HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-11; City Council; Minutes.cr ms4awwJ $51 . j 81 Dl. p r3-Y F WUNCJLME ?,leeti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Neeting) Date of Meeting: January 11, 1977 Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 8- - ROLL CALL: Councilman Lewis arrived at 6:57 P.r"l. PUBLIC FACILITIES ASSESSMEHT The Public Works Administrator outlined briefly the history of the Public Facilities Growth Nanagement Program to date. lie pointed out that a year and a half ago the Planni'ng Commission and Council requested having available i.nforrnation on which.to make deter- mination on whether or not public facilities would be available concurrent with need for developing projects in the City. to bring them into concurrence with our code. At the same time, as a condition df the A95 Review f.or Encina 3 project, it was a recommendation of CPO Board of Directors that the involved agencies under- take a Comprehensive Public Facilities and Land Use Management Program. In 'discussions with CPO Staff, it was learned their divisions which are engaged in coordinating programs for use by local governmental agencies had developed their Grid Cell Program. The six local agencies which are the member agencies of the Joint Advisary Committee requested the four General Purpose Governnents to participate in this Public Facilities Program. Those four governmental agencies, the City of Carlsbad, the City of Vista, th City of San Yarcos and the County of San Diego, for- mulated a staff committee to unde'rtake this task. . As a result of discussion, it. was fo-und that there were grant monies available from the, State Sovernor's Office of Planning and Research in the form of HUD- monies administered by the State offices aimed basi- cally at planning research. Application was made for a grant that would have -in- volved all of the local .governmental agencies to develop this kind of program to be used through the entire Encina Basin.. The application was in the ran! of $19,!I,~OO and would have allowed all of the cities to work concurrently in developing the program. How- ever;-..we were offered a grant of $25;900, which was accepted, and for which Council authorized acceptance ?resent Absent e Efforts were reoriented and it was felt the project was justifiable and worthwhile. The boundaries were reduced to incorporate only the City of -Carlsbad as. it was felt the. program developed in Carlsbad would be in a general enough manner that it could be im-- . plemented by other cities. The Public Works Administrator distributed a Growth Yanagenent report and two Staff .Reports of fict.itious proposed developments. Council was r'equested to \, immediately review the two Staff Reports. &, '. * - B I) ITY F -2- January 11, 1977 Plr. Joseph Sandy, Project Consultant for Encina 3, was then introduced to Council. It was pointed out that Mr. Sandy has been working with CPO Staff in imple- menting th.is Program and developing the information necessary to feed into the computer. He noted that we are currently using the computer at the San Diego campus of the University of California, and the terminals at CPO's office. Flr. Sandy referred to wall exhibits which .reflected examples of types of information that could be fur- nished by the computer. He explained that the-exhibit reflected the breakdown of the City into grid cells, and shbwed the availability of fire service to each cell (each cell contained 92 acres). He further state fi.re service had been used strictly as an example, but it would be possible to furnish information on the current and projected availability of all public facilities. The importance of the Program was stressed as an aid to the Capital Improvement Program. Various aspects of the Program were questioned by Council and it was noted. that a great deal of tile requirements would be determined by the policies es- tab1 ished by Council .' Coun and we re cil questioned the resulting costs to developers the effectiveness of the Program if no policies established. Staff responded that it' would eventually cut costs to the developer as the time required for research would be much shorter. In addition, staff indicated even if no policies were established and the Program is used strictly 'for general information, it would still be worthwhile as an aid to staff; Council discussed the possibility and feasibility of receiving citizen.input in the .form of a Citizen's Committee working wi,th staff and Council on establish ing policies. st w a fo wo aff noted the.policies could be, and very likely uld have to be changed as an ongoi-ng process. It s determined the P.rogram would not make it ea.sier r Council to make decissions; however, the avail- .abilVty of the additional information' would give the Council guidelines and facts upon which to base its decisions. Council requested the item be placed on the Agenda again after public reaction has been received. ADJOURNMENT: . -"" I 3y proper'motion, the meeting wa; adjourned at 7:i2 P.M. ' Respectfully submitted, \ ~q7 42&F(qi!wyL, MA G ET E. ADAMS, City Clerk ~ Lee ,autenkranz; Recording Secretary 1 *Q CE kqj E I