HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-21; City Council; Minutes.? CITY ' OF CARLSBAD .'. . . . COUNCILME1 I. ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Mayor Packard stated presentation of an award to the Carlsbad City Employees Credit Union would be made at this time. Council recognized Mr. Richard Osburn, President of the Credit- Union. Mr. Osburn gave a brief report on the history and progress of the Credit Union. He expressed appreciation to -the Board members, and announced presentation of a plaque to Mr. Harry Walton for his year.s of service.. He then introduced Ms. Freda Seaman of the National Credit Union Administra.tion. 'Ms. Seaman presented the Thrift Honor Award for the fourth con\secutive year to Mr. Richard Osburn, who ac'cepted the award on behalf of-the Car:lsbad City Employee's Credit Union. .. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held March 7, 1978, were approved as presented. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Net Payroll Transfer $108,500.52; for a total of $308,232.95, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. in the amount of $173,212.44 for the period CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. AGENDA BILL #5207 - Supplement #4 - AWARDING CABLE TV FRANCHISE TO DANIEL'S CABLEVISION. Resolution No. 5341, extending the period for accepting the franchise awarded to Daniel's Properties from forty days to one hundred and thirty-two days and setting the time limit for written acceptance to be no later than 12:Ol P.M March 31, 1978, was adopted. Resolution No. 5342, approving the acceptance of the Cable TV Franchise by Daniel's Properties, Inc. pursuant to Chapter 5.28.130(a) of the Carlsbad Munici'pal Code, was adopted. - 0 0 0 0 1.. Marc h n " " . . . " . . ". . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD" -2- 21 , 1978 .. . . 'I Resolution No. 5343, approving the assignment of the Cable TV Franchise from Daniel's Properties, I Inc. to Daniel's Cablevision, Inc. pursuant to Section 5.28.140(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, was adopted. Resolution No. 5344, a.pproving the acceptance of the Cable TV Franchise by Daniel's Cablevision, Inc. pursuant to Section 5.28.130(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, was adopted. 2. AGENDA BILL #5319 - Supplement #1 - PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE AND ADAPTORS. Resolution. No. 5345, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a contract for fire hose and adaptors, was adopted. . . .. 3.' AGENDA BILL .#si40 - Sudplement #I' - TENTA-' .TIVE SUBDIVISION MA.P CT 77-17 - CONVERSION OF 25 EXISTING APARTMENT UNITS TO CONDOMINIUMS - HAL POLLARD. Resolution No. 5346, approving with conditions Tentative Map (CT 77-17) for the conversion of 25 existing apartment-units into condominiums on property generally located on the north side of Chinquapin Avenue, between the.AT&SF Railroad and Garfield Street, was adopted. 4. AGENDA'BILL #5344 - Supplement #1 - UNDER- GROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 6. Resolution No. ... 5347, expressing its intent to initiate pro- 'ceedings pursuant to Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and calling a public hearing to determine whether the public health, safety, or welfare require the formation of an Underground Utility District on Grand Avenue, Madison, Jefferson and Harding Streets, was adopted. 5. AGENDA BILL #5350 - Supplement #1 - CONVER- SION OF APARTMENT COMPLEX TO A 16 UNIT AIRSPACE Resolution No. 5348, approving with conditions Tentative Map (CT 77-18) for conversion of an apartment complex to a 16 unit airspace condo- minium on 1.15 acres of property generally located on the west side of Jerez Court., north of Gibraltor in La Costa South, Unit No. 5, was adopted. CONDOMINIUM - CT 77-18 - G. J. LINQUITI. 6. AGENDA BILL #5352 - Supplement #l. - PURCHASI OF MISSION BELL LUMINAIRES. Resolution No. 5349, authorizing and directing the Purchasing Agent to make a sole source purchase of Mission Bell Luminaires, was adopted. 7. AGENDA BILL #5366 - Supplement #1 - SEWER PERMIT - INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 6305 EL CAMINO REAL - BERNIE GILMORE. Resolution No. 5350, 'authorizing the issuanceof 15 sewer connection permits to-Palomar Airport Business. Park pur- suant to the Second Revision .to the First Phase Sewer Allocation System, was adopted. I i .. 2 COUNCtLMEl .. c .. .. .. CITY . OF CARLSBAD .' ' . . .COUNCILME CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) 'Eharges for 1973, 1974 and 1975. 13. AGENDA BILL #5379 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized payment of requested refunds of overpayments of charges made .by the City as follows: $200.80 to Herbert Cohen for building permit fees; $68.75 to Carlsbad Dev. Corp. for refund of Tentative Map Extension fee; $8,031.20 to Shape11 Industries of San Diego -for refund on plan check and building permit fees; $1.62 to James C. Waterbury for overpayment of closing water bill; $16.00 to Bertha L. Holley for Day Trippers - Back Country Tour refund; $13.00 to William B. Curley for Day Trippers - Busch Gardens refund; $6.50 to Lisa West for Day Trippers - Busch Gardens refund;.$89.50 to Mary Hall for Day Trippers - Back Country, Busch Gardens & Death Valley refund; $25.00 to Wesley Bryan for Basketball deposit; $25.00 to Andie Resner, Jr. for basketball deposit; $25.00 to Charles Russell for basketball deposit; $10.00 to Lane Post for softball deposit; $10.00 to Stephen D. Gismonde for softball deposit; $10.00 to R. Sawyer for softball deposit; $7.50 to H. Gregg for Jazzercise Class; $15.00 to Bernadette Baer for Jazzercise Class; $6.00 to Margaret L. Yeomans for Gymnastics Class; $7.00 to Jan Bass for Belly Dancing Class; .$14.00 to Lucy Wold for Patchcraft Class; $20.00 to Cladys Carley for Golf Lessons; $20.00 to Barbara Ketay for Golf Lessons; $40.00 to C. N. Lynd .for Golf Lessons; $20.00 to N. Cambis for Golf Lessons; $15.00 to R. Sawyer for softball refund; $7.50 to Dawn Fenner for Gymnastics Class; $49.00 to Helen Berbaum for Day Trippers - Hearst Castle Trip; and $49.00 to Clara Ayers for Day Trippers - Hearst Castle Trip Refund. .. March .. . "." . . . " . .-. CITY OF CARLSBAD'. -4- .. .. 21, 1978 CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) 14. AGENDA BILL #5380 - CLAIM AGAINST CITY - FLOYD E. AND JOYCE E. ARCHEY. Resolution No. 5352, denying a claim .against the City, was a,dopted. 15. AGENDA BILL #5381 - "STOP" CONTROL - CAMINC DE LAS ONDAS AT PASEO DEL NORTE. Resolution No. 5353, designating "Stop" control on Camino de las Ondas at its intersection with Paseo del Norte, was adopted. 16. AGENDA BILL #5382 - "NO PARKING" ON ELM AVENUE AT LIBRARY EXIT. Resolution No. 5354, des,ignating a parking restriction on Elm Avenue at Library exit, wa.s adopted. .. 17'. AGENDA BILL #i383 - CLAIM AGAINST CITY - GRACE E. ZAMOJC. Resolution No. 5355, denying a claim against the City, was adopted. 18. AGENDA BILL #5384 - CLAIMS AGAINST CITY - EMPLOYERS CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., WILLIAM PERMAN AND NORA PERMAN. R-esolution .No.. 5356, denying, .claims against the City, was adopted. Mayor Packard announced a' new- procedure wo.uld- be implemented for introducing each Agenda item. He stated the City Clerk would no longer be re'quired to introduce each Agenda item or read the Ordinance titles in that he would give a brief introduction of the items and the City Attorney would read the titles to all Ordinances and Resolutions. ORDINANCES 'FOR ADOPTION: ...I BY minute motion, the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting .was waived. 18A. AGENDA BILL #5341 - Supplement #1 - PRE- ROBERT SONNEBORN. ANNEXATIONAL ZONING - TOOTSIE IIK" RANCH - 18A. AGENDA BILL #5341 - Supplement #1 - PRE- ROBERT SONNEBORN. ANNEXATIONAL ZONING - TOOTSIE IIK" RANCH - The following Ordinance was adopted by title only: 'ORDINANCE NO. 9496, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHAN.GE OF ZONE (zc-185) FROM ~ - - . . - . . __ COUNTY A-1-(8) TO L-C (LIMITED CONTROL) ON PRO- PERTY GENERALLY LOCATED 2,000 FEET EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, AND 4,000 FEET NO.RTH OF PALOMAR " " AIRPORT ROAD. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning ,.- COUNCJLME Motion X Ayes xxx ,Mot i on X ;Ayes xxx i .. CITY OF CARLSBAD ... .. .. '. COUNCILME4 CONVERSIONS FROM MORATORIUM SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. The Planning Director gave a staff report on the matter and outlined the proposed conditions to be applied to conversion of duplexes to con- dominiums in R-2 Zones. In addition, it was noted these would be interim measures only and would be replaced by the condominium ordinance for conversions when adopted by.Counci1. o.n th.e Agenda B.i 11 . . The Red.evelopment -Coordinator gave a staff report on the hatter. In response. to Council . questions, he ex.plaihed the frozen- tax base,. . Bernardino. Council recognized Mr. Garner's request to addre.ss Council. Mr. Garner stated he was the owner-of Town Square in Carlsbad-, and therefore had an interest in this project. He questioned whether all areas within the project boundaries would receive similar subsidies. Staff indicated the 'final boundary is not defi- nite at this time. However, once established, all projects in the area would receive the same Council expressed appreciation to the Interim Vi:11 age Area Advi sory Committee. .. . . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD .... . ' : . ' . COUNCILME 1111 0 e 0 0 -6- March 21, 1978 I 21. AGENDA BILL #3069 - Supplement #7 - PRO- FACILITY. CESSIN-G OF LAKE CALAVERA HILLS .SEWAGE TREATMENT The City Manager gave a brief report indicating the purpose of placing the matter on the Agenda was to request its discussion at a work shop session on March 28, 1978. Council directed staff to schedule the item for discussion at a work session on March 28, 1978. Pub1 ic Works 22. AGENDA BILL #5336.- "NO PARKING ANYTIME" c721 ,. ON CARLSBAD'BOULEVARD NORTH OF CANNON R0A.D. - .. 'The Public Works Admi.nistrator gave a staff re- po.rt on the matter, outlin.ing t.he recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission, and their reasons for same. Council discussed the po.ssibi1ity of placi-ng a '. two-hour parkl'ng restr-iction on 'Tierra del Oro. Council recognized Mr. Edward L. Valentine, 5019 T.ierra del Oro, Car1sbad.- Mr. V.alentine -stated .. is was his understand.ing this matter was to be handled as a public hearing. Therefore he was not prepared to make a presentation to Council .. .?it this time. Following brief discussion, Council continued the item and instructed staff to set the matter to public hearing to enable the residents of Tierra del Oro to be heard on the matter. pol SWIMMING POOL. 23. AGENDA BILL #910 - Supplement #12 - COMMUNI The Public Works Administrator gave a brief report outli'ning t'he history of the matter. The Parks and Recreation Director then reported on the current status referring to a wall exhibit which reflected Conc-eptual Development Plan 3 for the proposed pool. Mr. William Warkentine with Kammeyer Lynch & Partners, Inc., 2070 Business Center Drive, Suite 205, Irvine, CAY architect for the pool, addressed Council. Mr. Warkentine gave a detailed report of the methodology used for determining the needs that. must be fulfilled by the pool. He outlined the procedures followed resulting in Land Use Concept 1. As a result of responses received upon presentation of Land Use Concept 1 to the Parks and Recreation Commission and Carlsbad Unified School District, changes were made resulting in Land Use Concept 3. He indicated the Parks and Recreation Commission and the School District had expressed approval of Con- cept 3; however the Swimming Pool Committed had not reviewed it due to lack of time. I ALL Motion Ayes .. Motion Ayes 'Y - X xxx a. .. " - - ,. .." .. .:. ".. . .. m 0 0 0 0 .. Mar CITY OF CARLSBAD'. . . eOUNClLMEl .... . Mr. Warkentine continued his presentation statin Land Use Concept 3 was ba.sed on removal of all the tennis courts, rather than retaining two. However, if Council desired to retain the two tennis courts, he woul-d recommend Land Use Concept 3-A, which would modify the design slightly. In addition, this pool as designed could not be built with the funds currently budgeted, but it would be possible to construct in phases. Council discussed the costs of mainting a pool and questioned if any members of the Swimming Pool Committee had an opportunity to-review Land -Use Concept 3. Commi,ttee. She indicated she had briefly reviewed Concept 3 and expressed approval of Council discussed the increased cost for the construction, the avail abi.1 ity of natural gas- would not be curtailed for municipal or communit courts should remain or be removed. . . swimming. pools, and .wh'ether .the two tennis ' monies necessary in the 1978-79 budget, and approved the architect proceeding with the plans and specifications. Councilman Anear stated he .was in favor of a pool, but against the increased cost. City Manager Following a .brief report by the Ci:ty Attorney, the following Ordinance was introduced by title only for a first reading: HEAR APPEALS REGARDING INTERPRETATIONS OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY CODE AND THE-UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE. .. . I .. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD "'. .. . . -8- .. March 21, 1978 .. 25. AGENDA BILL #5386 - PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE COMPENSATION. Following a brief introduction of the matter by the City Manager, the Fire Chief outlined the proposed Incentive Program for the Paramedics. Following brief discussion., the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5357, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING COMPENSATION INCENTIVES FOR PARAMEDICS. This item was continued to the next regular .. [io31 27. AGENDA BILL #5312 - APPOINTMENT TO CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION. ' ' T.his item wa's continued to'the next regular [281 28. AGENDA BILL #5369 - APPOINTMENT TO SERRA COO-PERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD.. This item was continued to the next regular 29. AGENDA BILL #5370.- PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. 30. AGENDA BILL #5371 - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. This item was .continued to the next regular 31. AGENDA BILL #5372 - HOUSING COMMISSION APPOIRTMENTS. This item was continued to the next regular Mayor Packard stated he would appreciate receiv- ing any suggestions on the above appointments from Counci 1. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Councilman Skotnicki reported briefly on the recent CPO meeting indicating items which may require Council discussion would be placed on forthcoming Agendas. Councilwoman Casler reported the 208 Committee had recently completed its work and a staff member of CPO would be making presentations to all cities. Councilwoman Casler reported briefly on the recent meeting of the Senior Citizens Associatio ; GOUNCfLME .. .. rb . " " . ..-_ .. I . . - . . . .. .. . .. F CARLSBAD '. ~NCfLhAiEi Councilwoman Casler requested Council considera- tion of receiving pay for. serving on the Redevelopment Agency due to the increased work required of the Agency. Councilwoman Casler questioned the desire of Council relative to pay for Planning Commission-, Following brief discussion, Council concurred that the $50.00 a month currently paid to Planning Commissioners remain the same. Councilman Anear briefly reported on the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Councilman Anear stated the Water Reclamation Mayor Packard questioned if Council wished to take a position on the Jarvis/Gann -Initiative. No action was taken. EXECUTIVE SESSION: .' Mayor Packard called an Executive Session at 9:55 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litiga- tion. Council reconvened at 1O:ZO P.M. with ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1O:Zl P.M. to Tuesday, March 28, 1978, at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted,