HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-25; City Council; MinutesP c 1 -1- %f "" km ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f";?d~~~~~[ p<;3 4 . i ,,i b Meeti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Yeeting: January 25, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.!4. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers E701 - OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE The City Manager .gave a brief introduction of the-matter and indicated it should be determined to' wh.at degree, if any, the City would become. involved in the maintenance of open space. He then stated !4r. Frank- Mannan was present to report in greater detail on the matter. Mr. Mannan then outlined the contents of his report and the proposed Open Space Policy dated Decemb.er 20, 1976. 'He continued with a slide pr-esentation which displayed various areas of open space in Carlsbad and other cities. The slides depicted the various'types of ve.getation that may be used i,n open space ranging from.no maintenante to intense maintenance req During -the slide presentation Mr. Nannan, the City Manager and the Parks and Recreation Director responded to numerous questions by Counci 1. Staff then exhibited maps of the Green Valley Knolls Subdivision as an example due to the Va'riety of problems existing with .the open space areas in that subdivision. Council discussed the problems that would be generated by City involvement in the maintenanc of open space. Further discussion related to Counci 1 recognized Mr. Fred Morey representing La Costa Land Co., who introduced Mr. John Stanley, Attorney for La Costa. Mr. Stanley indicated that La Costa had sold a development and homes have been built. He requested that Council move expeditiously on the matter in order that the homeowners may be advised of the Mr. Roy J. Ward, one of the owners of Lake Calavera Hills addressed Council requesting a certain degree of flexibility in a'ny policy adopted. Council adopted the proposed Open Spa on landscape development standards an nance responsibilities of a public maintenance district. Staff was instructed to retain an Engineering Consultant to prepare the reports required in the Landscaping and Lighting.Act of 1972 with the incidental costs of creating the district being borne by the subdivider. Counci further rejected the petitions for the forma- tion of an Open Space -District under the Open Space Maintenance Act. v f-@P."' :+*q--pc p,f-s, c [ T y ("J E f"J!$~,~-~t~&~ gz; ,45 $9- *I. <IC; 1 % 1 L.* 53 ; kr -2- January .- 25, 1977 ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~..~~~-~-~~~~-. I -"..Jar*e7t " RECESS: Mayor Frazee callea for a recess at. 9:33 P.M., and the Council reconvened at 9:45 P.M. with all Council members present. c371 ESTABLISHMENT OF CITY GOALS AND PRIORITIES Councilman Skotnicki sugge'sted Council goals and objectives be established annually as an aid to Council and staff. He then referred to his memo dated January 10, 1977, which outlined the non-routine items he considered worthy of concentration during 1977. He indicated these were suggestions only and if Council desired, these could be changed. Council discussed the matter of Downtow.n- Redevelopment. It was questioned whether the property owners should be contacted in order to receive their reaction to downtown redevelop- ment, or whether the matter should be handled by the new Redevelopment Coordinator when he is hired. It was the concensus of Council that a letter be sent to the downtown property owners recon- firming Council's commitment to downtown redevelopment and expressing interest in receiving ideas; then after the ne'w Redevelop- ment Coordinator has been hired, a formal meeting will be held with all parties concerned Council discussed the possibility of consolidat ing the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with the City's water operations. Procedures were questioned, and the City Manager responded that a meeting should be held with. the.CMWD's Board of Directors. If an agreement cannot be reache as a result of this meeting, the matter may be placed on a ballot for the voters to decide. Council directed staff to prepare a preliminary report in thirty days containing the pros and cons of consolidating the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with the City's water operations Also to be contained in the report are the various election.days which could be used if the matter is placed-on the ballot. Council questioned the progress of the swimming pool and the City Nanager reported it is pro- gressing satisfactorily. . Council concurred that the items contained in Councilman Skotnicki's memo are th.ose. that should be concentrated on during 1977. Council discussed establishing guidelines for staff to follow during preparation of the Budget. Councilman Skotnicki. expressed the desire that if a budget item is increased, the .reason be included as .to whether it is due to growth or a higher level of service. *, . 'w f"J-p{ OF $f-pg&g CQ* &, f"J&tN+" !kt$: !xxp i" I; kL.di,,&k 'g -3- January 25, 1977 ?x?.5&5 - D 0