HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-09; City Council; Minutest f-& g 7*y G ;? d- 4 FJg c c-2 :f\ p4 -&$ $k \&"&i..$&+$U eQpd;c\[;p; p f$ !?,pi '.: p \. yp~ dl5 - F ?: I 5' a> 3 ty> 1 CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Meeting of: Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. PC .- J- Date of Meeting: May 9, 1978 a ?\ y Place of Meeting: Council Chambers p.3 c- ~~~~,~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-.~ 3.~~~~~~~~~:~~~*~~~~~:~~~.,~ .cxzsEzm2-?2 *Lw€::~Ez.?:Z.~:~' \:\\.., f.\ : '7% 81 0 .v I I: 1 II I! I ti 1 $ I p 6 9 I' f; p f il [ b r! 1. I! 1. j: I :.; F !j 5 fi 8 w r; ! d f i E 1 1 I b I g 2 f E I; 1 i, 1; F I I 1 ;5 $ q ii I I i I ~ [$$ ROLL CALL: Present SX[X a p: PLAN. B[ The Planning Director gave a brief introduction of the matter stating staff had reviewed the 208 /ii Plan over the past few weeks and attempted to 111 indicate its origin and interrelationship with various other programs. Mr. Michael Zander of the Planning Department then gave a background report of the matter and 11' stated there appears to be a strong relationship 8 i or connection between the 208 Plan and the Air I grrc Quality Maintenance Program. He then outlined .;E the areas of concern contained in .the 'memorandum I 111 k; from the Planning Department to Council dated May 4, 1978. Councilman Skotnicki questioned whether the City c Iri could support the population figures financially I igs as well as with the necessary public facilities. 1! F 'l g In response, staff stated the figures were not ti on 1 eve1 s. I Councilman Skotnicki expressed the feeling that r' if the City desired to build wastewater treatmenti I 5 ii '. facilities in the future, it would be necessary I to insure their inclusion in the 208 Plan if 6 $ E federal or state funding was desired. j: ., 1 5 He continued stating the Council should consider [ .[ 1 1 the following items: i; 11 SECTION 208 - AREAWIDE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 18 B y i'i $: 1 {\E Ib! tj 1 1 !; 1 q? I 111 based on a city's ability to service the popula- 1 gii /I 111 tti c t !{ fgg t if! [gt [/; fp 1 1. Whether to take a position on the deficiencie I/( 5 noted by the County as to air quality. il %k 2. Whether to agree with the County that all lib projects be considered consistent with General 16 Plans before they are considered for federal funding. 3. Whether to agree with the County that the basin plan not be included in the 208 Plan. 4. Whether to agree with the County that popula- tion forecasts 4B need to be reviewed; and 5. What position to take on the management issue Staff expressed the feeling that the 208 Plan and the Air Quality Maintenance Plan will be regional planning documents of the County and will be the basis for regional government in the County. In addition, staff stated .there were inconsisten- cies in the Plan. Wherein one portion may classi a project as unfeasible, another portion may call for the completion of that same project within 5 years. Further, as proposed, there appears to be no method by which Carlsbad can have input into amendments to the Plan. * $-+; [ 7” y f?> ;z :? h f====F -q F2 kQ”J v.Jc kd;-”$ \~w.”&=2.$~~ cTJ;.yfi- \*e i; _I e\. !; i _. , ” 2 - May 9, 1978 -~~~-.~,~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~=~~~~ I E I and stated it contained many questions for which I *f Staff expressed the feeling that the’population [ 1. ”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~ g ‘ Council recognized Mr. Fred Morey, 2623 Abedul, Carlsbad, Vice-president of Governmental Affairs for La Costa Land Co. He questioned the origina- .” tion of the population figures and what factors ’f Morey referenced his letter dated May 8, 1978, 1’ ,had been considered in determining same. Mr. he desired answers. figures will be the controlling basis in the future; and should the population figures be The Mayor stated discussion on the 208 Plan would1 r7 changed, it would require changing all the tactic 1 1 EXECUTIVE SESSION: ! b ii continue following an Executive Session. fi The Mayor called an Executive Session at 8:23 P.M for the purpose of discussing Meet and Confer. 1 Counci 1 reconvened at 1O:OZ P.M. with all Council! i b ‘I351 P SECTION 208 - Continued. I I; b t: t! Council recognized Mr. Jack Fubota of Woodside ti 1; Kubota & Associates, P. 0. Box 1095, Carlsbad. ; 1 Mr. Kubota stated the City could proceed with a 1 6 project regardless of its exclusion from the 208 [ L! members present and the Mayor announced Meet and 1 z Confer had been discussed. 1 g would not receive funding. In this context, he i $ expressed willingness to furnish information on 1 i 1 those responsibilities with CPO. I implementation responsibilities indicated on I 1 agency. I: i Plan. If it were not included, however, it 1 such a project in another city. 1 5 Further Council discussion related to whether 1 the management responsibilities of the Plan shoull be placed with the County or the County Water p Authority, as.well as the possibility of placing 1 I Following further discussion, Council agreed that 4 the City of Carlsbad not support that part of the r! i.’ Page 47 of the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan Summary which states that the P1 an recommend the County Water Authority be designated as lead As a point of clarification, Councilman Skotnicki stated this applies to the County Water Authority as it currently exists. In addition, Council agreed to request an exten- sion of time to the third Monday in June for final analysis of the Plan: As a matter of clarification, it was stated this included requesting continuation of considering the Environmental Social Economic Analysis (ESEA) as the EIR. ~~ .. II .. c [ -r ",f 0 F=- (-12 f3$ q,,gq A$!> d Y "-a& aL&-m&b&oC Bkd ? r *> I .<- k ? ;$ ,.- : 6 j .q;i-=s &it, 2 i -3- May 9, 1978 a~~~~dl~~-~~-~-~~~"~-~~~~~~ ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at .r 10~49 P.M. ', 'Respectfully submitted, %qfiiS<!!erk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary F f g 1: 1 6 /j k p 1; ji 1 k b L Q -E l! R h ? . . .. ..