HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-24; City Council; Minutes9' ... !Sect Time Date .Plat C85l c I TY o F CP~RLSBAD ,udLjp$- '1 i' L K' is,\ .Jt ,-.6k*;....l . CITY COUrlCIL 7:oo P.M. January 711, 1978 e of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: ,, HU?lAM NEEDS ASSESSMENT .. The City Manager introduced Jane Chappell to present the Human Needs Assessment to Council. Ms. Chappell gave a brief history of and reas.ons for the study, explained the Rethodology used therein, ,and symmari,zed 'the:results of the re- search in each- of twenty-three service cataaories. She stated that the seven volume Assessment was and programs -in these areas. She continued,statinq that the twently-three cata- qories were divided into volumes using the United 2.) provision of basic material needs and - optimal environmental conditions and 3.) optimal health 4.) adequate opportunity for acquisition 5.) optimal social functioning 6.) adequately orqanized social. instrumen- of knowlecl9e and 'ski 11 s tali ties with four nembers present. Ys, Chappell. continued her presentation,indicatin that the Human Needs Assessment w.as the first step in Council's 'effort -to adopt a policy re- . garding .public services other than those traditio . .ally provided by- the City, such as Police, Fire, and Library. She mentioned two other related items for Council's consideration: the question of whether to continue printinp the City's Infor- nation and Referral Guide; and the problem of the accessibility of various social services (most of which are located outside the City) to Carlsbad residents. She presented several types of poli- cies that could be adopted by the Council: state ments, elements, and plans, explaininq the differ ences between each type. In conclusion, Ms. Chappell enumerated the.variou roles available to the.Cit.y in impler??enting a public services po-licy, including the possibility of assuming more than one role in certain areas, and not participatinq at all in other public service areas. ' i .* . ci'r+f OF ("-J->~~JCti.i#<~::~ ,0 C/\RLSBfiJI -2- I Council mentioned that other cities have adopted policies in the public service areas, and indi- cated that it would be bene.ficia1 to obtain infor- ,ma€i:on from several of those cities .regarding their policies. Council also requested additional information pertaininq to several of the items contained in the Human Needs Assessment includjnp the number of senior citizens in Carlsbad.wHo are unable to leave their homes and would use the "Meals on !%!heels" service, and the number of neo- ple in Carlsbad who are inadequately housed. The City !?anager commented that the Housi.ng Ele- ment of the General Plan needs to be updated in the.near .future and mentioned, the possibility of ihborporating Council's policy into it. He added that the Social Element of the General Plan had, * in Fact, never been adopted. It was the consensus of Council that handlinq all of the services and dealing with all of the ?rob- lems contained in the study would be too great .z! task for the City, or any one agency to undertake, and that the City should work in conjunction with the County in several of the areas in which the County is already providing services to Carlsbad residents. Council discussed the possibility of including citizens in the organization of programs and bringino-in free entepprise to help provide. some of.the needed services, because of the correlation there seems to be between citizen participation in setting up proclrams and thei.r effectiveness. Council .examined the need to develop the Social Element of the General Plan and to establish policy setting up guidelines for implementing the Social. Element. Council also deliberated the ,possible reorganization of City departments to cre.ate' a separate department deal in9 with human needs services, how to limit the size of such a department and control its future qrowth, and hoi the department would be funded. Council concluded that .furt'her condensation of the material. presented i,n the Human FIeeds Assessment -was needed to determine Carlsbad's/specific needs. Council then instructed staff to research the matter further, abridae the material contained in the study, and submit policy proposals to Council at a later date. The City Manager comm'ented that the. Jarvis-Gann Amendment, if passed, would have an effect on any proposal staff might make to Council , particularly any budgetary proposals. He indicated that staff would study to a greater extent possible policy statements and would present proposals, .includiny preliminary budgets and time schedules, to Council at a later date. ', . . -. . . . -. - -. . . . -i -* CtTY OF CARkSBAD ~U*q.~[L.{.pJ{ - -5- '23 - PROJECT OZ - AGEYDA BILL f5095. . The City Manauer noted that"Counci1 had continued 'their des'ision 'on another i'tem,..the release of funds in the amount of $1,000.00.to Project Oz until after the completion of the Human' Needs Assessment, and asked ,if Council wished the.' money released at this time. He added that, if Council preferred, the matter could be formally presented at another meeting. Follswing..a bri.ef discus's-ion and review of Project Oz, its basic functions and value to Carlsbad, and its other means of fundi.ng, Council. instructed the City '."?anaqer to release funds i-n the amount of $1,000.00 to Project Oz. ~_~" Motion Ayes Noes Councilman Skotnicki stated that his opposiiton to .this matter was due to the manner in which it was presented to Council at this time and indi- cated that he felt that reports and more back- ground information should have been provided. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10~07 P.Y. Respectfully submitted, TzeLsq-rk ,Karen 'Stevens, Recordinq Secretary . .. .. * Councilman Sk.otnicki requested, and Council. ' concurred, that this sentence be deleted from Social Element before Council for adoption. . ,. the mi'nutes in that' th.ere had never been a ,. I' ..