HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-05; City Council; MinutesP sz%.%- @ w CITY OF c D- Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) ' Date of Meeting: April 5, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers &"XV " r."CIICR- ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held March 15, 1977, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held March 22, 1977, were approved as presented. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF- PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Opera- tions $395,490.48; Water Department $48,184.21; Net Payroll Transfer $181,670.67 for a total of $625,345.36 for the period flarch 16, 1977 throug March 31, 1977, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payrol in the amount of $142,168.22 for the period March 6, 1977 through March 20, 1977, as certi- fied by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Skotnicki requested Item No. 13 be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion The following items with the exception of Item No. 13, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. c531 1. AGENDA BILL #5003 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized the refund of the overpayment [28] 2. AGENDA BILL #5004 - REQUEST FOR OFFICE SPACE [70j NORTH COUNTY LIFELINE. Council decided to wait until the Senior Citizen's utilization of the Harding Street Community Center is evaluated before making a determination regarding usage by such organizations as,North County Lifeline. p; c411 cs 31 c341 DO1 E961 3. AGENDA BILL #5005 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - JANSS CORPORATION. Resolution No. 5018, denying a claim against the City, was adopted. 4. AGENDA BILL #5006 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLAY- GROUND EQUIPMENT. Resolution No. 5019, approvin specifications and authorizing the Purchasing Agent of the City to invite bids for playground equipment, was adopted. 5. AGENDA BILL #5007 - REQUEST FOR FOUR WAY STOP - HARDING STREET AND OAK AVENUE. Council determined that the motorist and pedestrian traffic at the intersection of Harding Street ar Oak Avenue be reviewed after the Community Cent6 has been utilized by the Senior Citizens. srjzl h 1 S. - - c 1c !Y WNCfLME I. CITY OB D- -2- - B B P April 5, 1977 * .. .. "ir"-",-&~F"m - CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) c101 I E991 C991 E721 [ 781 c87 1 1501 C971 Dl1 [ 701 [41 I C98 3 6. AGENDA BILL #3292 - Supplement #3 - EXTENSIOI CAB COMPANY. Council granted the second one-yea% extension of the Certificate of Convenience and OF CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE - ENCINITAS YELLOW Necessity for Encinitas Yellow Cab Company. 7. AGENDA BILL #787 - Supplement #2 - ACCEPTANCI OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CT 72-11 (Buena Woods Unit #2). Council accepted the public improve- ments as completed, directed the Utilities/Maintt nance Director to commence maintenance, the Finance Director to release deposits in the amoul of $703.08, and the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release the applicable bonds. 8. AGENDA BILL #3101 - Supplement #3 - FINAL NORTH OF ADAMS - KAMAR CONSTRUCTION. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 74-6. MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 74-6 EAST SIDE OF PARK DRIV 9. AGENDA BILL #5008 - NO PARKING ZONE - PASEO DEL NORTE SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. Resolu tion No. 5020, designating a parking restriction on Paseo Del Norte South of Palomar Airport Road- was adopted. 10. AGENDA BILL #5009 - VAPOR BARRIER CONTROL. Resolution No. 5021, authorizing the transfer of funds for vapor control barrier, was adopted. 11. AGENDA BILL #5010 - RESURFACING AND CHIP SEALING OF CITY STREETS - FY 1976-77. Council approved the list of streets to be resurfaced or chip seal coated as submitted, and instructed staff to prepare contract documents for bid. 12. AGENDA BILL #5011 - ACOUISITION OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO HOLIDAY PARK. Council authorized staff to obtain an appraisal on the Kreuger property located at the northeast corner of Holiday Park. 14. AGENDA BILL #5013 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - ENRIQUE MORA. Resolution No. 5023, denying a claim against the City, was adopted. 15. AGENDA BILL #4097 - Supplement #1 - STREET NAME CHANGES - SNC-1. Resolution No. 5024, changing certain conflicting street names in the City of Carlsbad pursuant to City Council Policy Statement No. 20 (SNC-I), was adopted. ~ K1 [llO] 16. AGENDA BILL #4065 - Supplement #3 - INSTALLA Resolution No. 5025, accepting bids and authoriz ing the execution of Contract No. 1030 for con- TION OF WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT NO. 103 struction of waterline improvements, was adopted Resolution No. 5026, authorizing the transfer of funds for Contract No. 1030, the construction of water1 ine improvements, was adopted. IE.5 v r E - e- nt E - - - Y - - 1 - - h -4A D D CI"Y OF CA -3- April 5, 1977 LLP - . ..-TC,.T" .L,c&?%"~a>~ r."., ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: 13. AGENDA BILL #5012 - TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE FOR BICYCLE RACES. Councilman Skotnicki expressed concern about the inconvenience to residents of the area and quest'ioned whether they had been contacted. Staff indicated only two homes would have to get through the barricade and the otherswould be required to take a slightly different route. Council recognized Mr. Dale Morrison, President of Carlsbad Bicycle Club. Mr. Morrison stated that the residents had all been contacted and no objections were received. RESOLUTION NO. 5022, TEMPORARILY CLOSING SEVERAL SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, was adopted. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: STREETS IN THE ALGA ROAD-EL FUERTE STREET AREA By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting, was waived. 17. AGENDA BILL #4086 - Supplement #1 - ZONE AND BOB NEELY. CHANG--7) - RONALD BONAGUIDI, WAYNE LILL The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9479, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-187) FROM R-3 TO R-P-Q (RESIDENTIAL-PROFESSIONAL-QUALIFIED) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG PI0 PIC0 BETHEEI PINE AVENUE AND OAK AVENUE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 18. AGENDA BILL #4053 - Supplement #1 - SPECIFIl PLAN (SP-l15A), PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-6) AND TENTATIVE MAP (CT 76-15) - DOUGLASS-SOUTHWES' CORPORATION. The Acting Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave staff report indicating the location of the pro- ject on a wall transparency. He noted the matter had previously been to Council and had been returned to staff to work out the various areas considered by Council to be problems. He then referred to several wall exhibits and outlined the changes that had been made to the previous proposed project. He further suggested the addition of two condi-, tions should Council desire to approve the project. First, that the applicant be required to submit a new Specific Plan; and second, that the park-in-lieu fees be adjusted with regard to the Tentative Map. 7< c 1. c 1 -. C WNGII,bAE b b5 :- ) - Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes 3%9zziRmszx D B Ti= CITY OF c D- -4- April 5, 1977 ""r" z. I ~ : , - . ,r Council questioned if the applicant would be required to contribute to a traffic signal at El Camino, and expressed concern regarding the grade of Tamarack. The Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mr. Dan Salerno, architect, representing the applicant,'indicated the two additional conditio1 would present no problem. He further stated the traffic signal was provided for by the first subdivision that was approved. He then respondec to questions by Council. Mr. John Douglass of Douglass-Southwest respondel to Council's question concerning the possibility of Skyview Drive being completed in its entirety He indicated that negotiations in this regard should be completed following Council's ap-proval of the project. Mayor Frazee referenced a letter from Margaret M Brownley, 4120 Skyline Road, Carlsbad, in which she expressed her desire that the project be, approved. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:53 P.M. Council discussed at length the various aspects of the project, as well as the possibility of imposing conditions requiring the installation of water conserving devices during construction. - [lo1 I Council directed the City Attorney to prepare th documents necessary approving deletion of a portion of SP-115A and approving CT 76-15 and PUD-6 as per Planning Commission Resolutions #1337, #1335 and #1336 subject to a new Specific Plan being submitted, readjustment of the park fees on Tentative Map and that all water saving devices be included in construction; further tha a statement be included regarding sewer capacity not being guaranteed at the time developer appli for a building permit. 19. AGENDA BILL #5014 - CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY - RALPH BURNETTE. The City Manager indicated a request had been received from the applicant for a continuance to the meeting of May 3, 1977. Mr. Jack Knox of A-1 Taxi, was recognized by Council. He stated the applicant was in the process of purchasing his taxi service and the sale had not been finalized, which resulted in the request for a continuance. Council granted the applicant's request for a . continuance of the matter to the meeting of May 3, 1977. -m < L E t E rnN@BbME rs. .a. D D -z= CITY QF CARLS -5- April 5, 1977 " . .?F""" , . , - .=7m I [99] 20. AGENDA BILL #3253 - Supplement #1 - TENTA- TIVE TRACT MAP AMENDMENT - (CT 74-14A) - RUSSELL W. GROSSE (IDMC). The Acting Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave staff report stating the request was for minor revisions to an already existing Tract Map. He stated the most significant change was reflected in the applicant's request to build the project in three phases rather than four. 1 He then noted that all conditions of the first approval had been modified to meet current standards and .suggested that Condition 23 be changed to reflect that all conditions of the original approval be superceded except the date of approval of the Tentative Map. The Mayor then declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mr. Cliff Burford, Director of Planning, IDMC, 5850 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, representing the applicant stated he would respond to any ques- tions Council may have, and requested approval of the project. Mr. John Wachter, 3575 Catalina Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He stated the traffic pro- blem in that area is currently quite a problem, and if this were approved, traffic would become increasingly worse. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 8:40 P.M. Council instructed the City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary approving CT 74-14A as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1333 sub- ject to Cond.ition 23 being changed to reflect that all conditions of the original approval be superceded except ttie date of approval of the Tentative Map; further that a condition be added requiring all water saving devices be included in construction, and that a statement be in- cluded regarding sewer capacity not being guaranteed at the time developer applies for a building permit. RECESS: The Mayor called a recess at 8:42 P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:OZ P.M. with all Council Members present. The City Manager introduced Mr. James Hagaman, the new'Planning Director, to the Council. - PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) I I [98] 21. AGENDA BILL #5015 - STREET NAME CHANGE - I SNC 11, (LOS PINOS, UNICORNIO, ALISMA ANDMIMOSA). The Acting Planning Director, Bud Plender, in his staff report, indicated that the only street that had residents was Los Pinos, and all had -been contacted regarding the proposed change. Further that no objections had been rec'eived at the Planning Commission meeting. 68UNCibME h & Motio Ayes Noes 7zxxSs D D CITY OF 6 -6- A ril 5, 1977 "-7- .- . . 1 I The Mayor declared the pub1 ic hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Since no one wished to be heard, the public hearing was closed at 9:lO P.M. I The following Resolution was adopted by title on1 : 11 I RESOLUTION NO. 5027, CHANGING CERTAIN CONFLICTING STREET NAMES IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURSUANT TO I I CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 20 (SNC 11). 1 Since the following item related to 'San Diego Gas and Electric holdings, Mayor Frazee relinquished the Chair to Vice-Mayor Lewis. [173] 22. AGENDA BILL #3625 - Supplement #2 - SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (SP-144C) - SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. I The Acting Planning Director gave a staff report with the aid of a transparency and a wall exhibit showing the requested change. I The Vice-Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard on the, matter. Mr. Mike Dudley, Supervisor of Land Planning for San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Mr. R. V. Peltier, mechanical engineer of the project, responded to various questions by Council. I Since no one else wished to be heard, the Vice- Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:17 P.M. I The City Attorney was directed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of SP-l44(C) as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1338. I The Vice-Mayor then relinquished the Chair to Mayor Frazee. I C1141 23. AGENDA BILL #3697 - Supplement #1 - DELETION E431 OF ZONE CODE REQUIREMENT: CUP FOR PRINTING OPERATIONS - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Following- a brief staff report by the Acting Planning Director, the Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Since no one wished to be heard, the public hearing was closed at 9:22 P.M. I The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs reading only: 9 ORDINANCE NO. 9480, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTERS 21.28 AND 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY I THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21.28.010 AND 21.42.010 LATIONS REGARDING PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, ENGRAVINE PHOTOCOPYING, DUPLICATING AND SIMILAR USES. TO REVISE THE PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USE REGU- WNCILk4E ¶ 1 1 CITY cXxJNClh-k4E -7- April 5, 1977 m%zzGGz"- "- .I - , ' * "ZT" B [99] 24. AGENDA BILL #5016 - TENTATIVE MAP - (CT 77-4 S. & L. ENTERPRISES. Following a brief staff report, the Mayor asked i anyone wished to be heard, and opened the public hearing. Mr. Farris Wankier of S.-& L. Enterprises, indica ted he would be happy to respond to any questions Council may have. I Since no one else wished to be heard, the public hearing was closed a.t 9:26 P.M. The City Attorney was instructed to p-repare the documents necessary for approval of CT 77-4 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1339, subject to a statement being included regarding sewer capacity not being guaranteed at the time developer applies for a building permit. [lo51 HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 9:28 P.M. and reconvened at 9:43 P.M.. with all Counci 1 Members present. I DEPARTMENTAL AND.CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning I [99] 25. AGENDA BILL #4096 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIV MAP (CT 77-1) - JOHN McKEAWD. I This matter was returned for documents. The following Resolution was adopted by title on1 RESOLUTION NO. 5030, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, WITH RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ON APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE OF PROPERTY GENERALLY TWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND BUENA VISTA AVENUE. TENTATIVE MAP (CT 77-1) FOR A 15-UNIT, 1-LOT LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET BE- I [57] 26. AGENDA BILL #4092 - Supplement #1 - GENERAL PLAN ANENDMENTS - GPA-40 - PEGGY HADLEY, GPA-43 - CITY OF CARLSBAD AND GPA-44 - L. BRUCE STALLARD. I This matter was returned for documents. 'I The following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5014, -DENYING A REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY TWEEN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE ALTA MIRA LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF PASEO DEL NORTE BE- RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. (GPA-40). RESOLUTION NO. 5015, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMEb NATION FOR TWO AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN AND DENYING A PROPOSED CHANGE REGARDING BATIOUITC LAGOON. (GPA-43(3) and (5) and GPA-43(a)). OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIG- m 1 f - E - Y Y - 1 IT IS CITY F CARLS -8- -?-r-- April 5, 1977 .d , ~"~~-~~-~"-.*~-~~-~~~ D RESOLUTION NO. 5016, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMEN NATION FOR TWO AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN. (GPA-43(1) and (4)). RESOLUTION NO. 5017, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMEN NATION FROM T-S (TRAVEL SERVICE) TO R.R.E. LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA ENCINAS NORTH OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIG- OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIG- (EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY OF PALOMAR ROAD AND WEST OF FREEWAY 1-5. (GPA-44) 11131 27. AGENDA BILL #32~43 - Supplement #2 - AMENDMEN 1451 1991 TO MASTER PLAN - VALLE VERDE (CARLSBAD OAKS). ~ The City Manager gave a brief report on the matte Following discussion, the following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5028, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SANTA FE COMPANY AND FOR THE PROVISION AND COMPENSATION OF SERVICE TO PROVIDE AN ECONOMIC IMPACT REPORT ON THE CARLSBAD OAKS MASTER PLAN. RESOLUTION NO. 5029, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ASHLEY ECONOMICS, MIC IMPACT REPORT ON THE CARLSBAD OAKS MASTER PLA INC. FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO PROVIDE AN ECONO- 11051 28. AGENDA BILL #3542 - Supplement #2 - SECOND 1951 YEAR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN S I DEWALKS . The Acting Planning Director gave a staff report. He indicated the various factors used in deter- mining the locations suggested for the sidewalks. D Council questioned the most desirable areas for sidewalks not being included. Staff responded that though other areas are more desirable, the City does not have right of way in those areas, and shortage of time would not allow obtaining same. Council questioned the City constructing sidewalk in some areas while requiring some property owner to install their own. Further, Council question€ the possibility of installing temporary sidewalks and requiring property owners to install permaner sidewalks at the time the property is developed. Council also expressed the concern that other areas may be more suitable for installing sidewal than th0s.e suggested by staff. It was the concensus of Council that staff reviev the matter further and return to Council with an additional report, suggesting alternatives. rnMCILME - .* =A- D D ITY OF CARL -9- TApril 5, 1977 &.Z". ~." " - .e-.. . ,~.~ .a . 1 Pub1 ic Works I [93j 29. AGENDA BILL #2261 - Supplement #3 - SEWER CONNECTION FEE ORDINA-NCE .MODIFICATIONS. Following a brief report by the City Manager, the following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading only: ORDINANCE NO. 7046, AMENDING CHAPTERS 13.08 AND ~ , , , 18.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE I AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 13.08.085 AND 18.04.025 ~ REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF SEWER CONNECTION FEES AN i THEIR RELATION TO BUILDING PERMITS. I I m5l 30. AGENDA BILL #3360 - Supplement #2 - FEDERAL [lo41 AID URBAN (FAU) PROCEDURES AND PROJECT LISTS. I The Public Works Administrator gave a brief repor on the matter. Following discussion by Council, the following Resolutions were adopted by title ~ only: I .U RESOLUTION NO. 5031, APPROVING THE REVISED SAN DIEGO URBANIZED AREA FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM PROCEDURES. RESOLUTION NO. 5032, APPROVING THE SAN DIEGO PROGRAM LIST. URBANIZED AREA FEDERAL AID URBAN MULTI-YEAR C971 31. AGENDA BILL #2078 - Supplement #3 - POINSETT E831 BRIDGE OVERCROSSING. The City Manager indicated this was on the agenda strictly as an information item at this time. City Manager I c97-1 32. AGENDA BILL #5000 - Supplement #1 - PURCHASE c501 CONTROL FACILITY. ~341 OF MODULAR OFFICE UNIT - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION I Following a brief report by the City Manager, the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5036, ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHOR- IZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHAS OF A MODULAR OFFICE UNIT. [1111 33. AGENDA BILL #5017 - WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM. I The City Manager gave a brief report on the matte Councilman Skotnicki expressed the feeling that the program as presented would be a one-time effort and would be forgotten, and that a long term comprehensive program was needed. He furthe stated the entirety of the conservation shouldn't be restricted to only the homeowner, but should ' encompass business and agriculture as well. He stressed the importance of' educating the public of the necessity for conserving water. 7-33 D t I E r r WNCILME & A& Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes 4 - Motion Ayes 4. ITY OF CARL% - 10 - April 5, 1977 . .__ ““*“%<“P .. ‘I D’ The following Resolutions were adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5033, URGING ALL OF THE CITIZENS OF THE COMMUNITY TO UNDERTAKE ENERGY MEANS OF CONSERVING WATER AND TO REDUCE THE WASTE OF THIS PRECIOUS COMMODITY. RESOLUTION NO. 5034, REQUESTING AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF $3,000 FROM THE WATER FUND WATER CONSERVATION. BALANCE (FUND 50-000-0900) FOR THE PURPOSES OF I [34] 34. AGENDA BILL #3647 - Supplement #3 - CITY - [45] CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AGREEMENT. ~ Following a brief report by the City Manager, Council approved the request by the Chamber of Commerce for an additional month to submit their proposed Annual Statement and proposed budget; expiration date of extension to be April 30, 1977 [51] 35. AGENDA BILL #5018 - ADOPTION OF THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE. Title to the following Ordinance was read and. the matter set to public hearing on May 3, 1977: ORDINANCE NO. 2032, AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.04, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 17.04.010 THROUGH 17.04.130 INCLUSIVE, AND BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 17.04.140 THROUGH 17.04.340 INCLUSIVE, TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITI0.N OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS. I [lo51 36. AGENDA BILL #5019 - ANTI-RECESSION FISCAL [501 ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. D The City Manager gave a report on the matter stating the staff is requesting Council approval of the specified amounts and purposes indicated in the Agenda Bill in addition to those which have already been approved from the Anti-Recessio Fiscal Assistance Program. Councilman Skotnicki expressed his feeling that due to the nature of the funds, they should be utilized strictly for personnel. RESOLUTION NO. 5035, APPROPRIATING ANTI-RECESSION FISCAL AID FUNDS, was adopted. I C62I 37. AGENDA BILL #5020 - BEVERAGE REUSE AND RECYCLING ACT. The City Manager reported a request had been received from Mr. Don Szalay, Chairman of the North County Citizens for Employment, Energy and. Environment, for Council support of SB 4, the Beverage Reuse and Recycling Act. By minute motion, th.e Council instructed the Mayor to convey support of Sena-te Bill 4. to the appropriate representatives. T 1 CCWNCILME ! I '3" I) B CITY OF rnNCILLME " ~ - 11 - 6. = I April 5, 1977 . ---cy<.%. " * [65] 38. AGENDA BILL #3743 - Supplement #1 - REQUEST [50 FOR FUNDING - CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZEN'S ASSOCIATI1 Following a brief report by the City Manager, Council instructed staff to make funds in the amount of $1,333.00 available from contingency fund, account 1-139-2790, for the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association rental payments, for the remainder of fiscal year 1976-77. E811 39. AGENDA BILL #5021 - LEASE OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTYIPERALTA. The City Manager indicated the City had been contacted regarding the possibility of leasing property for the purpose of growing vegetables. However, in considering if the growing of crops on the property would have any effect on future use of the land by the City, Council- may wish to file the matter. The request by Mr. Peralta was acknowledged by Council and ordered filed. 1891 40. AGENDA BILL #5022 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SUMMIT CONFERENCE. Councilman Skotnicki was appointed as the City of Carlsbad representative to attend a joint session of the Board of Supervisors and the City of San Diego on economic development to be held April 13, 1977. m-1 41. AGENDA BILL #5023 - AUTHORITY AND COMMISSION 1943 TERMS EXPIRING DURING APRIL, 1977. [ 2G] Mayor Frazee stated this item was to call attenti to the upcoming vacancies. He then referenced a letter received from Mrs. Martha R. Ganoe wherein she resigned from the Committee on Senior Citizen Affairs. Lengthy discussion was held as to the procedure to be used for these appointments since no action had been taken on the procedures recommended by Councilman Packard and Councilman Skotnicki in their review of the Appointment Procedures. It was generally agreed that the appointment pro- cedure continue as it has in the past. The Mayor indicated he would appreciate Council's review and comments on the applications received. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Senate Bill 201 [621 The City Attorney informed Council that Senate [91] Bill 201 has been passed by the Senate Committee, and it had not been necessary for staff to appeal at the public hearing. mzs p -. CI ', j 73 1. Motion Ayes Motion Ayes n S .. CITY OF CARLS - 12 - ADril 5, 1977 T&7-Y" I) D I" Ii .- 3Zsa??":"->"F CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [68j Coastal Commission The City Manager stated a representative from the State Coastal Commission had called and indicated they were going to proceed to give citizen exemp- tions for R-1 and R-2 residences on existing lots of record, and it would not affect the City's issuing of permits. [92] Sewer Capacity ~91 The City Flanager stated that Supervisors Hamilton and Hedgecock of the Board of Supervisors would be available on April' 7, 1977, from P:OO A.M. to 12:OO noon in Room 358 to discuss methods of allocating the remaining sewer capacity within the County. c891 Joint Meeting with Board of Supervisors The City Manager reminded Council of the joint meeting with the Board of Supervisors in San Diego on April 14, 1977 at 5:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [68] Human Resources Committee Councilwoman Casler stated a report would be fort coming regarding the League's Human Resources Committee meeting. [70] Laguna Riviera Councilman Lewis questioned if the Laauna Riviera field would be available to the Little League thi season. [lo21 Traffic Hazard - Park Drive Councilman Packard referenced a corner on Park Drive through the Bristol Cove area that is extremely dangerous and questioned if anything could be done to rectify the situation. The Citj Manager indicated a report would be brought back to Council as to what could be done at that corne By proper motion, the meeting was ad.journed at 11:37 P.M. Respectfully submitted, VWfflb MARGA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary BF t-. C I :r c%xJNCILMI L, - I ~ I I I ,