HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-04; City Council; MinutesP. IT)+@ (-JF rn&+@dGQJ&!$E -s4 I) I). Me e t Date Time P1 ac ing of: CITY COUIJCIL (Regular Meeting) of I;leeting: January 4, 1377 I of Meeting: 7:03 P.M. e of Meeting: Council Ch.ambers aZ3a"- ROLL CALL: I?JVOCATION was offered by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. - PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Frazee announced the presentation of a Resolution of appreciation to Mr. blilliam D. Cannon for his support of the growth and better- ment of Carlsbad, Mr. Robert Sonneborn accepted the Resolution on behalf of Yr. Cannon. Presentation of service pins was then made to the following City employees: For 5 years service: Patricia O'Kelly Robert Coles William Allen Amy Villalobos Russel-1 Ptorrison Sheila Tarvin James Bertel son Richard Cas teneda Patricia Cratty . .John MacLeod Richard Egg1 es ton W i 1 1 iarn Ready Don Aga tep Dona1 d Krepps For 10 years service: I.Jil?iam Baldwin Nora Gardiner Tony Mata Carroll. Guest For 15 years service: Thelma Sowell Richard Osburn A1 onzo Romero ,>/hi tney Smi th Bruce Nishart For 20 years service: Joe Franco Georg i na Coi e Jerry Edwards . -I.Jilliam Hill Alex klolenchuk John Berti cs APPROVAL OF MINUTES: M.inutes of the regular-.rneeting he -4-976, were approved as presented; - PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATIObl OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payme the Genera.1 Expenses of the City: City 0per.a- tions $92,833.83; Water Department $1,914.84;. Investments $603,000.00; Ne!: Payroll Trans.fer $59,584.71 for a total of $784,333.38 for the period December 16, 1976, thru December 31 , 1976 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the. Auditing Committ'ee. Ratification was given the payme in the amount of $139,282.30 for December 13, 1976 thru December 26, 1976, as certified by the Director of Finance and approve by the Auditing Committee. maszwan D m b=w I t"J$$JHf=Jk@E CONSENT CALENDAR: [99] 2. AGENDA BILL #4043 - REQUEST FOR REFUND OF [SO] FEES - PACESETTER HOMES, IWC. Council authorized refund of one-half the fees submitted with Pacesetter Homes' application for a resubdivision and PUD since the application had been withdrawn. [Sl] 3. AGENDA BILL #4044 - AUTOMATIC AID FOR FIkE [45] - PROTECTION - CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE. Resolution #4071 , authorizing the City Manager to execute Agreement for Automatic Aid Trial Period with City of Oceanside, was adopted. [99] 4. AGENDA BILL #2026 - Supplement #2 - QUITCLAIY COMPANY. Council, authorized the Mayor to e.xecute Quitclaim of 10 ft. public sewer easement on Lot 504 of Carlsbad Tract 72-20, Unit No. 3. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [93] OF 10 FT. PUBLIC SENER EASEMEPIT - LA COSTA LAND - was wai ved. [113] 5. AGENDA BILL 84025 - Supp1em.en.t #1 - APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - MORPlA?d STARR. BETltJEEN JEFFERSOfsI STREET AND HIBISCUS CIRCLE, was given a second-reading, and adopted. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . [22] .. 6: AGENDA BILL #3791 - Supplement 82 - GOLDEN [86] WEST AIRLINE SERVICE - ORANGE CO-UNTY/PALOMAR AIRPQRT/SAN DIEGO; noted the purpose of the Public Hearing on same. He then declared the Public Hearing- open and as ked if anyone wished to speak. types of aircraft to be used. He stressed the \~ quietness of the aircraft, and responded to fur- ther questions of Council. Mr. Don Brown, Executive Vice President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, indicated the ~ Chamber's endorsement of the service. -3- January 4, 1977 ~~ Mr. A1 Zamore, Jefferson St., Carlsbad, spoke in Carlsbad. Mr. Nelson Aldrich, a resjdent of the Woodbine area, expressed his concern regarding the addi- tional noise.created due to increased traffic in and out of the airport. ' favor of the service as a part of the growth of B Since no one else wished to be heard; the flayor declared the-Public Hearing closed at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Frazee noted that due to a faulty ILS Systc at the airport, air traffic is currently being routed over residential zones. Upon installatiol of the new System, air traffic would then be rerouted over non-residential zones. Following further discussion, staff was instruct, ed to prepare the appropriate letter of support of the proposed extended service by Golden West Air1 ines. C1131, 7. AGENDA BILL #3527 - Supplement $4 - SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - GREE:4 VALLEY KNOLLS - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. The Planning Director gave a brief staff report. Mayor Frazee declared the Public Hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak. ' Plr. Fred Morey, representing La Costa Land Com- pany, indicated he would be happy to respond to any questions. . There were-no questions of Mr. Morey, and since no one else wished to be heard, the.Mayor declar the Public Hearing closed at 7:38 P.M. 'The City Attorney was directed to pre?are the documents necessary approving Speci-fic Plan.171A as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1332; [991 3. AGENDA' BILL .#4045 - PLA?l>lED UNIT OEVELOPME!~4T C1131 - TENTATIVE MAP - LA COSTA LAND COFIPANY. -T-he Planning Director gave a stgff renort refer- encing wall maps. He further outlined the modi- fication and additions necessary as ..stated in staff memo dated December 29, 1976. Hayor Frazee opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone wished to be ..heard. Plr. Fred Horey, representing La Costa Land' com- pany, Mr. Don Woodward, Builder from Newport' Beach, and Mr. Bob Ladwig of Rick Engineering responded to numerous.questions of Council con-, cerning the project. Mr. George Flanders, 2168 Chestnut, Carlsbad, . spoke opposing the small lot sizes, the design, and his feeling that th.e project had nothing to offer to prospective pur'chasers. I No one else wished to 'be. heard.; so the Mayor declared the Public Heari-ng closed at 8:50 P.M. NGELb&E . !TY F ~~&,&$$~ EzPca- D I) -4- January 4, 1977 A/ " -", . .". I ~~ . ~_~_ "_~~.~ P Concerns expressed during Council discussion were substandard lot size, yossible parking problems, extensive additional grading, private park -1oca- tion and phase building of the project. It was noted that public improvements would be completed prior to any building. Council further expressed concern about allowing the PUD Ordinance to circumvent more stringent zoning; and that the PUD Ordinance could be used as a vehicle for a lot sale development. Council indicated their disappointment in the tjfpes of projects being presented under the new PUD Ordinance. The City Attorney was. directed to prepare the documents necessary approving CT 76-17 and PUD-7, as per Planning Commission Resoluti.ons 1300 and 1301 with the changes provided in Staff Report of December 29, 1976;.and also with the change on Page 5, Item 6 of the Planning Commission lieport, in the last line change Unit 3 to Unit'2. RECESS: Hayor Frazee called for a recess at $:16 P.:.l., and the Council reconvened at 9:36 P.M. wit all Council members present. I CII~ 9. AGENDA BILL #4046 - REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE - DAVID MINNICH/CITY OF CARLSi3AD. The Planning airector gave a brief staff report noting that staff .had included the c.ity-owned property to the request of the applicant for. the zone change from R11 to R-.P-Q. . Council questioned.the necessity of rezoning the city-owned p.roperty. Another matter of concern was how the zone change rvould affect the cost of adjoining property in th-e .event the City wished to purchase said property at a later date. !layor Frazee declared the Public Hearing o?en an asked if anyon-e wished to be heard. Pjr. David Minnich, Linda Lane, Carl.sbad, stated h.is feeling( that it would be unfair to deny or -delay his ,request because of the city proFerty which had been added without hi's knowledge. j No one else wished to be heard, s'o the Yayor' declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:52 P.Y. For timing. purposes so .as .not to delay.?lr. Ninnich's. 'request, Council requested the Ci.ty Attorney to prepare .documents dele.ting the. publi'c: property as well as in.cludi'ng the public pr'o'per-t:f . The matter was retu'rn.ed' to the Planning Commis- sion for a report to be brought back to City ' Council with the understanding that the. Council. is considering deleting all public property frBm this request for zone change, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare documents necessary for Council consideration at the next regular meeting. I < --- I ~ I , I ! Mo ti on Ayes Noes 1 \ Motion Ayes .. B I) ?Be R". r -5- January '4., 1977 - %I *IC=. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ """ ~_"~". - HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 10:31 P.N. and reconvened at 1c):92 P.PI., with all Council members present. - DEPART.MENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning I-991 10. AGENDA BILL #4322 - Supplement #2 - TENTATIV HAP APPROVAL FOR SANTA FE KNOLLS - LA COSTA LA!lD COMPANY. Council certified the EIR, and Resolution $4072, approving with conditions Tentative Map (CT 75-9) for a 211-lot subdivision on property generally located on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue extension and Olivenhain Road, was adopted. I-1131 10A. AGENDA BILL #3794 - Supplement ;Y2 - -PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - GEORGE BILLINGS. The Public lJorks Administrator noted that Condi- tion 18 in the proposed Resolution $4075 s$ould be reworded as it could now be interpreted dif- ferently than intended. He stated it should read "Right-of-way and slope easements for a realigned perpendicular intersection at Appian Way and Elm Avenue shall be offered for dedica- tion in the same manner de,scribed for Elm Avenue' in Condition No. 17 above, based on a sixty foot full width within the +laster Plan boundary.". - RESOLUTIOfil NO. 4075, APPROVING' A .PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEPJT PERMIT (PUD-1) FOR A 171-UNIT APART- FIENT PROJECT GENERALLY. LOCATED ON TH.E SOUTHNEST CORNER OF N4RRON ROAD AND AVENIDA DE ANITA, was adopted wit.h the change in the wording of Condition 18 as indicated. Public Norks E281 11. AGENDA BILL #4047 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. .. .- The Public Works Administrator gave a brief staff report on the matter. RESOLUTION NO. 4073, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING .THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, was adopted. . Council concurred that Resolution No.. 4074'would be continued to the next regular meeting. ' .: City Manager C281 12. AGEaDA BILL if4048 - APPOINTIVE OFFICES - LIS OF VACANCIES - CALENDAR.YEAR 1977. The City Manager stated that no action was nec- essary on this item but'that the City Clerk would be preparing a 1 ist of vacan.cies the first of each year that will occur throughout the year. ~~~~gJ$.4$~ kxazFf&%?zB B I) ITV .OF-= Bl$ ~-f~~~~~~~~~~~~ -6- January 4, 1977 Council expressed feelings that a more formaljzed procedure for appointments should possibly be established as Council policy. Councilman Skotnicki and Councilman Packard vol- unteered to research how other cities handle appointments ,to their boards, committees and commissions. [79] 13. AGENDA BILL #4049 - CITY COUNCIL PURCHASING [84] POL I CYSTATEMENT. .- ~ Council Policy Statement No. 22, was a9prove.d by Council. [511 14. AGENDA BILL #3600 - Supplement #2 - PARAFqEDI SERVICE. The City Manager gave a brief introduct.ion of the i tem and stated that Chief Thompson was present to respond to questions of Council. Council expressed the desire to initiate a Para- medic Service, but questioned what method to follow. Councilman Skotni'cki questioned training people as Paramedics and still expecting them to be firemen. He further questioned the amount of County control over the program, and whether the City would be required to purchase additional, insurance to cover the Paramedic Service. . Mayor Frazee stated that if the l'ocation of the Service is not centralized, pressure would occur requiring a second unit before a centralized location could be established. Councilwoman Casler quest.ioned the possibility of eonsiderjng a broader approach to the Service, such as its being separate from the fire stati-on, and locating it in a cen-tralized location. Councilman Lewi-s requested consideration of two complete Paramedic units being established to enable the southern half of Carlsbad to also benefit from the 'Service. Councilman Packard expressed his. concern about expanding or extending the serv.ice before it is actually established. Staff was instructed to set in motion the process as outlined by Chief Thompson to initiate Para- medic Service by September of 1977, and approved the recommendations as made -in his report usLi,ng the Alternative on Attachment D which would be . ' the hiring of four addit,ionaq fire recruits 30 days prior to sending .personnel t.0 paramedic . \,, training and have limited recall on overtime. .. ._ Staff was instructed to return to City Council with a1 ternati.ve plans to provide service .to the southern half of the City. I co y- e 0 1 [69] 15. AGE.r"lDA BILL #4022 - APPOINTWENT TO PARKS. AND RECREATION COFlblISSION. Councilman Skotnicki reported briefly on JAC re- garding the possibi1i.t.y of- getting various heads of local government together and writing a letter to the Congressman regarding Encina, EPA and the Water Resources Control Board. Councilwoman Casler reported on the recent Librar Mayor Frazee reported that the North County Transit had recently completed the rerouting of Carlsbad Routes 20 and 21. He noted that a peti- tion may be forth,coming as a result of a complain fvom a lady who was getting allergies from the bus fumes. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSIfiESS: The City Manager stated th.at regarding the County Housing item at the last meeting, Council had not authorized the execution of the Agreement and Assurances Form. The City Yanager noted the Labor Institute to be held on the 20th and Zlst, and requested he,.be P.M. for the purpose of discussing personnel. Respectfully submitted, . ..