HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; Minutes- D D ‘ ITY Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: September 6, 1977 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held August 16, 1977, were approved subj-ect to the correction of Councilman Skotnicki’s statement on page 7; paragraph 4. PAYMENT OF GILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Opera- tions :$251,283.32; Mater Department $83,661.09; Investments $1,100,000.00; Net Payroll Transfer $101,827.11; for a total of $1,536,771.52, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $159,204.51 for the period August 8, 1977 through August 21, 1977, as certified by the Finance Director and approved - by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALEND.AR: The City Yanager requested that Item No. 10 be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion purposes; and Councilman Sk.otnicki requested Item No. 7 be removed for discussion purposes. The following items, with the exception of Items 7 and 10, were approved by one motion’affirming. the action on the Consent C,alendar. [70] I 1. AGENDA BILL #3552 - Supplement #5 - MAGEE HOUSE PARK DEVELOPMENT. Resolution No. 5184, ap’proving the application for land and water .. conservation funds for the Magee House Park Development Project,, was adopted. [70] 2. AGENDA BILL #5111 - Supplement #1 - LA COSTA -. . CANYON PARK DEVEL-0P.MENT. Resolution No. 5185, approving the application for land and water conservation funds for the La Costa Canyon Park Development Project, was adopted. [Sol 3. AGENDA BILL #517l - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized refunds for overPavments of charges made by the City as follows: $8.45 to Clara Russell for returned library books; $27.00 to Geraldine McKYbber for cancelled tennis and painting class; $12.00 to Carla Blanchard for cancelled painting class; $25.50 to.Al Amlick for cancelled Daytrippers trip; $52.00 to !{ill Valley Electric for overpayment on permits; $34.50 to Golden Plumbimg for paying permit fee twice; $12.00 to Helen Means for cancelled class; $lO.OC to Estelle P. Horowitz for refund on Daytrippers trip; $7.26 to Carlsbad Properties for overpaid closing water bill; $66.38 to Nikki Wilson for overpaid closing water bill; $5.62 to Larry Clendenin for overpaid closing water bill; $21.9€ to Tony Soteto for overpaid closing water bill; (continued on next -page) 1” I I cxWNCEt.PV~!EO”. - D D Y -_ 2 - I CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd). 3. (Cont'd) - $11.00 to Gloodrow Eason for over- paid closing water bill; $10.00 to J. Florintine for refund on Old Globe Theatre trip.; $18.62 to Douglas Sout.hwest .for overpaid closing water bill $206.08 to Norman Starr for overpaid closing water bill; and $21..36 to John Herr'for overpaid closing water bill. 741 4. AGENDA BILL #5172 - MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTAND- ING WITH CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Resolution No..5186, adopting a Memorandum of Understanding between representatives of manage- ment and the Carlsbad Firefighters Association, Inc., was adopted. 741 5. AGENDA BILL #5173 - SALARY PLAN FOR FIRE SAFETY EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977 - 78. Resolution No. 5187, adopting a salary plan for local Safety Fire Employees for -fiscal year 1977- 1978 and rescinding portions of Resolution No. 3972, was adopted. 741 6. AGENDA BILL #5174 - EXECUTIVE SALARY INCREASE FISCAL YEAR 1977 - 1978. Resolution No. 5188, adopting an Executive Compensation Plan for certain-Planagement Personnel for the 1977-78 fiscal year, was adopted. 731 8. AGENDA BILL #5176 - ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - SOCORRO LANE - PONDEROSA HOMES. Resolution No. 5189, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the owner of Lots 26 to 33 of Map 8506 for encroachment in Socorro Lane and authorizing the Mayor to execute said,agreement, was adopted. 811 9. AGENDA BILL #5177 - REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION POLICY. Resolution No. 5190; adopting Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation Policies pursuant to the requirements of Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 16 of the California Govern- ment Code, was adopted. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALEN'DAR: .. 1 681 7. . AGENDA BILL #5175 - .4GREEMENT %JITH CARLSBAD 451 SENIOR CITIZEN'S ASSOCIATION. Councilman Skotnicki referred to the proposed agreement .and expressed the feeling that the full-time Coordinator should also serve as the Supervisor of the Nutrition Program. He further stated the report from the Association dated August 1'4, 1977, in his opinion, did not justify 1 the need for the second individual to supervise. the Nutrition Program. I ~ Council recogni.zed Mr.. Raymond Ede, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Senior Citizen's Association. Mr. Ede outlined the duties of the Coordinator and the Supervisor of the Nutr-i-tion Prog'ram. He indicated the Coordinator could possibly double as the Supervisor if the Nutrition Program were in the same location, but since the two were across town, two people were requi red. WNGORMEh c%xJNCh&ob&Er\ Following Council discussion, it was moved that, the fol1,owing Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTIOM MO. 5198, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD .SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SENIOR CENTER AND FOR A NUTRITION PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR. TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT, with the agreement being modified as follows: Delete Section d on Page 2, and in Section b at the end, add the words "and furthermore to s'upervise the Nutrition Program". Motion failed for lack of majority. T.he foll owing Resol ution was adopted,: RESOLUTION NO. 5198, APPROVING AN- AGREEMENT . BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SENIOR CENTER AND FOR A NUTRITION PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. The Public Works Administrator gave a brief staff report indicating that Condition 15 of the proposed Resolution on page 4, should be correcte as follows: rat.her than ''revised" Tentative Yap it should read "amended" Tentative Map; subsectio b) should read daylight lines rather than day- light lanes. He then outlined the reasons for Condition 15 being included in the proposed Resolution. The Public -Works Administrator then reported briefly on Item number 19 on the Agenda and its relation to this item. It' was the concensus of Council that Item number 10' be discussed following Item number 19 on the ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: By minute motion the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this 'meeting was waived. 931. 11. AGENDA BILL #5143 - Supplement #1 - SEbIER The following Ordinance was given a second readin and. adopted: SIDE EXISTING STRUCTURES, !.IHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN ' OCCUPIED, NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE THE FIRST USER OF SPACE THEREIN. Y OF CA NClkMEQ - B P' -4- PUBLIC HEARINGS: HEIGHT LIMIT 1N.C-2 ZONE "ZCA-90. The Planning Director gave a brief staff report outlining the proposed Ordinance and purpose of same. Mayor Frazee opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 7:39 P..M. Council discussed whether the Ordinance would affect other C-2 zones other than the .Plaza.Camin . Real shopping center. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs r.eading only: ORDINAltCE NO. 9489, AME!lDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.28.030 TO REVISE THE [98] 13. AGENDA BILL #5179 - STREET NAME CHANGE - OLIVE DRIVE TO PI0 PIC0 DRIVE - SNC-VII. The Planning Director gave the staff report with the aid of transparencies showing the location of the conflicting streets. Mayor Frazee declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mrs. Patricia A. Dresselhaus, 2359 Olive Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. 'Mrs. Dresselhaus expressed opposition to the change due primarily to the inconvenience for residents. closed the public hearing at 7:50 P.M. . [77]. 14. AGENDA BILL #3798 - Supplement #l - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - PALOMAR AIRPORT. The Planning Director gave a brief staff report. Mayor Frazee declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wishe.d to be hear.d o'n the matter. Since no one'wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:57'P.M. . . The City Manager stated that in the event the property.was annexed, the operation of the air- port would still be maintained by the County. He further s'tated that at such time of annexation, the City would then be responsible for the maintenance and improvements to, Palomar Airport Road. iTY QF C W!k!G[Lt&Eb I - -5- Council questioned what benefits the City would receive by anvexing the Palomar Airport property in addition to what liabilities the City would be accepting. Council discussed the possible cost of improv'ing Palomar Airport Road, and questioned what control, if any, the City would have over future changes to the Airport by the County. *(See Page 10). .r Council certified EIR-387 for the Palomar Airport Annexation, to include all testimony received at the public hearing. ' . [lo51 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 8:17 P.M. and reconvened at 8:18 P.M. with all Council members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning [gg] 15. AGENDA BILL #5088 - Supplement #2 - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/TENTATIVE MAP AND SPECIFIC PLAN- BUENA WOODS - KAMAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Staff indicated this item was back for documents, but concern had been expressed about Condition 5 on Page 4 of- Resolution No. 5194 regarding exterior television antennas, Councilman Skotnicki expressed the feeling that the City should not require- CC&R's f0r.a project to prohibit individual exterior television antennas in that it might have the effect of ensuring a monopoly for cable television. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs ' reading: ORDINANCE NO. 9490, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9411 PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HOSP WAY ADJACENT TO FIONROE ROAD. AND SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-160) FOR 43.9 ACRES OF ,. ,The foll.owing Resoluti-ons were adopted: f RESOLUTION NO. 5193, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS UNITS ON 43.9 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HOSP WAY ADJACENT TO MONROE ROAD. RESOLUTION NO. 5194, APPROVING P, PLANNED UNIT ON 43.9 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED OM ' THE SOUTH SIDE OF MOSP WAY ADJACENT-TO MONROE - ROAD, with the provision. that Condition 5'on Page 4 requiring exter.ior "television antennas be del eted. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 8:'29 P.M and Council reconvened at'8:45 P.M. with all Council 'members present. TENTATIVE MAP (CT 77-2) TO PROVIDE 130 DWELLING DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD-8) FOR 130 DWELLING UNITS' ~ .. C1"Y F - -b- [114] 16. AGENDA BILL #5179 - RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE- ZCA-86. 7 The Planning Director gave' a brief report on the proposed zone 'as outlined .in Exhibit A to the Agenda Bi 11. Council suggested the following changes and, revisions to the proposed zone: Bees be added to subsection (3) on Page 2; 1n.subsection (4) of Page 2, the reference to 'lone motor vehicle" should be clarified; In Section 21.09.060 on Page 3, height is measured to ceiling, which is interior. Sugges researching matter for different method of measuring building height; In subsection (l)(a) of Page 7, suggest ob- taining all rights of way to avoid "piece meal" dedication; Page 8, minimum feet required should be 28 rather than 24; Page 5, subsection (4), questioned as to feasibility; Page 6, subsection (Ar), Line 2, should read ''adjacent" rather than "adequate". Following further discussion, Council referred ZCA-86, Residential Estate Zone, to the Planning Commission for study and public hearings and recommendations for City Council consideration. . (96) 17. AGENDA BILL #5180 - DIRECTIONAL S'IGNS. The Pl.anning Director gave a brief report. Council discussed problems that may occur if off- site subdivision signs are allowed. I Council recognized Mr. Ai Wylie, A1 Wylie's Sign Associates, 4422 Glacier Avenue, Suite A, San ' ' Diego. Mr. Wylie refe.rred to a dr/aft of a Sub- division Directional Sign Ordinance he had previously submitted to Council and outlined same He requested Council adopt some type of Ordinance allowing subdivision. directional signs. Council recognjzed Mr. Michael Pack, Harvey & Company, 8145 Ronson Road, Suite E, San Diego. Mr. Pack also urged Council to adopt some type of ordinance allowing subdivision directional signs. Following further discussion, it was moved that Council request the Ch'amber of Commerce to re- instate the committee on directional signing to continue its study of directional signin+g to downtown area and bring report to Council, but that it be confined to directional signing for the downtown area only. Motion failed for lack of a majority. a;qGgb&EP - B 1 hTY OF c .- 7 - It was moved thatcouncil request the Chamber of Commerce to reinstate the committee on directional signing working with Planning Staff as a resource. [w] 18. AGENDA BILL #5181 - CONDOMIHIUMS, CQNDOMINIU! qq CONVERSIONS AND CURB-CUT DRIVEWAY STANDARDS. The Planning Director gave a staff report reTerrir to his Memorandum to the City Manager dated September 1, 1977. Following brief discussion, Council accepted staff recommendations as follows: [991 That an Urgency Ordinance not be adopted at this time based on staffs' findings contained in reporl to the City Manager dated September 1, 1977; That the City Council direct staff to complete Ordinance Amendment studies on Condominium, Con- dominium Conversions, curb cuts; driveways and similar matters as indicated in preliminary studies contained in Exhibits "A" and "5"; That City Council direct City, Attorney to prepare final study into Ordinance and Planning Direc.tor to set matter to public hearing before Planning Commission as soon as possible; and Direct staff to update MRF development standards and draft ordinancesfor discussion that requires enclosed parking for single family residences. Pub1 i c Works 19. AGENDA BILL #3213 - Supplement #6 - TEMPOR- ARY USE OF BUENA OUTFALL - PONDEROSA HOMES UNIT 2 - KAISER/AETNA. The Public Works Administrator, Mr. Ron Beckman, gave a report on the matter. Mr. Beckman gave a brief history of the agreement with the Buena Sanitation District which would allow temporary service to areas outside the service area. He then outlined the request- for such service by Kaiser/Aetna. Mr.- Beckman referred to a wall map' showing the location of the service areas and the location of this particular development. He continued by informing Council that if the Tentative Map for Carlsbad T.ract 77-12 (Item #10 on the Agenda) were approved and ful-ly developed, it would utilize the remaining capacity in the line in tha CT 77-12 is in the service area. .. Council recognized Mr. Clayton H. Parker of Alexander Bowie, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1220, Newport Beach, representing the applicant. Mr. Parker reiterated the.request emphasizing that it would.only be temporary service. He responded to questions by Council. Council denied approval of the draft resolution until the problem concerning impact on previously approved tentative maps within the service area j ~ is resolved. WJNG!tMEb I hTY -8- I [99] 10. AGENDA BILL #5166 - Supplement #1 - TENTATLVI MAP APPROVAL - SANTA FE COMPANY. B Council discussed the need'for a parallel line to the Buena 1in.e.and by what means the line will be funded. In response to Council's question, staff indicated the developer is not required to contribute to the line. -r The City Manager stated that if Council desired, there would be a condi'tion imposed that would require developers i-n the service area to contri- bute to the parallel line. ~ staff could research the matter to determine if Council continued the item until such time as staff furnishes Council with alternates on the. sewer arangement. [45] 2.0. AGENDA SILL #5182 - COASTAL BICYCLE ROUTE - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. The Public blorks Administrator gave a brief staff report on the matter. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5195, APPROVING AN AGREEPIENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND MOHLE, PERRY AND ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO DESIGN A COASTAL BICYCLE ROUTE THROUGH THE CITY ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. 4 [63] 21. AGENDA BILL #3614 - Supp.lement #3 - CHILD- REN'S LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT.. 1 The City Manager gave a brief introduction of the matter and introduced Mr. Paul' Thoryk of Melvin- Thoryk & Associates, the architect on the project Mr; Thoryk referred to exhibits showing site plan elevations, floor elevations, floor plans, lounge view, entry view, and an exhibit showing the types of wood, color of tile, carpets -and wood stains to be used for the. proposed Chi1dre.n'~ Library. Mr. Thoryk gave a. brief e.xplanation of each exhibit, and .outlined the project in general Council discussed the plans as submitted, and expressed the feeling that it would be desirable to have further information regarding the land acquisition necessary for the project, as well as an adopted Master Plan for the Library prior to having the architect commence with plans and specifications. /* I Council accepted the prelininary study by the architect and' appr.oved final payment. Council instructed staff to begin negotiations fo acquisition of land as recommended in staff repor report da.ted January 18, 1977. Councilwoman Casler questioned Council as to when the committee's recommendation #2 re authorizing the architect to commence with plans and specifi- cations may again be considered. I mJNGt&b':;Eb ITY - D 1 -9- E September 6, 1977 It was the concensus of Council that recommenda- tion #2 be continued until further information regarding land acquisition and Master Plan is available from staff. Mayor Frazee then stated the time would not allow Counci.1 to complete the remainder of the items on the Agenda; therefore, item 27 would be.dis- cussed at this time and the remainder of the items would be continued. Mayor Frazee indicate'd he needed-Council guidance on a. particular item prior to discussion of Item No. 27. The Mayor requested Council's authoriza- tion to seek funding for a study to see if it is feasible for a fixed guideway, streetcar type transportation system utilizing the Santa Fe Railway's spur line from Oceanside to-Escondido. Council authorized the Mayor to express this City's intent to seek the County Transportation Department funding a study of multi-purpose transportation center to be located in the City of Carlsbad, and the intention for utilization of the AT&SF railroad tracks for intercity services in the North County area. City Manager [g4] 27. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #11 - APPROVA OF BUILDING ELEVATIONS - -BULLOCK'S STORE - PLAZA CAMINO REAL. The Planning Director gave a staff report out- lining the Planning Department's memo to the City Council dated September 1, 1977. He referre to a wall exhibit showing the site lo'cation, and an exhi bit which displayed the types of materi.als and color schemes proposed for t.he building. Council recognized Mr. John Kelsey of Ladd, Kelsc Woodard, A.I.A., 180 Newport Center Drive, blew- port Beach, the architect for the project;. and Mr. Dick Ray1 of Bullocks. They displayed a scale model of the proposed store and outlined the proposed structure and interior design of same, and responded, to questions of Council. / Council discussed the design of the proposed building, size, levels and height. Council approved the building elevations of the proposed Bullocks Store and indicated they are satisfied that the findings in regards to height contemplated by Ordinance No. 9489 are met in this case at a he.ight of 56 feet, and that said approval will be effective-October 21, 1977. ADJOURNMENT': ., By proper motion, the meeting was- adjourned at 12:ll A.M. to Tuesday, September 13, 1977, at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. r Y !T F ARLS aQNe6kMEh - 10 - Respectfully submitted, ./ *