HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-30; City Council; Minutes-. apkj.46{&F&E$ ROLL CALL: Mayor Frazee 'stated the "aster Plan for the Library had been presented to Council in 1973 but was never adopted; therefore, it should be reviewed as to its current applicability:. Council discussed various portions of the Master Plan such as: future need for branches, the recommendation for a- cultural center, and what in fact constttutes a strong and effective central library. Council discussed at length the status of the proposed Children's Library and questioned its relationship, if any, to the Master Plan. It was pointed out that due to the rapid growth in the La Costa area, a branch would be required in that area in the near future. In that the Library Board has been using the Master Plan as a guideline, Council expressed interest in hearing the Board's reasons for ~ stressing the need of the Chi1drenI.s Library prior to the need of a La Costa Branch. Following further discussion, Council directed staff to review the Master Plan and return to Council with a report expressing concerns and questions in order that Council may determine the desirability of contacting the consultant who prepared the original Master Plan for possible revision of the current document. It was further suggested thatzthe consultant be contacted regarding the possibility of meeting the existing Master Plan. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 8:Ol P.M. and Council reconvened at 8:16 P.M. with all Council members present. ' with .Council for the purpose of discussing' [93]. . 2. CITY OF CARLSBAD .FIRST PHASE SEWER ALLOCA- TION SYSTEM. The Planning Director gave a brief report in which he requested .the matter be discussed and set to public hearing at an adjourned meeting to be held September 13, 1977. He further stated that a.s the System is being prepared in .final draft form, minor changes are being made such as allocating 15% for commercial and 5% for offices rather than strictly 20% for com- Council discussed at .length the current method of measuring. sewerage in EDU's versus the possibility of establishing a method which would measure in gallons per day. It was the concensus of Council to continue using the EDU method. The City Manager stated staff would proceed developing a new system in the event Council desired a change at a future date. L - I b August I 1 -rY AD - -z- 30. 1977 <- It was the concensus of Council that the matter be set to public hearing for an adjourned meeting to be held September 13, 1977. 3. AGENDA BI'LL #3481 - Supplement-#10 - BULLOCK TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT. The Planning Director gave a brief report 'out- lining the City Attorney's Memorandum to the City Manager dated August 22, 1977, which detail the purpose and need.of the encroachment agree- ment. Council discussed the number of par.king spaces involved, time limit and inconvenience. The following Resolution was ado.pted: RESOLUTION NO. 5183, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT .BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE PARKING AUTHORITY AND PLAZA CAMINO REAL FOR A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT ON PARKING AUTHORITY PROPERTY TO TION ACTIVITIES IN CONNECTION GfITH THE BULLOCK'S ALLOW DEVELOPER TO ACCOMPLISH CERTAIN CONSTRUC- STORE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. . - - - - . . - 4. NOOY-TIME RECREATIOM PROGRAM AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Councilwoman Casler distributed a copy of a memo to Council dated August 29, 1977, re the existing noon-time recreation program being provided by the City to four Carlsbad elementar schools. Following brief discussion of the matter, Counci instructed staff to disband the school noon recreation program as soon as may be determined practical by staff. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mayor Frazee stated the League of Cities was having a conference on League organization on September 9 and 10. He then asked for a volunteer from Counci-1 to attend ,the ,conference. Councilman Skotnicki stated he would attend the conference. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10~5 P.M. Respectfully submitted, y7d2fq5Lw& MARGAR E. ADAMS, City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording - Secretary c2xJNC$&PkiEb