HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-07; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLS CC#.JNCObMEi:3J CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) ctober 7, 1976 ROLL CALL: Councilman Packard offered a special prayer in memory of Ray McNeil . [941 PLAZA CAMINO REAL EXPANSION - BROADWAY SURCHARGE [451 AGREEMENT. The City Manager gave a brief history of the item, noting that originally Sears and Broadway were to be part of the expansion. However, as plans were being finalized, Broadway felt it necessary to decline partici'pation. At that time, Bullocks accepted the offer to participate. He then reported that May Company is currently negotiating with Broadway as a possible fifth major store addition to the expansion. In order to facilitate the possible addition of the fifth major store, May Company is requesting a surcharge of the site which would mean the loss of 88 park- ing spaces to the City for twelve to eighteen months. However, May Company would pay the full rental value of $357.37 per month to the City for the parking spaces during this period of time. The City Attorney then gave a brief report noting and they indicated this would present no problem. General discussion by Council related to possible parking and traffic problems that may result during this period. Also discussed was the fact that this matter was being presented to Council as a separate item in that approving this surcharq was not approving the addition of Broadway as a fifth store. It was further noted that in the event the addition of a fifth store was presented to Council, it would necessitate a new EIR report. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE PARKING AUTHORITY AND PLAZA CAMINO REAL FOR A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT ON CHARGE OF A POTENTIAL SITE FOR A BROADWAY STORE PARKING AUTHORITY PROPERTY TO ACCOMPLISH THE SUR- Also to be included is a change in the writing of the bond from $75,000.00 to $125,000.00. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Attorney reported on a new EIR law which will become mandatory January 1, 1977, and will require amendment of the Environmental Protection Ordinance and all supporting Resolutions. He noted that the Council's Conflict of Interest Code had been approved. He then noted the current status of the Encina litigation matter. >' CITY Of CARLS - 2- October 7 1976 B CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: . Councilman Skotnicki reported on the first meeting of the-ad hoc committee with the architect on the Children's Library facility. [441 With reference to the proposed survey of voters, [SO] Councilman Skotnicki reported that he had talked with Dr. Kaplan of San Diego State University as to various methods of conducting a survey. He noted that Dr. Kaplan would act as a consultant on the matter for a fee of $250.00, which would not cover any clerical work. It was moved that Council authorize the transfer of $250.00 from the Contingency Fund to Council Budget for the purpose of consultation fees for Dr. Kaplan. [92] Councilman Skotnicki then reported on the recent JAC meeting with emphasis on the new Solar Aqua System. He noted that due to the time limitation, the members supported the project on a demonstra- tion basis. [28] Councilwoman Casler reported on the Senior Citizen Association meeting and the Association's dis- cussion with regard to a joint proaram with Vista and Oceanside for making provisions for hot meals to the "shut-ins" in Carlsbad, Vista and Oceanside [76] Mayor Frazee reported that a representative of the Planning Commission had indicated to him that it was the feeling of the Commissioners that the pay they are receiving is not adequate. After some discussion, by minute motion, it was moved that Staff be directed to review the matter and come back to Council with a report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 P.M. to Tuesday, October 12, 1976, at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. I Respectfully submitted, FqA-~ . ADAMS, City Clerk Lee R"autenkranz, Recording Secretary WNCJLMEN