HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-12; City Council; Minutes* CITY OF CA cC3uNCOLME:N CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular.Meeting) ROLL CALL: [84] 1. AGENDA BILL #3776 - PURCHASE OF WOODEN BOOK- CASES FOR LIBRARY. He deferred an explanation of this matter to Mrs. Fletcher, the Purchasing Officer for the City. Mrs. Fletcher reviewed the budgeted amount for the Library bookshelves, the bid amount for the wooden bookcases and stated the bid had been received for metal shelving and explained the procedure being used for acceptance of bids on these two items. She further stated they are within the budgeted amount. Following brief discussion, Resolution No. 4019 was adopted by title only: The contract was awarded to Andy's Cabinet Shop, Inc., 2571 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California, in the total amount of $5,699.36. [68] 2. CPO BRIEFING - 208 PROGRAM - CLEAN WATER ACT. Mayor Frazee introduced Mr. Hadley Johnson.of CPO, as the Project Director for the 208 Study and Mr. Kent Selzer, Deputy Director of CPO. A briefing of the 208 Study Program was made by Mr. Selzer and a slide presentation which detailed the depth of the study was also given by Mr. Selzer Some of the items which will be studied by the 208 Program would be: Salt and Groundwater Basins, Urban and 'Rural Run-off, Solid Waste Disposal, Sea Water Intrusion, Wastewater Reclamation; the ulti- mate goal to be reached is clean water. Another area to be studied are the lagoons to determine what is going into lagoons and if it is harmful. Mr. Selzer stated the date set for reaching this goal is 1985. He further reviewed the boundaries within which the study will concentrate. Following questions by the Council, Mayor Frazee RECESS: The Mayor called for a recess at 8:OO P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:12 P.M. ~ [77] 3. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATIONAL ALTERNA- TIVES. The City Manager stated he had not prepared a written report for the Council but did wish to share his views with them regarding some of the prob1em.s within the Planning Department which have caused him some concern and the thought that there may be a need for reorganization of the Planning " %IBcJ B D B CITY OF CARLSBAD - ,. -%- October 12, 1976 I ._ ~~ I Department. He stated that these problems have re- sulted from rapid growth in the City, additional Planning staff and more responsibility being placed on that department over the last few years, and that he wished to make it clear that his considera- tion of reorganization should in no way reflect on the Planning Director. He stated Mr. Agatep had done an excellent job as Planning Director but the thought that some consideration should be given to reorganization was a result of Mr. Agatep's resigna tion as Planning Director. The- City Manager reviewed in detail some of the problems and presented some alternatives. In dis- cussing reorganization, he stated that any reorgani zation of the Planning Department most probably would have. effect on other departments working clos ly with the Planning Department and the result would probably be a redistribution of responsibili- ties. Some insight into the in.ter.na1 qrganiiati.on 'of iQhe Planning Department was offered by the Planning Director at which time he cited specific increased responsibilities in the Planning Department which have occurred in the past few years. The City Manager answered questions by Council Mem- bers who expressed their understanding of considera tion for reorganization. The City Manager conclud- ed by stating that at this time, he feels it might be best not to reorganize and that the Council coulc look forward to some changes in the budget when it is being prepared for the 1977-78 fiscal year which will reflect some reorganization at that time. He stated the new Planning Director, when he is hired, will be hired into the department as it is, with no major changes but that if the Council felt be- tween now and preparation of the budget, reorganiza tion was necessary, perhaps the staff could work toward a study and report showing what future or- ganization could exist, how that could be changed over a period of time, how that could be implementec by shifting responsibilities and what kind of per- sonnel it would take over a couple of years. Further discussion was held and the City Manager stated without any action from the Council, he will have the staff proceed with a long range plan to show some of the timing and possibilities which would occur in going in the desired directions. Off-Shore Drilling A Resolution from the City of Del Mar regarding off-shore drilling was briefly discussed and no action was taken. 1 The City Manager stated he would have further in- formation regarding the matter of off-shore drilling in the near future since there was plenty of time to consider any action the Council may wish to take. [68] League Conference Mayor Frazee stated there would be eighty-three Resolutions to be voted on at the League Conference WNCOLMEN - ..., CITY 0% CARLS ccWNCI%MEN -3- October 12, 1976 " ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ -~ ~~ and reviewed: A Resolution to amend the Brown Act to permit the discussion of Board, Committee and Commission appointments in Executive Session, as it had been done in the past, a Resolution on the League Building on which the Council has already taken a position, and a Resolution regarding the League Tax Relief Plan. [lo41 Ti-ansit District. The City Manager stated that an inquiky had been received from the North County TranSi.t District asking if the City of Carlsbad would be willing to distribute Transit District passes. The passes are for Senior Citizens' and students and are offer ed at discount prices. The procedure by the City would be similar to what is being done for County dog 1 icenses. Following some discussion, a motion was made that the City participate in the distribution and sales of Transit District passes, as requested by the North County Transit District. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. It was moved that since a quorum would not be pre- sent at the next regular meeting to be held October 19, 1976, that the Council announce its intent ': that the meeting of October 19, 1976 be properly adjourned to October 26, 1976. The Council further expressed their desire that their intent to adjourn the regular meeting to October 26, 1976 be published by the local news media. Respectfully submi'tted, 'q. kx$wd&b" @&fP&) MAR AR E. ADA.MS, Ci:ty C1e.r.k. Nora K. Gardiner, Recording Secretary rn ~ 1 I Motion Ayes Motion Ayes