HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-18; City Council; Minutes (2).- + Jr" I) STY OF c Meet i ng Of: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) Time of Meeting: 4:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: April 18, 1978 . Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held April 4, 1978, were approved as corrected. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilwoman Casler requested Item #17 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Skotnicki requested Items #12 and #15 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items, with the exception of Items #12, #15 and #17, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances before the Council at this meeting. [SO] 2. AGENDA B1L.L #5420 - PAYMENT .OF BILLS ... Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City as follows: City Operations $202,214.34; Water Department $1,949.49 Net Payroll Transfer $110,360.29; for a total of $314,524.12, as certified by the Director of Finance and app.roved by the Auditing Committee. [SO] 3. AG'ENDA BILL #5421 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL-. Ratification was given the payment of the payroll in the amount of $173,497.66 for the period March 20, 1978 through April 2, 1978, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. 681 4. AGENDA BILL #3648 - Supplement #2 - SAN.DIEG0 REGIONAL AIR QUALITY. Resolution No. 5372, approving the Regional Air Quality Strategy, RAQS Implementation Program, and Tactic T1, subject to certain reservations, was adopted. 991 5. AGENDA BILL #2207 - Supplement #9 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CT 73-49 UNIT NO. 1 - PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS.'PARK. Council accepted the improvements as completed and directed the Utilities/Maintenance Director commence their maintenance a.nd the City Clerk to relase the bonds for public streets improvements with the Traffic Signal Agreement remaining in effect. -2"- 701 6. AGENDA BILL #910 - Supplement #13 - COMMUNITY SWIM POOL. Council approved the amendment and. authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment and record same, and directed staff to send an executed copy of the amendment to the School District. [93] 7. AGENDA BILL #5158 - Supplement #7 - SECOND REVISION TO FIRST PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION - ALLOCA- TION OF PERMITS. Resolution No. 537.1, authorizing issuance of sewer connection permits pursuant to the Second Revision of the First Phase Sewer A'llocation System and transferring the remaining capacity to Community Facilities and Contingency, was adopted. WdP4ClLb&i I c - 0 .. I) CITY .-2- April 18. 1978 ~~"~"_~~~-~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~__~~-~"~" ~~ - ~ ~ CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont Id..) I 8. AGENDA BILL #5397 - Supplement #7 - TAXICAB SERVICE - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Resolution No. 5373, determining that the public interest:convenience and necessjty' require'the issuance of a Certificat to Rolland D. and Evelyn D. Stokes dba Arro Cab to operate one taxicab in the City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said Certificate subject to certain conditions, was adopted. Resolution No. 5374, determining that the public interest, convenience and neces'sity require the issuance of a Certificate to the Encinitas Yellow Cab Company to operate two taxicabs-in the City. of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said Certificate subject to certain cond.itions, was adopted. Resolution No. 5375, determ.ining that the public interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of a Certificate to Ralph Burnette dba Ralph and Eddie's Taxi Service to operate one taxicab in the.City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said Certificate subject to certain conditions, was adopted. Resolution No. 5376, determining that the public. interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of a Certificate to Western States. Trans- portation, Incorporated dba Yellow Cab to operate three taxicabs in the City of Carlsbad and order- ing the City Clerk to issue said Certificate subject to certain conditions, was adopted. 9. AGENDA BILL #5401 - Supplement #l. - SB 201 - NEW SCHO'OL FEE LAW. Resolu'tion No. 5377, concurri ! in the findings of overcrowding in school attendan 1 ( areas made by-the governing board of the Encinitas Union School District pursuant to California Government Code Section 65971, was adopted. Resolution No. 5378, concurring in the findings of overcrowding in school attendance areas made by the governing bDard of the San. Di.eguito Union High School District pursuant to California Government Code Section 65971, was adopted. Resolution No. 5379, concurring in the findings of overcrowding in school attendance areas made by the governing board of the San Marcos Unified School. District pursuant to California Government Code Sect-ion 65971, was adopted. ' 10. AGENDA BILL #5405 - CITY ATTORNEY AUTHORITY TO COMPROMISE CLAIMS. -.;FGesolution No. 5380, authoriz- ing the City Attorney to reject, pay or compromise claims against the City in the amount of $500.QO or less, was adopted. 11. AGENDA BILL #5406 - VISTA UNIFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT - OVERCROWDING. Resolution No. 5381, concurring in the findings of overcrowdins in I school attendance areas made by the goveriing boar of the Vista Unified School District pursuant to California Government Code Section 65971, was adopted. i 5$ 3 e l I cLxJNCBLM Y. OF D -3- - D B Apri.1. 18, 1978 ~~ ~~_~~_~~-~~~ CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) 1501 13. AGENDA BILL #5408 - REFUND OF OVE'RPAYMENTS. Council authorized payment of requests for refunds of overpayments of charges made by.the City, specific requests on file in the City Clerk's Office. :341 14. AGENDA BILL.#5409 - REQUEST FOR SPECIAL SERVICE FUNDS - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Council authorized the expenditure of $2,000.00 from the Special Service Fund for preparation and printing 0f.a City map. :29] 16. AGENDA BILL #5411 - CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979. Council referred the matter to staff for discussion as ' part of the preliminary budget. :29] 18. AGENDA BILL #5414 - REQUEST FOR FUNDING - CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. Council reffered the matter to staff for discussion as ,part of the preliminary budget. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: :951 12. AGENDA BILL #5407 - PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK ON SOUTH SIDE OF CHESTNUT AVENUE. Councilman Skotnicki stated he had requested the item removed from Consent Calendar for discussion. He questioned.if the realignment of Chestnut was included in the Capital Improvement Program budget and whether funds should be expended on side.walks in that area when the alignment of Chestnut is not . permanen't Staff indicated the realignment was not included in the CIP budget, and since the alignment of Chestnut was not permanent was the. reason for recommending construction of temporary sidewalk's. Further, due to the development on'the south side, it was felt necessary to increase the safety factor for those walking to school. The following Resolution-was .adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5382, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY SIDEWALK ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CHESTNUT FROM MONROE TO EL CAMINO REAL. -.?-"- Further, staff was instructed to negot.iate the. necessary right-of-way easements from adjacent property owners. 341' 15. AGENDA BILL #5410 - REQUEST FOR SPECIAL SERVI FUNDS - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Councilman Skotnicki stated he requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to obtain.clarification. Councilman Skotnicki ques-. t.ioned if the Spring Holiday event would delete. the parade, and questioned the expense of the Beach Run. auNc6LME - ITY -4- April 18, 1978 d .~ ~ ~ 0 I) Council recognized Mr. Don Brown, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Brown indicated the Spring Holiday would delete the usual Spring Holiday Parade and to date, little negative reaction had been received. In addition he outlined the expected expenses to be incurred for the Beach Run indicating any unused funds would be returned. He continued stating the requested $300.00 for the PA system for the Spring Holiday would not be needed and could be deleted from the request. Council approved expenditure of Special Service Funds in the amount of $1,750.00 for Special events.as requested by deleting $300.00 for the PA System and requested that the cost of the Beach Run be minimized as much as possible. Councilman Skotnicki requested he be furnished with a breakdown of the cos't of every Special Event at budget time containing information rela- tive to .where. the funds were previously allocated .and where they were spent. 731 17. AGENDA BILL #5412 - DEDICATION OF PLAQUE - ADOBE RUI.NS AT STAGE COACH PARK. Councilwoman Casler stated she had requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to register an objection in that it appeared they want to camp on the site to hold a party, and in turn would dedicate a plaque. Further, the time requested, from Friday night through Sunday noon, was far in excess of that time necessary to make such a dedication. Staff indicated there appeared to be no .policing problem, and would in fact consist of one of the organization's periodic meetings. Further, though it would take place on private property, code restrictions require Counci.1 approval. Council approved the request'and authorized staff to process the nece-ssary permit. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 371 19. AGENDA BILL #5404 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIMES. '. >=--- The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1210, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTAB- LISHMENT OF MEETING TIME AND PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THAT MEETING BY CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION. Y I I 7 B .. I) F CA -5- April 18, 1978 773 ‘ 20. AGENDA BILL #5367 - Supplement #2 - EXEMPTING R-2 CONVERSIONS FROM MORATORIUM. The following Ordinance was given a second reading by title only and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9497, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9495 TO PROCESSING OF SUBDIVISIONS FOR THE CONVERSION OF EXEMPT R-2 CONVERSIONS FROM THE MORATORIUM ON THE EXISTING STRUCTURES TO CONDOMINIUMS. * PUBLIC HEARINGS: I Mayor Packard stated the Public Hearings, Items. 21 through 25 on the agenda, would be discussed at 7:30 P.M. as part of the regular meetin.g. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning I :1.14] 26. AGENDA BI.LL #5179 - Supplement #3 - RURAL - RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE, ZCA-86. I Councilman Anear recommended the requirement for Class B fire resistant roofs be added to this zone Council concurred and suggested it may be desirabl for other areas of the City as well. Following brief discussion, the following Ordinanc was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 9498, AMENDING VARIOUS -CHAPTERS OF TITLE ZI,OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE ZONING REGULATIONS BY ADDING THE RURAL- RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE, amended to add Section 21.09.075 to require fire retardant roofs on all structures pursuant to the Uniform Building Code. -701 27. AGENDA BILL #3552 - Supplement #7 - MAGEE PARK MASTER PLA‘N. I The Public Works Administrator gave a staff report on the matter outlining the history of the project and referencing Council’s previous discussion of the matter. He reported on the four alternate Master Plans and explained the items contained in each. He concluded his report by ‘acknowledging receipt of a letter from the residents of Carlsbad by the Sea requesting inclusion of a shuffleboard court. .- 5”- ~ ~ i I i I Council expressed the feeling that retention of the old City Hall, Guest House and. Barn is un- necessary. Also discussed was the desirability of including sanitary facilities. Council questioned the desirability of adding lawn bowling due to the increased cost of installation and maintenace. Councilman Skotnicki expressed the desire for reducing the amount of landscaping, irrigation and lighting, thereby reduci.ng cost of install.ation a,nd maintenance. Council expressed the feeling that it was not necessary to provide for a fence at the north property line nor a trash enclosure. 1 I NCBLMf I CITY cd s -6- April 18, 1978 b m D ~~~~~~-~_~_~~~_ ~~ .I Following further discussion, Counci.1 approve-d Alternate No. 2, deleting the lawn bowling and walkways, lighting and benches associated with the lawn bowling; and with the addition of the re.st- room facilities. Councilman Skotnicki indicated he would like to se what expenses could be cut by the architect in the final analysis. Council authorized staff to initiate the selection process to retain a design firm to prepare con- struction plans and specifications. Council .instructed the Parks and Recreation Depart ment to include in the 1978-79 budget the necessar funds to complete the project as authorized .by Council. 701 28. AGENDA BILL #3652 - Supplement #7 - HARDING 451 STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - CONTRACT NO. 1049. The Public Works Administrator gave a staff report on the matter indicating it was previously present ed to Council as a two-phase project due to pend- ing state grant funds. However, the state now indicates the funds are available; therefore staff is. recommending the project be accomplished in one phase. Council questioned the final disposition of the .kitchen and the old City Hall. Staff responded as a result of previous Council discussion, the kitchen would resemble a domestic kitchen, suitable for catering. Staff indicated disposal of the City Hall would be by sa1.e or demolition. Additional Council discussion related to the numbe of available parking spaces and possible resulting problems with homeowners using the lot, thereby necessitating possible po'licirig requirements. Councilman Skotnicki expressed. the feel ing that the cost of irrigation and landscaping was exces- sive. Council concurred with staff's recommendation to construct the proje-c&-in a single phase, and directed staff to budget additional Park-in-lieu Funds in the 1978-79 budget. . In addition, 'the following Resolution was adopted, to be implemented when approval from the State Department of Parks and Recreation is received: RESOLUTION.NO. 5384, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICA BIDS FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STREET 1 TIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY 'CLERK TO INVITE COMMUNITY CENTER. ! I I a ‘. c b B .. I) C .-7- April 18, 1978 . ~~ -~~ -~ ~- ~~ ~ li :97] ’ 29. AGENDA BILL #5416 - RESTORATION OF STORM DAMAGED STREETS - CONTRACT 1052; CALAVERA DAM REPAIR - CONTRACT NO. 1053; CONTINGENCY FOR REPAIR OF ALGA ROAD; AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR STORM DAMAGE RELATED EXPENSES. 1971 ’ 29. AGENDA BILL #5416 - RESTORATION OF STORM DAMAGED STREETS - CONTRACT 1052; CALAVERA DAM REPAIR - CONTRACT NO. 1053; CONTINGENCY FOR REPAIR OF ALGA ROAD; AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR STORM DAMAGE RELATED EXPENSES. ~~ ~. I The Public Works Administrator gave a staff report on the matter outlining the areas that received damage as a result of the recent storms. In addi- tion, he indicated the estimates were prepared to include any additional work that may be required which may be discovered once the actual work begin In addition, he indicated consideration was being given to whether the City should pursue liability from developers and horces who apparently caused the damage. Councilman Skotnicki referenced specific areas of damage and questioned what actually created the problem. He expressed concern about the amount of damage and questioned if repairs would be necessar if the areas had been properly constructed in the beginning. S Councilman Anear questioned if the third line unde Other-Parks on Exhibit 1 should read Oak Street an 2044 Chestnut rather than 3044 Chestnut. S.taff indicated they would investigate the matter. The following Resolutions were adopted by title only: (by one motion) 1 RESOLUTI,.ON NO. 5385, AUTHORIZING TRAN’SFER OF FUNDS TO COVER STORM DAMAGE RELAT’ED EXPENSES. RESOLUTION NO. 5386, APPROVIN-G PLANS AND SPECIFICA TIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BID .I TO RESTORE STREETS AND ROADS DAMAGED BY STORMS TO ORIGINAL CONDITION - CONTRACT NO. 1052. RESOLUTION NO. 5387, APPROVING. PL.ANS AND SPECIFICA TIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BID CONTRACT NO. 1053. Mayor Packard stated the remainder of the items on the Agenda would be discussed at the 7:OO P.M. regular meeting. TO REPAIR STORM RELATED DAMAGE TO CALAVERA DAM - ADJOURNMENT: - _-. ,/-- I By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:52 P.M. Respectfully submitted, I t ’ 1. ...- d. 4Ad .’ F@iA?” E. ADAMS, City C’le-rk I nkranz, Recording I Secretary ~ I I I I rnUNCOhM