HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; Minutes* . CITY OF CARE Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) . Date of Meeting: November 2, 1976 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers -~- ~~~~ -~ ~~~ ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Opera- tions $144,046.70; Mater Department $5,150.51 for a total of $149,197.21 for the period Octo- ber 16, 1976 thru October 31, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payrol in the amount of $134,042.72 for the period September 20, 1976 thru October 3, 1976, as certtfied by the Director of Finance and approv- ed by the Auditing Committee, CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: e991 1. AGENDA BILL #3628 - Supplement #2 - FINAL PHREYS. Approval was given the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 76-1. MAP APPROVAL - CHESTNUT GARDENS - MARVIN HUM- e721 2. AGENDA BILL #3792 - NO PARKING ZONE - CARLS- e781 BAD BOULEVARD NORTH OF CANNON ROAD. Resolution I: 961 No. 4030, designating restriction on Carlsbad Boulevard north of Cannon Road, was adopted., e991 3. AGENDA BILL #3299 - Supplement #3 - FINAL FIC OF SAN DIEGO. Approval was given the Final Map for Carlsbad Tra'ct 73-39. MAP APPROVAL - SPINNAKER HILLS - STANDARD PACI- [981 4. AGENDA BILL #3793 - PROPOSED RENAMING OF ELM AVENUE. It was agreed that this matter be returned to staff for proper reports and set to Public Hearing at the earliest practical date. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [113] 5. AGENDA BILL #3528 - Supplement #5 - AGUA C851 HEDIONDA SPECIFIC PLAN - (Continued from 10-.26-.76), C571 Mayor Frazee stated that at the meeting of Octo- ber 26, 1976, the Council had stated its inten- tion to continue this matter to an adjourned workshop meeting on November 6, 1976. It was moved that the Public Hearing be continu- ed to Saturday, November 6, 1976, at 9:00 A.M.. in the Council Chambers. [I131 6. AGENDA BILL #3794 - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN1 - GEORGE BILLINGS (PUD-1). During the staff report by the Planning Director he stated the specific issue of concern with the proposed Planned Unit Development by the Planning Commission had to do with parking. CauNCOLMEN CITY OF CAWLS5AD - - - z -. November 2, 1976 ~~~ - ~ After clarifying certain conditions contained in the Planning Department staff report, the Plan- ning Director stated the recommendation of the Planning Commission was for denial. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:16 P.M. and MR. GEORGE BILLINGS, 4878 Pescadero, San Diego, made a presentation regarding his project. He exhibited new elevations of the project and a topography layout and state.d, these elevations were not presented to the Planning Commission due to a misunderstanding on his part. The Council directed questions to Mr. Billings re- garding parking provisions. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 P.M. and lengthy discussion ensued with questions direct- ed to the staff regarding refuse and sewer pro- visions. The primary point of discussion regard ed the intersection of Marron Road and El Camino Real and the existing traffic problems. Ques- tions were also raised as to the impact of developments already approved when they are completed. It was pointed out that the develop- ment proposed by Mr. Billings would not meet all of the PUD requirements if Marron Road is not considered suitable for off-street parking in connection with the proposed project. It was felt in the future, Marron Road would not be suitable. In an expression of the Council’s concerns regarding development along El Camino Real in the vicinity of Plaza Camino Real, in- cluding the bridge, it was pointed out that de-. velopment along El Camino Real in the City of Oceanside would also have an impact on the crea- tion of further traffic problems to the area, and should be studied further. Councilman Skot- ni.cki stated it was his hope that something will be done about resolvi’ng the i’ssue of Hispanic Motif and deciding what is acceptable Hispanic Motif and how long that Motif wi-11 extend al.ong El, Cami.no Real .. It was moved that PUD-1 be returned to the Plan- ning Commission to consider a re-design of the proposed project, The City Manager stated he wo.uld prepare a memo- randum which would review exactly what is occur- ring in that area, what traffic studies are pro- posed for El Camino Real and what additional studies are necessary to provide the Council with adequate information. At such time as the traffic studies are being done, the staff will consult wit-h the City ‘of Oceanside staff. Coun- cilman Skotnicki asked that the staff also con- sult with Cal-Trans on this matter. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:26 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:43 P.M with all Council Members present. E991 7. AGENDA BILL #3795 - SPECIFIC PLAN AND TENTA. [I131 - TIVE MAP APPROVAL - TAMARACK SHORES (CT 76-11) ROBERT HIRSCH. A staff report was given by the Planning Director. c CBklNCOLk&EN Motio Ayes CITY OF CARLS A -3- November 2, 1976 The Mayor declared the Public Hearing opened at 8:50 P.M. MR. ROBERT HIRSCH, 15233 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, the applicant, was heard by the Council regarding his project and he urged the Counci 1 ' s approval. MR. DENNIS TIC0 and CAROLYN TI'CO, 331 Redwood, Carlsbad, expressed their concerns with regard to noise levels as a result of the project as it relates to the railroad track. Mr. Tic0 inquir- ed about the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Jef- ferson St. He was informed that as a condition of approval of the Tentative Map, the developer is to enter into an agreement with the City to contribute toward the cost of a fully actuated traffic signal at that intersection. MR. HIRSCH responded to expressed concerns regarding the noise level. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:2Q P,M, and lengthy discussion ensued by the Council., D D A motion was made to affirm the acti.on of the ! Planning Commission as contained in R.esolutions #1284 and #1285 and approve the redesign as pro-. posed in Memorandum dated October 22, 1976 from the Planning Director and shown on the revised Exhi bit ''A", with an amendment to Condi'tion #3 of Resolution #1284 to include "adjoi:-ning pro- perties" in the Noise Study, -and the City Attor- ney was instructed to prepare the necessary documents. [114] 8. AGENDA BILL #3796 - ZONE CHANGE - R-'I-7500 TO R-P - APPLICANT: FRED JONES HALL AND CITY OF CARLSBAD. A staff report was given by the Planning Direc- tor with an explanation as to why the Cit$ of Carlsbad appears as a co-applicant. He stated the staff and Planning Commission recommendation is one of approval providing that the 'IQ!' zone be applied to the rezoning. Following questions from the Council, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing opened at 9:50 P.M. The following persons were heard in favor of the Zone Change. MR. HAROLD ENGLEMAN, 2436 Olive Drive, Carlsbad, IDA WESTREE, 1288 Las .Flares, Carlsbad and MR. HOWARD BOWLING,,-l425 Yourell Avenue. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:57 P.M. and Council discussion was held. The area of con- cern expressed by the Council was hotels and motels which would be permitted under th.e R-P Zone. It was moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of a Zone Change from R-1 to R-PQ. rn cClL.JNCOSUEN CITY OF CARLS WNCILMKN -4- November 2, 1976 . .. Further, a motion was made to direct the staff to initiate proceedings to require that hotels and motels in an R-3 Zone be permitted by Condi- tional Use Permit (CUP). By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting were waived: ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I I [114] 9. AGENDA BILL #3721 - Supplement #2 - (ZCA-79) [30] COMMUNITY IDENTITY SIGNS. [96] ADDITIONAL FREESTANDING SIGNS IN C-2 ZONE AND ORDINANCE NO. 8070, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMDITION OF SECTION 21.41.075 TO REVISE THE RE- GULATIONS REGARDING FREESTANDING SIGNS IN COM- MERCIAL ZONES AND TO PERMIT COMMUNITY IDENTITY SIGNS, was given a second reading and adopted. 10. AGENDA BILL if3682 - Supplement #2 - LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT (MP-149). ORDINANCE NO. 9469, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9322, VISED MASTER PLAN FOR THE LA COSTA AREA SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, was given a second read- ing and adopted. HOUSING AUTHORTTY: The'Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 1O:ll P.M. and reconvened at 10:13 P.M. with a1 1 Council Members present. RECESS: The Mayor called for a recess at 1Q:l.4 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 10321 P..F?. with all Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS; Pub1 ic Works. ['13] AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9376 TO ADOPT A RE- 11. AGENDA BILL #3797 - OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE E43 DISTRICT PETITION - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY (GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS. I The City Manager gave a lengthy report on this matter and referred to Exhibits 'ID" and ''E'' in connection with the proposed Open Space Mainten- ance District. He further reviewed the various types of Open Space. He stated at this point, there may be some unans.wered questions but the anticipated procedure i's that at some point there would be a public hearing, due to the num- ber of properties involved and the benefit de- rived. Since Open Space Maintenance Districts are new, there is not a great deal of informa- tion availaBle and it does entail a number of , poli-cy ilssues. He reviewed some of the unanswer ed questions, explained the formation of main- tenance districts and reviewed the area petitionec 3. MR. .FRED MOREY, representing La Costa Land Com- pany, was heard by the Council and he answered a number of questions. I 2?b Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLS - - 5- November 2, 1976 D The City Manager stated at some point, he felt a citizen's committee should be formed to look a Open Space Maintenance Districts throughout the Cityyon the whole,in terms of developing stan- dards for a plan on the kind of slopes to be maintained, the kind of maintenance to be pro- vided and whether a district should be formed. He stated this was an extremely important issue and more time was needed to revarify some figure In concluding, he requested guidance from the Council regarding this matter. Members of the Council asked questions and ex- pressed their views on Open Space Maintenance Districts. I It was moved that the matter be continued to allow the staff to prepare a further report.. I I B City Manager. r221 12. AGENDA BILL #3798 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ANNEXA- [25] TION* The City Manager described the boundaries of the proposed annexation of Palomar Airport and stat- ed this would just include Palomar AirportTprope on which an EIR was done for just this specific piece of land. The North County Animal Shelter is also included. The area of annexation was pointed out by Administrative Assistant Frank Mannen on Exhibit "A" of the Agenda Bill. Discussion of services which would have to be provided ensued. Reference was made to an addi- tional fire station mentioned in the staff re- port and the City Manager stated this was re- commended by the Gage-Babcock Report some time ago. The Administrative Assistant reviewed the analy- sis of impact on various departments such as the fire department, police department, land use regulations-planning matters,,building permits and building regulations. The City Manager stated the staff is satisfied that for the type. of operation at the airport, the income appears elearly to cover the costs anticipiated in pro- viding service, It was moved that the City Council request the County Board of Supprvisors to consent to the annexation and the staff,was instructed to file application with LAFCO.pending consent of the Board of Supervisors. The City Manager further stated he wished to clarify a point which might be raised and that is this action would not cause the City of Carls bad to assume the operation of the airport; the City is merely annexing the territory. The County will still maintain and operate the Air- port as it has in the past. 66UNClbMKM P CITY OF CARLS cxxJNClbMfN -6- November 2, 1976 [721 13. AGENDA BILL #3799 - REQUEST FOR ORDINANCE C781 AMENDMENT - TRUCK PARKING .T'N RESrDENTIAL AREAS. The City Manager reported on this matter and offered background information. Following discussion by the Council, it was moved that the matter be referred to the staff for review and a report. CITY COUNCIL ADDiITIONAL BUSINESS: ~691 14, AGENDA BILL #3783 .- .APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE PARKS AND RECREATTON .COMMISSI'ON. At the.request of Mayor Frazee, it was th.e con- census of the Council that this matter be con- tinued to the next regular meeting. a) State Transportation. Plan. Councilman Skot- nicki stated the meeting he attended on the Transportation Plan was strictly informational., The audience attending that meeting were advise that there would be a public hearing on Noyembe 19, 1976, Mayor Fpazee reported briefly on the California Transpoptation Planning Effort arid, stated it does have some serious implications for some cities. b) JAC Committee. Councilman Sk0tn.ick.i brief1 reported on his attendance at the last JAC Corn? mittee Meeting. c) Library Board of Tr.us.tee's :Meeti.ng.. Council woman Casler reDorted there has been a circula- tion increase in the Library and for the last two years, the increased circulation has been about 8,000 volumes each year.. In the last two months of this year, it has been 4,000 volumes each month. There has also been an in- creased loss in materials. For the last few years, the Library Board of Trustees has been, considering the installation of a "tattle tape", which would indicate a signal when the books have not been checked out. This may be present ed to the Council in the'near future.. d) League of Women Voters Charter City Study, Councilwoman Casler stated th,e study by the League of Women Voters on Charter City has been completed and will be available prior to its discussion at the next workshop meeting. e) Citizen's Opinion Poll. Councilman Packard reported on the preliminaries of the ~011 and stated he would like this matter placed on the agenda for the adjourned meeting to be held Sat urdaya November 6, 1976 so that the poll can be mailed out about November 15, 1976. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Attorney stated he will be attending a meeting at which time the Coastal Plan wi.11 be discussed. * f CITY OF CARIS co4JNCILME -7- CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Manager reported on Title I1 - Anti- Recession Program that has a formula which will distribute funds to most communities throughout the United States. It appears Carlsbad might receive funds and these funds could only be used to maintain services. A further report will be given at a later date, and that no Council action was required. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:lO A.M. t'o Saturday, November 6, 1976, at 9:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted,