HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-16; City Council; Minutes (2)Gfl" P.:",G:': " ' -.\.;-E v ;&y-<: 3 9 " \y r"Ti r"" fI 4 %> g- P e. D? CG5,p"D k&$q\6 aL+&&.&;."t c .. Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) Time of Meeting: 4:OO P.M. Date of ,Meeting: May 16, 1978 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ~-~~:~:*~:i~~~~-~-~~~~-~ ...~:&~cxaz%z,." ."?. . i ROLL CALL: INVOCATION'was given by Mayor Packard. , 1. y i PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. I If ' I *I b APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) 4 Minutes of the special meeting held May 2, 197 were approved as presented. g r; Minutes of the regular meeting held May 2, 1978, p were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held I $ Li B 0 May 9, 1978, were approved as presented. E $ k CONSENT CALENDAR: rl 1 Councilman Skotnicki reque.sted that Item No. 22 E g sion. The following items, with the exception I of Item No. 22, were approved by one motion, ;; affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. be removed from the Consent. Calendar for discus- If t: r t: 1 i E 1 1 (j B I 1 I 1 ! g P F f 6 1. f [ [ k ! i: 1 1 P ; i ?. 2 1: i' t 1. NAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. ijE1 <,I Ordinances before Cou'ncil at this meeting. F3 f g 1 i: It[ ri F; b 1 !;;:on 5 ; xj ' X$ i Council waived the reading of the text of all IC501 2. AGENDA BILL #5453 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. g !i ic Authorization was given the payment of bills for f iI [j the General Expenses of the City as follows: i; 1 $4.00; Net Payroll Transfer $.104,608.90; for a 1 k total of $263,073.36, as certified by the Directdr E 1; City Operations $158,460.46; Water,Department I F it i: of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committe4. IC501 3. AGENDA BILL #5454 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. * 5 'e 9 April 18, 1978 through April 30, 1978, as certi- I ii fied by the Finance Director and approved by the I.! t Auditing Committee. !j [ Ratification was given the payment of the pay- Ej roll in the amount of $168,845.55 for the period 1 I.. 9 1; f E ig: $61 k 8 !!: f ; [ fl$ i: ;$b kc; ![I E!? [[! lie P, if! !i i; [ i; 111 i ,; kg a d [70] I [45] 1 i 1 C771 1 I I c j E::! I 1 4. AGENDA BILL #5192 - Supplement-#Z - CHASE Coun-ci1 accepted the work as completed, .directed 1 the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completio and to release the bonds 35 days after recorda- 1 tion. 5. AGENDA BILL #5342 - Supplem.ent #1 - PROGRESS 1 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM. Council concurred with staff's recommendation that no additional work be expended on the Issue Identification and Work i Program, and as a result, that Alternative Three B as offered by the Coastal Commission staff, be 1 pursued. LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD LIGHTING - CONTRACT NO. 1042. [ B OF CITY ISSUE IDENTIFICATION/WORK PROGRAM FOR #lo51 for cleaning of Digestion Tank No. 2 at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, was adopted. g -p( Qfr $= *&&"x p; g*-* y\ 5, $, e* 1, m .!- <Pi. f-j -)+??-; i&; ~ ,db$k%kJ -2- designating "Stop" control on Falcon Drive at Las Flores Drive, was adopted. Council authorized the Police Department to select one additional adult crossing guard for the intersection of Jefferson Street and Las Flores Drive at a c,ost of $1,800.00 for fiscal year 1978-79. ysre*n 0 I) I .f 5 1 I f E b t C E TY Q F CARtS.BAD WN&GLI.ulcE -4- May 16, 1978 - ura*esr*i Council approved the submitted site plan and elevation plans as required by City Council Resolution No. 5242, Section 4; and agreed that the County may start construction prior to approval of the landscape and irrigation plans, but that the plans shall be approved and the landscaping and irrigation installed prior to occupancy of the subject site. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [241 23. AGENDA BILL #5400 - ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF COUNTY CODE ON RABIES, ANIMAL CONTROL AND REGULATION. Mayor Packard stated a member of the audience had requested the opportunity to speak on the matter, and he would be heard from at this lime. Mr. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsba addressed Council. He referenced the section of the County Code which authorizes the humane disposal of unclaimed animals. He continued stating the current method of disposal used by the County is a.decompression chamber. He 'explained the operation of the chamber and ex- pressed the feeling that its usage is cruel and inhumane. He urged Council to contact the County requesting a change in their method of :destroying animals. I In addition, Mr. Thompson expressed a desire for increased publicity as to available methods of controlling the animal' population. Council discussed the matter and expressed the desire for a report as to the County's current method of disposal and the possibility of chang- ing same. Staff stated a report would be fur- nished to Council. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only, and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 3110, AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 1 !;;:on 1 [X[ 7.08, BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 7.08.010 TO r: x: XB 1 ADOPT BY REFERENCE CHAPTER 6, DIVISION 2, OF TITLE 6 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE REGARDING i[! RABIES, ANIMAL CONTROL AND REGULATION. i: E 1i-t F ! I ! [7131 24. AGENDA BILL #5415 - Supplement #1 - Q-0VER-i e 1 111 LAY ZONE - PROPERTY LOCATED ON EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - 1 ZC-198. gir EtE !It. The following Ordinance was given a second t: If1 1 rp f [!I reading by title only, and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9499, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE c 1 Motion E i I> CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING i Ayes E xg x; > INDUSTRIAL TO "M-Q" INDUSTRIAL-QUALIFIED OVERLAV ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE 5 ti" ii6 ROAD. 0, MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-198) FROM I'M" f ti\ OF EL CAMINO, REAL, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ? I iik ph i. .: i- [ it 2 . I. '. i. i ! '. t ., . # pb 0 e . .. . -. CITY OF @ARBS W[<C[j"E -5- May.16, 1978 EXECUTIVE SESSION: I Mayor Packard called an Executive Session at 4:2 P;M: for the purpose.of discussing Meet and Confer. Council reconvened at 5:36 P.M. with all Council members present, and the Mayor announced that Meet and Confer had been discusse DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning I [93] 25. AGENDA BILL #5394 - Supplement #1 - SEWER PERMIT - INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - KOLL COMPANY. The following Resolution was adopted by -title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5421, AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 30.09 EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS TO PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK PURSUANT TO THE SECOND REVISION TO THE FIRST PHASE SEVER ALLOCATION SYSTEM. I Pub1 ic Works I [37] 26. AGENDA BILL #5447 - PERFORMING ARTS CENTER- CITY LIAISON. 1 .Mayor Packard and the Public Works Administratol "Mr. Ron Beckman, were appointed as liaison to the School District Committee to work on a site development program for the performing arts center. I c771 27. AGENDA BILL #5434 - Supplement #1 - REVISE1 EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNIT (EDU) DEFINITION. 1 The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading only: ORDINANCE NO. 7054, AMENDING TITLE 13, CHAPTERS 13.08 AND 13.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 13.08.080 AND 13.08.085, THE ADDITION OF SECTION 13.08.081 AN THE DELETION OF SECTION 13.12.010(3) TO REVISE THE CITY'S SEWER CAPACITY FEE REGULATIONS. I [lo71 28. AGENDA BILL #5448 - STREET VACATION - PORTION OF JEFFERSON STREET FROM MARRON ROAD SOUTHERLY TO JEFFERSON STREET RELOCATED. I The. City Engineer gave a staff report on the matter referencing Exhibit 1 of the material previously furnished to Council, which showed the location of the proposed street vacation. He continued stating due to existing utilities and proposed utilities in the area, it may be desirable to retain a general utility easement over the entire portion of the proposed street vacation. In response to Council questions, he stated the easement would prohibit the development of permanent structures on the area. I I 9- <. .. A. ci7-y e)F @$&L'D&L$ rn".p&-.gLV:.F C 1 -6- The following Resolution was adopted by title RESOLUTION NO. 5422, DECLARING INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF JEFFERSON STREET (ROAD SURVEY 843). Staff stated a complete report would be furnishe to Council at the time of the public hearing. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted,