HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-06; City Council; Minutes4 - B I) GI *I t %P 8 (“J ;:’- +wb\rQ GrJ.-kg&$ p 1; cy. v tq ?’$ &, y-1 iw Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: December 6, 1977 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Councilman Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 8, 1977, were approved as presented. tlinutes of the regular meeting held November 15, 1977, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 22, 1977, were approved as presented. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Operation ments $400,000.00; Net Payroll Transfer $207,057.95; for a total of $906,617.01, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll in the amount of $163,898.06 for the period October 31, 1977 through November 13, 1977; and $164,057.05 for the period November 14, 1977 through November 27, 1977, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. I $289,075.87; Water Department $10,483.19; Invest- CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Lewis requested that Item No. 7 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items, with the exception of Item No. 7, were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. , [97] 1. AGENDA BILL #3611 - Supplement #4 - ELM [45] AVENUE EXTENSION - VALLEY TO DONNA DRIVE - CONTRACT NO. 1032. Council approved Change Order No. 1, accepted the work, and ordered the City Clerk-to record. the Notice of Completion and - release the bonds 35 days after the recording date. [63] 2. AGENDA BILL #5051 - Supplement #2 - CITY ~ [45] LIBRARY PAINTING - CONTRACT NO. 1038. Council accepted the work and ordered the City Clerk to recokd the Notice of Completion and release the bonds 35 days after the recording date. ~ [53] 3. AGENDA BILL #5207 - Supplement #2 - ACCEPT- ANTENNA SYSTEM. Council set the bonding amount for La Costa Community Antenna System at $25,000. ING CORPORATE SURETY BONDS - LA COSTA COMMUNITY I I ~ ~ I yu I a>:ij.$-!” $.tF -L!,-. I& - D 0 . ." . - . . . . - - . .~ . .. .. . . .. ClTY OF" GARLSBA ayg*z[L$&E$ -2- December 6, 1977 CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) [51] 4. AGENDA BILL #5224 - Supplement #1 - PURCHASE [45] OF FAST ATTACK PUMPER. Resolution No. 5261, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a contract f0r.a fast attack pumper, was adopted. [51] 5. AGENDA BILL #5225 - Supplement #1 - PURCHASE [45] OF AMBULANCE. Resolution No. 5262, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a contract for the purchase of an ambulance, was adopted. [48] 6. AGENDA BILL #5257 - Supplement #1 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MARCH 7, 1978. Resolution No. 5263, calling and giving notice of the holdin of a General Municipa.1 Election to be held in said City on Tuesday, the 7th Day of March, 1978, for the election of certain officers of said City as required by the provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law Cities, was adopted; and Resolution No. 5264, requesting the Board of SuDervisors of the County of San Dieqo to permit the Registrar of Voters if said County to render specified services to the City of Carlsbad, relating to the conduct of a General Municipal Election to be held in said City on March 7, 1978 was adopted; and by minute motion, instructed staff to employ the firm of Martin & Chapman as the City's election siip.pl ier . [Sl] 8. AGENDA BILL #5261, - DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT. Resolution No. 5266, declaring an item of equipment as obsolete, and authorizing the disposal of such item, was adopted. [SO] 9. AGENDA BILL #5260 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized refunds of overpayments for charges made by the City as follows: $312.00 to Manhattan L. C. Enterprises for building permit fee refund; $35.68 to W. Bettes for overpaid closing water bill; $6.00 to Ruben Gastelum for overpaid closing water bill; $10.00 to Otto Bushm for overcharge of ambul.ance fees; $25.00 to Sport Outpost for deposit for summer softball; $10.00 to Linda Walters for refund for Jazzercise class; $7.14 to Donald E. Smit-h for overpaid closing water bill; $112.00 to Norman Starr for withdrawa of SP-ZO(B); $639.00 to State Comp. Ins. Fund for overpayment of benefits to Arthur Viera #SD 104672; $10.50 to Evelyn Gutscher for cancelled Palm Springs Trip; $9.50 to Mary Hall for can- celled Knott's Berry Farm Trip; $10.00 to Carol K.. Webster for cancelled decorating class; $14.00 to Margie Gohlich for cancelled sewing class; $50.00 to County of Sari Diego for filing fee charged in error; $147.91 to Michael Straub for refund installation fees for meter and service less water bill protest denial; $4.95 to Stephani Clauson for recovered lost book; $867.20 to Warmington Development, Inc. for 80% building overpaid closing water bill. I I permit fee refund; and '$9.68 to Conrad Trejo for b .~ . .... ... .. . .. .. . .- . . oi-Y F CA WJNF,ILME -3- December 6, 1977 ~~- ~ ~-. CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd). [41] 10. AGENDA BILL #5262 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - ZENY WARD. Resolution No..5276, denying a claim against the City, was adopted. r- [28] 11. AGENDA BILL #5263 - APPOINTIVE OFFICES - LIS OF VACANCIES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1978. Council acknowledged receipt of'the List of Vacancies. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [83] . 7. AGENDA BILL #5259 - PURCHASE OF PICK-UP TRUCK C451 Councilman Lewis stated he requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar in that he questioned whether small trucks had been consider ed. The City Manager indicated small trucks would not be suitable in this instance. He stated that notification had been received from Weseloh Chevrolet stating they were unable to meet the specifications. Therefore, it was staff's re- commendation that all bids be rejected. Council rejected all bids for the pick-up trucks and instructed staff to readvertise. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: By minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting was waived. [113] 12. AGENDA BILL #5195 - Supplement #2 - ZONE CHANGE REQUEST - ZC-196 - C-2 to C-1-Q - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Staff indicated the item was back for documents. The following Ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9494, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-196) FROM C-2 TO C-1-Q ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST 1,NTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL AND LA COSTA AVENUE. [114] 13. AGENDA BILL #5239 - Supplement #1 - TO PER- MIT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY A CONDITIONAL USE BAD. PERMIT IN THE C-1 ZO-NE. ZCA-93 - CITY OF CARLS-. This item was back for documents. The following Ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9492, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.26 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENC MENT OF SECTION 21.26.015 TO PERMIT THE ON- PREMISE SALE OF LIQUOR BY CONDITIONAL USE PERG.1IT IN THE C-1 ZONE. ZCA-93. 1. - I ~ - D 0 CITY OF CAR[ L, %sAD -4- December 6. 1977 ~ ~~ - - " . . ."~__ """""""" ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: C741 14. AGENDA BI.LL #5264 - MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. The City Manager requested that this item be removed from the agenda, and Council concurred with the request. [lo21 15. AGENDA BILL #5265 - SPEED ZONE - ELM AVENUE. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs reading only: ORDINANCE NO. 3108, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDI- TION OF SECTION 10.44.080 TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF ELM AVENUE. E931 16. AGENDA BILL #5242 - Supplement #1 - REQUEST TO UTILIZE EXISTING SEWER PERMITS - THE HIGHLAND COMPANY. This item was returned for documents, and follow- ing a brief clarification, the following Ordinanc was introduced for a first reading only: ORDINANCE NO. 8076, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.05, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18.05.020 TO ALLOW THE TRANS FER OF SEWER PERMITS IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. [I141 17. AGENDA BILL #5122 - Supplement #3 - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS - ZCA-84 - CITY INITIATED. ~ .~ ~ ~ ~-. This i tern was returned for documents. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs reading only: ORDINANCE NO. 9493, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER PAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTIONS (6) AND (9)'TO REVISE THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS IN REGARDS TO STORAGE 21 .45, SECTION 21.45.120 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICI- SPACE AND OPEN SPACE. ZCA-84. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [99] 18. AGENDA BILL #E1240 - TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL - CT 77-15 - KEN REYNOLDS. The City Manager stated the subject application had been accepted and processed through the Planning Commission based on the letter from the County Health Department re approval of; the sewel Following that, staff had recommended continuanct of the matter in order to determine if the County had properly applied their policy. In conjunction with this, Council had requested a report from staff re the County's policy rela- tive to septic systems in order that the City's current policy may be evaluated. He concluded his report by stating that at the present time, the applicant had not requested another continual (J-&Jf.$.ps: MtZ wf b-. . .- . - . . . . . - . , . .~ -. . . . .. . GBTY -5- December 6, 1977 The Mayor stated this was a continued public hearing an'd asked if anyone wished to speak. Mr. Kenneth A. Reynolds, 9421 Leilani Drive, Huntington Beach, addressed Council. Mr. Reynold distributed to Council a letter containing ex- cerpts from ordinances, resolutions, staff rep-ort and letters that address the question of sewer. He then referenced each.and explained his actions for compliance with each. He then stressed the fact that the Health Department approval requires testing each individual lot. He therefore, requested approval of the Tentative Subdivision Map. Mr. Reynolds responded to Council questions re the right-of-way easement for the road. As a result of expressed concerns by Council regarding the possibility of subdivision septic systems failing, Mr. Reynolds questioned whether he could continue with the percolation tests if the matter were continued to such time as Council received staff's. report relative to septic systems. Council indicated he could proceed with the tests at his own risk in that there was no guarantee that the subdivision would receive approval. Mr. Reynolds then requested that the matter be continued to such time as Council receives the report from staff. Council continued the matter to the meeting of February 21, 1978. It was further indicated that.staff would re- notice the matter for public hearing at that time. [lo11 19. AGENDA BILL #5266 - CERTIFICATE OF CONVEN- IENCE TO OPERATE TAXI - DBA/ARRO CAB -, ROLL.AND D, AND EVELYN D. STOKES. The City Manager gave a brief report indicating the Certificate, if issued, would expire in March', 1978. At that time, the Certificates for all companies operating taxis in Carlsbad would expire, and staff would furnish Council with a report relative to the number of taxis required in' the City. The Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Rolland D. Stokes, 3110 Serrano Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He .stated he would be happy to respond to any questions Council may I have. I closed the public hearing at 8:07 P.M. I i Since no one else wished to be heard, the Mayor ~ ~ The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5268, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE TO ROLLAND D. AND EVELYN D. STOKES DBA ARRO CAB TO OPERATE ONE TAXICAB IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE SAID CERTIFICATE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. .. rnN("t&&=f &z&% Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes ..BolbB B B (-JIpy QF CAR&S -6- I December 6, 1977 a; PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) E1141 20. AGENDA BILL #5179 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE - ZCA-86 CITY OF CARLSBAD. The Planning Director gave a brief staff report on the matter. He indicated the Planning Com- mission and staff were in agreement on the matter with the exception of two items. The Planning Commission deleted staff's recommendation of re- quiring a minimum floor area and the recommenda- tion which would prohibit chain link fences. The Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard on the matter. Mr. Robert Sonneborn, 3985 Stell a Mari s Lane, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He referenced his previous letter t.o Council on the subject zone and expressed the feeling that Carlsbad needs this type of zone. However, he indicated he felt the lot size should be determined by topography rather than by .acreage, with possibly a minimum lot size being one acre, rather than the proposed two-acre average. He further expressed concurren with Planning Commission's deletion of the minimu floor area requirement and the deletion of the requirement which would prohibit chain link fence MLr. Alton Ruden, Consultant Engineer, 2733 Hesa Drive, Oceanside, representing Mr. Melvin Knoll , then addressed Council. He stated Mr. Knoll has property which may be annexed into the City. He expressed the feeling that the requir'ed lot size should be one acre minimum. He also stated there .should be clarification of the fact that in the zone as proposed, it appears the City Engineer is given discretion as to whether sewers are required. Since no one else wished to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 8:29 P.M. I Council discussed the fact that wherein current1 min.imum lot sizes are established in zones, no maximums are set. Therefore, a developer could establish larger lots if desired. However, Cozlncil expressed the feeling that a one-acre minimum rather than a two-acre average lot. size would be desirable. Y Council further expressed the desire for a re- evaluation of public services with regard to changing to a one-acre minimum. Mayor Frazee referenced a letter from Rick Engineering Company dated Decem'ber 6, 1977, whic references the section of the proposed ordinance dealing with sewer systems, and suggests a possible change. Council returned the matter to the PJ-anning Com- mission for their consideration of one-acre minimum lot sizes with no averaging, and for their consideration of changing the sewer plan as proposed in the letter from Rick Engineering dated December 6, 1977; following which the matter will be returned to Council. f"JQ@>P[~ Etpl2b-p w L IL- -mAizLz :e I I. Motion Ayes 9smswsa B fJ-p!Q G;T (“& Q; “Tg)/: n, k . _, F-6 Lu: &&$ -7- December 6, 1977 .. HOUSING AUTHORITY: [lo51 Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 8:44 P.M. and reconvened at 8:48 P.M. with four Counc i 1 mem.bers present. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 8:48 P.M and Council reconvened at 9:06 P.M. with four Council members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: P1 anni ng [431 21. AGENDA BILL #3789 - Supplement #2 - PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW - CUP-9 - SOUTH COAST ASPHALT. The Assistant Planning Director gave a staff report outlining his memo to the City Manager dated November 9, 1977. He further explained the unusual nature of the operation with the aid of a transparency showing a portion of the operation in the City of Oceanside and a portion in the City of Carlsbad. He then responded to Council questions re complaints received and investiga- tion procedures taken by staff. Following brief discussion, Council accepted the Planning Commission findings that CUP-9 not be reopened for a public hearing at this time and directed staff to investigate complaints of noise and any other environmental nuisances that are submitted by citizens living in the area. Fur- ther, if such nuisances are substantiated, a re- port is to be filed with the City Council. If Council then determines that the nuisance con- tained in the report is a problem, Council may then direct the Planning Commission to hold a hearing on the Conditional Use Permit to deter- mine mitigating measures. ! C331 22. AGENDA BILL #5267 - AGREEMENT FOR LA COSTA L4-51 VACANCY SURVEY - SPECIAL CENSUS. The Planning Director gave the staff report on the matter. The following Resolution was adopted.: I RESOLUTION NO. 5269, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE PREPARATION OF A POPULATION ENUMERATION FOR THE LA COSTA AREASF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. E771 23. AGENDA BILL #5268 - LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM C451 PLANNING FOR THE UNINCORPORATED ISLANDS WITHIN CITY. I The Planning Director gave a staff report after which Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5270, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO HAVE THE CITY PREPARE AND SUBMIT THE LANDS WITHIN THE CITY. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM FOR THE UNINCORPORATED IS- ~y--[~;@~ Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Mot i on Ayes - .~ . . . . " . . . . , . . . . . .. .. - I) e wm E" 1- CARLS -8- December 6, 1977 ~ ~ . ~ ~~~~ . .~~.~"~~~ ~ """_ ~"_~~ ~ Pub1 ic Works [87] 24. AGENDA BILL #5269 - SAN DIEGO REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN (1976-2000). \\ The Public WoFks Administrator gave a staff rep.or and indicated Mr. Clarence Kaufman of the San Diego County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control was also present to respond to any ques- tions Council may have. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5271, APPROVING THE "SAN DIEGO REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN (1976-2000)" [92] 25. AGENDA BILL #5270 - AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF [45] DIGESTER MIXING SYSTEM - ENCINA FACILITY. The Public Works Administrator gave a brief re- port, after which Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5272, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN OF A MIXING SYSTEM FOR DIGESTER NO. 2 AT THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. [78] 26. - AGENDA BILL #5271 - CANINE UNIT. The City Manager gave the staff report referenc- ing the report from the Police Department. He further stated the Rotary Club has offered to pay the $400.00 fee for training the dog.' Following brief discussion, Council approved the ,implementation of a Police Officer/Dog Unit. Council accepted the offer of the Rotary Club to finance the training of the dog. [84] 27. AGENDA BILL #4056 - Supplement #2 - PURCHASI [45] OF RADIO CONSOLE AND AUXILIARY COMMUNICATIONS - EQUIPMENT. The City Manager gave a brief introduction of tht matter indicating the City's Purchas'ing Agent an( the consultant would report. Further, the Presi- dent of Coded Communications requested the.oppor- tunity to address Council on the matter. The Purchasing Agent, Mrs. Ruth Fletcher, report. ed to Council on the history of the matter as well as the method used for determin'ing which Company would receive the recommendation for award of the contract. Mr. Kenneth Fieler, Fieler & Associates, 8473 Canterbury Avenue, Sun Valley, CA, consultant, then addressed Co'uncil. He briefly explained the processes utilized in determining a recomrnen dation. He concluded his report-by recommending award of the contract to Motorola Communications and El ectroni cs. WUNC:[L@E& i mJmn&tm D f-iTy f-JK (-&+<L$~kD B -9- December 6, 1977 Mr. Dave Robison, President of Coded Communica- tions, addressed Council. He gave a history of his company and expressed the feeling that his company should be awarded the contract in that they are lacal and were the low bidder. Mr. Robison then introduced Mr. Ronald.Barrett, President of Pride Elec.tronics, 6241 Yarrow Drive Carlsbad, who spoke on behalf of Coded Communica- tions in requesting they be awarded the contract. Following discussion, Council returned the matter to staff for preparation of documents awarding the contract to Coded Communications. In addition, Council requested an additional report from staff on the matter and requested the documents awarding the contract to Motorola be returned in addition to the new documents awardin the contract to Coded Communications. [92] 28. AGENDA BILL #5272 - ENCINA JOINT FACILITY - INDEPENDENT MANAGEMENT AND REORGANIZATION. Council concurred that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting to enable discussion by a full Council. It was agreed that Item No. 31 be taken out of order and discussed at this time. [86] 31. AGENDA BILL #5275 - REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT - CASA DE AMPARO OF THE WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER. Councilwoman Casler stated she had no additional report other than her previously submitted written report. Council recognized Ms. Barbara Chase, Executive Director of Women's Resource Center, 1105-1/2 Hill Street, Oceanside. She distributed to Counc copies of their budget and a fact sheet on Casa de Amparo. She responded to Council questions relative to the number of cases they handle, as well as the work performed. It was moved that the City contribute $1,000.00 toward remodeling of the Casa de Amparo, and the motion died for lack of a second. Council appropriated funds in the amount of $3,000.00 in support of remodeling the Casa de Amparo, said funds to be taken from the Unallo- cated Revenue Sharing Funds if possible. [63] 29. AGENDA BILL #527.3 - LIBRARY AUTOMATED CIRCU- LATION CONTROL SYSTEM. The City Manager gave a staff report referring tc his Memorandum to Council dated December 1, 1977. He continued stating there were still two un- resolved problems. First, a determination had not been made as yet as to whether the computer base would be located in Oceanside or Carlsbad. Second deals with the method of purchasing; whether it can be determined sole source, nego- tiations, or through the bidding process. i f"&t$%-[J$k" . tb - -- . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ci7- OF CARLSBCS mHg",tuE - D 0 ==$I I December 6. 1977 - 10 - Council questioned costs, expansion capability of the system, and whether it would be a joint owner ship of the equipment or sub-lease. Following discussion, Council authorized staff to negotiate for"joint use of the computer system . with the City of Oceanside, and if it is deter- mined as a result of those negotiations that the base computer is to be located in Carlsbad, staff is authorized to proceed with preparation of the plans and specifications. Council then recognized Georgina Cole, City Librarian.. She requested the matter not be re- stricted to O'ceanside in the event Escondido should decide to participate. The City Manager indicated that should Escondido request to participate, they would be included in the negotiations. [62] 30. AGENDA BILL #5274 - PERIPHERAL CANAL - SENAT BILL 346. ~ ~~ Council concurred that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting to enable discussion by a full Council. [86] 31. AGENDA BILL #5275 - REQUEST FOR. FINANCIAL SUPPORT - CASA DE AMPARO OF THE WONEN'.S RESOURCE CENTER. This item was taken out of order and discussed after Item No. 28 on the Agenda. [lo41 32. AGENDA BILL #5276 - MULTI-PURPOSE TRANSPOR- TATION FACILITY STUDY. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5273, REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO STUDY THE FEASIBILITY OF LOCAT.ING A OF CARLSBAD. MULTI-PURPOSE TRANSPORTATION FACILITY Iw THE CITY [76] 33. AGENDA BILL #5277 - APPOINTMENT OF PERSON TO PLANNING COMMISSION. This item was continued to the next meeting to enable recommendations from all Council members. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Councilwoman Casler reported briefly on .the Library Board of Trustees meeting and their ex- pressed concern re the Master Plan revision. The City Manager questioned the possibility of a meeting to consider the matter on December 22, 11377. Council indicated they would be available for a meeting on the 22nd of De.cember, 1977. t (J-p{ OF (“&$3L$BB. \iCd p! ~~?-“b.&?{ - 11 - December 6, 1977 I CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Attorney indicated the City of La Mesa’s sign ordinance, which is s;imilar to Carlsbad’s, was thrown .out by the court and is now being appealed. Further, a request has been received- for Carlsbad to join in the amicus brief to be known as Palo Alto. D [621 The City Attorney was instructed to take the necessary action lending the City of Carlsbad’s name to the amicus brief known as Palo Alto. e EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Frazee called an Executive Session at 11:43 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litiga- tion. Council reconvened at 12:30 A.M. with four Council members present and the Mayor announced litigation had been discussed. I ADJOURNMENT: By proper motioh, the meeting was adjourned at 12:31 A.M. to Tuesday, December 13, 1977, at 7:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers. I Respectfully submitted, MAR TTdFa.” AR E. ADAMS, i ty C1 erk Lee Ra tenkranz, Recording Secretary I) I I