HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-28; City Council; Minutes-2? ,,,,z> c I-/ - c ,*
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March 28, 1978
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r F He detailed the n'umber of items in each of the F
!: three questions which should be considered in 1 c reaching a determination. 1
t: EPA's outlook on the Encina expansion. ; 5 1 I) E! i: to apply to EPA unless the ocean outfall would f b be used. In addition, the plants would initiallyf E be treatment plants and would be reclamation plants
i; later when it was determined to be economically 1
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Council questioned whether it would require E application to EPA and if it could possibly affect
Staff reponse indicated there would not be a need!
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k Council expressed concern about the proposed 1
that would exceed the CPO Population Forecast. g methods of financing these plants creating growthf
Council also expressed concern about the many f factors that would have a direct bearing on the $ i'
Capital Improvement Program and the City's abilit$ to provide all other services. [
Council questioned where the funding for such plants would be obtained other than City. $ k Staff response indicated realistically at this tide private enterprise would be the only source; t however, a possibility may be State funding or funds from other service agencies.. I
Council then questioned how the resulting sludge ! from these plants would be treated. E E
Staff indicated if Council desired to proceed wit
as other areas would be addressed in a major k project report which would need to be completed. h i
$ Council recognized Mr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pic0 2 Avenue, Carlsbad, one of the land owners of Lake i Calavera Hills. He stated they are anxious to pro'ceed but wish to indicate the most important 1 factor is the long term planning for Carlsbad. E Mr. Ward introduced Mr. Dennis O'Leary, Mr. I! William Fannon, Mr. Ed Haworth and Mr. Roger Grab$e to Council, who were present to respond to Council questions. c
Mr. Ed Haworth of Haworth and Anderson, Inc., [ 31882 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, E addressed Council. He stated the proposed system! should not be considered a replacement for the 1 I: Encina facility. He indicated if Council deter- mined it was a feasible concept, a great deal of F: consideration should be given to how it will be processed.
Mr. Dennis O'Leary of Lowry & Associates, 3505 c El Camino del Rio South, San Diego, addressed 'Council. He stated the report was intended as a conceptual plan only, to provide an analysis of reclamation opportunities in this area. He dis- played a transparency showing the area of concen-P tration in the report and proposed locations of 1 the plants.
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6 He continued stating the basic concept would C require failsafe connections to the Encina ocean E
d outfall. In addition, if it is not possible to 5 1 put the'sludge into the sewer system to be Carrie$
Ir: to Encina for processing, it would be processed b P via a different method on site of the reclamation::
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i concept and the satellite plants are in the 208
L Program. 1
I? p P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:12 P.M. with all! B Council members present. 1
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Mr. O'Leary concluded by stating this general e 5
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9 e t RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 9:02 P k;
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;. ! j ,. . , 5 The City Attorney reported to Council briefly on 1 li procedural matters indicating if the City desiredt I 0 to prepare an amendment to the Sewer Master Plan 1
i complete EIR. !. E
t to include satellite plants, it would require a 6
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c It was moved that the report be filed without 6 brdotion !! i; . !x il 1
6 further action. The motion died for lack of a 1 !i second.
1; B b c j i i. i.' Council accepted the Overview of Waste Water 1 Motion h I gx
s k Reclamation Opportunities as an acceptable concep ..Ayes F ix [x ;x
[: recommendation that satellite treatment plants beiAyes h considered on the basis of drainage basin. r: B'! [;; c 1, t f
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i; Council accepted the Public Works Administrator'siMotion [x I, i: 7 iX ._
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Staff then reported on the status of the Lake 1 [[i Calavera Hills project and additional work re- i: \st
quired as a result of Council's previous action. 1 f 2 \ ,~
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Discussion then related to the desirability of [ returning the matter to staff for preparation of i! a report containing a recommended course of actio$ for processing a satellite plant in a drainage f basin. !
Mr. Haworth, Haworth and Anderson, Inc. , addressel Council .. He concurred with the desirability of ' staff furnishing an additional report and request? ed it be accomplished and retu'rned to Council at g the earliest possible meeting. E
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Council instructed staff to return with a report. ;Motion 1 ! Xi
Mayor Packard requested the City Attorney to .prepare the appropriate wording of the motion i(! and to furnish same to the City Clerk.
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By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned 'at [ I k 1; 10:04 P.M. 1;; I, [!E [ " E 1 [$F bk;
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1: Respectfully submitted, F i; g c
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6 E. ADAMS, City Clerk 1 c,
$ F. Secretary i: k nkranz, Recording i:
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t; 5 e* 1; The motion as prepared by the City Attorney is as c j F follows: p 8
; Council directed staff to report back with a /j
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