HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-12; City Council; Minutes1 z?.=z5' i3 P I- ' ?zzZ--ru CITY 0% CARbS Cc3tsNClLME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 12, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. ROLL CALL : [85] 701 Grant Program Mayor Frazee reported on the meeting that he, Joseph Sandy, and Ron Beckrnan attended in Sacra- mento with regard to the 701 Grant Program and the second year funding of the Facilities Manage- ment Program. He stated the meeting was basically an organiza- tional meeting wherein they prioritized all the cities' projects. .It resulted in the City of Carlsbad's project being priority however, the cut-off point for fun priority number 22. The Mayor stated that they had been successful in gaining some support from some of the members, but then it became.a question of which item to remove, so at this point we still remain as priority number 23. [34] A.B. #5043 - Chamber of Commerce Request for [45] Special Service Funds. c501 The City Manager informed Council that an Agenda Bill had been prepared for the upcoming meeting regarding the Chamber of Commerce and their re- quest for special funding. However, at that time one of the items would be past due. He reported that in the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce, they have been allocated $10,000 for Special Services. At this time the Chamber is requesting approval of $2,425.00 for the Spring Holiday, and $637.50 in the La Costa Tournament of Champions Golf Tournament. Councilman Skotnicki stated he didn't feel the Tournament of Champions benefited the general citizenry of Carlsbad. Council approved the expenditure o the Special Services category for tion with the La Costa Tournament requested by the Chamber of Commerce. Council approved the expenditure of $2,425.00 from the Special Services category share of the Spring Holiday event, by the Chamber of Commerce. C1141 1. Smal.1 Lot Development The City Manager stated a letter had been re- ceived from Mr. Fred Morey of La Costa requestin an opportunity to discuss with Council planned unit development or small lot development. The City Manager then introduced Mr. Fred Morey'. Mr. Morey introduced Mr. William Rick of Rick Engineering and Mr. Jack Bevash, La Costa's planner from Los Angeles, who were going to assist him in a presentation. A CITY OF CARLS WNCILME ~~ -2- April 12, 1977 7””Sa!s== .. *- B Mr. William Rick began with a slide presentation of aerial views of various projects on assorted lot si.zes. Also depicted was the variety of uses for open space. He stated the end result of a project is independent of the lot size. Mr. Bevash then continued the slide presentation , showing ground views of-various projects, stress, ing that the appearance of a project was not dependent on the lot size. Mr. Rick then stated that currently it seems to be a matter of meet’ing the required numbers rather than concentrating on the substance. Council indicated they did not oppose smaller lot sizes if there were some method of control- ling quality. Council expressed the general opinion that though they did not oppose smaller lot sizes, it did not seem feasible to lower the required size until such time as a design and review process or other methods of control could be instituted. Mr. Morey expressed appreciation to Council for the opportunity to discuss the matter, and ‘indicated his staff would be working on possible solutions to present to Council at a future date RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 8:49 P. and the Council reconvened at 9:06 P.M. with all Council Members present. [Sl] Bonsall Property P The City Attorney stated that the City Council in late 1972 had instructed staff to move for- ward with the disposition of four surplus water properties. Appraisals of the four properties had been obtained. Of these properties, the Bonsall property needed Council consideration at this time. He gave a brief history of the matter regarding the pending law suit with the adjoining property owner and subsequent negotiations for sale of the property to him. Further, that an additiona offer had been received on the property. He continued that at the conclusion of all the required processes, the bid of Marron Bros., Inc was the highest. In addition, Marron Bros., Inc would hold the burden of defending the law suit. In view’of this information, the City Attorney stated his recommendation was to sell the proper to Marron Bros., Inc. Following Council discussion, the City Manager indicated a full report would be distributed to Council regarding all of the old water properti.€ By minute motion, Council accepted the offer of Marron Brothers, Inc., to purchase the Bonsall property subject to the conditions stated in said offer dated April 12, 1977’. T - P t IC & 7cb - Y Motio Ayes n X xx: z=n-” D P CITY OF CARLS -3- c -_ I I April 12, 1977 “Z” 1791 2. Discuss Appointments of Commission Members 1281 Councilman Lewis stated he had requested this item to be placed on the agenda for additional discussion. He expressed the opinion that.:Council should appoint Planning Commissioners. He suggested that all people who made application should be considered by each Council member. Then each Council member would make recommendations to the Mayor. At the time of -appointment, all the names submitted to the Mayor would be posted in some manner and voted upon. Council discussed the suggested procedure at length, and questioned whether it could be im- plemented prior to the changing of the Ordinance. The City Attorney responded that the majority of the procedure was Council policy with a minor change to the Ordinance required. However, if Council wished to apply the new procedure to the upcoming Planning Commission appointments, it could be accomplished if at the conclusion of the suggested procedure, the Mayor appointed and a final vote was taken on those to be appointed. In addition, Council indicated they would like to see a limit placed on the number of terms served in order to enable more citizens the opportunity to assist the City if they desire. Following further discussion, by minute motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft an Ordinance that would change the appointment procedure of members of the Planning Commission to reflect Council appointment rather than Mayor appointment. [89] Joint Meeting with Board of Supervisors The City Manager referred to the upcoming meetin5 with the Board of Supervisors, and reiterated the list of items that were suggested for dis- cussion. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. to Thursday, April 14, 1977, at 5:30 P.M. at the Board of Supervisors Chambers in San Diego. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~4~ MA G ET E. ADAMS, City Clerk autenkranz, Recording Secretary I 1 ccwNCiLMI h Motion Ayes Noes