HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-15; City Council; Minutesr r CITY , OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 15, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ~ ~~~ ~ 8 0 I ~~ ~ ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held January 25, 1977, were approved as presented. Minutes of the regular meeting held February 1, 1977, were approved as corrected. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held February 8, 1977, were approved as presented. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF THE PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of Bills for the General Expenses of the City; City Opera- tions $65,550.40; Water Operations. $4,369.41; Investments $E00,000 for a total of $659,955.81 for the period February 1, 1977 thru February 15, 1977, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $141,179.08 for the.period January 24, 1977 thru February 6, 1977, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Frazee announced that Item #'I of the Con- sent Calendar would be continued and requested that it be removed from the Consent Calendar. Further he stated a request had been received to remove Items 3 and 9 from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Skotnicki requested Item #4 also be removed. By unanimous consent, Items 1, 3, 4 and 9 were removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent calendar: [llO]2. AGENDA BILL #4065 - INSTALLATION OF WATER SYSTEM .IFl.P.RO.\J,EMENTS .IN. SUNNYHILL DR. , MacARTHUR - SIDE DR., DATE AVENUE, OLIVE AVENUE, AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY,- Resolution No. 4089, approving plans and specirications and authori- zing the City Clerk to invite bids for the con- struction of Waterline Improvements - Contract No. 1039, was adopted. AVENUE,' CLEARVIEW DRIVE, HIGHLAND DRIVE, HILL- [85] 5. AGENDA BILL #4066 - PUBLIC FACILITIES - LAND USE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. The application for 701 ComDrehensive Plannina Assistance Grant for Fiscal !ear 1977-78, was approved. [43] 6. AGENDA BILL #3789 - Supplement #i - REVIEW !CUP-9), Council requested a further Planning Commission report following the Planning Commis- sion report after review of the CUP by the Plan- ning Commission. OF .. SOUTH COAST ASPHALT - CONDITIONAC.USE PERMIT = COUNCILME COUNCILME , .I 7, I CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- r~ 8 0 February 15, 1977 C28I 7 AGENDA BILL #4004 - Supplement #1 - NORTH [451 C6UNTY LIFELINE - REQUEST FOR PAYMEFIT. Authoriza- c501 tion was given for payment to North County Lifelin for services rendered during the first half of fiscal year 1976-77, in accordance with their agreement with the City of Carlsbad. ~411 8. AGENDA BILL #4067 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - SAM PRIESTLY. Resolution No. 4092, denying a claim against tE City, was adopted. [100~110. AGENDA BILL #4069 - SALES TAX REVENUE DISTRI- BUTION. Resolution No. 4093. opposing the re- distribution of Sales =Tax Revenues on the basis of population, was adopted. [32] 11. AGENDA BILL #407r3 - DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES SALE OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES. Resalution No. 4094, protesting the practice of the Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles of sellinq the names and addresses of citizens upon request to any indi- vidual or company so requesting and urging repeal oft the law authorizing this practice,, was adopted. [28j 12. AGENDA BILL #4071 - DISBANDING CERTAIN CITY COMMITTEES. Resolution No. 4095, disbanding cer- tain City Committees, was adopted. Mayor Frazee announced that he had received some mail this date which indicated that the Department of Motor Vehicles has administratively discontinu- ed the practice of sellinu names and addresses of citizens, which relates to Consent Calendar Item No. 11. He also stated there are some pieces of legislation being submitted which would also accomplish that. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: [gg] 1. AGENDA. BILL #3653 - Supplement #2 - FINAL MAP . APPROVAL - LA COSTA VALE NO. 4 - LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. - - . . . . . . . . - It was agreed this matter be continued to the next regular meeting. '[gg] 3. AGE(DA BILL #3242 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSI'ON - QUAIL RIDGE - STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO, INC. - GT 74-4. The Public Works Administrator gave a brief report and suggested that a condition, to be known as Condition #2 be added to Resolution No. 4090. He stated the condition would read: "Prior to or concurrent with the final map recordation for the first unit, Elm Avenue riaht of way, together with construction slope easements, shall be offer- ed for dedication, from the westerly boundary of the first unit to the- southeast corner of the sub- division. Configuration of the easements shall be based on plans approved by the City Engineer". He stated the staff is recommending the Council concur with this condition. I 6 COUNCILME1 31 1 !, r. CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- - 8 0 I February 15, 1977 Councilman Skotnickl expressed concern with the availability of sewage capacity for this project and made certain inquiries. The Public Works Administrator responded that capacity would be available for this project and the Valle Verde Project which is the next agenda item, based on the preliminary report regarding the accuracy of plant flow. Views were expressed by other members of the Coun- cil regarding the project and the availability of sewage capacity. Councilman Lewis commented that he was not opposed to the project but wished to discuss it further in a workshop session. Further discussion ensued and the following Resolution was offered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 4090, 'APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 74-4), was adopted, subject to the addition of Condition #2, as indicated previously by the Public !4orks Ad'ministrator and recommended by the,staff. Councilman Lewis stated his "no" vote was based on his desire to review the matter of sewage capacity further as it relates to this project. 1991 4. AGENDA BILL #325.5 - Supplement #3 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - VALLE VERDE - DONALD P. LOKER. r-r 7~ ~1 L1 ILt'LI. The discussion held regarding the previous Agenda Bill was relative to this project and no further discussion was held. RESOLUTION NO. 4091, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP FOR CT 74-21, was adopted. [87'] 9. AGENDA BILL #4068 - AIR QUALITY MONITORING EQUIPMENT - ENCINA STACK MODIFICATION PROJECT. Mayor Frazee stated he would abstain from voting on thi-s matter since it involved San Diego Gas and Electric Company. A presentation was given by Mr. Mike Foley, Air Pollution Control District, regarding the loca- tions proposed for the air monitoring equipment, and the purpose of the equipment. Mr. George Flanders, 2168 Chestnut Avenue, Carls- bad, was heard by the Council and stated Conditio required that a full monitoring station be in- ~ ~ #14 of approval for the construction of the Stack i I stalled. Council discussion ensued reaarding the intent of Condition #14 of the Stack approval and it was felt by the Council that the proposed monitoring station near the San Diego Gas & Electric plant fulfilled the requirements imposed by Condition #14. 7 n COUNCJLMEh Motion Ayes xx Noes X Motion Ayes xx Noes X ' ;: , CITY . OF CA -4- Febru1,ary 15 , 19 77 -." . ,.. "---~- ~~ - 8 0 The Council concurred on the location of air monitoring sites and the equipment, as recommended by the Air Pollution Control District. I ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I - By minute motion, the reading of the. text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting was - waived: 1781 13. AGENDA BILL #4062 - VEHICLE ABANDONMENT/ C721 HI GHWm PATROL ENFORCEMENT. I [321 ORDINANCE NO. 5052, .AMENDING CHAPTER 10.52 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SEC- TIONS 10.52.040 AND 10.52.100 IN ACCORD WITH RE- CENT CHANGES TO THE STATE LAW REGARDING ABANDONED VEHICLES, was given a second reading and adopted. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: - BUS ROUTE ON TRIESTE DRIVE IN CARLSBAD. Mayor Frazee stated the Council was in receipt of a letter dated February 3, 1977, from Mrs. V. L. Oland regarding the bus route on Triest Drive, and that there were a number of people in the audience who were concerned with this matter. I It was agreed by the Council that those who wished to be heard be allowed to do so. The Council heard from Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, 4520 Trieste Drive and Mrs. William Olin, 4235 Triest Drive, who reviewed the reasons they wished to have the bus route changed so that buses do not travel on Trieste Drive. Some of the reasons were: hazardous to children, speed of buses and lack of use by residents in the area. Those who spoke stated the majority of peopde on Trieste Drive do not use the buses and do not want them. Mayor Frazee stated the matter has been discussed at the Mass Transit meetings and a report is forthcoming. It was agreed by the Council that no action be taken pending a report from the Mass Transit District. I RECESS: The Mayor called for a recess at 8:35 P.M and Council reconvened at 8:51 P.M. , with all Council Members present. I - PUBLIC HEARINGS: I [I141 13. AGENDA BILL #4072 - CREATION OF COMMERCIAL TOURIST ZONE -(ZCA-83j - CITY GF CARLSBAD. A report was given by the Acting Planning Director who answered questions from the Council. He stated it was recommended that City Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents adopti.ng ZCA-83 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1317, changing Section 21.29.020 to read: =a mNClLME I. I CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- February 15, 1977 - 8 a 1 "21.29.020 Applicati,,on: It is intended 'that the C-T zone be placed on properties that are access- ible to interregional traffic or recreation areas as designated by the General Plan and any applica- ble Specific Plans. A C-T zone district shall hav a minimum area of three acres of adjacent proper- ties. A public street may separate adjacent pro- perties provided a portion of the properties are directly across the street. from each other." The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to be heard. Since no one wished to be heard, the public hearin was closed at 9:35 P.M. The City Manager reported briefly that it is his intent that all CUP'S be placed on the Council Agenda as informational items prior to the Plannin Commission's public hearing on the conditional use permit to allow the Council an opportunity to review with the staff any permit which may be of interest. Brt'ef discussion was held by the Coun,cil and the City Attorney was directed to prepare the docu- ments necessary for approval in conformance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 1317, to includ the recommendation reaarding Section 21.29.020, as indicated previously in the staff report given by the Acting Planning Director. E1131 15. AGENDA BILL #4073 - AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN - VALE I1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. A brief report was given by the Acting Planning Director. Since no one in the audience wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 9:45 P.M. Council discussion was held and the City Attorney for approval deleting a portion of Specific Plan (SP-38[A]) in conformance with Planning Commissior Resolution No. 1320. . was directed to prepare the documents necessary ,[99] 16. AGEqDA BILL #3069 - Supplement #1 - APPROVAL [113]0F TENTATIVE MAP (CT 76-1-2) AND PLANNED UNIT' DEVELOPMENT (PUD-4) - CALAVERA HILLS - ROBERT LADWIG - AGENT. A lengthy staff report was given by the Acting Planning Director and reference was made to a transparency of the subject property, and wall exhibits. The report i,ncl uded background infor- mation and a review of the surrounding properties. The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to be heard and the following persons spoke: Mr. Robert Ladwig, Rick Engineering, Carlsbad, wa: heard on behalf of the develop,er. He responded tc questions by the Council and urged the Council's favorable approval of this project. I I E C C (8 I 3 I COUNClLMEl 1 Motion Ayes xxx Mot i on Ayes .x x x I ~ .J - 8 a 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- February 15, 1977 Mr. George Flanders,, 2168 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsba expressed a number of concerns in connection with the project. He stated he did not feel the pro- ject met the requirements of the PUD Ordinance and requested consideration be given access, slope Tamarack Avenue and the sewer capacity as it re- lates to the proposed project. ( !! The Mayor inql!ired if anyone else wished to be heard and since there was no one else, the P.blic Heari ng was cl osed. Ler!ghty discussion ensned with members of the Councl'l expressing their concerns. It was moved that the Public He.;ri!?g be reopened and that the matter be continued to an adjnurned regajar meeting for a workshop session on February 22, 1977. DEPARTMENTAL AN5 CITY, M.4NA'rER REPnRTS: P1 arming a ,I [I131 17: AGENDA BILL #4057 - Supplement #,l - GRANTING ZONE CHANGE - DAVID KOYL. I This matter was returned for documents and t.he following Fesolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTICN NO. 4096, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS 4.ND DE- CISION REGARDING CHAhGE OF ZCNE (ZC-183) FROM R-1-7500 TO RD-M ON 1.4 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NEST SIGE OF FREEWAY 1-5 BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND MADISON STREETS. The fol?owing OrdinaRce was introdLlced for a first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 9477, AMENDING TITLE 27 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE EY AMENDING THE ZONING I MAP TO GRAFjT A CHAKGE C)F ZONE (ZC-183) FROM R-l- . 7500 TO-RD-M FOR 1.4 ACRES GENERALLY LQCATED ON TkiE WEST SIDE OF FREEWAY 1-5 BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND MF.DISON STREETS. C173118. AGENDfl. BILL #4074 - LA COSTA MASTER ARCHAEO- c ~~ILOGICAL SURVEY. I The Acting 'Planning Director gave a brief stsff report and stated the-Archaeo!ogist who assisted in preparihg the report was ir! the audience. Mr. Charles Bole, Recon, inc. 5620 Friars Rgad, Sar. Diego, was heard by the Council. Mr. Bole requested permission to write an @pen letter to the Council regardin2 a summary of procedures necessary to prepare these types of documents for surveys of this type. The Council stated they would appreciate a Setter as suggested. Also heard was Mr. Fred Morey, representing La Costa Land Company and Mr. Aller! Kelly. Mr. Kelly also addressed Agenda Item #i9. Disctrssion by the Councii followed and acceptance war given the staff recommendation that the following Council action be taken: COUNCJLMEb I ~ i, ¶ Motion xxx Ayes x Motion By e s xxx No ti on Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx .I - 8 0 'c CITY OF CARLSBAD -7- February 15, I977 1 1) Find that the report entitled "An Intensive Archaeological Reconnaissance of La Costa" is an adequate description of archaeological resources in La Costa, recognizing that. findings in the report are preliminary and may be yodifiec! as fur- ther information is revealed as part of the enviro mental review for individua? projects. 2) Direct the staff te incorporate the report as appropriate for any EIR prepared for the La Costa area. 3) Recognize that in order to mitigate impacts to the archaeological resources described in the re- port or otherwise found, the City, in connection with the processing of environnental documents shall require the applicant to submit a research design prepared by a competent archaeologist out- lining the scientific methods to be employed in investigating any identifieci archaeological re- source. If an identified archaeolo9ical resource is to be preserved or requires nn mitigation, the applicant shal! submit a lette.r from a competent archaeologist stating the reasons why such course of action is appropriate. The Planning Director shall revie!! the proposed methods of mi tjgation and consult with archaeological review agencies to ensure that the mitigation proposed is appro- priate and scientifically defensible. n C70j 19. AGENnA BILL #4075 - ADOPE RUINS OF STAGE [871 STATION IN LA COSTA - SA?\lTA FE KNOLLS. I A brief report was given by the Acting Planning Director which was concluded by the statement that the Pianning Commission referred this matter, following their review, with a request that the City Council initiate certain necessary action to preserve the site. Brief discussion was held and acceptaRce given the P7anr.ing Commission recommendation that the City Council initfate the following action: 7) IRstruct the staff to construct. a 6i chain ?ink fence around the ruins. 2) Instruct the st;lff to pnst a sign which would indicate what the ruir?s are, that they are ccni cidered an impertant historical site, and that trespassers wil1 be prosecEted. 3). Consi.i,er, in conjunction with the park develop ment, lcng terrr! preservation of the ruins. - Fubi ic ihiorks. I [701 20. ,: AGENDA BILL 83233 - Supplement #2 - CARRILLO [45j RANCH PARK SITE. [Si 1 A brief report was given by the City Hanager who stated the Cit-y Engineer had not hac! an oppcrtuni- ty to review the documents. The following Resolution was adopted by title onty 1 - RESGLUTION NO. 4059, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSEAD AND CARRILLO RANCHO I PARTZERSNIP FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE TO PARK SITE TO CITY OF CARLSBAD AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. I COUNCILME1 36 - Motion Ayes XXX Motion X Ayes .. xx Noes X : Z! CITY OF CARLSBAD - 8- February 15, 1977 Further, it was mov3d that the City Council acknow ledge receipt of the deeds for pa.rk parcel and easement fcr the access road and acceptance of the conveyance, subject to the review and approval by the City Engineer. C991 21. AGEiu'DA BILL #32?3 - Supplement #4 - FIF!AL MAP APPROVAL (CT 73-25:) - CARRILLO ESTATES UNIT #1 - KAISE2-AETNA. The City ManaGer reported on this matter and stated the park site is for 10 acres rather than 16 acres as indjcated on the Agenda Bill. It was agreed that the Final Map for Carlsbacl Tract 73-29, Unit #1 [Carri!lo Estates) be appro'! ed subject to the verif-ication of a 10 acre park sfte dedscation. E7O1 22. AGENDA BILL #4076 - COASTAL BICYCLE EOUTE. 'I A lengthy staff report was given by the Public Works AdmSnistrator providing backgro!nd informa- tion and exp'iaining the manner in which funds could be obtained for bicycle routes. The reques at this time is to apprsve application for Local Transpsrtation Funds (L.T.F.) Bikeways Calim for Fiscal Year 1977-78 for the City's portion of the Coastal Bicycle Route (6.2 miles long). Authorization was given the staff to submit Local Transportation Funds Bikeway Claim as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the Agenda Bill. [104]23. AGENDA BILL #4077 - ADVISORY GROUP TO DIVI- SiON FMASS TRANS.PORTATION. I The Public Works Administrator reported a request had been received from the Division of Mass Trans portation for the appointment of a member of the City Cour!cil to serve on an Advisory Group. Brief discussion was held and it was agreed that Councilman Skotnicki be appointed to serve on the Mass Transportation Advisory Group. E281 24. AGENDA BILL #4047 - Supplement #1 - UNDER- GROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, It was agreed by the Council that consideration would be given the appointment of a member of the Underground Utility Advisory Committee and the matter be continued to the next regular meeting. City Manager. I C74l 25. AGENDA BILL #4078 - ADDITIONAL POLICE 1781 SERGEANT. I: 501 I The City Manager reported the need for an addi- tional Police Sergeant which would create a new position. He stated a pormotion would be made within the department and the hiring of a new police person would be initiated. RESOLUTION NO. 4097, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE RESERVE ACCOUNT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY ACCOUNT, was adopted by title I only. COUNCILMEN . Motion X Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion x x .x Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx: Motion Ayes xxx .'t ,% ,a : CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN -9- February 15, 1977 [53] 26. AGENDA BILL 83549 - Supplement #1 - PROPOSED [45] CONTRACT FOR SEKVIC'ES OF. CABLE TELEV.I,SION CO'N- SULTANT. The City Manager introduced Mr. Lebert and Mr. Deal, Consultants from Alta California Systems, Inc., whose proposal has been recommended for acceptance by the City Council. Kr. Lebert, with the aid of charts, made a lengthy presentation to the Cotincil. Following the pre- sentation, questions by the Council were answered by Mr. Lebert and Mr. Deal. Further discussion was held and the following Re- solutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4098, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER Motion X TO CONTRACT WITH ALTA. SYSTEMS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. Ayes xxx: FOR CABLE TELEVISION CONSULTANT SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 4099, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE Motion X OF FUNDS FOR CABLE TELEVISION CONSULTANT SERVICES. Ayes x x x.1 m [28] 27. AGENDA BILL #3493 - Supplement #1 - AFFIRMA- [74] TIVE ACTIO?! ADVISORY COMMITTEE. It was agreed by the Council that th.e report be directed to set this matter for a workshop session. Ayes XXX) received for further review and the staff was Motion ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:16 P.M. Respectfully submitted, >/&A . NORA K. GARDINER 'Deputy City Clerk '. 0