HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-22; City Council; Minutes.. B - 0 @ - CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCJLMEI 1 7 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 22, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 35 ROLL CALL : Presen Council agreed to reverse the order of the agenda. , :'[92] 2. CARLSBAD CAPACITY - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION - CONTROL FACILITY. I A staff report was given by the Public Works Administrator, Mr. Ron Beckman. He outlined his memorandum to the City Manager and recapped the problem of sewer capacity in Carlsbad. With the aid of a blackboard sketch, he indicate the location of the current sewage treatment plant, the three major lines leading into the plant'as well as the location of the meters on each line. He indicated that a continual pro- blem has been the inaccuracy of the meters. Mr. Beckman then reported on the history and current status of Phase 111, indicating that the Environmental Impact Report of the project is awaiting approval by the Environmental Protec- tion Agency. Further, if the project progresses without any further problems, projected com- pletion time would be approximately five years. 1 Mr. Beckman concluded his report by noting it is estimated that in three to five years, Carlsbad will be running out of capacity if the flow rate remains consistent. He outlined the various courses of action that the City might follow. Various factors were questioned by Council. Among those were what actually happens to the plant when it reaches its "full" capacity, and would it be possible to expand the current plant as it is operated today. Also questioned . . was the possibility of any agency exceeding its allotment for sewage. Council commented on the various courses of action that may be taken by the City and ex- pressed the desire for further information as well as public reaction to the problem. Staff was instructed to prepare the documents Motion necessary to increase sewer connection fees Ayes from $250 to $500 per dwelling unit effective as soon as possible. Council also requested they be furnished with an additional report on the matter. RECESS: The Mayor called for a recess at 9:13 P.M. and the Council reconvened with all Council members present at 9:27 P.M. I t I xxx xxx - 0 0 I CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- February 22, 1977 1 [99] 1. AGENDA BILL #3069 - Supplement No. 1 - [113] APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CALAVERA HILLS. , It was noted the item was continued from the meeting of February 15, 1977. The Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave an additional staff report responding to questions that had been raised at the February 15th meeting which had not been answered relative to the park requirements, parking for the park site, RV storage area, maintenance of the open- space area. Referring to a wall exhibit, he indicated that the intersection at Tamarack and El Camino Real had been reworked. The Mayor then opened the Pub1 ic Hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard. I Mr. Robert Ladwig, Rick Engineering, Carlsbad, expressed the feeling that the new design of the Tamarack intersection was an improvement. He then responded to questions by Council. Mr. Robert Watson, 3690 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad spoke briefly in favor of the project. Mr. Eric Larson, 1355 Forrest Ave., Carlsbad, expressed the felling that the increased costs which would be required for the extension of Tamarack and providing services to the project would be too great. He further stated he felt the approval of this project would result in loss of prime agricultural projects in the vicinity. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 1O:Ol P.M. Councilman Skotnicki expressed concern about the requirements such as electricity, water and sewage and the City's ability to service the development with same. He also indicated it would probably hasten development in the sur- rounding area and hamper agriculture development in the vicinity. Councilwoman Casler expressed disappointment in the project as presented under the Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Councilman Packard indicated distance from facilities had not been a concern in the past. Councilman Lewis expressed concern regarding impact on the sewer. Mayor Frazee expressed the opinion that a pro- ject should not be denied due to the distance from facilities. COUNCILME1 ~ r- , ,. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -3- February 22, 1977 The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents necessary for denying without pre- Motion (Calavera Hills). Noes judice Tentative Map CT 76-12 and PUD-4 Ayes By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:27 P.M. Respectfully submitted, xx X / a %/Kd- NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary @