HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-19; City Council; Minutes.Y CITY OF RLSBAIS 60UWClkM',%P - @ v Meeting of: CITY CPUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 19, 1977 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I i ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: -. (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the adjourned regular meetiny,held June, 28, 1977, were approved as presented. Minutes of the regular meeting held'July 5, 7977, were approved, with a correction to Page 7, Agenda Item #16, reflecting a "no" vote by Councilman Lewis and Mayor Frazee. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held July 6, 1977.were..approvedy, as presented. - PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Operations $325,338.90; Water Department $102,204.22; Net Payroll Transfer $99,705.49 - for a ,total of $527,248.61, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Audit- ing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the pay- roll in the amount of $158,391 .68 for the period June 27, 1977 thru July 10, 1977, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: Following a request by Councilman Lewis that Item #1 be removed for discussion, Items 2 thru . 6 were approved by one motion, affirming the . action on the Consent Calendar: 1501 2. AGENDA BILL #5132 - REFUND REQUESTS. Council authorized refunds of overpayments as f.ollows: cor dancel?.ed daytrippers trip, the amount ofi $11 .75 was paid to: Mary Cugry, Mae Glassmyer, Dorothy Redding, Margaret Sharp and $23.50 to Clara M. Benson; for Reg. Deposit - withdrawal from slowpi tch softball, the amount of $25.00 was paid to: Munoz Cement Team and Corren Crowley Team; for overpayment.of closing water bill, the amount of $5.46 was paid to J. Raven Bartu, Inc. and $29.10 to Tony Sotelo and for cancelled drawing c1-ass, the amount of $12.00 was paid to Helen L. Means. [861 3. AGENDA BILL #5133 - REQUEST TO WAIVE FEES - L'1091 SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND FLOOD CONTROL - PALOMAR SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION. The fees for the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Conditional Use Permit for the Palo- mar Solid Waste Transfer Station, were waived, as recommended by staff. II I) D '\ CITY Of . CAWLSBAD 6Q .. - z-. July 19, 1977 1 78 [1ool 4. AGENDA BILL. #5134 - EXAMINATION OF SALES AND USE TAX RECORDS. Resolution No. 5141, authori- zing examination of Sales and Use Tax Records, was adopted. I ~411 5. AGENDA BILL #5135 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - RAMIRO CONTRERAS. Resolution No. 5142, denying a Claim against':the~ity, was adopted. [851 . 6. AGENDA BILL #4001 - Supplement #2' - PUBLIC [451 FACILITIES AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. Resolution No. 5143, extending agreement employing Project Consultant, was adopted: ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: I C991 1. AGENDA BILL #2241 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPT- ANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - EL CAMINO PORTALS (WOODBINE). Mr. George Hinds, 4520 Trieste Drive, Carlbbad stated he had been in contact with Councilman Lewis regarding the matter of the acceptance of Public Improvements on CT 73-36. He stated he had been in touch with the City staff some months ago regarding the poor workmanship .on the improvements and ci'ted various locations where chips and cracks in the concrete existed. He stated the work in the area of his drive-way was completely unacceptable to him and urged tht Council to direct Standard Pacific to make pro- per repairs and that the improvements not be accepted until such time as. the repairs aremade and inspected by the City. 3 - Councilman Lewis commented briefly on his in- spection of the improvements,' stating they woul not have been acceptable to him if he was a property owner in that area. The Public Works Administrator referred to the City Engineer's ' Memorandum, dated July 13, 1977, in which it was stated by .the City Engineer that the im- provements at 4520 Trieste Drive are satisfac- tory and not a nuisance or a hazard. He furthe explained that judgment of improvements is base on structural integrity rather than aesthetics The matter of acceptance of public improvement! on CT 73-36 was continued and returned to the staff for further inspection and report. ORDINAN'CES FOR ADOPTION: I I3-y minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at thi,s meet- ing was waived. I321 c741 C451 7. AGENDA BILL #2151 - Supplement #2 - AMEND- MENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRACT. ORDINANCE NO. 1202, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE was given a second reading and adopted. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC-EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM, 1 Motio Ayes Motio Ayes Motia Ayes uUN< I :IkMEF X xxx X xxx xxx \: CITY OF CARLSBAD - 3- July 19, 1977 I 8. AGENDA BILL' #5127 - MODIFICATION OF BUILDING - PERMf-f PROCE,DURES RELATING TO SEWER PERMITS. ORDINANCE NO. 8072, AMENDING CHAPTER 18.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18.8-0.170 TO ESTABLISH ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS IN THOSE AREAS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SERVED BY THE LEUCADIA AND SAN MARCOS COUNTY DISTRICTS , hias given a second reading and adopted. Y PUBLIC HEARINGS: At the suggestion of Mayor Frazee, the Council concurred that a time limit of 10 minutes be set for those wishing to speak, due to the num- ber of Public Hearings scheduled for this meet- ing. 9. AGENDA BILL #5105 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE RA-10,000 AND R-1-10,000 TO L-C AND E-A CITY OF CARLSBAD - ZC-191. 1 A brief staff report was given by the Planning Director, who referred to a transparency and wall exhibit which indicated the subject proper- ties. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:28 P.M. and since there was no one who wished to be heard, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 7:29 P.M, Mayor Frazee stated, for the record, he would like to state, although one of the property awners of the subject property has the same last name, he has-no financial interest- in any of the property under discussion. Councilman Skotnicki stated although he ,was absent .from the -meeting when this item was- first brought before the Council, he was able to listen to . the tapes before they were erased and, there- fore felt eligible to vote on this matter. The City Attorney was directed' to prepare the documents approving ZC-191 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1369. 10. AGENDA BILL #5136 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL CARLSBAD TRACT 77-8 - ROLLY PULASKI & ASSOCI- ATES. With the aid of a transparency and a wall ex- hibit marked "Exhibit C", the staff report was given by the'planning Director. He informed the Council that an error should be noted in the number of lots which has been carried from the Planning Department level. The number of lots should be 16 rather than 17 as shown on the Agenda Bill. Further, he stated thi's is a "Q" Zone Overlay. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:44 P.M. and was closed at 7:45 P.M., since there was no one who wished to be heard. In answer to a question regarding sewers, the City Attorney stated the project is located in the City of Carlsbad, with sewer service pr0vi.d l ed by the Leucadia County Water District. The , CBUNGILMEb Motion Ayes xxx - I I I ~ ~ ;* Ip B; D '. C1T.Y OF CARLSBAD "4-. July 19, 1977 ~ ~ ~~- Leucadia County Water District does have a sewe moratorium,. therefore, it would be appropriate to place the same condition on the Tentative Map as is normally placed on Tentative Maps sewer serviced by the City of Carlsbad. Following brief discussion, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents necess- ary to approve CT 77-8 as per Planning Commissic , Resolution No. 1375. [991 11. AGENDA BILL w37 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL - CARLSBAD TRA.CT 77-11 - LAGUNA PROPERTIES, LTD. The Planning Director gave a staff report on this matter, making reference to a transparency and a wall exhibit marked "Exhibit A", which was displayed for review. He stated the saaff recommended denial based on the project's in- consistency with the General Plan. Mr. Gordon Denyes, 2822 Ocean View, Del Mar, representing the applicant, addressed his com- ments to the fact that there is no criteria for condominium conversions, t.herefore-, no standard are available for applicants to meet and no standards for approving bodies to make campari- sons. He stated he felt uncomfortable present- ing the meri ts of the project when the Council has nothing to compare those merits to, althoug he would discuss the merits of the project at this time, if the Council so desired. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:14 P.M. since there was no one e1.se who iirfshed to be heard. .. Discussion centered on the lack of guidelines for condominium conversions. The request for approval of Carlsbad Tract 77-1 ' was denied, without prejudice and without fees, allowing the applicant to return to the Council with the Tentative Map, as recommended by the City Attorney. . The staff was instructed to prepare a draft ord.inance relative to Condominium Conversions. c993 12. AGENDA BILL #5138 - TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL CARLSBAD. TRACT 77-7 - ROY STOCKTON. The Mayor announced that the staff was .reques.t- ing a continuance of the Public Hearing due to an error in the notices mailed t'o proper.ty owners. Mr. Norman' Doyle, representing the applicant, stated he had been notified by the Planning staff that the matter would be continued to August 2, 1977 and. was present to verify that date. Mr. Doyle was informed that would be the date of continuance. The Public Hearing for Carlsbad Tract 77-7, was continued to August 2, 1977, as requested by the staff. I r In - - S' h 1 - CCWNCI&P$fEl '> CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- July 19, 1977 " ~~~" C991 13. AGENDA BILL #5139 - MINOR SUBDIVISION APPEAL - SAM, GENDUSA - MS.-303. The Public Works Administrator gave a staff report aided by a wall exhibit and transparency depicting th-e proposed minor lot split. Mayor Frazee opened the pub1 ic hearing at 8:35 P.M. Mr. Sam Gendusa, 1149 Magnolia Avenue, Ca:rlsbad the applicant, submitted for Council's review written testimony and a number of written corre pondence from him to the City, the first of which was dated May 10, 1977. He reviewed the sequence of events in this matter and the amoun of expense it has cost him to seek a resolution to his request. No one else wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed at 8:47 P.M. Th'e Public Works Administrator explained the variance was for a panhandle and as a condition of that vari'ance, Mr. Gendusa had to file a lot split. The lot split was granted some years ago but was never consummated because it was - never filed. The variance expired because it was not used within the 18 months, as required by law. The. Planning Commission last week authorized the panhandle subject to the approva of the minor subdivision, which came about in an effort to comply with Mr. Gendusa's request. Mr. Gendusa stated that.-all he was asking was to retain the existing guest house that.had been on ,the property for years. The .appeal was denied and it was recommended that Mr. Gendusa contact the City Manager for further assistance in resolving the problem . and it was further recommended that the Plan- ning Commission conside?the.\request for 'a.:vari ance favorably. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 9:00 P.M.. and the Council reconvened, with four Council members present, at 9:lO P.M. r981 14. AGENDA BILL #5140 - STREET NAME CHANGE - RETIRTSTREET - DON MOODWARD (SNC-X). A brief report was given by the Public Works Administrator and the following Resolution was adopted by title only, since there was no one who wished to be heard regarding this matter. - RESOLUT'ION NO. 5144, CHANGING STREET NAME IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 20. (Retiro Street ta:Del Rey Avenue). 7 3 S. t 1 T WNClkMEb - CITY OF ' CARLS -6- .- July 19, 1977 ssa v 1 15. AGENDA B1L.L #910 - Supplement #9 - PROPOSEC - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL - CITY OF CARLSBAD. " A brief staff report was given by the Planning Director. Mayor Frazee opened the Public Hearing at 9:17 P.M., and as there was no one who wished to be . heard, the Public Hearing was closed .at 9:18 P.M Dana Whitson, of the Planning Department staff, responded to questions by the Council regarding the Community Swimming Pool environmental im- pacts. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR-380) for the Community Swimming Pool, was certified, as recommended by the Planning Department staff an( Planning Commission. 16. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #8 - ENVIROI MENTALIMPACT REPORT/CT 76-18, PRECISE PLAN 24, CENTERS, INC. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - MAY STORES SHOPPING The Planning Director stated the Environme.nta1 Impact Report must be considered and acted upon prior to any action being taken on CT 76-18, Precise Plan 24 and the Specific Plan Amendment which deletes a portion of land included in the original Specific Plan. The Planning Director explained EIR-389 is a supplemental Environmental Impact Report which covers the ultimate expansion. including the fifth department store, namely Broadway, addi- tional parking in the City of Oceanside to the north and the realignment and covering of a portion of Buena Vista Creek. He stated the Planning Commi-ssion recommended certification of EIR-389 and made reference to the Planning Commission's Minutes of June 29, 1977. Also for consideration is the Tract Map 76-18 which provides for a five store expa.nsion at Plaza Camino Real and includes the realignment of the Buena Vista Creek. There is also a Precise Plan 'for a four store configuration and the alignment of the Buena Vista Creek. The next item is a Specific Plan Deletion. There is a Specific Plan on a portion of the property covered by the Tentative Tract as well as the property to the west. It is recommended that the requirement of the Specific Plan be'deleted for that area covered by the,Tentative Tract Map. Further, there was a minute motion by the Planning Commission for Council's considera tion, which is a request by the .Planning Com- mission that strong efforts be made by the 'Council to obtain funding for the construction of a right turn lane along El Camino Real to the east bound 78 to alleviate traffic conges- tion and an additional request to the City Council to send a memorandum to the City of Oceanside encouraging them to obtain funding as soon as possible for the southbound traffic 3 i y - ¶ ~ ~~ COUNCILME? , I Mo ti on X Ayes xxx - - I. i CITY OF CARLSBAD GOUNCILMEC\ lLlpLIl P D - July 19, 1977 -7- 9 1 to have a righb turn lane off El Camino Real going west. The Planning Director stated the Environmental Impact Report has been properly noticed and reviewed and the comments.have been received from all reviewing agencies and have been ade- quately addressed in the report, and most of the identified impacts of the project can be . adequately mitigated; however, there -are over- riding considerations that allow the occurrence of impacts that cannot be mitigated at th'is time. He further stated it is determined in th EIR the following items have significant envlro mental impacts: 1) The realignment of Buena Vista Creek 2) the traffic impact at El Camino Real and State Highway 78 3) Overriding. econo- mic and social considerations. He addressed each of the above environmental impacts separ- ately. The Planning Director's Report was given with the assistance of Mike Zander, a member of the Planning Department staff, who brfefly reviewed the Tract Map, Precise Plan and Specific Plan Amendment, referring to Wall Exhibits which were displayed, and answered questions by the Council. The Public Hearing was opened and the follow- ing persons spoke in opposition to the proposed project and certification of the EIR: Mr. Richard Miller, Vice President of Develop- ment, May Store .Shopping Centers, stated the developer felt the staff report covered the pro ject more than adequately and representatives of May Store Shopping Centers were available for questions from the Council. e n I Mrs., Anne Meridith Williams, 2022 Avenue of the Trees, Carlsbad, representing the League of Nomen Voters, read written testimony, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Joan Jackson, Carlsbad, representing .the Sierra Club, San Diego County Conservation Committee, stated the Sierra Club felt the EIR inadequate- ly addressed a number of important issues. The cost of the mitigating measures needed to make this project acceptable, have not been totalled and the'-question has arisen whetheh or not the economid benefits would disappear, if they were totalled. It was felt that no serious consider ation was given to an alternative project and that the response to the Department of Fish and Game was not adequate. She briefly discussed the habitat in the Buena Vista Creek. She also referred to Dr. Bourke's concern for air pollu- tion as addressed at the Planning .Commission's meeting, and stated the response was that. the air pollutants were coming from the Los Angeles area. She pointed out that EPA 'doesn't share this view. In conclusion, she stated the Sierri Club felt that no serious -consideration had been given the Environmental Impact Report and that the report is not entirely a.dequ$.te, 1 " - CITY OF CARLSBAD .. -8- .. .. July 19, 1977 - F b q - ~~~~ ~ ~~ Lew Pritten, 33.0 Chinquapin Avenue, Carlsbad, addressed comments made by the Planning Direct01 and referred to: Air Quality, which he felt was not-adsquately addressed. Also addressed was transportation, realignment of the Buena Vista Creek, the jobs which will be generated by the project. With reference to the jobs the project might generate, he stated there is a question as to whether or not these jobs will be filled by Car,lsbad residents, reciting the fact that there are a number of people driving from San Diego to Carlsbad where they are em- ployed. The issue of money and taxes was brief. ly addressed and he stated this project is goin! to cost the taxpayers money. In addressing the issue of traffic congestion, Mr. Pritten stated whatever the Council 's decision, it should be contingent upon improving the intersection of El Camino Real and Highway 78 immediately for the existing traffic and expressed the opinion that to add additional traffic to this area without improving that intersection is ludicrou Dr. Henry Bourke, 1616 Hunsaker St., Oceanside, addressed his comments to ,the issu-e of a.ir pollution. stating the project would increase the air pollution in the area. Recited the number of days the clean air standards for Oceanside were exceeded last year, stating ther were 69 days, for ozones. He requested that th, Council consider all of the hazards to.the community's health and hazard to the lagoon, and submitted for the record a letter from him to Mr. Michael Foley, Air Pollution Control District, dated July 16, 1977 and a letter from Nancy Ellison, Air Pollution Control District, San 'Diego, to Dr. Bourke, dated September 8, 1976, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Tom Hofweber, 2411 Ivy Dr., Oakland, California representing PACE (People, Access, Coastal, Environment) of San Francisco, expressed his views regarding the project.and discussed the mitigating measures cited by the Department of Fish and Game. He further stated it was his feeling that the City could require the devel- oper to make reasonable mitigating terms to make this a good deal for the City, and urged the Council to protect the habitat and environ- men t. Mr. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, Carls- bad, expressed his opposition to the Environ- mental Impact Report stating a number of issues were not properly addressed and his opposition to the. proposed project, urging .that it ..be denied. He submitted his written testimony attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Fay Round, Westec Services, 1520 State St. San Diego, Consultants on the Environmental Impact Report, ans.wered questions by the Coun- cil regarding the EIR. Reference was made to a statement on Page 21 of the report regarding municipal services, Page 11, regarding statemen by.:Fish and Game Department, Page 46 regarding water main system and Air Quality Maintenance. Regarding the question of municipal services, the statement on sewer services was true at the I n 3 S e e Y -I COUNGILMEI /%q 1 I 1 j , .. CITY -9- July 19, 1977 time the .report was written. Also, at the time the report w,as written, the regional air qual it) strategy program had not been completed. Mr. Richard Miller, representing May Co. in answer to a question by the Council, stated wit the approval of the Precise Plan, the applicant is in a position, other than the normal permit approvals for construction plans, to begin con- struction. The Department of Fish and Game, as he understood it, would not be requiring additional approval,. b.ased on the applicants eff.orts. He .believed thaf the Army Corps of Engineers had found no problem with their pro- posal for the project; with regard to the Coast a1 Commission, he stated the applicant has over layed what they have from the Coaatal Commissio on their topographical maps and although it is subject to survey, the applicant does not feel they are within the Coastal Permit :area. ,I : Reference was made to the widening of the bridg and the construction of a right turn lane on the bridge to Highway 78. Mr. Fedderhart, Traffic Engineer, stated over 40% are making right hand turns. The City Manager commented - that the State- recognizes they can.do the widening project in phases, one of the phases being the widening over Buena Vista Creek for the right turn problem. Their preference is to do the entire project but have indicated that if..they were stopped on the entire project be- cause of right-of-way problems in Oceanside, they would proceed with Carlsbad's portion if the City had the funds. No one else wished to be heard and the Public . Hearing was closed at 10:55 P.M. Lengthy Council discussion was held regarding the Environmental Impact Report and a discussion was held on a requirement for slope maintenance At this point, Mayor Frazee announced, after concensus of the Counci.1,. that all other Agenda Items would be continued to the following evening, Wednesday, July 20, 1977 in the City Council Chambers. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR-3891 was cert;iffed, as.:meeting all of the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protec- tion Ordinance of 1'972. Councilman Skotnicki commented on his feelings regarding the Environmental Impact Report. The matter of the Precise Plan was introduced and Councilman Skotnicki offered a motion with amendments and additions- to approval of the Precise Plan. The motion was not seconded and was withdrawn. Councilman Skotnicki stated he would offer the same amendments and additions with separate motions. They are as follows: 4 €xxJN&tLUtifEi I 1 I ITY aJ&NCIBp&Ep I I -10- July 19, 1977 It was moved that sub-paragraph 6 on Page 4.of:th Planning Commission Resolution affecting the Tentative Tract Map be modified to include a proviso requiring that the Departmenh of ..Fish and Game be consulted prior to approval of im- provements. Add Condition #74 requiring the developer to participate in mitigating the traffic condition in the vicinity of Highway 78/Buena Vista Creek bridges. Add Condition #15 eliminating the realignment of Buena Vista Creek. The motion failed for lack .of a second. Add as Condition #15 that the City Manager re- port periodically during construction' to the City Council in specific detail as to the exe- cution of the above cited conditions of approva Following an explanation of the motion and dis- cussion by the Council, the motion was voted on. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents for .approval of CT 76-18, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1385. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents for appr.ova1 of the Precise Pl-an (pp-24) as contained- in the staff report. The City Attorney was directed to prepare the documents approving Specific Plan (SP-41A) as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1384. - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Frazee called for an Executive Session at 11:45 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Personnel , specifically wage negotiations with the City's negotiators. The Council reconvened with four Council members present, at 12:24 P.M and the Mayor announced that Personnel was di scussed. - ADJOURNMENT: .. J By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 P.M., to Wednesday at 5:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers. - Respectful ly sub,mi tted, ~ wy &2-q& MARGA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora R. Gardiner, Rec0rd.i ng ~ Secretary I I I I I I \ 187 STATEiXNT AT PUBLIC IiShRIPu'S BZFORE TH3 CITY COUNCIL OF CARLSEAD RZOAFIDIKG THF ULTIMATZ EXPANSION OF THE TLAZA CAMIN0 ?.SAL, July 19, 1977 My name is . . I represent the League of Woroen Voters of Sam Dieggito, of which Carlsbad is a unit, You have in'your packet the statement that the League made, b based on our povitions cn air quality and water &sources (not to mention land use and transportation) to the Planning -Comission, I %e mentioned our concern on the effect on the Eue 4 a Vista. Ecological Reserve of taropering with the creek, We drew your attention to the fact that the ex?ansion of the Plaza Camino Mall will be joined by more nearby shopbing centers, all contributing to the deteriorating air quality in the valley,. Can the Jefferson overpass and more buses possibly make the situation at El Caminc and Vista Way bearable? Even before this more thzn doubling of the stores in the Msll, the bridge is at capscity and Cal Trans is making no promises a.bout widening it in the near future. The Federal and state governments have put the County of Sam Diego on notice tha.t we must meke a massive effort to lagrove our air q,uality during the next year or they will not help us with our sewer crisis. This is not a very good stwt on this soa.1. On page 126 of the 213 presented in 1975, we were told, The project is somewhat committed to a mode which may soon be out-dated; despite this fact, (le, that the prcject is almost coa?letely dependent on mmy things like gasoline which 8.re in short sup3ly). no truly innovative solutions to the transit probleas are proposed in conjunction with the expansion planned. 19 II It The ~eg?;ue urges the city Council to look closely at our ecmcerns and take them into considera.tion when examining the imgact, of the Plnza Canino Mall expansion, I%T 1616 Hunsaker St., Oceanside, Ca, 92054 July 16, 1977 Michael I., Fsley, Afr Pollution Control District, San Diego, Dear Mr, Foleyl I have received, and thank you, for a oopy of the let-ter you sent to I&, Zander, Associate.; Plmniw, C98y of CarLsbad, on July '7,"7* regarding my comments re the Plaza Cadno Real Expanmion. In your letter you state you could find no record of my orAghal contact or request for air quality monitoring in the v%cfn%ty of the Plaza other than my letter of June 21,1977, Copies of my letter of September 31, 1976 and of the letter received in return from your NEtnuy Ellison September 8,2976 are enclosed, On two occasions X havs talked by phone with Ma. EXLLison and Michael Alboreon of yow staff regardhg this matter. It is disturbing to note that your ozone ta'ble shown Oceanside ex-' ceeded the Federal health standards on, 69 day$ in 1976 &e' compared with only 43 days in 1975, the number of hours exceeding the standards was 259 and 169,)- .. -". - and maximum 1 how levels were 29 and 19 for the respective Xears, These reRdfngs were taken in the relatively clear adr near the Ocean iu Oceanside, 3% miles upwind of the, "brown smog " that often over- lies the shopping centep, which is generated .from %he thousands of Autos using the -parkine; lots, and from the heavy traffic on nearby 1-5, Rts,78, and El Cmno Real, Your le-t;ter states thaB fJbrown saog". visually observed is not nec- essarily a good indication of grogmd lsvel. alr qualltg mletFva to health. Until pollutant levels are mollllltosed 88 X have requested, the relative hazard is uncertain mathematicakly, However, 1 would peraon- ally prefer to breathe the relatively 'ETfsualLy clem a3.r at the moni- toring site. The projected expsnaion of the Plaza to 6000 parking spaces and 36,000 average daily potor vehicle trips will compound the health hazazd greatly. Yo rs trul Henry d"f P. BO&&!! 3 18 -1 2 ,/?, r, ,,? -..; >;y1 p$ (-,;-.::?:$. ,@I $ n %$&3 /LI .% -1- / . -i .,/,. **:\ ' LIAM SIMMONS Air Pollution ntrol Officer AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO 71e5A-=? - F/& ,kLM 9150 ChesaDeake Drive 7 'LQ?373 "I- 9-8-76 San Diego, Calif. 92123 - .~ (714) 565-5901 (MS 0176) r [T r. I i ( 7"' I! 1 J :t\, pf+,-".'*/ e j-.ii I.. : c d -20- 77 Ji +ICT.,S c T a-.C,I:.c. A! "- #! -YpJ&L - f- I', )."I / : r.y.. A,' /P " F y &d- - i.n,;l,,' ./ .* Yi A< e - *-La .%$ At ; .- * * *. *-.e' / H.P. Bourke 1616 Hunsaker St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Dear Mr. Bourke : 2, J: /+ -:A . --, :f * /a ' F, +; -. . -=.it, yAwr /I (: ,p -r #A j-[- r3 " "p? 6:: j CF : It t c: e.4 C.<A!., , < ?*r< 8. /.,.J-\ ,/$: .. >:c*.,.. !I I .- ., . *i .. L,. : !'p " *i . i' "l 3, ,, <, .:; .4.P. -&E tp.; ~ 7. J.&. ~w4)I"x: ..* -& / 2-%"?< iL+ i-tc:; ,.A ,*yLO4>.."<, ;<.; &;I' duo -c.$ pCAd-~ J3 -.) c fi p .u..c-rt' k J $7. "'/ !,*(; ..&J ,i: "- , ...< t.t,f 1 [LC- ;* t ..4 ' (, \.3.e-;-cL2.f, ,P..Lc h -..; . , {I I .. , ti, !..A[ "t .. C,fj P. *%.!%...* "C7< Ct, ..., -, * I c *- L: i' i _.- -46 0 t. ..c*>r !*.. z... .- , /{?I .\ !r Thank you for your letter and telephone inquid regarding air C;C-I..~I .eAtwz _. c r.. . ,. ,;? quality. I 8111 enclosing some information which you may find of 'f r -&.x- __.-.. .j'/ interest. The federal clean air standards are included in the issue of our Air Bllution Quarterly enclosed. As you will note, +~-.G-e ... !---.I'. 2. 1 the pollutant of chief concern is photochemical oxidant or ozone. . *' w'.& The standard for this pollutant is 0.08 parts per million for_a one-hour avera&e. The "alert" level-is .20 ppm for one hour, a level which we do not reach in the county more than a few times each year. Readings in Oceanside for a typical recent year are also in this publication. The brown layers of haze to which you refer are most likely nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and some particulate matter. Although this is unsightly, it is not of as much concern to health as the con- centration of ozone, which is invisible. Our instruments, which are located at 100 Cleveland Street in OceansLde, measure all the pollutants indicated on the enclosed fact sheet for the general ozone flaw pattern area of which Oceanside is a part. Our air ' pollution meteorologist believes the station's location provides adequate representation of the ambient air quality in that section of north County. Earlier this year the District did ask the Board of Supervisors for additional monitoring stations to cover the area from Solana Beach to my, which we feel may be inadequately represented in our monitoring data at this time. However, these requests were not funded. We have one station mounted on a trailer which is measuring air quality along the U.S.-Mexican border, but we do not have a truly mobile station in the sense of a van with instrumentation which we could park next to a site for a limited period of time. If budget permits in f'uture years, we hope to acquire this capability. For information on the environmental impact requirements pertaining to the new shopping center comtruction you mentioned, please contact Michael Alberson of our staff at 565-3903. I hope this.information is helpflrl to you. If you have further questions please call or write again. Sincerely, Nancy 1 llison 't 1 re .-1 > ' 6 ..,tc.i. 1 c .j , .cc it,:. :i' Z..<;..(.b ( .# i.; CL,I T; i ,,, a i +- L?. -,,!. , * . . "1 II ILL ALP [,eL/ua, -' Y' Tvformation & Education Officer ., I. ., .,. , , _" I > .. ... ,. .. , . .. , , ._ . .. .% . .I. 190 . .,-.. - ,m*0 0 P, , --*LE tt -0 c J CD 8.- Po 0 CLS IpX rc -2 4 b ri- 4.3 CD g s bQ.9 w -*3 J ip't;. a * E. *%ggg.s g 't" CDww ' 4s- =F g. ;.ma c Zo E rg;:; J" Ly?Z g 0 P, 5. rB-.oa g 2 ! - %"u -3 la c.&$o 0" my* a E.?'" v) - !.aaCoP 0 v.- %gz :B J 2.3 -.P, fu 111m.w 2 3 , c.0 0-3 w8 J Z.J s! CD -* ,09 g E'=;'& D +OW nt4 45.- 0 CD ") 8 0 "* 9 $ 2. Y 5. G p-CDG i&+*8 Pa ; I" a ;0 CD c >cc ;gsg;gq p 0 P, a3 88: tgsq 0 5.09 rU CD rg- c?%%gJ j.0 q 9 o -P, !.: ga-2 2 !L2LP, i 5.Zg.sKg Gp 7: gg 0, = -p,Cc<r:22 3 am J *%a g 89 E g."," ?& (DJ3,n4cpoCDcc p? /Fa 35% - womng,~, p $2 g gZe$ ogr -3 ag $0 ne* s E', 0 -2 0 s: ".a!& g 8-0 3 tA q3no&&s2. ZG.3 c.0 CD Y& -gY JOa=- e, 0PO"CDZ6 5.3 e CD E. 3-09 a v. 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Hs.~r.. . -" "..i -. .".."." ".. "" ~ ."" ""~ """"- ,"i- fl 0 F= 0 J - L t v4. CK". .<. ."" "_._ / q ". Fa _."_._ r"q'.,.A ". " - fJC2 "._ -~ ____ 8% ,"_____ . .... .. .. 722 -.- -.-----. .. ."". _".""" ."".._.". ." - . . " _. -. - 25 -%- L-. ."~" - OF ". ." - -7"fqs - ._" -~ - _" "" TA ( = .- -." s .".&." -~- "_F"" L&.C """. pP/~~~~~~ ....-...- ..... " " "." - ..".." - *rd .. .- ~~itr- dd4doQj . ." . -.F/-& 4"?.-%"<:"2. L ."." Glf! """"" 2-3 "~_ -C"- c;L ~." -. - "L ""_ .""."" __ -. ... ."" .. - ... ". - "" """" "" -4". ". "- _". - .. ". . " - - ... /-.-e- .Y". ."7?f<X """" - ... ... .... .. .... P5,pL. ........ ""_ ""_" s ..~ "" """" &i= - """" T#E z &J 1F (S.- " " A z4+ y PF @ __. 5). " "E-"- "U tQ7-eE-c - . ""_ .. ._ " . """"""_ ET G 4,4 .. - LT(~ "__ """"""."".""-. Cr9 . 8 F 77-4T ""...."._ ,c/clLo """ . ."." " :, .."- :u/,- 7"fqm &? iG2d &? L "-Kc? d s PIT -. "@:..2"Plff". / c; /cl TlC' fJ 2 ;5F ___ >ArMflz2-3 -. . ." - __ ." . " - "." "."_ __" "__ "." . .._." f+ g*q _..""." :"" 1 f".""X . I "".... _""." b ... -. ..... " 1 - -. . "~ _""""^. ."" " "_ .- ... " .. _" - - 330 c &jr- .Ssypfy 7 >\. /c " -..- - GbAiJ 7 \7. -&e/=! " ".. .... "_- . """ . ."" ..... - -. .. " - ......... __ .". 7- -- - - .. ". -. #- c2 "7L 42+' 9 .. 0s e/.) &. C 9 /Q,LIfl - q/ " - - - - - - - .. - " ... - . " " ........ - ."" ......... - ...... "..." .. FCoq "" _"_ "__.. ""." .. ~ - .. . .__ ....".....".. ~" (.-.-;;..- (9 &"" ..... "-._."""_."" ~ .... "."."_."... . " """" ..." ..... ."". "."""_" 2 ____"_" ". .... ..~ """__" . I , i$J(J! .A 6 &.q jj B/'LC Ah, 37q .ycJp,3(h--F,v/- #=/' ->-.s -.y ._"...b... - --- ., I... ,?=- ;& - . .~ .-.. . _. 2 12 /.F. / G 77 . ' _- ' - /. ' / ,,f / .. ., Tf5-pr tp- /Q ,v" [.:-J d' '..j .e .. ,<' d. 0 ..jt5- Q -p 1 / 5Q.F Jls CJ & %. -3 d , &'# LC; A f'; " ' c.1; p-- c 1 j ,B. Complaints: APpHKlLT c c The complajrtts recc-ivcd by City Staff include: .f .- . . ! "" -" . .. - - CI .. I' 1) The plant creates excessive noise duri'ng blasting and also'during 2) Noise occurs during thc early morning hours and also at night,' .. normal operation. m 3) Blasting causes significant amounts of dust and creates structurs.~ damage in nearby dwelhgs. C. \g!ater Qual ity: Up' until ttovember, 1974, the South Coast Aspha1.t Products Company had a permit to discharge up to 150 gallons oi' treated waste watgr per minute into the Bucna Vista Creel: Channel. This waste watcy was used in ''viet'' smoke and dust control faci 1 ities. In 1974, the "wet" systen was repfzcecl' by a more efficient dry system ("baghorrse") for dust con-tr~l. The Regional later Quality Corrtrol Board rescinded their per mit to disch&r-ge vastes into Kuena Visla Creek because of th-is ne\.{ in- stallation. The plant st~~.l-?_.U_s.~~_.~0_00 ~,..ga?.lpns./da*y. f-yonl. ... Bucna J"kLa. 'Creek for dust control and in plznt. rest)-oor:! - "- faci 1- .. - " " e " ~taf.~: irtspected the plant the 1;rorning after a rain s,torri;.L he ci-ekk -. rocky areas. The suds clre evi dznce' ouni f i cant pol !titi G-E-, the cause of which* IS undete\-nined. (Two possibi 1 itics .are that the pol l utitln is caused by d'i rect dvmping of contamit;an-ts into the crzek, . 01- by leakage ot septlc-tarilc-s ups~ree . Staff has 110 evidence on the causes of the .siltation of BUCI?~ Vista Creek. However, the problem is severe enough that periodi c cl ez,,:-ancc of the downstream creek channel is required. The \later *. Quai itv COICLLQ" .' was hcavi 1 Y si 1 tec!..a.nd&se m~ttnds of c;e.~~~ge!l~~.-s_~d~~~~~re travped i!l. . "____ - - " ""_" "2 "". ". ""_ - "". -/" _y_ _. *I c D. No-ise: . .. .. Staff has made inspections around the plant c!tt!-i ng oper-ation of a.? 7 . rock c~-us~~i ng anti asplla1 t production Z~CI?~ !:cry. I I I s ec~rr i pr;:z11t WAS noi: audible at the no\-.thwestern edge of the Mil-a Mesa subdivis:ion: side of High\\lay 78 is seven4y impzcted b~t traffic noise; thct-efore, it was hard to discrrn \!!!at noise enarnatcd from the rock crushers and as ha1 t. plant, and what noi se was attributable *to freeway 'ii-affi c. The *onfy, no 7, sc \vi) i c~t \vas cjj ;-cctly i dcntt fi s1>l e 35 e!nanating 'fro111 ttle SCAI'CO PIAIII: \V~S from dri 11 jny conducted 011 the Oceatlsidc portion of '1. -. . located south of" Highway 78. The Costa Serena subdi vi siorr 011 the north the property. . r* B The reprcscnt.ative from SCAPCO stated that cqlliprlrcn1; at tf1p -s:'tp js oper-atcd only from G A.N. lo G P.M., *"cxccpl: in cases of ci:1pl*gpl1cJt. Equi IIIII~II~; i S. repai rcd and nlai ntai ncd at ni gilt, .but tilat !ilai 11t:ent;ncc involves ollly 1 imitecl ope\-ation of the equipment, wjt~~o~~ a11y pt.o.dLicts being processcd. *Please see attached lctter stating that opet'iiL'~c~~Is have been temporarily extended to 3 P.N. . -v - .- * ,<" vs .. EzK " f-22 5 /y ;7J- /A - &SUC / /R 6;a " e pq - pEL/Q& c Surface drainage along the proposed route of the Tri-Agencies Pipeline' 1% is predominantly into the intermittent tributaries of Aqua Hedionda Creek / to the south, as dictated by topography. This drainage empties into the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and ultimately into the Pacific Ocean. A small Section Of the route near the westem end drains northward ir.to B~~~~ Vista Creek and Buena Vista Lagoon. These lagoons, both generally blocked from the ocean by barrier beaches,-are significant in that they form a link in the Pacific (Gamebird) Flyway, and support unique floral and faunal populations. Because of th I .r nature, waters within these B lagoons is generally atrophied. The quality of water in Aqua Hedionda and Buena Vista Creeks is currently subject to a number of degrading influences including waste- water discharge, agricultural return flc-;.;, dairy operations , urban and construction runoff, and sand and gravel excavation operations. Bio- stimulation and eutrophication in the estuarine lagoons of these creeks __ " . . . have been a significant problem. " ~" .. Groundwater Occurrence of Groundwater All major drainage areas within the San Diego Region contain ground- water basins. Although they are of limited size; these basins have been historically important in the region, and in some portions of San Diego County have comprised the only source of water supply. The location of groundwater resources within the San Diego Region is shown in Figure 8. In the San Diego Region, groundwater is generally found within alluvial deposits, sedimentary units, and in residual mate- rials developed on crystalline rock. Also, groundwater occurs local.ly within fracture zones. 39 D .* -. -.I , f-0 I 9q ... , , ,_ , ,i - -, .- ,___ _" ,,.,, .-, I__. . ___ , - ,.. .., _,__ _"_ "" - __ __ - - .. - .~ j. .." - "", . ~ ".. -...- .-.. . - - . I". -, - --- ~. . . ~ ~.~---^"-"-"'--~~~ - --- .---. * ,~r..* 4 . ... . : Stafc OF Culifornia .. 4 The Re I !jMemOrCi3du?n. 5 1 To : 1. L. Frank Goodson, Projects Coordinator 1 f- 2. City of Carlsbad Date: June 13, 1977 ' i Resources Agency e lXX, Elrn Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 n ,'.,-,' ''3 From : Department of Fish and Game . 1 1. '3 Subject: 3 (5. - ES - SCH 77050225 - Sxpplernentaf. Draft EIR for IrLaza Camino Real Shopping Center "vJ-. ,,I 1 3cr comern regardirkg the, losses of riparia habitat res~Lting from the pr We hava reviexed the subject draft XI2 and. f5x2 Lt -5nzdeqLzte in its disa the Fotentld. iqxcts to wildlife md comper,satory measures LJ offset the: impacts. i I..+ j ."? : 3 project \<as expressed in our response of Januzy 27, ly? to the preihina b j still not zdequats in resolvixg o;r c~ncems. Xe believe it is nmdatoq !4 projec-l construtioc a?d ti;at alternative mitigative measures be discussed && \de believe the rnitigztive measures 'presznte; in the Supplemer.tal Draft EIR disc~ss cozpensator; measures for losses or" wetland hzbitat due to the pro i' x01il-d provide for replacement of lost habiht or! &T acre-fo-acre basis. 7 .also find. t>.% tiie measures proposed to protect the fresh water zcosystem i the hem 'C'ista Lagocn Zcological Reserve from long term inpacts of increa: sedhentation -2nd polluted ur5m runoff are not adeqate. Me are vitdly i 1 ?T.. concerned asout any project t5at may degrade Jca-ter quality here thus causi: adve,-se inpacts to aqu-atic flora and fauna within the Euena Vista Lagoon Ecological %serve. Until .these concerns are a6ea;clateI-y discussed in the c EIR, we believe it fails to meet ;ne requirements of the California 3nviror Quality Act , " "3 ! { '-3 -u . .I ] j .e. J !I . Our position is that thz proposed project mst be modified to avoid further %. * '.a .: 4 alterztion of hena Vista Creek, This stream channel provides valulable hat .44 for wildlife in addition to providing flood coritrol s-hce it was specified 3 designed and constL-ucted to mitigate previous losses of wetlands and wildli ?.:@ resources while still provi2ing a flood flow czpacity, It is effectively s r* 4 ! .;'3 ' 5 I . those purposes and is e,xpected to be retained as wildlife habitat to fulfil needs. We believe that the subject project nust b6 nodified to provide for '5 1. $4 '.,..C ''. .q continmnce of these aqustic wetland md riparian habitzts within the strea .:: chams1 enabling preservation of the existkg fish and ,wildlife resources. 3 part of this position, we also recommend that t?le proposed parking faciliti m is., be limited to areas requirixg no chcmges in the present stream channel, ban1 or habitats, 4 1 .. k. 1 . - -"C".~.-_a~"--.~."ill.17 -,-_ - ..-."-."-. .__-l_". ---.-""~---"~- -1- ..-*..-.I_ -, . " -...-..,.. r"l-."~ .-... n. -_.-....,"x .I,, _Ir __"..__. ... . -, "" v. ? &o _,___ "._ __" i:_ ,~,"~...~ _."_ -...-. I -.- .- - - -. ... ' ' -.- " - .. . ,.. ' .- I- .. Ti4 .L _.. . . , . ,. . . . . . . dl / .- &> ', 4 ' 1. L. Frar?k Goodson - -2- A 2. City of Carlsbad -*e Q q- Any alteration ivithin the high water nark of 3wna Vista Creek will require 3 of the Fish and Garre Code. This notification and. subsequent agreement for .A notification to the Dqartnent of Fish and Gam pursuant to Section 160143 approval of the proposed pmject must be accorqlished prior to tnc commencement A of the strea3bed alteration. It wodd %ppear that my or" the proposals involvin, diversion of water l"low from the existing chamel by building a bypass channel rn Resources Contml 3ard regarding waste and'unreasonable +ivcrsion of water. - . We dso recormend that each of the alternatives potentially involving such diver ? -. 1 -J Fobel+ D. Xontzoxerjr, Rcgional Marlager of Reglm 5 at 350 Soldzn Sriore, Lmg Bea .-a : I run cornter to the deterxination coniained In Decision 1460 of the State Water .& ".I be judged ag&-,st the items. contained in that decision. If additicml coordination is rsqdnxi an this natter, please contact Nr. California 93602. fie telephone nmber is (Z3) 59G5113. ,mar.. you for the opportlmity to rev5,ex an,a coxmnt cn this document. (1 73 %3 b'* w,?' ./ c . /: ': " i .' /. u- ..;'p; ,] \ 1 LJ .," .L?? .-+: !, .. I J' Director *$ Fp.y ': ' 3 .. -. 1 Ai *. -. i .. I !' ~ ,. I ~ j i .. .. -"r.""___"".__r__-~ll,*C" "".".. ...- . ,.. " ... """*,__." ".~ -.._. ~". .." _.. "" ."". __.__I.I ,"_" , _.. ._ , - ,,~ . . .. . , . __ . . . . ., . .. -F i :