HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-19; City Council; Minutes', CITY . OF CARLSBAD caJNCIL"E# - rn l)j 9 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 19, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ~-~ ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held April 5, 1977, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held April 12, 1977, were approved as presented. INTRODUCTION: - The City Manager introduced Ms. Lynn Chase, the new Recreation Superintendent, to Council. - PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills fo the General Expenses of the City: City Opera- tions $274,432.68; Water Department $36,276.50; Net Payroll Transfer $92,690.47'for a total of $403,399.65 for the period April 1, 1977 through April 15, 1977, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditin Commi ttee. Ratification was given.the payment of the Payro in the amount of $146,132.55 for the period March 21, 1977 through April 3, 1977, as certi- fied by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Lewis requested Item No. 2 be remove from the Consent Calendar for discussion. The . . following items with the exception of Item No. 2, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. c501 1. AGENDA BILL #5024 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized refunds for overpayment of charges made by the City as follows: $61 .60 to Von's Grocery for duplicate charge for water meter; $1,-334.65 to.Jesus Escota for overpaymen of closing water bill; $33.87 to Horace Felkins for refund of ready-to-serve charges; and $545.04 to Ocean Manor Motel for Overpayment of transient occupancy tax for period 10/1/76 to 12/31/76. I: 281 3. AGENDA BILL #5025 - NORTH COUNTY LIFELINE/ c501 FUNDING 1977-78. Council recognized North County Lifeline's request for funds for Fiscal Year 1977-78 in support of Lifeline services in the amount of $1,000.00 and determined to hold the request in abeyance until the Human Needs Assessment addresses the problem. r57 r 9 11 C 1 I Present Motion Ayes Motion Ayes ~ Motion Ayes Motion Ayes -(sl +i \ r !X x xx xx x xx XI ! 2% 'k X X X x :x (X amaz€a I) D i CITY . OF CARLSBAD ccmetkME -2- CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) I C971 4. AGENDA BILL #5010 - Supplement #l - RESUR- [451 FACING AND CHIP SEALING .OF CITY STREETS - FY 1976-7~on No. 5044, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for Contract No. 1039, was adopted. C811 5. AGENDA BILL #5026 - WATERLINE EASEMENT [lo71 - QUITCLAIM. Council authorized the Mayor to execute a Quitclaim Deed for a waterline ease- ment over a portion of Tract 218, Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad. C5l 1 6. AGENDA BILL #5027 - LAND APPRAISAL - FIRE Dl 1 STATION NO. 2 PROPERTY. Council authorized staff to obtain an MA1 appraisal of the Fire Station No. 2 property. E681 7. AGENDA BILL #3743 - Supplement #2 - FUNDING C701 FOR CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. C291 Resolution No. 5045, amending the budget for the Senior Citizens Center, was adop,ted. [41] 8. AGENDA BILL #5029 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - JOSE VALADEZ. Resolution No. 5046, denying a claim against the City, was adopted. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [741 2. AGENDA BILL #3493 - Supplement #2 - AFFIRMA- [28] TIVE ACTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FINAL REPORT. ~851 Councilman Lewis questioned whether adoption of this Resolution and policy. would indicate that an unqualified person would possibly be hired over a qualified person. Following Council discussion, it was determined the intent remained to hire the highest quali- fied person; however, recruiting efforts of qualified minorities would be increased. RESOLUTION NO. 5043, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. Motion 3767, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM FOR THE CITY Ayes OF CARLSBAD, was adopted. ORDINANCES. FOR ADOPTION: By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Motion Ordinances before the Council at this meeting, Aye.s was wa i ved . [1141 9. AGENDA BILL #3697 - Supplement #1 - DELETION [431 OF ZONE CODE REQUIREMENT: CUP FOR 'PRINTING - OPERATIONS - CITY OF CARLSBAD. The following Ordinance was given a second reading and adopted: - ORDINANCE NO. 9480, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTERS Motion 21.28 AND 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE Ayes BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21 .28.010 AND 21.42.010 TO REVISE THE PERMITTED AND CONDITIONA. USE REGULATIONS REGARDING PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, ENGRAVING, PHOTOCOPYING, DUPLICATING AND SIMILAR USES. - D I) CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- April 19, 1977 C931 10. AGENDA BILL #2261 - Supplement #3 - SEWER 't CONNECTION FEE. I The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing and adopted: / - ORDINANCE NO. 7046, AMENDING CHAPTERS 13.08 AND 18.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 13.08.085 AND 18.04.025 REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF SEWER CONNECTION FEES AND THEIR RELATION TO BUILDING PERMITS. Council recognized Mr. Jack Kubota of Woodside Kubota and ASSOC., 2965 Roosevelt, Carlsbad. He stated under the current Ordinance structure, an individual is not entitled to sewer connectio until' he has been issued a building permit. He expressed the opinion that where there are asses ment district proceedings, the property owner should have a "right" to sewer service regardles when it is requested. I Mayor Frazee responded to Mr. Kubota as to the reasons the current policy has been adopted. Council concurred with addressing I tem No. 25 at this time as the outcome may affect other items on the agenda. ~ rg2" 25. AGENDA BILL #5038 - CARLSBAD CAPACITY - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. The Public Works Administrator, Ron Beckman, gave the staff report consisting of the history initial report in February, 1977. He then out- lined the current status of the matter as per his memorandum to the City Manager dated April 14, 1977. In addition he stated that from April 7, 1977 to April 19, 1977, additional permits in the plan check stage equalled 292 equivalent dwell ing units. He then outlined the recommendations to Council as stated in his memorandum of April 14, 1977. It was pointed out that this affected only the area serviced by the City, and not areas serviced by Leucadia. Council discussed the possibility of developers installing private plants, and any possible effect it would have on our application for funds. Also expressed was the concern that if staff's recommendations were adopted, there would be no way any other industry could come into this area at this time. ~ of the matter and status upon issuance of the I ~ 1 1 Mayor Frazee stated a request had been received from a citizen to speak regarding the matter, and suggested possibly others may also wish to speak. COUNCILME go Motion Ayes r - - S I ~ ~ I. CITY OF CARLSBAD COuNCltMEl 1 - B B 9 11 9 1 4 il jl !i ji :i ji !1 ! ~ i 1 -4- April 19, 1977 1 :i 1 Council recognized Mr. George Flanders, 2168 Chestnut, Carlsbad, CAY speaking for the Board of Directors of Community Cause. Mr. Flanders il urged Council to go further than just accepting If staff's recommendations. He urged Council to develop a Growth Management Policy for the futur Mr. Perry Lamb, 5171 Shore Drive, Calrsbad, CAY addressed Council. Mr. Lamb expressed concern about stopping annexations. Mr. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Ave., Carlsbad, CAY stated the sewage capacity shortage is one of many shortages, such as energy, gas and water He expressed the opinion that due to the many shortages, a Growth Management Plan is needed. Since no one else wished to be heard, Mayor Fraz closed public discussion at 8:09 P.M. During discussion, Council questioned the esti- mated time needed for rerating the existing plant, and amount of time required for Burroughs situation to be resolved. Council adopted staff recommendations as foll'ows Council instructed staff to accept no more appli cations for tentative subdivision maps (exceptin the tentative map for the, Plaza Camino Real ex- pansion wherein the City has al-ready assumed a legal obligation) effective immediately. An exception to this policy would be where a pro- posed development includes its own sewage treat- ment facilities and where- those facilities con- form to existing policy. I Council instructed staff to accept no more applications for annexation (excepting that for Palomar Airport which is receiving sewer service 1 ' . under an existing contract). Council instructed staff to stop accepting appli cations for building permits effective immediate except 'for those that allow for an acceptable alternative system for sewage disposal. i j I I I Council instructed staff to stop issuing buildin permits except for those applications which are already on hand. Exceptions to this would be applications for building permits aksociated wit the Plaza Camino Real expansion, Palomar Airport expansion up to their contractual limit, for development which includes acceptable alternativ systems for sewage disposal or for existing residences where existing septic systems have fail ed. Council instructed staff to aggressively pursue any possible source of leased capacity. Council instructed staff to aggressively pursue possible reduction in demand placed on treatment plant capacity by commercial and industrial user:. \!# - ': [i ,; : .: ;; <\ ! - /I !.! jl !I li :i f f 'I i i I, CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- c April 19, 1977 g 4 A.B. 5038 - SEWER CAPACITY MOTION (Cont'd.) $ 1 Council instructed staff to report back in six months, and at six-month intervals thereafter until significant progress is made towards awarding a contract for the Encina Phase I11 project. Said reports are to include the foll owing: 1. Current average dry weather flow from Carlsb 2. Results of efforts to lease additional treatment plant capacity and/or recover capacity in Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. 3. Recommendations on modification of policies in effect at time. Council further instructed staff to develop a method of evaluating proposed development for the purpose of allocating recovered, leased or additional capacity which may accrue to City. The City Attorney requested and received clari- fication on the fact that the Council action was effective only to the areas serviced by the City . 1 r Council further indicated they wished to receive frequent reports on the matter in addition to the six-month reports. The City Attorney stated he would return with the proper documents incorporating Council's action. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 8:'25 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:46 P.M. with a1 1 Counci 1 members present. " The City Manager informed Council that due to their previous action regarding the sewer, Council may desire to continue those items on the agenda dealing with development. The reason cited for continuance was to prevent a conflict with the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan which requires that at time of approval, all public facilities are available. Therefore the wording would need to be modified on the documents. Council continued Item No. 11 until May 3, 1977 and continued Items No. 18, 20 and 21 until April 26, 1977. 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: I [99] 11. AGENDA BILL #5030 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL: PELICAN PROPERTIES, INC. - CT 77-5. Council recognized Mr. Robert C. Knauf of Feist Vetter, Knauf & Loy, 810 Mission Avenue, Ocean- side, representing the applicant. Mr. Knauf indicated they did not object to a continuance, but the applicant would be out of town on May 3, 1977. Therefore, they requested the con- tinuance be set to April 26, 1977. COUNCLMEP xAb8# Id. Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLSBm .. COUNCILME -. - -6- ,., April 19, 1977 s3 ,, il /I ii ,: . /i I4 : , '! j D I) I :I ~1131 Cou.nci1 acknowledged the request and moved 1 potion continuance of the matter to April 26, 1977. hyes j 12. AGENDA BILL #5031 - TENTATIVE MAP/PLANNED 1 UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL - ROBERT S. PHILLIPS - I CT 77-3/PUD-9. 1 i The Assistant Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave the staff report with the aid of a trans- parency and wall exhibit. He stated the require ment of Park-in-lieu fees had been omitted from the Planning Commission Resolution and suggested they be included if Council recommended approval He further requested the findings of the Plannin Commission necessary to approve the PUD be added to findings of Council. Council questioned the width of the driveway, and whether all requirements had been met of the PUD Ordinance. Staff indicated the driveway width did not meet the requirements. Mayor Frazee opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard on the matter. Mr. John Ballew, Ballew and McFarland, Irvine, CA, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He in- dicated the project was compatible with the adjacent area and the requirements had been exceeded. Responding to a Council question, he indicated that solar heating would not be ob- jectionable for the swimming pool. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:21 P.M. Council expressed general approval of ':the p+ojec as presented under the PUD Ordinance. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents necessary approving CT 77-3 and PUD-9 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1342 and 1343, with the addition of the requirement for Park-in-lieu fees prior to Final Map approva further that the findings of the Planning Commission for approval of the PUD be added as the City Council's findings, that the driveway be 24 feet and that solar heating be required for the swimming pool. Motion Ayes 9 13. - AGENDA BILL #5032 - ZONE CHANGE - R-P TO C-2 - D. K. DEWHURST AND TONY HOWARD JONES - ZC-188. The Assistant Planning Director ga've a staff report using a transparency showing the location of the property. Council questioned the surrounding zoning as to conformance with the General Plan. Staff indicated there was a small area, also owned by the applicant, which did not conform. '1 ! 1 1 1 9 I/ ,; .j x] g 1 3, ;I 4 1 1 [ 1 B i 1 il I 1 I I 1 i X 1 xj 5 g ij I 3 ;l I I 1 I i 9 B 1 ,.I :I i $ [ 9 P 3 ? ,. - B I) - 1 it a /I I !I CITY OF CARLSBAD -7- ADril 19. 1977 < Mayor Frazee asked if anyone wished to be heard and declared the public hearing open. Mr. Tony Howard Jones, 2785 Roosevelt, Carlsbad, reported briefly on the request and responded to questions by Council. Mr. Donald Dewhurst, 3425 Seacrest Dr., Carlsbad CA, indicated his willingness to work with staff on the other area he owned which did not conform to the General Plan. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:37 P.M. The City Attorney was directed to prepare the documents necessary approving ZC-188 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1345. Dl31 14. AGENDA BILL #5033 - ZONE CHANGE - L-C TO R-A - CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES - ZC-189. The Assistant Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave a staff report on the history of the area and the reason for the request. He stated that subsequent to the request and recommended appro- val by the Planning Commission of the change to R-A, staff re-evaluated the situation and was now recommending the zone be changed to E-A-Q. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to be heard on the matter and opened the public hearing. Since no one wished to be heard, the public hearing was closed at 9:46 P.M. Council questioned if the applicant had beep informed of the suggested change by staff. Of further concern was that if the E-A-Q zone were placed on the property, applicant should be aware that it may be required to remain in that zone. Council returned the matter to the Planning Commission for action on the E-A-Q zone, and if there are no objections to said zone, the documents for approval should be returned to Counci 1. [1131 15. AGENDA BILL #5034 - ZONE CHANGE - L-C TO P-M - CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES - ZC-190. The Assistant Planning Director gave a staff report with the aid of a transparency showing the location of the property. .. He indicated the change was for the purpose of consistency with the General Plan. The Mayor opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Since no one wished to be heard, the public hearing was closed at 9:53 P.M. Council instructed the City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary approving ZC-190, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1347. - - 1 i$ I1 J I! 1 iI b 1 CWNCILME~ ' >' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN -8- c April 19, 1977 il 1 [98] 16. AGENDA BILL #5035 - STREET NAME CHANGE - 4 LAGOON LANE TO BATIQUITOS LANE - SNC-I. I The Assistant Planning Director gave a staff I mi report indicating that only one residence would! be affected by the change. He further indicate that the suggested name was not in accordance the location and past history, Batiquitos was appropriate. Council questioned the type of street, and staff indicated it was a collector street. Council then questioned if the Lane designation was proper for a collector street. Mayor Frazee asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter and opened the public hearing. Sinc no one wished to speak, the public hearing was i i with the street naming pol icy, but felt due to 9 13 closed at 9:57 P.M. I It was the concensus of Council that the matter i * be returned to staff for study and to report back as to the designation of the street. ii 17. AGENDA BILL #5036 - STREET NAME CHANGES - SANDY PLACE TO VIEW PLACE AND SEVILLE WAY TO SACADA CIRCLE - SNC-111. The Assistant Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave a staff report indicating. that the suggest ed change should reflect Sandra Place to Carol Place rather than Sandy Place to View Place. He stated only one individual had phoned in an objection, which was to the proposed Sacada Circle. Therefore, staff was offering the J names of Paranza and Valiza to the list of possible names for Seville Way. Mayor Frazee opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mr. William Stonehill, Seville May, Carlsbad, C addressed Council. He indicated the objection was to any change at all and stated he had a letter signed by nine people objecting to changing the street name. Mr. John Di Matteo, 2436B Seville Way, Carlsbad, CA, also objected to any change in the street name. Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 1O:ll P.M. B RESOLUTION NO. 5048, CHANGING CERTAIN CONFLICT- ING STREET NAMES IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURSU was adopted subject to the deletion of Seville Way to Sacada Circle; further that the Seville Way street name change be returned to the Planning Commission for report. TO CITY COUNCIL P0L.ICY STATEMENT NO. 20, SNC-I .. - D D .. - ;i 4 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -9- \ April 19, 1977 - ~~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning C991 18. AGENDA BILL #3253 - Supplement #4 - REVISED TRACT MAP APPROVAL - RUSSELL W. GROSSE (IDMC). The matter was continued to April 26, 1977. Council recognized Mr. Russell Grosse, 5850 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad. Mr. Grosse stated he had not been present when Council had continued the matter, and he questioned the reason for continuance. [113] 19. AGENDA BILL #3625 - Supplement #3 - SPECIFI PLAN AMENDMENT - SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO. - SP-l44(C). This matter was returned for documents. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading only: - ORDINANCE NO. 9481, AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 9279 AND 9456 BY THE AMENDMENT OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN ADOPTED THEREBY TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTIONy SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONSy OF WATER TREATMEN FACILITIES AND A MAINTENANCE BUILDING AT THE ENCINA POWER PLANT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND SOUTH OF THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON (SP-l44(C)). [991 20. AGENDA BILL #4053 - Supplement #2 - APPROVA [113] OF TENTATIVE MAP/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/ SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - DOUGLASS SOUTHWESJ CORPORATION - SP-115 (A), PUD-6, CT 76-15. This matter was continued to April 26, 1977. C991 21. AGENDA BILL #5016 - Supplement #1 - TENTA- TIVE - MAP APPROVAL -% S. & L. ENTERPRISES-CT 77-4. This matter was continued to April 26, 1977. [lo51 22. AGENDA BILL #4042 - Supplement #2 - THIRD YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - PROJECT SELECTION. The City Manager gave a report on the matter. He stated the residential rehabilitation project appeared the most feasible based on the require- ments of the act, the Board of Supervisor's directive, and local needs. The project would be administered by the County and would save substantially on City staff time. Further, this would only be approving the project in concept. Council directed staff to work with the County staff to prepare a specific residential rehabili tation program proposal for utilizing the City's share of third year Community Development Block Grant funds, subject to future Council and Board of Supervisors approval. I I i , COUNCILMEE 1 1 i .. CITY OF CARISBAD COUNCILMEI - 10 - ,. with all Council members present. Pub1 ic Works The Public Works Administrator, Ron Beckman, gav the staff report. He outlined the history of th project as well as the current status, and responded to questions of Council. BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION - PHASE I-B IMPROVEMENTS. Following a staff report by the Public Works Administrator, the following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5055, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A UTILITIES AGREEMENT FOR City Manager 26. AGENDA BILL #5039 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICTPAL CODE - MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. Following a brief report by the City Manager, th following Resolution was adopted by title only: APPENDICES A AND B. The following Ordinance was given a first readin 27. AGENDA BILL #5040 - PROJECTS OF OTHER Following a brief report by the City Manager, the following Resolution was adopted by title .. - D D I ii t I i 11 g r/ CITY OF CARLSBAD - 11 - 6 April 19, 1977 ,. . . .. .~ 1 [lo51 28. AGENDA BILL #5041 - CITY PARTICIPATION IN LAWSUIT RE: OFFSHORE OIL DRILL-ING. 1 - Following a brief report, Council questioned if City participation in the lawsuit would require contributing money. The City Attorney responded that it would not require contribution of staff time or money. Council recognized Mr. George Flanders, 2168 Chestnut, Carlsbad, CA, who urged the City's participation in the best interest of protecting the environment in Carlsbad. Council instructed the City Attorney to take the steps necessary to make the City a party with the County Board of Supervisors to the lawsuit regarding offshore oil drilling. L941 c761 c 281 EXPIRING DURING APRIL, 1977. 29. AGENDA BILL #5023 - PARKING AUTHORITY, PLANNING COMMISSION AND HOUSING COMMISSION TERMS Mayor Frazee stated that in accordance .with re- cent Council action, each Council member should at this time offer three names for nomi'nation to the Planning Commission. Councilman Skotnicki offered the names of Edwin S. Schick, Jr., Mark Nelson and Stephen L 'Heureux. Councilwoman Casler offered the names of Eric Larson, Stephen L'Heureux and Jo Woodward. Councilman Lewis offered the names of Eric I/ Larson, Stephen L'Heureux and Jo Woodward. Councilman Packard offered the names of Stephen L'Heureux, Eric Larson and Mrs. Patricia Lowry. Mayor Frazee offered the names of Mrs. Patricia Lowry, Jo Woodward and Eric Larson. Mayor Frazee stated Council should consider all the names offered for nomination and a vote would be taken at the next regular meeting. Mayor Frazee stated it was his intent to nominat the encumbents of the Parking Authority and the Housing Commission, and offered the'name of Lyle R. Richardson for nomination to the Parking Authority for Council consideration and voting at the next regular meeting. .. Mayor Frazee offered the names of Lillian Fox and Jesus Mariz for nomination to the Housing Commission for Council consideration and voting at the next regular-meeting. I281 30. AGENDA BILL #5042 - APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEi ON SENIOR CITIZENS AFFAIRS. Mayor Frazee stated that due a recent resignatio from the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs, a vacancy now exists. He continued the matter to allow additional-time for public awareness and applications. I COUNCILMEI gg\$# bo 1 # Motion Ayes I - i 1 I 9 1 B D I. CITY OF CARLSBAD - 12 - h April 19, 1977 c891 c 681 c631 c 251 c 681 [ 341 c691 c 681 ~. - CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL.BUSINESS: i F i I ii Economic Summit Conference 8 Councilman Skotnicki reported briefly on the recent Economic Summit Conference with the Board of Supervisors which he attended. He reported on the possibility of a potential grant to our Chamber of Commerce to assume leadership role in developing an Economic Pro- gram in concert with other Chambers in the area I Senior Citizens I Councilwoman Casler reported on the Senior Citizen's Association meeting. - Library Board of Trustees I il Councilwoman Casler reported on the recent meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. LAFCO Cities Commi ttee Councilwoman Casler reported on the recent meeting of the Cities Committee for LAFCO where in the committee recommended approval of annexation of Gillespie Field at El Cajon. CPO Commi ttee Councilwoman Casler reported on her attendance at the CPO Committee meeting on Section 208 of the Water Quality Plan. She stated it was the first meeting with the purpose being to deter- mine the necessity of the existence of thei committee. It had been determined existence of the committee was necessary. City Anniversary/Chamber of Commerce Councilwoman Casler reported on the meeting she and Councilman Packard attended with Mr. Don Brown of the Chamber of Commerce regarding the City's birthday celebration. As a result of the meeting, it was suggested the celebratio be held on July 4, 1977. She outlined the various suggestions for the celebration and requested guidance from Council as to whether the matter should be pursued. I It was the concensus of Council to continue the plans for the birthday celebration as suggested Parks and Recreation Councilman Lewis reported on the recent Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in which it was reported the lights for Chase Field are progressing satisfactorily. League of Cities Mayor Frazee informed Council that the League of Cities Legislative Conference will be held in Sacramento on May 16 - 18, 1977. I COUNCILMEN 2 j I k$# 5. 4. . CITY OF CARLSBAD - 13 - , April 19, 1977 I I 1 [lll] Drought Conference 1 1 Councilman Skotnicki reported on a recent 9 1 j/ Drought Conference he had attended at which all j , of the Governor's Drought Task Force was presen ! [89] Board of Supervisors ;I '1 Councilman Skotnicki reported he had attended a meeting with the Board of Supervisors which reviewed the sewage problem for the entire g county. 1 [68] CPO Meeting it I I I date. 1 Following discussion by the Council, Mayor Mayor Frazee reported on the CPO Meeting and the hearing on Regional Transportation Plan up- ;1 1 He stated the location of the regional airport was discussed and that he would like some guidance on this matter from the Council. q Frazee stated that discussion of this matter probably would not arise at CPO in the very near future, but he would like some guidance as soon as possible. - CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ~91 I The City Manager stated in discussion with Mr. Crawford of the School Board, April 26, 1977, was acceptable for a joint meeting with Council Council concurred with April 26, 1977, for a joint meeting with the School Board. i c 681 League of Cities Meeting Mayor Frazee reminded Council of the League of 1977, in Vista. He further stated that Carlsba would be hosting the May 19, 1977, meeting for 1 Cities meeting to be held Thursday, April 21, ;I the League of Cities. g I B ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:57 P.M. to April 26, 1977, at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, said meeting to be a joint meeting with the School Board. Respectfully submitted, %4J-/- NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary - COUNCILMEh 90 I