HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-19; City Council; Minutesv CITY OF Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: September 19, 1978 Place of. Meeting: Council Chambers D -~~”_~~ ~~~ - ~~ ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was given by Yayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was .given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion.) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held August 29, 1978 were approved as presented. Minute’s of the regular meeting held September 5, 1978 were approved as presented. PUBLIC HEARING TIMES: Mayor Packard expressed his concern about the fact that the present provisions of Dhe Carlsbal Municipal Code provides for public hearings to be heard at 7:30 P.M. He suggested that the City Attorney should,be directed to prepare doucments to change the time for public hearing to 6:OO P.M. and asked if Council had any objec tions. Council concurred with the Mayor in this matter. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Anear requested that Item No.11 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Packard requested that Item No. 9 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Tbe following items, with the exception of Items No. 9 and 11, were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent Calendar. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Ordinances before Council at this meeting. [SO] 2. AGENDA BILL #5573 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. I Council waived the reading of the text of all 1 Authorization was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City and for the Water Department as follows: City Operatio I $169,566.02; Water Department $9,783.06; Investments $100,000.00; for a total of $279,349.08, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. [Sol 3. AGENDA BILL #5551 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROL I I -2”- Ratification was given the payment of payroll in the amount of $171,264.02, for the period August 21, 1978 through September 3, 1978, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee. C931 4. AGENDA BILL #5566 - Supplement #1 - SEWER ALLOCATION APPEAL - PROPOSED EXPANSION OF SOUTH BANK - RICHARD LUMSDEN. Resolution No. 5533, authorizinq the allocation of 0.5 EDU’s to Richard Lumsden for expansion of the Southwest Bank pursuant to the Second Revision of the adopted. I First Phase Sewer Allocation System, was ~ WNCILME CITY OF CARLS - B -2- September 19, 1978 -~ CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont' d) E931 5. AGENDA BILL if5564 - Supplement #1 -VILLAGE Resolution No. 5534, authorizing the allocation of 6.0 EDU's to David Thompson for construction COMMERCIAL OFFICE COMPLEX - SEWER ALLOCATIONS. of a Village Commercial/Office Complex pursuant to the Second Revision to the First Phase Sewer Allocation System, was adopted. ~501 6. AGENDA BILL #5575 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS Council authroized the requested refunds of overpayments of charges rnade.by .the City. Spe- cific requests a.re on file in the City Clerk's Office. C411 7. AGENDA BILL #5576 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY R.B. ALLEN. Resolution No. 5535, denying a claim against the City and directing the City Attorney to refe'r the matter to the City's insurance carrier, was adopted. 1991 ' 8. AGENDA BILL #3629 - Supplement #2 - (ROYAL HOMES N0.6, UNITS 1,2 and 3) ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CT 76-2 - Council accepted the improvements as completed and directed the Utilities/Maintenance Director to commence their maintenance and the City Clerk to .release the bonds for public street improvements. [llo] 10. AGENDA BI-LL #5541 - Supplement #1 - DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUBSIDIARY' DISTRICT FORMATION. Council approve the draft Request for Proposal for Professional Services, and authorized the City Manager to sol ici t proposals. E41 1 11A. AGENDA BILL #5582 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - ROBERT D. PANDER. Resolution No. 5537, denying a claim against the City and directing the City Attorney to refer the matter t'o the City's insurance carrier, was adopted. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an Executive Session at 6:07 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Meet and Confer matters regarding employee wages and benefits. Council reconvened at 6:52 P.M. with four membe&-present. Mayor Packard announced that Meet and Confer matters regardin employee wages and benefits had been discussed, and that no decision had been reached or action taken. _- mNclLME - 1 I I 1 i I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- September'19, 1978 I I ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: I [93] 9- AGENDA BILL #5577 "REMAINING SEWER CAPACITY - NUMBER OF EDU'S REMAINING. Dl Mayor Packard indicated that he had requqsted that this item be removed from the Consent ,Calendar for explanation- from staff. The City Engineer briefly explained the mater to Council e He referenced his memorandum of September 8, 1978 to the City Manager which out- lined the number of EDU's remaining from the City's original Encina .capacity, the number of EDU's acquired through the lease arrang-ement with the Encinitas Sanitary-District' which were dis- tributed through the First Phase Sewer Allocation System, :.and the number of EUD's remaining from that arrangment., Following discussion, it was moved that Council approve sta,ff's recommendation to reserve not less than 75 EDU's for City Capital Improvement Projects and failing septic systems out of the 102 o 5 EDU ' s currently una1 1 ocated D 1. 11. AGENDA BILL #5426 - Supplement #3 - "7' RESURFACING OF VARIOUS CITY STREETS FY 1977-78 - [451 CONTRACT NO. 1054. Councilman Anear stated that he had requested that.this item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion, ' He indicated that he had l'ookeck at the three streets to be r.esrtrfaced and felt that they were less in need of repair than some others, particularly Skyline Road, and requested explanation from staff on this matter. T-he Utilities/Maintenance Director indicated that new curbs. and gutters had already been installed on Gayle Way, Ann Drive and-Janis Way, requiring extensive pavement removal and replace. ment. He added that b0t.h sections of Skyline Road should be done at the same time, and to do them would require more tonnage than is remainin! _.._. - Following discussion, it was moved that Council accept staff's recommendation and authorize staff to incorporat2-_ the resurfacing of Gayle Way, Janis Way and Ann Drive under Contract No. 1054, and carry over any surplus funds to next year's overlay program. In addition, staff was instructed to place Skyll'ne Road on the priority. list for next year. I - ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I- [30] 12. AGENDA BILL #5532 - Supplement #? - AMEND MENT TO BUILDING C0D.E REQUIRING FIRE RETARDANT ROOFS: The following Ordinance was given a second read- ing by title only, and adopted: I. , . -, . .' . . , i . , a I ~,. ;, . ..I " ' '* . .. I .. .. .. ,. . , .I/ ., 3 ..:.' ''I ' .y;,$.:,..!.:,; I ; I: ',+ "::I...*; i I. , ' _.. . .., .. . ,, ... ~ . _., . . .' , .' . . ,.', ., ... '. . ., , , . .' I. 1 .. . mNcf LME .. . .. c, ,I . ~. " . .. . . .. - D I) I CITY OF -4- September 19, 1978 -~~~~ ~ ~~ ORDINANCE NO. 8085, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.04, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 18.04.105, TO AMEND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TO REQUIRE F1R.E RETARDANT ROOFS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. [28] REDEVELOPMENT AGE'NCY: 'Council adjourned to the Redevelopment Agency at 7:09 P.M. and reconvened at 7:15 P.M. with ,. four members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: P1 anni ng [I141 17. AGENDA BILL #5563 - Supplement #1 - PUBLIC FACILITIES SEWER AVAILABILITY - ZCA-98. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE ~0.9508, AMENDING'TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.44.020 TO CONDITION THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY UPON THE CITY COUNCIL DETERMINATION THAT SEWER SERVICE IS AVAILABLE PURSUANT TO SUCH SEWER ALLOCATI'ON SYSTEM AS THE COUNCIL MAY ADOPT. (ZCA-98) Public Works . - 1701 18. ' AGENDA BILL #5583 - COASTAL COMMISSION , REQUEST FOR CITY ACCEPTANCE OF BEACH.ACCESS EASEMENT. The City Manager gave a brief history of the mat He referneced the letter of August 10, 1978 to Council from the San Diego Coast Regional Com- mission Director Bruce Warren, which requested that the City accept the public access dedicatio at the southern boundary of the Carlsbad Beach Club, a five foot easement on the south side of Richard A. McMahan's pr'operty. The.City Manager then commented that staff felt that the five foot easement was too narrow, and , that they did not recommend that the City accept such an easement, due to the problems that would most likely occur2""He also indicated that the dedication had been recorded in 1974, but had never been accepted by the City. Mr. Mike Kennedy, Chief Planner for the Coastal Commission, addressed Council. He too, gave. a brief history of the matter. He then answered questions from Council regarding the Coastal Commission's requirements or guidelines in designating easements for public beach accesses. He indicated that ttie Coastal Commission did not have a minimum OF maximum width requirement for access easements and that these were discretion- ary decisions of the Commission. couNCBhME ." CITY OF September 19, 1978 -5- ~ ~~ ~~~~~ Mr. Richard A. McMahan, 2701 Ocean Street, addres Council and requested that they reject the ease- ment. He stated that he felt that this paricular easement is unnecessary for beach access, and could create many problems for the City and the neighboring property owners. He also indicated that the area currently has sufficient beach acce He quoted statements from various City officials! 'both past and present, who had expressed oppositi to the City accepting the easement for the follob reasons: it is. too steep and too small to be safely improved; it would create law enforcement problems, particularly traffic and parking problc and because there'is currently adequate access tc the 84% of the City's beaches, which are public beaches. Mayor Packard indicated that though this was not a Public Hearing matter, if anyone else wished tc speak on the matter, they would be allowed to do so at this time. Mr. Andre Algover, 2560 Ocean Street, adressed Council in support of the easement. He commente( on the fact that many of tRk persons living in the area definitely want the access, that it is no more steep that others in the-area, and commented on the economic impact and yearly revenues that are brought into-the City by tourists desirous of using the City's beaches. ~ I Mr. Norman Vetter, 5667 Ocean Street, a resident of the area for 17 years, addressed Council. He commented on the two possible courses of action that Council could take: reject the dedication and deny the public any access at all; or accept the dedication and provide some access to the public at a point where it is needed, and urged Council to take the latter. Mr. John B. McGrath, 236 Plaza Del Sur, La Jolla addressed Council. He indicated that he desired to move into th3 City, but has been unable to do so due to the lack 0.f sewer availability., He commented that a fi've foot access is better than no access at all, and suggested the possi- bill'ty of enclosing the access if it were to cause police problems. Deputy Attorney GyLeral Tony Joseph adressed Council in support of the easement. He indicate , that though the approval of a five foot' access . may have an inappropriate designation by the Coastal Commission, the Commission could not now retract the decision. He stated that the Coastal Act is clear on the matter of providing beach access to all the people of California, Program, and referenced the policy set forth in then. responded to questions from Council. The Mayor indicated that the matter would now be closed for public discussion. ~ I ~ and on the matter of the City's own Local Coasta i Government Code Sections 30210 and.30211. He I I CCWNCDtMEl . . ~. CITY OF CARLS cx3uNCILME - 6- Councilman Lewis added the comment that the Parks and Recreation Cornmission, at its last meeting, had expressed its opposition to the easement due to its width and lack of space. for proper im- provements. access easement. PUBLIC HEARINGS: AGENDA BILL 35578 - SITING 0F.SATELLITE SEWiER TREATMENT PLANTS - GPA-52 - APPLICANT - CITY OF CARL.SBAD. The staff report was jiven by the Planning Director. He gave a brief history and explana- tion af the matter and indicated that the amend- ment is a revision of the ,public utility des- criptions to provide siting of both existing and future public facilities with the'expansion of Section (C) (6) of Chapter 4, page 28, of the Land Use Element. He indicated tha-t -the Planning Commissli'on had held three public hearings on the matter, had been concerned with the lack of definite location criteria in the.siting of the "U" desig nation, and therefore, had recommended modifica- in a one kilometer radius of the designation as presented in Exhibit ''A" to Planning Commission Resolution No. 1463. Mayor Packard declared the public hearing to be open at 8:08 P.M., and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Since no one wished to speak, the Mayor declared the public'hearing. to be closed at 8:09 P.M. Following brief discussion, Council concurred with the Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare documents adopting GPA-53 as per Pla-pfng Commission Resolution No. 1.463. LAKE CALAVERA HILLS - GPA-51 - APPLICANT- in three parts, the first of which was the draft EIR. He then turned the matter over to Mr. Mike Zander, for further exp.lanation and questions from Counci 1. CITY OF c - D -7- September 19, 1978 Mr. Zander indicated that the EIR, if approved, would serve as the EIR for the Lake Calavera Hill Master Plan and pointed out some areas of possibl concern for Council to consider and stated that the EIR does address mitigation measure.s for each area -of concern. ,These included: increased development pressure, changes in the area from agricultural to urban, the elimination of native vegetation, and possible air pollution. Councilman Anear questioned the possible impact of the development on public services such as lib police, fire, streets, parks & recreation, etc., and how much it would cost the rest of the City to provide these services to that area of the Cit Staff responded that the economic impact of the development would be included as part of an Econo mic Impact Analysis which would be forthcoming to Council at a later date as part of the Master Plan Amendment. Councilman Lewis referenced page 31, Chapter 9, .. of the EIR regarding utilities, which indicated that new development could,not presently be a1 lowed in the City due to lack of sewage capaci t and questioned what effect, if any, this develop- ment would have on the Encina Plan fail safe system. Staff responded -that an additional report current being prepared by James M. Montgomery Consulting Engin.eers, will include suggested technical restr tions, and is to be presented to Council at a lat date. This report is also to include'suggestions as to the designation of the most suitable loca- tion for the sewage treatment plants and its possible effects on the Encina Plant. Mayor Packard delcared the public hearing open at 8:28 P.M., and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 P-ico, the applicant, addressed Council. He stated that Mr. Ed Haywort the Planning Manager for Lake Calavera Hills, and Mr. William Fannon from Lowery & Associates, were . present to answer questions if Council so desirec He indicated that Lake Calavera Hills had an approved Master PlF---for 150 units; but in order to comply with the City's General Plan this amendment was necessary. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 8:31 P.M. Following discussion, Council concurred with the Planning Commission, and certified EIR-403 as being in compliance with CEQA, State Guide- lines, and all other-applicable requirements. I j 1 CBb%NCILME - CITY OF C -8- - D D [571 b.1 AGENDA BILL #5579 - Supplement #1 - GPA 51-(A). [571 c.1 AGENDA BILL #5579 - Supplement #2 - GPA 51-(B). Council discussed these matters simultaneously. 'Mr. Mike Zander presented the staff report with the aid of transparencies. He indicated that the request was for the approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element of .the General Plan to alter the land uee designations to conform to a pro- posed Master Plan -Amendment. He indicated that the Planning Commission had separated the General Plan Amandment into two parts, A & B, and that GPA-51(A) is .just for the land use pattern of t:he application. He also indicated that GPA-51(B) is therefore only the siting of the "U" for the sewage plant and that the siting is general. He commented .that there .is language in GPA-53 that 1 imits the movement of the IIU" to within one kilometer of th-e area designated by the general plan. Mr. Zander continued stating the applicant's proposal, as displayed in Exhibit "A", places thc plant in open space on the west side of Tamarack extension below Elm Avenue extension, but that staff recommended -that the "U" designation be in the open space along the southerly boundary of the Lak.e Calavera Hills area as shown on Exhibit I' B 'I . The Mayor declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, applicant addressed Council. He indicated he had no ob- jection to staff's recommendation as proposed in Exhibit 'IB", in that he desired to give Counc and staff maximum planning ability. r. Councilman Lewis questioned other possible loca- tions for the plant, and Mr. Ward responded that one'major problem to be considered when choosing a proper location for the plant was the ''flow" problem. This would necessitate choosing the location with the.--bwest possible elevation to el iminate unnecesziry expense in its operation. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 8:55 P.M. Fo.llowing further discussion, Council concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation and directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving GPA-51 (A) as per Planning Commission -Resolution No. 1456, with th deletion of the "U" Zone as shown in Exhibit ''A" Council directed the City Attorney to prepare th necessary documents approving GPA-51(B) as per Planning Commis.sion Resolution No. 1464. rnNCBLME CITY OF -9- September 19, 1978 I 15. AGENDA BILL #5580 - SEWER SERVICE AVAIL- [571 ABILITY AS APPLIED ON A CITY-WIDE BASIS - GPA-52 B The Planning Director gave a brief staff report on the matter. He stated that concerns had been expressed with regard to the second paragraph of the amendment. Therefore, following further review of the matter, it was now being recommend that the second paragraph be deleted, which woul necessitate the matter being returned to the Planning Commission for their consideration. Following brief discussion, Council referred the matter back to the Planning Co'mmission for further report and consideration of deleting paragraph 2 from GPA-52. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 9:07 P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:20 P.M. with four member present. .16. AGENDA BILL #5581 - PROPOSED REVENUE SHARIN [*'I BUDGET AND FINAL OPERATING BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1978-79. 'I I) A brief report was given by the City Manager. He indicated that an additional attachment to Resolution.No. 5536, Exhibit VI, should be added regarding the elimination of three positions through attrition? Mayor Packard declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Lois Boncer, 5219 El Arbol, Carlsbad, addressed Council. She stated that as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Proposition 13, she had been closely involved with budget con- siderations. In addition, she referenced her letter, or minority report, that she had.pre- viously submitted to Council. She indicated that she felt that the City had allocated too much money for the projects in the Capital Improvement Program, and in researching many of the items, she had found they could be done f0.r 25% to 75% less than the budgeted amoun She also stated she felt many persons could be found who would b-F*-ill ing to donate their time and services to the City for some of these pro- jects, which could also save the City money. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 9:44 P.M. Staff indicated that the amounts budgeted for Capital Improvement Projects are broad estimates and when possible, would be accomplished at a lesser price. In addition, the City generally takes' the lowest responsible bidder and has the option of rejecting all bids if it is felt they are totally unreasonable. CCUNCILMEI CITY OF C - 10 - Y B I) September 19, 1978 [551 [551 C991 The following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5536, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHARGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FUNDS, with the amendment on Page 1, Line 11 , to reflect the addition of Exhibit VI. By minute motion, Council approved the Revenue. Sharing Expenditures, as out1 ined. BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 FOR THE CITY OF DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Pub1 ic Works 19. AGENDA BILL #5584 - REQUEST FOR RATE INCREA: COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT. Following a brief report on the matter by the City Manager, Council questioned previous in- -creases, the proposed increase and existing rate: outside the City. Following further discussi'on, the matter was referred back to staff for further report. 20. AGENDA BILL #5585 - REQUEST FOR MODIFICATIOf OF CONTRACT - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT. ~. . Staff indicated the applicant had requested that the matter be withdrawn from the Agenda. Council concurred with the request and directed that the matter be filed. 21. AGENDA BILL #5506 - Supplement #1 - REQUEST PAPAGAYO DEVELOPMENT. FOR ALTERNATE METHOD OF SEWAGE TREATMENT - The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter. He stated the matter had previously bee1 to Council and had been..continued to allow time for tours of similar facilities. He concluded by stating the matter is one of policy considera tions, and will have a great effect on the City" future. Council recognize,$-,Mr. Larry Hunts, 501 Chinqua- pin, Carlsbad. Mr. Hunts referenced the pre- vious information supplied to staff regard-ing the matter, as well as additional information supplied. He stated there would be no odor, no noise, and no visual impact on the surrounding area from such a plant. In addition, he stated the Agua Hedionda Association would be responsib for the operation, which would require their hiring a Certified Class I1 Operator. As a result, the system will meet all health, welfare and safety standards, and there would be no cost to the City. WNCILME Motion Ayes Motion Ayes. Noes - Mot i on Ayes Mot i on Ayes e CITY OF CARkS . - 11 - SePtember 19. 1978 "~~~ Mayor Packard expressed concern that the approval of this project would encourage additional appli- cations for this type of plant. In addition, Council's recent policy determination on a similar application had been establi.shed as one of allowing such plants on a drainage basin basis D Councilman Lewis reiterated the concern that granting this request would obligate Council to grant similar requests at future dates. Councilwoman Casler stated she had toured similar sewage treatment plants, and that noise and odor problems were non-existent. Therefore, she would not object to the -proposed plant. She added, however, that the policy question is the major consideration for Council at this time. The City Attorney reiterated the possibility that Council could be faced with an influx of such applications on a City-wide basis in the future if this project is approved. Following discussion, it was moved that Council deny the request of Mr. Hunts for an alternate method of sewage treatment for the Papagayo by the Bay Devel opment. The motion failed for lack of a majority. It was then moved that Council continue this matter until such time as all of the Council members could be present to vote on it. AGENDA BILL #5586 - SEWER ALLOCATION LINCOLN MERCURY AND CHRYSLER CORPORATION. The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter. He indicated that Council may wish to consider making sewer capacity available to; the car dealers due to the fact that they would bring ne-eded revenue to the City. He also referenced the City's obligatian to lease/ purchase Paseo Del Norte, and indicated that this might have an effect on Council's decision in that the revenue from the dealerships would offset the City's annual lease payment. I, . Mr. Robert Knauf, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, representing the Lincoln-Mercury dealership, addressed Council.;-;;-tle stated that'his client, as well as the Chrysler dealership would be forced to locate elsewhere if sewer allocation were not granted, thereby denying the City of certain revenues from sales tax that would otherwise be generated for the City by these 'dealerships. Following discussion, Council concurred with staff's recommendation that the present sewer allocation system be-amended to provide an exception for the two additional dealerships at Car Country, and directed the City Attorney to prepare the nece'ssary documents. mNCiLME - D I) %* CITY OF WNCILME -12- . CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Councilwoman Casler reported on Leh Senior Citizens Association's progress regarding their ,proposed food co-op program, endeavors to obtain legal services for seniors to replace the para- legal services, their contract with El Paseo Tour of San Diego for providing transportation for seniors and their request to the Country Friends for support of the Meals on Wheels Program. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Councilman Lewis reported on the recent meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission and their plans to appeal the Planning Commission's deci- sion regarding the use of facilities at the Magee House before all improvements are completed. Mayor Packard reported on his recent attendance at the CPO meeting in San Diego. He briefly referenced events and discussions regarding the Board's adoption of the Callahan Task Force. Report and the updating of the Population Projections. PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Mayor Packard also commented on the letters that Council has received from concerned citizens regarding pedestrian problems in the downtown LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Mayor Packard announced--that Carlsbad was hostin the League of California Cities Dinner at Rancho 24-26, 1978 at th@-naheim Convention Center. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers. '11:05 P.M., to Tuesday, September 26, 1978 at Karen Stevens, Recording Secretary