HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-14; City Council; Minutes-"Q QL.Bsl 0 07 '* I CITY OF .. CARLSBAD .'. COUNCILME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Mayor Frazee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: was waived. 1. AGENDA BILL #5329 - ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: SECTIONS 18.04.075 AND 18.04.080 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN AMENDMENTS. 30j ' 2. AGENDA BILL #5330 - ADOPTION OF THE- 197.8- EDIT-ION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: AMENDMENTS. [3O] 3. AGENDA BILL #5331 - ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- . ing by title only and adopted: AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 18.16.070 AND 18.16.130 AN BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 18.16.185 AND 18.16.230 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE-1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN AMENDMENTS. [3O] 4. AGENDA BILL #5332 - ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF, THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read.- ing by title only and adopted: " " . . . " .. . ._. . . CITY OF CARLSBAD. '. . GOUMCILME -2- March 14, 19.78 ORDINANCE NO. 8080, AMENDING TITLE.18, CHAPTER 18.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18.08.010 AND THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 18.08.020 AND 18.08.030 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE SUBJEC.T TO CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS. 1301 5. AGENDA BILL #5333 - ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title o,nly and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 8081, AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE'BY.THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.17 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE SUB- JECT TO CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENT c 301 6. AGENDA BILL #5334 - ADOPTION OF 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY CODE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 8082, AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.18 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY CODE SUBJECT .TO.CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS.. .. [851 7. AGENDA BILL #5368 - CONSTRUCTION NOISE ORDINANCE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- .' ing hy title on.ly and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 3'109, AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF .. CHAPTER 8.48 .TO REGULATE CONSTRUCTION NOISE. 1481 8. AGENDA BILL #5257 - Supp1em.en.t #5 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - DECLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION. The City Clerk announced the canvassing of the ballots was completed on March 10, '1978, and certified said results. The following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5340, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN 'SAID CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH 1978, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW. Pursuant to S.kction 22932.5 of the Electinn CndP Resolution No. 5340, marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is incorporated herein as though set ~. ~. -. . ". "_ _" - -. -..- -. "- .-.. "" forth in fuT1,- 4 L r J 3 X X xx xx xx .. .. L. " " . .." . . . . . . - . . . .. .. CITY . OF CARLSBAD -.. GOuNCILMEi -3- The City Attorney administered the Oath of Office and presented the Certificate of Electio to Margaret E. Adams, City Clerk. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office (b) Nominations for Vice Mayor. ... . Councilwoman Casler nominated Anthony J. It w.as u.nanimous that Councilman Anthony J. ' Skotnicki would serve as Vice Mayor. Councilwoman Casler was appointed as liaison to the Committee on Senior Citizens Affai.rs. Councilman Anear was appointed to the Audit Committee for Payroll, with Councilman Skotnick remaining on the Audit Committee for Bills. Councilman Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler remain on the Joint Advisory Committee. Mayor Packard was appointed to North County Transit District with.Councilwoman Casler serving as a1 ternate. Councilman Skotnicki was appointed.to CPO with Mayor Packard serving as alternate. Councilman Anear was appointed to the Water Commi ttee. Mayor Packard and Councilman Skotnicki remain on the Committee to meet with Oceanside re May Company. Councilman Anear was appointed to the Disaster Council with Councilman Skotnicki serving as a1 ternate. Councilman Anear and Counci.lman,.Skotnicki were appointed to the Swimming Pool 'Committee. Councilman Anear was appointed to the Architec- tural Review Committee for the Pool. , . . , . , .. . . ." . - . 1. . . . ..A?>. :-&&a .. .. , ~. - ~~ ~"~- "" ,&&=,e",- . " L. - " .. CITY OF CARLSBAD ' . COUNCILMEC - .4 - ... Council Appointments (Cont'd.) Councilwoman Casler was appointed to LAFCO Cities Advisory Committee. Council concurred that the appointme-nt to the Library Board of Trustees would be made follow- ing the June election. Until that time, Councilwoman Casler agreed to continue serving as Council liaison. Council concurred that appointment as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Commission would be made after the June election. (a) Format of Council Meetings and Agendas. (b) Discussion of City Council Group. Training and Policy Development Sessions. It was noted the training was scheduled for April 21 and 22, and questioned if it would be desirable to delay the training. until such time as the fifth Council member is seated.. to schedule the training for late June. .EXECUTIVE SESSION: I I No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Respectfully submitted, -, .. . .. . . , . - ,. . . - r. , <f 11 Lfill )Off r J a ll RESOLUTION NO. 5340 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECITING ?HE FACT OF THE GENERAL FlUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH 1978, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW. WHEREAS, a regular general municipal election was held a B 7 by law; and 9 California, on Tuesday, the 7th day of March, 1978, as required 8 conducted in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of 10 13 precincts were properly established; that election officers were 2.2 given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting 11 WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly for the holdir,g of elections in cities; and 17 by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of Calif.ov-r 16 the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as req.ui\ 15. co&hct'ed. and the votes cast.. thereat', received a.nd. canviised a.n( 14' appo.in.J,ed a.nd that in a! 1 re.s-Pe'cts. said. el.e'.ct.idn,..was li.el.d ':.and .' .. .. .. .. . ..- ~ . .- . ,: 4.: , . , . .. .. . . :.: I. . . .. . \ - . .. .. . .. .. . . . ..._ - .. .. 18 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 5309 adopted the 21: 19 and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A." 2.2 sul ts to this City Council, said results are received, attached 21 canvassed the returns of said election and has certified the re 20 day of February, 1978, the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad 23 CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 24 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBA 25 dations) of the regular election precincts in the City of 2'7 for the purpose of holding said election consisting (of conso.1-i 26 SECT.ION 1. That there were 26 voting precincts establisl 0 28 . Carl.sbad as established for the holding of state and county 2 c, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I) 8 9 .lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B 4 B-2 elections. SECTION 2. That said regular general municipal electior was held for the purpose of electing the following officers of said City as required by the laws relating to cities in the Stal of California, to wit: Mayor of said City for the full term of four years; One member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; A City Clerk of said City for the full term of four yeav A City Treasurer of said City for the full term of four years ; SECTION 3. That at said regular general municipal elec- tion, the following measure was submitted to the electors of sai City, to wit: SAN MARCOS-UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND Shall bonds of the District be issued and sold to the amount of $20,000,000.00 for the purpose of raising money for the following purposes (which are united and shall be voted upon as a single proposition)? (1) The building or purchasing of school buildings. (2) The making of alterations or additions to the school building or buildings other than such as may be necessary for current maintenance, operation, or repairs. with furniture, equipment, or necessary apparatus of a permanent nature. (3) The supplying of school buildings and grounds (4) The permanent improvement of the school grounds. (5) The purchasing of school sites. (6) The carrying out of the projects or purposes authorized in Section 39613 of the Education Code (sewers and drains). SECTION 4. That the whole number of votes cast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was 5203. That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast in said City was 116, making a total of 5319 votes cast in said Cit (2) . ,, R-3 ,. 1 SECTION 5. That the names of persons voted for at said 2 ll election for Mayor are as follows: 3 4 5 Ronald C. Packard Anthony J. Skotnicki A1 len C. Bowen Allison E. Gilbert €i I/ That the names of persons voted for at said election for 7 Member of the City Council of said City are as follows: 8 Girard "Lefty" Anear 9 Cl aude "Bud" Lewis 10 That the names of the persons voted for at said electio 11 for City Clerk of said City are as follows:. . 12 13 Maragaret E. Adams That the names of the persons voted for at said electio 141 That the number of votes given at each precinct an,d the 19 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND 18 fol1 ows : 17 That the measure voted upon at said election is as 16 Frank C. Rice . 15 for City Treasurer of said City are as follows: 20 Exhibit "A" attached. 23 candidates and for and against the measure were as listed in 22 named for the respective offices for which said persons were 21 number of votes given in the City to each:;of such persons above the full term of four years; 27 RONALD C. PACKARD was elected as Mayor of said City for 26 that: 25 SECTION 6. The City Council does declare and determine 24 B 28 . GIRARD I'LEFTY'I ANE-AR, was elected as Member of the City (3) 'e,,-' II 1 2 A -4 Council of said City for the full term of four years; MARGARET E. ADAMS was elected City Clerk of said City . 3 4 the full term of four years; the full term of four years; 5 FRANK C. RICE was elected City Treasurer of said City fc 6 7 That as a result of said election, a majority of the Marcos Unified School District, did not vote in favor 8 qualified voters voting on said measure relating to San I) 9 10 thereof, and that said proposit-ion was not carried, and shall not be deemed adopted and ratified. 11 SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall enter on the records o 12 election, showing: 13 the City Council of said City, a statement of the result of sai 34 (1) The whole number of votes cast in the city; 15 (2) The names of the persons voted for; 16 17 18 19 20 1 (3) The measures voted upon; (4) For what office each person was voted for; (5) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person, and for and against each measure; . (6) The number of votes given in the city to each perso and for and against each measure. 21 SECTION .8. That the City Clerk shall immediately make 22 Election signed by the City Clerk and duly authenticated; that 23 and deliver to each of such persons so elected a Certificate of in the office of the City Clerk. Whereupon, each and all of sa 27 California and shall have them subscribe thereto and file the s 26 of Office prescribed in the State Constitution of the State of 25 City Clerk shall also administer to each person elected, the Oa 24 0 28 . persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office (4) c * A. 66) -ci 3, to which they have been elected. 2 SECTION 9. That the City Clerk shall certify to the pas: 3 meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. 7 ings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the 6 of-the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceet 5 book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minu. 4 age and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the D 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular g to wit: 11 held on the 14th day of March , 1978, by the following vot 10 meeting of the CSty Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 12 13 AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler NOES : None 34 11 ABSENT: None 15 16 17 ,)@&c A+& ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor l8 I1 19 20 1 ATTEST: 21 @&& DAMS, City Clerk 24 25 26 27 (SEAL) . 28 0 (5) .. .. . .. 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