HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-01; City Council; MinutesIT F Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: August 1, 1978 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers - * 0 - [5Ol r501 C501 r701 j ~ ! I i [97] 1 C451 I I __ ~ ~- ~- ~ ~~~~~ ROLL CALL : INVOCATION was given by Mayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting held July 18, 1978 were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held July 25, 1978 were approved as presen-ted. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Skotnicki requested that Item No. 7 be removed from the Consent Calendar and Councilman Lewis requested that Item No. 9 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following items, with the exception of Items No. 7 and Item No. 9 were approved by one motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all - Ordinances before Council at this meeting. 2. AGENDA BILL #5514 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City and 'for the Matel Department as follows: City Operations $440,674.49; Water Department $117,796.09; Net Payroll Transfel $105,254.46; for a total of $663,725.04, as certi fied by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. 3. AGENDA BILL #5515 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Ratification was given the payment of payroll in the amount of $167,925.17 for the period July 10, 1978 through J~.rly 23, 1978, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. 4. REFUND OF PAYMENTS. Council authorized the payment of requested refund: of overpayment charges made by the City. Specific requests are on file in the City Clerk's Office. 5. AGENDA BILL #5399 - Supplement #1 - URBAN OPE Council approved the project for SB174 Block Grant funds and authorized staff to make applica- tion. SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM (SB 174 BLOCK GRANT) 6. AGENDA BILL #5377 - Supplement #2 - PARK Council accepted the work on the above mentioned DRIVE WIDENING - CONTRACT NO. 1046. contract and. directed the City Clerk to record Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after recordation. WNCILME e 7 e * A CIT F s -2- [79] 8. AGENDA BILL #5517 - PARKING CITATION POLICY - NORTH COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT. Resolution #5490,.opposing the North County Muni- cipal Courts decision to process only signed citations, was adopted. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [63] 7. AGENDA BILL #3744 - REVISED CONTRACT AGREE- [&] MENT WITH OCLC.. Councilman Skotnicki indicated he had requested the removal of this item from the Consent Calendar for questions concerning the economic factors of the new agreement. Bobbi Hoder of the Carlsbad City Library responded to Council's questions regarding the cost factors of the new contract and the satisfaction with the service under the previous contract. Motion was made to approve staff recommendation and authorize the Mayor to execute the new con- tract with OCLC by the adoption of Resolution #548 RESOLUTION NO. 5489, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUlt AN AGREEMENT FOR COMPUTERIZE LIBRARY CATALOGING AND RELATED SERVICES AND A TERMINAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE OHIO COLLEGE LIBRARY- CENTER, was adopted. [86] 9. AGENDA BILL #5518 - WHALE PROJECT - REQUEST FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORT. Councilman Lewis indicated he had requested this item-be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion of the fact that the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission at a recent meeting had been opposed to the project largely due to their con- cern for vandalism and,because of the passage of Proposition 13, they felt that this project should be a private and- .nr,t,public venture. Following Council discussion, i.? was moved ... that the matter be filed, EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an Executive Session' at 6:15 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Meet and Confer and salary -$mefi ts. Council reconvened at 6:55 P.M. with four members present, and the Mayor announced that ?;leet and Confer matters had been discussed. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [77] 10. AGENDA BILL #5308 - Supplement #3 - SEPTIC TANK ORDINANCE - LOT SIZE. The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: I ~ ORDINANCE NO. 5053, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6.02, SECTION 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (H) TO REVISE STALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. THE MINIMUM LOT.AREA SIZE REQUIRED FOR THE IN- UNC!Lk&f - 0 e I I I ~ - 3- August 1, 1978 CITY ATTORNEY: Plaza Camino Real Expansion I C941 11. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #14 - FINAL C991 - MAP APPROVAL CT 76-18 - MAY STORES. The staff report was given by the City Engineer, who indicated that the final map for CT 76-18 conforms with the tentative map for the subdivi- sion, except as indicated in Item No. 7, page 3, of the staff report, the tentative map condition regarding hours for grading and construction activities. He stated that Council may wish to change this condition to conform with the "Con- struction Noise" Ordinance (Section 8.48.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) which Council had adopted on March 14, 1978. Council questioned Mr. Herbert Roth, the Vice- President of May Stores, in this regard, and inquired if he felt that his company would have any objection to changing this condition. Mr. Roth responded that he .felt they would have no objection to the change. I Council was satisfied that the final map sub- stantially conformed to the tentative map and that construction and grading activities would be limited to the hours set forth in Section 8.48.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Folldwing further discussion, Council adopted a motion approving the Final Map for CT 76-18 (Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center) subject to valid execution of map, agreements,and bonds within 15 days. [94] 12. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #15 - ALTERNATIVE PRECISE PLAN (PP-24A). Explanation was given by staff that this matter was to be continued, but that Don Rose of the Planning Department would answer Council Is questions on the matter at this time. Council inquired about the following matters regarding Precise Plan 24-A: the synchroniza- tion of traffic signals on freeway off-ramps; the physical sepalration of the parking lot and Marron Road; physical barriers to compel pedes- trians to use signalized intersections; bike lanes; proposed bus service and the number of and location of patron drops; specifications for curbs, gutters and sidewalks; and the patron access to parking on both levels of the shopping center. Council inquired also if the expansion of the bridge at El Camino Real and Highway 78 would be completed by the time the shopping center expansion is completed. Mr. Rose responded to Council's questions re- garding the specifications of Precise Plan 24-A, and indicated that staff would return with further information regarding Council Is questions at the adjourned meeting on this matter. I .\ ITY F -4- August 1 , 1978 I) Council discussed the request from Oceanside to extend Hamar Street, and also discussed the pos- sibility of requiring May Stores, Inc. to pay for the installation of traffic signals at the inter- section of Marron Road and Monroe Street as part of the agreement for the shopping center expansion Motion was made to continue the matter until August 3, 1978, at 4:30 P.M. AGREEMENT AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS. Matter was continued until August 3, 1978 at 4:30 P.M. ~941 13. AGENDA BILL # 3481 - Supplement #16 - EXCHANGI ~451 ~941 14. ~451 AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #17 - AMEND- MENT OF DEED CC & R's; SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT; AND GRANT OF PARKING EASEMENTS. Matter was continued until August 3, 1978 at 4:30 P.M. 15. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement #18 - FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO THE AGREEMENT. By one motion, Items 13, 14 and 15 were continued until August 3, 1978 at 4:30 P.M. c941 C451 * PUBLIC HEARINGS: [112]16. AGENDA BILL #5460 - Supplement #2 - CONFIRMA- TION 'OF WEED ABATEMENT COST REPORT. The Utilities Maintenance Director presented the staff report with a comparison to the cost report and number of parcels abated last year. He indi- cated that the cost of administration fees- was added to the program this year and charged to each prop.erty owner. He concluded that the.amounts due the City will become liens upon the property for the following tax year after appropriate Council action. Mayor Packard declared the Public Hearing open at 7:32 P.M. and asked if anyone wished to speak in protest of the weed abatement program. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the PubliCHearing at 7:33 P.M. It was moved that Council adopt Resolution No.5491 It was moved tha.t the City Clerk be directed to file a certified copy of Resolution No.5491 with ~ . the County Auditor .o*-or before August 10, 1978. It was moved.that the City be authorized to abate the nuisance located at 357 Pine Ave. on a lien basi: I 1 .X' I The following Resolution was adopted by title only RESOLUTION NO. 5491, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE UTILITIES MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR SHOWING COST OF WEE PORT, CONFIRMING THE COST AND PROVIDING FOR COLLEC TION ON THE REGULAR TAX BILL. ABATEMENT-AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND IN SAID RE- > NCDLMt 0 e c 4 -5- August 1, 1978 I281 17. AGENDA BILL # 5148 - Supplement #1 - EXTENSION OF DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STUDY AREA - INTERIM ORDINANCE. The staff report was given by the Redevelopment Coordinator. He referenced the action taken by Council at its meeting of August 2, 1977 adopting Ordinance No. 9486, an interim urgency ordinance prohibiting certain uses in the down- town redevelopment study area pending completion of planning studies. He stated that Ordinance No. 9503, which has been presented for Council's consideration,.will extend the provisi'ons of Ordinance No. 9486 for a maximum of one year. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing open at 7:46 P.M. and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Hdi"O1d Clark, 824 Caminito Del Repaso, Carls- bad, addressed Council. He stated that as the owner of property in that area he was in favor 'of extending Ordinance No. 9486, and urged Counc to adopt Ordinance No. 9503. Since no .one else wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 7:50 P.M. The following Ordinance was introduced and adopted as an urgency measure: ORDINANCE NO. 9503, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASUR SIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9486 PROHIBITING CERTAIN OPMENT STUDY AREA. EXTENDING FOR A MAXIMUM OF ON€ YEAR, THE PROVI- COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE DOWNTOWN REDEVEL- [114] 18. AGENDA BILL #5519 - DETERMINATION OF LOT WIDTH FOR REVERSED PIE-SHAPED LOTS - ZCA-87. The staff report was given by Don Rose. He stated that the purpose of the proposed zone code amendment is to incorporate a formula to determine the side yard set back for reversed pie-shaped lots into the Carlsbad Municipal Code He then responded to questions from Council. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing open at 7:54 P.M., and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Since no one wished to speak, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 7:55 P.M. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the documents approving ZCA-87 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1450.. AGENDA BILL # 5181 - Supplement .#Z - The staff report was given by the Assistant Planning Director. He referenced the memorandum of July 25, 7978 from the Planning Director to the City Manager and briefly outlined the histor of the matter and some of the problems that had occurred involving condominium conversions. - - 0 0 F -6- He stated that the proposed Ordinance requ-ires a relatively low minimum development criteria for condominiums that is slightly greater than that required of apartments, particularly in the area of individual utility. meters. He added that it provides three basic methods for regulating condominium conversions: discretionary processes design criteria; and development standards. > The Mayor declared the matter open for Public Hearing at 8:06 P.M. and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Fred Morey, the Vice-president of Governmen- tal Affairs for La Costa Land Company addressed Council. He referenced his letter of April 25, 1978 to Council. He indicated concern that the proposed ordinance is too restrictive in tha it would allow the Planning Commission, through discretionary approval, to redesign a project. He commented that the ordinance would force thos persons not desiring large open space areas to comply with its requirements and expressed the opinion that individual water meters are not necessary in condominium projects because the condominium associations, as property owners, have the responsibility for seeing that the water bills are paid. He concluded by-commenting that the City does need a condominium ordinance to eliminate the the confusion regarding the City's authority in the area of condominium projects, but. that the ordinance should be simple and cover only the most significant areas of concern and that the market will provide a better product that would be provided by City staff. Mr. Don Brown, of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce presented a letter to Council from Mr. Robert Ladwig, Chamber President, requesting that this matter be continued. Mr. Bart Lefferdink, 4576 Cove Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He indicated that he pre- sently has a project which is going to be af- fected by this ordinance, and therefore hoped Council would make a decision as soon as possi- ble. He indicated;T-oncern that the requirement of separate utility meters would e1.iminate use of solar heating, and would make ,water softeners which are necessary in this area, much too costly. Council discussion included the positive and negative aspects of the requirement for separate water meters, the probability of much higher water rates in the future, the fact th3.t condo- minium Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions allow condominium associattions to increase the uti1,ity charge to those whose consumption is excessive, and the fact that some condominiums also have a master meter, rather than separate meters for gas as well as water. B ! NCILMl a?./& - F CA NCW&8 tsmmmem 0 0 -7- I A motion was made to continue the Public Hearing on this matter until the next regular meeting. Councilman Skotnicki indicated that his objection to the continuat,ion of this matter was due to the fact that he felt that sufficient Public Hearings had already been held on this matter by the Planning Commission. RECESS: I Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:34 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:45 P.M. with four members present. ~1141 20. AGENDA BILL #5521 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO CLARIFY PROVISIONS FOR PUBLIC UTILITY USES ZCA-W.: The staff report was given by the Assistant Planning Director. He gave a brief history of the matter and related cases, adding that a Decla ration of Negative (Non-Significant) Environrnenta 'Impact has been issued for the project. He then gave an explanation of the various sections in- volved in the proposed amendment. L I It was noted that a letter had been received fro the -San Diego Gas & Electric Company requesting a modification to ZCA-97, by the addition to paragraph I'J" of the words "transmisssion or dis tribution electical substation and operating cen ters" to those uses already listed as requiring CUP'S. They had also requested that a paragraph be added to the end of this section that would make clear which operations require a CUP and which do not. Council expressed the feeling that the subject covered in San Diego Gas & Electric Co.'s first request is already included in the municipal code and requested definition of some of the terminology included in their proposed amend- ment. The.Mayor declared the matter open for Public Hearing at 9:00 P.M. and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Fred Morey, V.ixe--President of Governmental Affairs for La Costa Land Company addressed Council. He indicated concern regarding the placement .of the lakes that are required for waste water treatment plants, and inquired if these lakes could, in fact, be located some distance from the plants themselves. Mr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, addresse Council. He stated that in connection with Lake Calavera Hills he had worked with staff for procedure concerning the location of waste- water treatment plants and that he concurred with staff's recommendation regarding ZCA-97. 'd I , 5fmamRm 0 0 F -8- August 1, 1978 ~ ~~ ~~~ I_ Mr. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad adddressed Council. He questioned the necessity for making the change in the municipal code at this time and indicated his opposiition to the amendment because he felt that.it was an attempt to allow waste water treatment plants to be placed anywhere in the City, including in resi- dential areas. Mr. Rex Geiger, 4510 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council and concurred with Mr. Thompson's sentiments. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter; the Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 9:07 P.M. I Council discussion followed. Council questioned staff as to what is being recommended for lakes as part of the reclamation program, if those lakes could, in fact, be located a great distance from the waste water treatment plants they serve, and if the proposed amendment would allow the placement of treatment plants anywhere including in residential areas. Staff's response was that the present code is not clear on these matters, and th'at the proposed amendment would provide more control in these areas. Staff was directed to report back to.Counci1 with information defining the term "conversion plants" as Lised in paragraph "J". It was moved that Council accept staff's recom- mendation and direct the City Attorney to prepare documents approving ZCA-97 and to prepare the amendment to paragraph "J" of Section 21.42.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to incorporate it into those uses listed that require a CUP. I [114] 21. AGENDA BILL #5452 - Supplement #1 - INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES - DEDI--CATION OF LAND AND FEES- ZCA-99. ~~ ~ II The .staff report was given by the Planning Di,rec tor. He briefly outlined the matter and indi- cated that the Planning Commission had recommend adoption of the or_djnance approving ZCA-99, but had four concerns regarding this matter. He then briefly explained those concerns, as con- tained in his memorandum of July 18, 1978 to the G i ty Manager. - e He stated that the local school ,districts had bee sent copies of the proposed ordinance and that their responses had been included with the staff report on the matter. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing open at . 9:26'P.M., and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Warren Roberts, Planning Director.for the Encinitas Union. School District addressed Council He indicated that the Encinitas Union School Dis trict is not presently issuing letters of avail- ability to developers due to overcrowding. WdNCOL!&$ Ci OF NGlLt4E - a 0 I A -Y- August 1 , 1978 He expressed concern that the ordi-nance would apply only to large developers, with the fees being passed on the home:.buyers. He also ex- pressed concern about certain wording in the proposed ordinance, specifically, the words "attendance area" on page 6, line 19; page 7, line 27 and page 8, line 3 and suggested they be changed to 'School District!'. Mr. Roberts then responded to Council Is ques- tions concerning the possibility of inter-distric transf,ers and school fees. Dr. Rodney Phillips, representing the San Dieguit Union High School District addressed Council. He commented on the extent of the overcrowding prob- lem in his district and expressed the feeling that condominium conversions, guest houses, and mobile homes should be exempt from school fees. He then responded to questions from Council. Council questioned him regarding his districts .school fees, about the possibility of uniform fees being set by the school districts, if the San Dieguito Union High School Gistrict School Board had considered annexation, and if they had any objections to the words "attendance area" in the proposed ordinance. Dr. Phillips respo-nded that uniform fees are not possible due to the difference in the cost of , constnucting a high school and an elementary school. He indicated that his district's fees are calculated according to the estimated cost of adding permanent facilities to the school system and that the process of annexation is only a function of elementary school districts and that high school districts are not involved in it. B.E. Smith, 951 Saxony Road, Encinitas, addresse Council. He expressed concern over the rise in school fees and suggested that the fees be set at the pre SB 201 rates,- He also expressed support for the exemption of single family homes on existing lots from the payment of school fees i , i ! I' I ~ I Mr. Fred Morey, Vice Presidcnt of Governmental Affairs for La Costa Land Company, addressed Council. He stateybthat the purpose of SB 201 was to provide interim financing for school facilities, but that the fees of the Encinitas Union School District and the San Dieguito Union High School District are estimated to cover permanent facilities. He commented that though the County of San Diego, at least temporarily, has accepted those fees as consistent with SB 20 his company does not feel that they are appro- priate. 1 Mr. Morey indicated that the La Costa Land Com- pany has agreements with the school districts to insure availability of schools, and as part of those agreements has provided land to the school districts, and expressed concern as to ~ 1 I oz/G - i 1 0 0 F -1 0- whether these agreements would be honored. He also exrpessed concern regarding the exemption of single family residences on existing lots fron the payment of school fees and with 'the fact that condominium conversions may be required to pay doubl e fees. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 10:08 P.M. Following discussion, Council concluded the following: 1. That single family residences on existing lots should not be exempt from payment of school fees. 2. That variances should require the payment of school fees only when they involve the additic of one or more bedrooms. 3. That the decision regarding whether or not to honor private agreements with the schools should be made at the time that the school fee is set. 4. That demolition and reb.uilding should be exempt from the payment of school fees, unless the.:size of the home is affected and the number of bedrooms increased. 5. That guest houses should be exempt from the payment of school fees. 6. That mobile homes should not be exempt from the payment of school fees. 7. That a time limit should be set for school districts to respond when notified of applicatio far residential development. (30 day p'eriod was suggested) Motion was made to direct the City Attoruey to prepare documents approving ZCA-99, with the seven conditions discussed, and if necessary, refer the matter back to the Planning Commission [ 1051 HOUSING AUTHORITY: _- Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 10:45 P.M. and reconvened at 11:OO P.M. with four members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND I3fY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning [94] 22. AGENDA BILL #3481 - Supplement#7 - BUILDING ELEV.AmI4, FOR PROPOSED SEARS STORE - PLAZA CAMIN KtAL. The staff report was given by Don Rose using Exhibit A, elevations of the proposed Sears Stor Exhibit By photo of a colored drawing of the proposed store; and a materials board submitte by the applicant. Mr. Rose indicated'that since no common theme ha been established for Plaza Camino Real , each major store is making a strong effort to be patability a somewhat subjective one. He ex- 1 I distinctive, making the question of design com- mNCB&ME - FC NCILME - e -1 1- August 1 , 1978 I - 7:; [991 : -~ \ ",*J r851 * i ~ j I I ! I ~. " - -1 plained staff's recommendation of approval of the e1.evations with the condition that the appli cant agree to work with staff toward a mutually acceptable paving and building block material. Following a brief discussion, motion was made to accep.t staff recommendation and, by minute motio approve the e,levations for the Sears store as shown on Exhibit "A", dated July 25, 1978, with the condition that the project proponents agree to work with planning staff toward a mutually acceptable paving and building material. r 23. AGENDA BILL #5513 - Supplement #1 - AMENDIN( MAP. The following Ordinance was introduced by Title only for a first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 9054, AMENDING TITLE 20, CHAPTER CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION 20.24.150 (a) (4), AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTION 20.24.15: (b) TO PROVIDE FOR A WAIVER OF A PARCEL MAP FOR EXISTING POWER PLANTS. CARLSBAD SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - WAIVER OF PARCEl 20.24, SECTION 20.24.150 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIP, 24. AGENDA BILL #3564 - Supplement #1 - AREAWID: WATER QUALI'TY MANAGEMENT PLAN - 208. The staff report was fiven by the Planning Direc tor. He stated that Council had previously con- sidered this matter and adopted a position on if and that the Comprehensive Planning Organization has asked Council to adopt a resolution indicat- ing their willingness to implement the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan, and had sent the City a draft resolution. He indicated that stafl recommended adoption of the draft resolution with suggested modifications of Items No. 1 and No. 7," to contain the City's specific interests. I F Councilman Skotnicki expressed concern over the suggested modifications-. He commented on the importance of cities .showing solidarity on the plan at this time as it could be important in the future in maintaining local authority in land use matters and not relinquishing rlocal control to the County. The following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5492, APPROVING AN AREAWIDE WAT WALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN, INCLUDING ACTIONS TO B UNDERTAKEN TO IMPLEMENT THE PLAN, with the pro- vision that the wording of the last paragraph, from line 26 page 1, to line 3 page 2;be chang to reflect the original wording in the draft resolution propos'ed by the Comprehensive Plan- ning Organization. .. >.>" - El E E' I , - I BTY B LS UNCILME -12- - I) e Public Works [93] 25. AGENDA BILL #5522 - REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF SEWER CAPACITY - W. BORTEL'S FOR ARMY & NAVY ACADEitlY . It was noted that the applicant had requested that this matter be continued. Motion was made to continue the matter as requesl by the appl.icant. City Manager [48] 26. AGENDA BILL #5523 - SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELEC" TION - NOVEMBER 7, 1978 - PROPOSITION RELATING TO LOW RENT HOUSING. Councilman Lewis commented that he had been contacted by several persons who were concerned that a Public Hearing should be held on this matter and felt that there was a need for this type of citizen input. Council discus.sed the possibility of holding a Public Hearing on the matter or letting some other organization, such as the League of Women Voters, do so to present both sides of the issue. Counci:l then inquired about the necessity of putting this item on the November ballot and about the possibilty of combining this measure with some other election. Staff responded that the City cannot do any advert.ising on this matter once it is a ballot measure and replied that if the measure is not put on the November ballot, it may have to wait until the City election in March of 1980. It was moved that Council adopt Resolutions #5493, 5494, 5495 and 5496. The following resolutions were adopted by title only by a single motion-: RESOLUTION NO. 5493, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDIN FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 7, 1978, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE LATING TO AUTHORIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LOW RENT HOUSING AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE. RESOLUTION NO. 5494, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SOLIDATE A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF CALRSBAD TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 1978, WITH THE GENERAL ELECTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE. RESOLUTION NO. 5495, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT FOR A CITY MEASURE. QUALIFIED VOTERS-O-F-SAID CITY A PROPOSITION RE- SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO CON- I - 0 e F A NCILME -1 3- I RESOLUTION NO. 5496, PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS FOR CITY MEASURES SUBMITTED AT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. m31 Mayor Packard- announced .his intention to appoint Ralph Monell and Francis Lantz to the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs at the next regular meeting. [76] 28. AGENDA BILL #5499 - APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. I The Mayor instructed Council members to vote for two of the persons nominated at the last regular meeting to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mayor Packard voted for Dolores Frazee and Mary Marcus. Councilman Skotnicki voted for Mrs.. Thomasine Andre and Mary Marcus. Councilman Anear voted for Dolores Frazee and Mary Marcus. Councilman Lewis voted for George Hinds and Mary Marcus. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5479, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO Motio THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION, that I Ayes member being Mary Marcus. 1- [69] 29. AGENDA BILL #5524 - APPOINTMENTS TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Mayor Packard announced his intention to re- appoint Laurie Nelson-Boone to the Parks and Recreation Commission at the next regular meetin CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Councilman Skotnicki referenced a letter to the City Manager from-3lie Chamber of Commerce nom- inating Walter Chenowit for appointment to the Overall Economic Development Program Commi.ttee. He also noted a memorandum from the Planning Director to the City Manager, dated June 29, 197 regarding Coastal Commission designation of powe plant sites, and inquired if the Agua Hedionda Lagoon would be designated. The Planning Direc- tor indicated that he would inform Council as soon as action was taken. Councilman Skotnicki then reported on his attendance of the Library Board of Trustee Meeting on June 19, 1978. He indicated that a proposal was made at that meeting for soli- citing funds for the Library. . ”.. Y CITY OF .CARLSBAD. COUMCLME -1 4- He expressed the feeling that the solicitation of funds for the Library should be done by the Friends of the Library and not the Library Board of Trustees. Mayor Packard stated that as part of the con- ditions of the expansion of Plaza Camino Real Oceanside has requested that Carlsbad withdraw their request for deannexation. He requested that this matter be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Manager requested that a budget worksho session be set for Tuesday, August 8, 1978. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjou.rned at 11:56 P.M. to Tuesday, August 8, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted,