HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-12; City Council; Minutes.. - - - - . - - - -. -. . , CITY OF CARLSBAD cxwNGlhMEIS Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeti Date of Meeting: July 12, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place. of Meeting: Council Chambers -~~~ ~ ~-~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ROLL CALL: 1931 SEWER ALLOCATION COMMITTEE: The Mayor announced the report from the Sewer Allocation Committee would be, discussed and then some discussion would be held on the Budget The Sewer Allocation Committee consisting of Councilwoman Casl-er and Councilman Packard re- ported on their efforts to devise a system for the allocation of available sewer capacity and stated this is Phase I of their study. The City Manager reported there may'be a number of appeals for exemption from owners of commer- cial businesses. He explained that some of the commercial buildings which have the main sewer hook-up had not leased some of the individual spaces when the sewer moratorium went into effecl and those unleased spaces would not normally be hooked up until such time as the use of the space is known. The two commercial developments he is aware of are Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes and Santa Anita Development Corp. (El Camino Plaza) and some in th.e La Costa- Shopping Center. No provision for capacity was considered at the time of the moratorium. 0 Brief discussion of the effect this might have on the remaining capacity was held and the City Manager stated the staff will return with recommendations to the Council on how these cases might be handled. Primary points of discussion. by the Council in reviewing the report were: I) The in-fill bound ary map 2) Water and Energy Conservation measures 3) Land Use Distribution percentages 4) Tke distance of park sites and th.e proximity of existing or proposed transit routes to the pro- posed project. .Mayor Frazee stated he had received a request from some members of the audience to be heard regarding sewer allocation. The Council heard from Mrs. Mary Ann Hassel who. stated they have a project- which has received all approvals and financing and would like Coun- cil's consideration of allowing them to submit their plans for plan check so that the entire process will be completed at such time as sewer capacity is available. She stated she wished to go on record that they are ready with their pro- ject, which is to be located at Bristol Cove. Mr. John J. Mamaux, 1393 Basswood Ave., Carlsbad stated he is not representing any land owners and does not own land within the area under dis- cussion. With regard to allocation for commer- cial projects, he stated there. is no criteria indicated which seeks commerc-ial projects that wi 11 employ the people who are already in the City and felt this should be a consideration. It was his opinion that the allocation system should be reorganized. He made reference to the fact that multiple residential, which repre- sents 50% of the land mass only receives 5% and stated he felt the obligation the City has is a moral and legal one to the single family home. He further pointed out the sewer allocation sys- tem could have a definite impact on land use within the City. 3 - Y 5 CITY OF CAWLSBAD C09NCfLM&b II D I) - 2- July 12, 1977 9 ~ ~ ~~~~__ Mr. Bob Snyder,'1394 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, coinmented that he was somewhat surprised the Council was permitting new subdivisions- when it appeared there was little existing capacity. Following comments from the individual members of the Council, Councilman Packard stated the Committee was seeking further guidelines as to ' the desires of the Council with regard to any changes in their report. It was the general concensus of the Council that the in-fill boundary map be accepted and that the Committee reconsider recommendations in their report based on comments made at this meeting. The City Attorney pointed out the allocation system speaks to guidelines but the Committee should give some consideration to: I) Who is going to apply the system 2) Whether there will be an appeal process and; 3) Where the authority for the processing of the system will lay. He further stated an Ordinance regarding the sewer moratorium will be presented to the Council at- the next regular meeting, and point out the staff's efforts to encourage interested persons to review a copy of the sewer allocation re- port and send.. their writ.ten comments to the Council so the Council will have public in-put. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 9:OO P.M. and the Council reconvened, with all Council members present, at 9:14 P.M. I291 BUDGET: . The City Manager stated after July lst, some of the figures will have changed but he did not feel that would affect review o,f the budget. He stated additional Revenue Sharing monies are available and probably later into the budget . review, he will be recommending some of the '. capital projects, which are now being funded but of the General Fund, be funded out of Revenue Sharing. Further, he stated he will provide the Council with a memorandum regarding recommended adjustments including continuing appropriations. Brief discussion of the City Manager's .comments was held by the Council. The foll owing Departmental Budgets were review- ed and tentatively approved: Planning Department Building Department Civil Defense Pol ice Department At the request of the Council , the City Manager stated he would return with a break-down of overtime from the Police Department. - d! CITY OF CARLSBAD CWNCILMEE L 3- .. ADJOUR.NF1ENT:. By proper motion', the meeting was adjourned at 10:36 P.M. to Wedn-esday, July 13, 1977 in the Council Chambers, at 6:30 P.M. Respectfully submi t.ted, ..