HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD - Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) - Date of Meeting: December 7, 1976 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: Councilman Lewis arrived at 9:35 P.M. INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. PRESENTATION: I Mayor Frazee announced the presentation of the "Whale Of A Guy" awards to the following: I Howard Baumgartner B. M. Christiansen Jerry Farrow J. 'C. Fikes Tony Howard-Jones Jerry McCl el lan Newcomers C1 ub Joe Parisi Dr. Howard Murphy R. R. Robinson C1 iff Ward Paul Wopshall Also recognized for his assistance as technical chairman was Mr. Jack Casler. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 9, 1976, were approved as corrected. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 13, 1976, were approved as presented. Minutes of the regular meeting held November 16, 1976, were approved as presented. PAYMENT 0.F BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Operations $350,144.10; Water Department $4,100.73; Invest- ments $300,000.00; Net Payroll Transfer $181,595.96 for a total of $835,840.79 for the period November 16, 1976, thru November 30, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit- ing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $140,415.98 for the period Novem- ber 1, 1976, thru November 14, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $145,380.50 for the period Novem- ber 15, 1976 thru November 28, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the . Auditing Comrni ttee. NCILMEN CITY OF CARLSBAD - COUNCILMEI -~ -2- December 7, 1976 CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor -Frazee announced that Item #12 was being removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items were approved by one motion, with the exception of Item #12, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: [41] 1. AGENDA B.ILL #lo81 - RELEASE OF CLAIMS - VAN MOPPK vs AT & SF RAILROAD/CITY OF CARLSBAD vs AT & SF RAILROAD. The City Attorney was authorized to execute the Release of Claims. E811 2. AGENDA BILL ,#2241 - Supplement #2 - QUITCLAIM [991 OF, 5' WATER EASEMENT - EL CAMINO PO'RTALS, UNIT NO. " 1. Resolution #4045, approving quitclaim of 5' water easement on Lot 47, and authorizing the Mayo to execute same, was adopted. E991 3. AGENDA BILL #3299 - Supplement #4 - FINAL MAP APPROVAL/ACCEPTANCE OF PORTIONS OF LOTS - SPINNAKE HILLS, UNIT NO. 3. The final map of CT 73-39 was approved. Resolution #4046 and #4047, accepting for public street purposes previously 'rejected easements required by Carlsbad Tract 73-39, were adopted. [811 4.- AGENDA BILL #3498 - Supplement #3 - QUITCLAIM [99] OF 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT - CARL.SBAD 'MEADOWS, Resol ution #4048, approving quitclaim of 15' ease-. ment on lots 25 and 35 of Carlsbad Tract 75-2, was adopted. i - .. [41] 5. AGENDA BILL #4012 - CLAIM AGAINST CITY - BENJAMIN AND JOEL PULIDO. Resolution #4049, deny- iny; claim and directing City Attorney to refer matter -to City's insurance carrier, was adopted. 1921 6. AGENDA BILL #4013 - FLOW METER ANALYSIS FOR . C851 ENCIHA JOINT POWERS. Council approved and author- E501 ized the City Manager to sign a purchase order for -. joint system metering analysis. E841 7. AGENDA BILL. #4014 - PURCHASE OF SAFETY EQUIPME [451 ResoTution #4050, accepting bid and authorizing I execution of contract for purchase of satety equip ment, was adopted. [8ll 8. AGENDA BILL #4015 - GIFTS OF EQUIPMENT TO CITY OCEAXSIDE - CARLSBAD NOON OPT1 - MRS. CLUB. Reso- lution- W4051, accepting the gift from the Oceansid -Carlsbad Noon Opti Mrs. Club of a poloroid camera and Heal th-o-Meter scale, was adopted. [11O] 9. AGENDA BILL #4016 - .PURCHASE OF COMPOUND WATER C841 METER. Resolution #4052, accepting bid and 'author C451 izing execution of contract for purchase of 8" compound water meter, was adopted. [IO51 .lo. AGENDA BILL #4017 - SIGNATURES FOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID - UNIFIED. SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENC SERVICES ORGANIZATION. Resolution #4053, auth0ri.z certain signatures for purposes of obtaining finan cia1 assistance under Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, was adopted. I I 5.s + R - F - 1- - E \ - l- CITY OF CA -3- [93] 11. AGENDA BILL #4018 - SEWER THROUGH PRIVATE EASEMENT - MINOR 5UBDIVI'SIONS 'N.0. '283 AND 284. Council granted permission to sewer through private easement. 41 13. AGENDA BILL #4020 - PURCHASE OF PORTABLE CEMEN 451 BREAKERS. Resolution #4054, accepting bid and authorizing execution of contract for purchase of two portable cement breakers, was adopted. 701 14. AGENDA BILL #4021 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - PARKS 291 AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT. Resolution #4055, amend ing the Parks and Recreation Department Budget, was adopted. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: 871 12. AGENDA BILL #4019 - FUTURE YARD SITE - COUNTY - TRANSFER STATION. The Mayor announced this item would be discussed as I tern 26-A. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: By minute motion, the readtn-g of 'the text of the Ordinances before the Council' 'a't thi's me'eting was waived. :74] 15. AGENDA BILL #4009 - AMENDMENT TO CLASSIFICATIO :29] - PLAN AND SALARY PLAN. ORDINANCE NO. 1196, TO AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COD SECTION 2.44.030, was given a second reading and adopted. :I131 16. AGENDA BILL #3786 - Supplement #1 - AMENDMENT TO LARWIN (TIBURON) MASTER PLAN AND SPECIFIC PLAN. Mayor Frazee referenced a technical chanae to Or2inance 9470, Item 6 b) deleting "259"'and insert ing in its. place 25%, and deleting the last sentenc of Item 6 b). ORDINANCE NO. 9470, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9433 BY FOR THE TIBURON DEVELOPMENT, GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN MARRON ROAD AND THE ELM AVENUE EXTENSIO,N, was given a second reading and adopted as corrected. Reference was then made to a typographical correc- tion in Ordinance 9471, page 2, line 22, deleting the word recommendation and inserting recordation in its place. - ORDINANCE NO. 9471, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9315 TO TIBURON DEVELOPMENT GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN MARRON ROAD AND THE ELM AVENUE EXTENSION, was given a second reading and adopted as corrected. THE ADOPTION OF AN AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-104B) ADOPT AN AMENDED MASTER PLAN (MP-5(A)) FOR THE < C%ZUNCILMEN i - D B I 7- v ;.ia [J f !L,# i2?A Bij".?&"~J~piJJ ,y ' k, -1 #""* ~""' I ,:A T? -4- December 7, 1976 iQ [I131 [I 141 [991 C571 [I 131 17. AGENDA BILL #3795 - Supplement #1 - AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN - ROBERT HIRSCH. ORDINANCE NO. 9472, ADOPTING. AN AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAFI (SP-136A) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 80 DETACHED S1NG'L.E-FAMILY DWELLINGS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY.. ' LOCATED ON THE, NORTH SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREE.T AND THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS, was given a second reading and adopted. 18. AGENDA BI.LL #3796 - Supplement #1, - GRANTING ZONE CHANGE - FRED .JONES HALL. ORDINANCE NO. 9473, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLS BAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHA.NGE OF ZONE (ZC-182) FROM R-1'-7500 TO SIDE OF LAS FLORES BETWEEN-PI0 PIC0 AND 1-5, was given a second reading and a'dopted. R-P-Q 0.N PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH - PUBLIC HEARINGS: 19. AGENDA BILL #4022 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL - SANTA FE KNOLLS - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. Mayor Frazee noted that a request had been receive to continue this item. It was moved to continue the item to the mee.ting of December 21, .1976. 20. AGENDA BILL #4023 - APPEAL 0.F REQUES.T FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - PEGGY R. HADCEY. The City Manager reported that he had received notification that this itemwas being returned to the Planning Commission, and therefore request- ed the i tern be removed. It was moved to continue the item to the meeting of December 21, 1976, or in lieu of that, if the Planning Commission takes ac-tion, that action would be binding rather than a continuance.. 1991 21. AGENDA BILL. #4024 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL - JOHN McKEAND. The Planning Director, referring to wall exhibits,, gave a brief staff report indicating that Conditio 8 in the Planning Commission Resolution should be reworded to provide the land for the purpose of access rather than water. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mr. Harry Truax of Brian Smith Engineering, Inc., 2656 State Street, Carlsbad, spoke briefly stating there would be no problem with'condition 8, and expressed his desire that Council approve the project. No one else wished to be heard, therefore the P.M. . Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at'7:36, Following a brief discussion, it was moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of the CT 76-16 Subdivision, with the necessary correction in the wording of Condition 8. g-cg:;j p.,?.,Y:?! 5,'" *a"&.* .%& d " v,x A L.* . ii i : , I (-1 -:ry ;a f C;?,, +"Si ?x> ,\$kauJ.-At 2 8" ;:""I ;i T-Jj .. -5- . December 7, 1976 B B 22. AGENDA BILL if4025 - AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN - NORMAN STARR. The Planning Director made reference to two wall exhibit,s of the proposed project, noting the signi fica'nt diffe.rence being the amount of footage in the dedication. on Tamarack. He stated that based on the Traffic and Alignment Study, it was felt that a 10 foot rather than a 34 foot right-of-way dedication would be sufficient. ' The Mayor asked if anyo.ne wished to be heard. Mr. Norman Starr, 824- Jamaica Court, San Diego, add- ressed Council. He submitted an Additional exhibi indicating the modifi.cations proposed and made a slide presentation of the types of buildings the proposed project would possess. H.e further re- quested removal of the requirement of a wall separating. the project. from the nearby school. .I Since no one else wi.shed to be heard, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at .8:12 P.M. Council discussion related to va.rious concerns regarding parking, proper ingress and egress, addi'tional traffic and any-possible probl'ems re- sul ting from the proximity o.f the school. An additional con.cern was the possibility of viewing a large parking .lot from Tamarack and p.roblems it may generate. Following further Council discuss.ion, it was -moved that Council direct the City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary approving SP-20-(A). HOUS I NG AUTHOR1 TY : The CounCil adjourned to the Housing Authority at 8:25 P.M. and reconvened at 8:42 P.M., with four * Council members present. " RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:42 P.M., and the Council reconvened at 9:Ol P.M., with four Counci-l members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MA.NAGER REPORTS: P1 anning 23. AGENDA BILL #3528 - Supplement #6 - AGUA HEDIONDA SPECIFIC PLAN-COUNCIL RECOMMENDED CHANGES Mayor Frazee announced since this matter involved San Diego Gas & Electric Company holdings, he would abstain from di.scussion and relinquish the Chair to Councilwoman Casler in Vice-Mayor Lewis's absence. Councilwoman Casler referenced a letter received from Sa.n Diego Gas & Electric Co. expressing their concern about de-velopment rights on the property, east of the freeway, and suggesting that possibly a portion of it could be zoned Commercial in order that they may develop. F'/iB?:*;;,.y;;~"~.>~; s.+k.- - 1 -:im y Q-3 ',d i" [!- 4" 2: q-2 4 .p-;> ;+,, ir"" 'b8"+* 8: iMco.aa.' 1 L->s6LJ -6- December 7. 1976 aswmx?s B [55] , 24. AGENDA BILL #3501 - Supplement #2 - MOD.IFICA-. [45]- TION OF REFUSE COLLECTION. D - ~~ ~ " .~~ "_ . """_" ~ ~ Councilman Skotnicki expressed his concern that th large developments around the Lagoon. Further dis cussi'on related to the San Diego Gas & Electric Co property 'and the possibility of zoning it Commerci .Design Review would provide sufficient control on It was moved that Staff be directed to make recom- mendations concernjng .the extent of Commercial Zon if it were gra'nted by Council, and that the matter be continued ,to the meeting of December 21 , 1976. Councilwoman Casler requested a map be,included showing commercial sites a7 ready approved along I- Pub1 ic Works The Public !Jerks Administrator gave a brief report outlining the purpose and reasons for the modifi- cation, and responded to questions by Council t The following Resolution was adopted by title only TO REFUSE COLLECTION AGREEMENT OF O-CTOBER 1, 1971, TION, INC. FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF AGREEMENT. Councilman Lewis arrived at 9:35 P.M. , RESOLUTION NO. 4056, APPROVING THE THIRD AMENDPlENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND McDOUGAL SANITA- . REFUSE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID [93] 25. AGENDA BILL' #4026 - OCEAN ST'REET SEWER AVAIL- ABILITY. The Public Norks Administrator gave a report on the item. recapping briefly the history .an.d detail- questions by Council. ' ing the current problem. He then responded to Council discussed at great length the question of who would pay for the sewer in the event EDA Grant monies would not be obtainable. The methods dis- cussed were: Formation of an Assessment District, the City bearing the cost with pa,rtial reimburse- ment from the owners of the undeveloped parcels at the ti'me of the parcels being developed, or possible consideration of placing it in the Capital Improvement Program of the Budget. It was moved that a moratorium be placed on de- velopment on Ocean Street until the probl.em is re- solved. Council. recognized Gary Naiman of Pioneer Mortgage Sales Co., 5605 'E1 Cajon Blvd., San Diego. He questioned the length of time the moratorium would be in effect, stating that with a moratorium he would be unable to make a presentation. to the Coastal Commission. After further discussion, it was the concensus of Council that staff be directed to bring back a report to Council in thirty days. 4 I I ~~-,~,,.'~"",~.;~~~~~~.~~~ 6- *- J 7 > .L +... a. ,3~ .>; .. LmS B B c 1 Ti- *?;{ (2 i:- c*.-., A '.. :: ,, i.0, ?-;a $ ._.. 2: '," L;* ;"?. f-J d$=$d &.&&Jbd $i. -7- December 7, 1976 . " ~~~ - ~~ ."" - " ""_" :99] 26. - AGENDA B'ILL #4027 - GENDUSA LOT SPLIT. It was noted that this .item had been withdrawn from the .Agenda. 1871 26A.. AGENDA BILL #4019 - FUTURE YARD SITE - COUNTY TRANSFER STA'TION: The Public Works Administrator gave a staff report on the matter indicating the var.ious favorable aspects that would be derived from using the land near the intersection of: Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real as ,the County Transfer Station location. Council Is brief discussion related to ' their concern about the number of garbage trucks travelling -that. area. Council concurred with. Staff'ls actfon to date and instructed Staff to continue negotiations. City Manager : 281 351. 27. - AGENDA BILL #4004 - NORTH COUNTY LIFELINE. The City Manager noted that this matter was con- tinued pending further information conc.erning Lifeline's involvement in the drug abuse program. Mr. Benson A. .Wisckol, Director of Lifeline, was recognized by Council. He distributed 'packets con taining various pamphlets, and reported on Life- line's activities in the drug abuse program, and responded to questions by Council. The following Resolution was adopted by title only - RESOLUTION NO. 4036, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND NORTH COUNTY LIFELINE FOR SE!?VICES IN CITY'S DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAPI, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMEfi Councilman Skotnicki suggested taking another look at the contract to see that the reports received are consistent with those required. . :85l 28. AGENDA BILL if4006 - Supplement fil - OPINION POLL RESULTS. The City Manager stated briefly that th-e resul ts of the Poll were being presented to Council for their information, and that.Staff was making no recommendations as it should be 1e.ft to the dis- cretion of Counci 1. Following discussion,. Councilman Skotnicki moved that the Children's Library Facility be considered with the Master Plan of. the Library. The motion failed for lack of a second. The City Manager. stated he had the matte,r sche- duled for i Workshop Sess.ion after the first of the year. It was moved that the matter of Paramedics and Drinking on the Beach be placed on the agenda for the first meeting in 'January with Staff's re- commendations for implementation. $-J-.!$ ;>.{<*-;;! 9 .A$ -$ .'I 2 . . -rJ * & >...;. ; 1 m+Smxa= I) D c 3 "f-4{ ("J iy c $A, 2113 L c;, ?::?, ~p? ["J y"$ \ -"&&-J$ -8- December 7, 1976 C701 29. AGENDA BILL #910 -.Supplement #7 - MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL. The City.'Manager gave a brief report noting t-he current. status of the matter, and stated that Mr. Ed Johnson; .the Yarks and Recreation Director., was present to Fespond to .any questions by Council. It was moved that the architect's report be accept ed and that Staff be instructed 'to prepare an. EIR on the proposed .site and that Staff be'authorized to proceed' working with the School District to prepare the neces-s'ary agreement. ... [84] , 30. AGENDA BILL #4028. .- AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS [67]. - TO PU?S;CHASING SECTIONS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. The City Manager gave a brief report and stated that Mrs. Fletcher, Purchasing Agent, was present to respond to any questions of Council. '. . Councilman Skotnicki questioned the word "agency" on page 5 of 'the proposed Ordinance No. 1197, and read "department". Mrs. Fletcher responded to questions regarding her procedure of s.01iciting bids and maintenance. of Bidders Lists, s.tating there was no wri.tten policy requiring this procedure-be followed. It was further determined that preference may not be shown to Carlsbad vendors; however; the 1% tax should be considered in their bids. . . it was noted that the word shou1.d b.e changed 'to ORDINANCE NO. 1197, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SEC- TIONS 3.28.010 THROUGH 3.28.133 AND BY THE ADDITIO OF SECTIONS 3.28.140 THROUGH 3.28.170 TO REVISE . - T.HE PURCHASING PROCEDURES OF THE CITY, was 'intro- duced for a first.-reading only as corrected. Mr. Me1 Priest, President of the Village Merchant' Association, was recognized by Co.unci1. 'He' expressed appreciation for Council Is consideration for local vendors. ORDINANCE NO: 1198, AMENDING THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPA CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTERS 3.29 AND 3.30 AND THE DELETION OF CHAPTER 1.04 TO REVISE THE PROCEDURE FOR DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY AND LOST AND UNCLAIMED PERSONAL PROPERTY, was introduced for a first reading only. It was further moved "that Staff be directed to prepare City Council Policy insuring the partici- pation of the local vendors in the purchasing procedure. I GG..%&j 3; c E 3, ?:;! 4 I c 1 -.fay "\\, t:." p' :, i*". , .I;'?,;<->) ;.,, ?p .., :! . .. ) 1 %A"% !LL2; "i,d u 8' :&$A$.$".(&.""& : ,-.j .. . .. -9- December 7, 1976 D [22] 31. AGEidDA BILL #3791 - Supplement #1 - AUTHOR- t861 IZING-LETTER OF SUPPORT - GOLDEN YEST AIRLINE SERVICE - .ORANGE COUNTY/PALOMAR/SAM DIEGO. The City. Manager reported. that there was still time to hold a Public .Hearing on the matter to determine whether Council should write a letter of support to Golden West Airlines for the pro- posed extended service. It was moved that a Pub1 i.c Hearing be scheduled on the matter of City.support of Golden West Airline's application for, extended s'ervice from Orange County ' to Palomar/San Dieg-o. [741- 32. AGENDA BILL #4029 - SALARY DIFFERENTIAL FOR E781 BURGLARY- PREVENTION OFFICERS. Following a b'rief report by the City ;4anager, the following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4057, AUTHORIZI~G AN.D DI'RECTING REIbIBURSEMENT OF A DETECTIVE DIFFERENTIAL PAY .FOR BURGLARY PREVENTION 0FFICE.RS. RESOLUTION NO: 4058,AUTHORIZING THE TRAN'SFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY ACCOU?lT. E701 33. AGENDA BILL .#3233 - Supplement #2 - CARRILLO C451 RANCH PARK SITE. C941 ~451 It was moved that this item be' continued to the meeting of December 21, 1976. 34. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #6 - PLAZA BROADWAY STORE. CAMINO REAL EXPANSION AGR-EEMENT - ADDITION OF ~ ~~ The City Manager reported that the request for the approval of the addition of the fifth store had been withdrawn at this time, however, the request for the Environmental Impact Report concerning the relocation of the' channel needed C-ouncil consider- ati on. It was moved that Staff be directed ;to prepare the appropriate Environmental Impact Report. D C691 35. AGENDA BILL #3783 - APPOINTING MEMBERS TO PARKS-AND RECREATI0.N COMidISSION. Mayor Frazee referenced the meeting of November 16, 1976, at which time he had submitted the name of Ronald S. Schwabb. for reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. He then indicated that Hr. Schwabb had requested the opportunity to speak with the Council members indiv.idually, and request- ed that no action be taken at this time. Council concurred with the request. . 4 I B r ,; Z\'y,:< r.,2, .&>:A'.3 j. .,-., >,x<>..:~;,:; &.,. -? . tqp-vjq< Ld.9 <:t v:3 \ to-. 2%- %. *", ;43 '"%: I . : %I t*ka *.;&? E 3 , ". rmmaz5m rn ,.-. ",, , B c 1 -i- y 4-1 T L +-" .:r .? ',; {&,.' <. .' :.; ;, : "-.>* ,,. l:., ,$.J :.. * $1 T": w 8- g"-d$ \gad$& 9. y...Y >&J - 10 - December 7, 1976 a CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1281 Councilwoman Casler reported that the Senior Citizen's Association had received a $4,000.00 Grant for furniture in the Community Center. , . Counc'ilman Sko.tnicki reported on'the recent J'oint Advisory Committee meeting stating the Solar Aqua System is still being investigated. - CITY MANAGER A.DDITIONAL. .BUSINESS': The. City Manager ,distr.i bu.ted an announcement of the Labor Relations fleetimg. The City Manager referenced the recent insurance problems of Oceanside Ye-llow Cab and.the resulting discontinuance of seryice. He stated that upon receipt of a Certificate of Insurance from the new owners of Yellow Cab Co., .they may be in ser- -vice this weekend. .If this occurs, infractions will not be actively enforced, .and the proper application from the new owners will .be presented ' to Council at a future meeting. - ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 A.M. to Tuesday, December 14, 1976, at 5:OO P.M., in the Counci.1 Chambers. Respectful ly submitted, Tal,,, A4 FgL? MARGARE E. ADAMS, City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary I (r- ;ra 1 I .. . ,,SI* 4 3 ? ,? ~ "~;:'..;,~,.,~~,~~~~~~~:~~~ ~ ~ ~