E941 5. AGENDA BILL #3776 - PURCHASE OF WOODEN BOO'K- E64351 CASES FOR LIBRARY. I Councilman Skotnicki made .inquiries kegarding this matter and the City Manager gave a report stating that the total amount for both wooden and metal bookcases is.reflected in'the .budget and t-hat the bid amount is within that budgeted fi'gure. Further discussio'n ensued and it was moved that this item be continued so that the proper transfer of funds could be considered by the Council. .. Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLSBAD ciaJNCtLMt - b P .. -3- 4 October 5, 1976 - PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1571 9. AGENDA BILL #3777 - AMEN'DM.ENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE TEXT AND,PLAN (GPA-42). The Planning Director gave a staff report and explained that this-General Plan Amendment would - delete subcategory 2 from the Tourist Service land use.category of the text and change the designation'of a cer- The Mayor opened the.Pub1ic Hearing at 7:26 P.M. and inquired if anyone wished to be.heard. Since no one wished to be heard, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:27 P.M. HOUSING AUTHORITY: .' [lo51 The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:28 P.M. and reconvened at 7:40 P.M,, with all Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Off Agenda Item: [751 [105]9-A AGENDA BILL #3784. POSTAL REGULATIONS/MAILBOX The City Manager reported on this matter and statec the peti,tion attached to:the Agenda Bill had be'en submitted by the residents of the Woodbine Sub- division. Since there were a number of Woodbine residents in the audience, Mayor Frazee inquired if'there was a spokesman who would like. to be heard by the Council. Mr. Joe Princiotta, 4340 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad, explained the feeljngs of most of the resid.ents of Woodbine regarding the Postal Regula- tions and stated it: was felt these regulations were discriminatory to the residents since older residential homes in the immediate area are receiv. ing mail at the door and in, individual mail boxes located at the curb side. He stated the residents would be satisfied if they would be permitted to have two mailboxes at curbside rather than.three as required by the Posta.1 Regulations. ,Other comments were made by residents in the audience and it was indicated that.they understood .that the Council had no control over Postal Regulations but would appreciate any assistance the City Coun- cil could give them. Following discussion of this matter by the Coun- cil, it was moved that the City Council communi-' cate with the Postal Service, with copies .to the requesting that Postal Regu.lations be changed to clusters of two rather than three.positioned at the property owner's property line. . senatorial gnd congressional representatives,. Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLS -4- October 5, 1976 RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:12 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:29 P.M. with all Council Members present. Planning. [114] 10. AGENDA BILL #3721 - Supplement #1 - (ZCA-79) [30] COMMUNITY IDENTITY SIGNS (Cont. from 9-21-76). [ 961 ADDITIONAL FREESTANDING SIGNS IN THE C-2 ZONE AND Followiqg a staff report by the Planning Direc- tor at which time he provided background inform- ation and stated the staff was recommending that Line 1 on Page 2, the words "monument signs" be deleted, Mr. Knauf, 810 Mission Ave. , Oceanside, attorney representing Car Country representative: were opposed to the 15 ft. hefg'rit limitation and also the requirement that signs be located at least 100 feet from the interior property line and discussed reasons for this opposition. He stated they would be satisfied with a 20 ft. height limitation on freestanding signs, and 50 feet from the interior property line. Discussion ensued by the Council and it was the concensus of the Council that the words "monu- ment signs" be deleted, as recommended by the staff. It was moved that Item #1, Page 2 in- clirde the words "or in the case of pole signs that it not exceed 20 feet", following the words "8 feet in length", and that the staff be in- structed to include the maximum number of square feet permitted. 3 A subsequent motion was made that Page 2, Item #2 be changed to read "must be located at least 50 feet from the interior property line". Further, it was moved that Page 2, Item #4 be changed. to read "must be located at least 50 feet from the ikterior property line". A final motion was made that the staff be instruc; ed to return with an amendment to proposed Ordinance No. 8070, incorporating the changes. [114] 11.. AGENDA BILL #3682 - Supplement #1 - [ 991 MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - CASE NO. MP-149 (B L; . CoSTA 1 The Planning Director reviewed background in- formation and stated that in addition to the proposed partial amendment involving Santa Fe Knolls, Rancheras, and La Costa Vale, the Plan- ning Commission recommended a fourth area be included with the partial amendment. The area proposed for the re-subdivision of a portion of Green Valley Knolls should be included to insure General Plan and Master Plan consistency. Ex- hibits ''A" and IIB" were exhibited and referred to by the Planning Director. Discussion ensued by the Council and centered on the subject of the Public Facilities require- ments, The Planning Director reviewed the posi- tion- of each of the School Dis.tricts effected by La Costa subdivisions. CCUNC!LMEN 9 t CITY OF CARBSBAD . WNCltMEN -5- October 5, 1976 Mr. Fred Morey, 2623 Abedul, Ca,rl.sbqd, represen ing La Costa Land Company, was heard by the Council. Following Mr. Morey"s comments, it was moved that the City Attorney be directed to pre- pare the documents necessary for approval of Amendments to the La Costa Master Plan, as re- commended by the Planning commission. [1141 12, AGENDA BILL #3778 - ZONE TO IMPLEMENT T,HE [ 571 T-S (TRAVEL SERVICE) .CATEGORY - (,Ref:. AB #3653 - ZC-176)- A staff report was given by the Planning Dir- ector. Lengthy discussion was held by the Council at which time questions of clarification were asked of the Planning Director. A motion was made accepting the staff recommend tion that alternative #3 be pursued and that new automobile dealerships be permitted second- ary use by Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved that the staff be directed to:!p.rel pare a zone to implement the T-S land use cate- gory; the new zone to contain primary traffic dependent uses by right, secondary traffic de- pendent uses only if a primary use is existing and provides for certain other related uses by CUP. It was further moved that new automobile dealer ships will be included in the uses permitted by CUP secti:on. ~1141 13. AGENDA BILL 7~3779 - AMENDMENT TO THE P-M (PLANN.ED INDUSTRIAL) ZONE - (Ref: AB 83496 (ZC-168 Background information was provided by the Planning Director and brief discussion was held by the Council. By motion, the staff was directed to initiate a zone code amendment to amend the P-M Zone to provide for a more specific listing of uses permitted and to amend the "M" Zone to Better reflect the goals of the General Plan. Public Works. [lo51 14. AGENDA BILL #3780 - PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOY- [: 831 MENT ACT OF 1976 - (PL 94-369). Following a report by the Public Works Adminis- trator, approval was given the specific projects as listed, for grant applications for funding, from the Public Works Employment Act of 1976. By minute motion, the reading of the text ofall 0rd.inances before the Council at this meeting, was waived: CITY OF CARLS -6- ~ 1 ~ October 5, 1976 - _____~~~~_~ ~ ~ City Manager. [25] 15.. AGENDA BILL #3781 - PROPOSED "EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.26" - AMOS SOMMERS. The City Manager reported on the proposed annexa tion and the following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1195, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY HEREAFTER DESCRIBED AND DESIGNATING THE SAME AS THE "EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.26". [70] 16. AGENDA BILL #3782 - COMMERCIAL USE OF ROTARY [8E] PARK. The City Manager stated a request had been re- ceived from the use of Rotary Park to hold a Craft Fair and since it involves commercial sale! in the park, it must be approved by the City Council. During discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that no business license would be re- quired and a motion was made to grant permission to the applicants for use of Rotary Park for a Craft Fair. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [69] 17. AGENDA BILL #3783 - APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Mayor Frazee stated he would like this matter continued and requested the Council to consider persons for appointment to the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 11:15 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 11:24 P.M. with all Council Members present. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [92] The City Manager stated there would be an off- agenda presentation at Councilman Skotnicki's request in connection with a matter being con- sidered by the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The Utilities Maintenance Director introduced Messers Dominick Mendola and Steve Serfling of Solar Aqua Systems, Inc. of San Diego and re- viewed their professional background. Mr. Serfling briefly reviewed the proposed pro- ject stating that water hyacinths would be culti vated in the water to produce clear water. The process would incorporate the cultivating of shrimp or fish to make the process more econo- mical. A slide presentation was made at which time Mr. Serfling reviewed each slide and ex- plained how the proposed project would work. He stated it would be a pilot project since it would involve a dual cultivating process. It was pointed out that there will be a cost of approximately $20,000 and JAC will pay up to $12,000, Mr. Serfling stated Solar Aqua Systems is willing to provide the additional cost. E WNGiLb9EN CITY OF CARLS WNGiLbAEN ~ ~ I ~ I , I ~ I I -7- October 5, 1976 - "" Councilman Skotnicki stated the Joint Advisory Committee wanted approval of the project by all agency members and since it is suggested that application be made for an EDA (Economic Develop ment Agency) Grant, if all members are in agree- ment, there was some urgency for a decision of this matter. Further, he pointed out Carlsbad would be the lead agency. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding this pro- posal and questions asked in connection with an Environmental Impact Report requirement. Als the Council members expressed concern regarding possible impact a project of this nature might have on Phase I11 and any other Joint Powers Agreement. At the suggestion of Councilman Skotnicki and by unanimous consent of the Council, it was agreed that the Council indicate a willingness to act as Lead Agency status in this matter pro- viding that all of the agencies agree to support the project. [941 Plaza Camino Real Expansion. The City Manager stated he would like to discuss the matter of a surcharge on Broadway Stores, at an adjourned Council meeting this week since there appears to be some urgency on the part of May Company in connection with the grading. He inquired as to the Council's desire with regard to an adjourned meeting. By unanimous consent, it was agreed that the meeting would be adjourned to a date this week. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 P.M. to Thunsday, October 7, 1976 at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, fq&&~ AMs, City Clerk er, Recording Secretary -1 9 wsz&