HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-18; City Council; Minutes- I) 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD. .. . ".. . .' COUNCILME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting). Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: July 18, 1978 Place of -Meeting: Council Chambers ~~ ~ - ~- ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by M.ayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was. given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held July 4, 1971 were approv'ed as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held July 5, 1978, were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held July 11, 1978, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Anear requested that Item No. 12 be removed from the Consent Calendar, and Council- woman Casler requested Item No. 10 be removed. The following items, with the exception of Item No. 10 and Item No. 12, were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all ,.Ordinances - before Council at this meeting. 1501 2. AGENDA'BILL #5500 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. Authorization was given the payment of bills fo the General Expenses of the City and. for the Water Department as follows: City Operations $489,363.94; Water Department $140,456.64; Investments $1,300,000.00, Net Payroll Transfer $104,808.10; for a total of $2,034,628.68, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. [sol 3. AGENDA BILL #5501 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Ratification was given the payment of the pay- roll in the amount of $172,713.40 for the perio June 26, 1978 through July 9, 1978, as certifie by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. E931 4. AGENDA BILL #5485 - Supplement #2 - REVISED EDU DETERMINATION AND REQUEST. TO WAIVE SEWER FEES - KELLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Resolution No. 5480, authorizing the allocation of 10.1 equiva lent dwelling units to Kelly Elementary Schoo'l, pursuant to the Second Revision to .the First Phase Sewer Allocation System; was adopted. [931 5. AGENDA BILL #5497 - Supplement #1 - SEWER ALLOCATION REQUEST - VICTOR MORENO BALLET SCHOO Resolution No. 5481 , authorizing the allocation of 2.2 equivalent dwellins units to Victor Morena Ball et School purscarit. to the Second Revision to the First Phase Sewer Allocation System, was adopted. Motion Ayes xxx ~ - , CITY OF CARLSBAD . .-. . -2- Julv 18. 1978 I ~~ ._.- CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd.) ~71 6. .AGENDA BILL #5269 - Supplement #1 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO SAN DIEGO REGIONAL' SOLI'D WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. Resolutio'n N.0. 5482, approving the First Amendment to the San Diego Regional . Solid Waste Plan., was ad0pte.d. c721 7. AGENDA BILL #5502 - NO PARKING ON TIERRA DEL ORO. Res'olution No. 5483, designating a parking restriction on Tierr; del Oro west of Carlsbad Boulevard, was adopted. [84] 8. AGENDA BILL #5503 - PURCHASE OF TIRES AND VARIOUS OTHER ITEMS THROUGH THE STATE OF CALI- FORNIA OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT. Resolution No. 5484, authorizing the Departmen't- of General Services of the State of California to purchase tires and various other items, was adopted. ~501 9. AGENDA BILL #5504 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized the payment of requested refunds of overpayment of charges made by the City. Specific requests are on file in the City Clerk's Office. C991 11. AGENDA BILL #5506 - REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE METHODOF SEWAGE TREATMENT - PAPAGAYO DEVELOP- MENT.. Council referred the request to staff for preparation of a report to be furnished to . ,. Council at the regular meeting of August 1, 1978 ~ C771 C991 12A. AGENDA BILL #5509 - APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING THROUGH OFFICE OF PLANNING AND- RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE PLAN. Resolution No. 5487, ,requesting the Office of Planning and Research to provide planning assistance for preparation of a Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, was adopted. 128. AGENDA BILL #5510 - TEMPORARY WATER LINE EASEMENT - CARLSBAD PALISADES. Resolution No. 5488, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad, California and the L .& R Partnership for a temporary water 1 ine easement, was adopted ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [86] 10. AGENDA BILL #5505 - FALL FAIR '(FLEA MARKET) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Councilwoman Casler stated she had requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar for dis- cussion. She expressed the opinion that appro- val had been given the original Flea Market with the idea that it would be available to Carlsbad .residents and merchants only. She continued by questioning the desirability and advisability of holding a Flea Market more than once a year, and expressed preference for holding the Flea Market in the fall. In addition, she expressed concern about the City's cost of providing services, due to the necessity of cutting the budget. COUNCILME - 0 0 July. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD . . . ". COUNCILME 8, .1978 .- 3 - - ._- . Council discussion related to the desirabili'ty of the event becoming self-supporting, and whether the event should be held once or twice a year. It was moved and secon.ded that Resolution No. 5485 be adopted. It was then moved that the Resolution be amendec to include a condition requiring the cost of City services to be reimbursed in full by the Chamber of Commerce. RESOLUTION NO. 5485, TEMPORARILY CLOSING CERTAII JECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, was adopted as amended. CITY STREETS FOR A LOCAL SPECIALTY EVENT, SUB- 12. AGENDA BILL #5507 - STREET VACATION, POR- TION OF MADISON STREET AND ALLEY. Councilman Anear stated he had requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to question the desirability of vacating the portion of Madison Street. He stated the inter section of Madison and Grand.is a busy inter- section, and questioned the possibility of utilizing that area to create a right-hand turn lane for traffic, rather than vacating same. In response, staff indicated the area could be utilized for a- rapid-entry right-hand turn lane or for a bus turnout. In addition, staff state additional information would be furnis-hed to Council regarding the plans for the development and any future need for a 1ight.at the inter-' section if the matter is set to public hearing. ... It was moved and seconded that Resolution No. 5486 be adopted. It was then moved to amend the motion to delete the portion of Madison Street from the Resoluti The motion to amend the motion .died for lack of a second. The following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5486, DECLARING INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF MADISON STREET AND 20-FOOT ALLEY. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Mayor Packard stated Item No. 17 would be taken 'out of order and discussed at this time. 17. AGENDA BILL #5512 - REPORT FROM CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PROPOSITION 13. Mayor Packard stated the Chairman of the Commit Mr. Donald Yerkes, co.uld not be present. There 'fore-, a report would be given by the Vice-Chair man, Mr. Lewis Chase. I jl VI - d 0 tc - - 5 P X X X X x I I ~ - B I) CITY OF CARLSBAD .Y COUNCILME Mr. Lewis Chase, 4045 Baldwin Lane, Carlsbad, Vice-chairman of the Proposition 13 Advisory Committee, addressed Council. Mr. Chase outline the contents of the Committee Report dated July 14, 1978, and responded to questions concerning Council expressed their appreciation to Mr. Chase and the Committee for their time'and signature of the Mayor, to the Chairman and all members of the Committee. Public Works 13. AGENDA BILL #5508 - REQUEST TO WAIVE STAN- DARD IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS AT 2880 HIGHLAND DRIVE - TOM STEPHENS. Mayor Packard stated though this agenda item pertains to a specific location on Highland, a number of residents of Highland Drive were pre- sent to speak to the matter of widening Highland .c Counci-1 discussion related to whether the two matters should be discussed separately or to- Kathleen Wellman, Attorney representing Mr. Stephens, addressed Council. She stated her intention of allowing various citizens to speak regarding the widening.of Highland as part of her presentation to Council. The City Engineer gave the staff .report on the matter by outlining the contents of his Memoran- dum to the City Manager dated July 10, 1978. Council recognized Kathleen Wellman, 4213 Isle Drive, Carl.sbad, attorney representing the applicant. Ms. Wellman detailed the background Ms. Wellman then stated a questionnaire had been sent to all property owners on Highland Drive re the widening of the street. She outlined the results of same and listed several reasons the residents stated as to why the street should not be improved. increase traffic, eliminate the uniqueness of the street, necessitate removal of many trees, and would adversely affect many property owners: c.* - B e CITY OF CARLSBAD- .. ".. . COUNCllME -5- Council discussed the desire for retaining the rural atmosphere of the narrow street versus the future need of improving the street to pro- vide for the safety of pedestrians and traffic. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:35 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:54 P.M. with a1 1 Council members present. City Manager 14. AGENDA BILL #5418 - COMMITTEE ON SENIOR CITIZEN AFFAIRS - APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Packard announced his intent to reappoint Zoe Walters to fill one of the three vacancies on the Committee on Senior Citizen Affairs. WPOINTMENT. Council -offered the following names for nomina- tion to fill the vacancy on the Planning Com- Councilman Skotnicki recommended Mrs. Thomasine Councilwoman Casler recommended Mary M. Marcus. Mayor Packard recommended Dolores Frazee. Councilman Anear recommended Mrs. Barbara Councilwoman Casler stated in that she would be absent from the next regular meeting, at which time Council would vote on the matter, she would leave voting instructions with the City ~ ~ The City Manager stated Mr. Jack Henthorn, the .. July.. 1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD .' . . COUNCILME1 -6- Council discussed the matter briefly and express ed the desire of allowing the public to vote on the item. the referendum language as shown in paragraph Ayes xxx four on Attachment 1 to the Memorandum to the City Manager from the Redevelopment Coordinator dated Jul'y 13, 1978., said wording to be amended to show an unspecified number of units, on scattered sites within the City of Carlsbad. 17. AGENDA BILL #5512 - REPORT FROM CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PROPOSITION 13. This item..was taken out of order and discussed prior to Item No. 13 on the Agenda. 18. AGENDA BILL #5513 - REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO. The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter. Council recognized Mr. Donald E. Greco, attorney Mr. Greco requested Council approval of the request. Council approved the requested amendment to the Motion Subdivision Ordinance, and directed the City Ayes xxx Attorney to prepare the necessary documents. 19. AGENDA BILL #5308 - Supplement #3 - SEPTIC "representing S'an Diego Gas & Electric Company. .- TANK ORDINANCE - LOT SIZE. The following Ordinance was introduced by title only for a first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 5053, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER Motion x 6.02, SECTION 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL Ayes xxx CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (H) TO REVISE STALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. THE MINIMUM LOT AREA SIZE REQUIRED FOR THE IN- CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Plaza Camino Real Expansion Mayor Packard distributed and read to Council his Memorandum dated July 18, 1978, regarding a possible proposal to be submitted to the City of Oceanside. Councilman Skotnicki then detailed the method -ut*ilized in determining the fair value of the parking facilities. .- ,* CITY ' . OF CARLSBAD '.' . . . COUMCtLME Councilman Anear expressed the feeling that May Stores and- the City of Oceanside should resolve the parking problem; that. Carlsbad should not be involved in any negotiations with the City of Oceanside regarding the matter. dum to Council dated July 18, 1978, regarding the Plaza Camino Real Expansion, be submitted to the City of Oceanside. Councilman Skotnicki reported on the recent meeting of CPO and related items which will be brought before Council for review and comment. Parks and Recreation Commission Councilman Lewis reported on the recent Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. He stated the San Dieguito Little Theater is attempting to locate in Carlsbad, and would like to address ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at P.M. in the. Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, .50:30 P.M. to Tuesday, July 25, 1978, at 6:OO