HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-26; City Council; Minutes. ..
Meeti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting)
Mayor Packard stated that item number 2 would be taken out of order and discussed at this time in that the Redevelopment Coordinator had to attend another meeting following this meeting.
Council adjourned to the Redevelopment Agency and reconvened at 7:35 P.M. with all Council members
Council recognized Mr. Tony Ruotolo, 1563 Santa Savina Ct., Solana Beach, a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Building Commi ttee for the San Dieguito Little Theater.
Mr. Ruotolo introduced Margaret Edwards, Presiden
of the San Dieguito Little Theater organization. Ms. Edwards outlined the history of the organiza- tion and explained the benefits Carlsbad would receive if the organization were located in the
City, utilizing the Harding Street Auditorium.
Mr. Ruotolo then read a petition and the names on same that favor the location of the organiza- tion in Carlsbad. Said petitio'n was not presente to Council. Mr. Ruotolo then explained the reasons they des.ire to move from their present location at the fairgrounds and the reasons for selec.ting Carlsbad as the desirable location.
Mr. Ruotolo then explained their previous proposa to the Parks and Recreation Commission and the fact that said proposal was based on the assump- tion that a grant would not be forthcoming to the City for renovation of the Center.
He continued stating in that a grant would be forthcoming, the original proposal would need to be altered. He stated in that the grant would require the building to -be used as a theater 'and auditorium, it would eliminate the :possibility of their using any of the space for storage. There- fore they would need to rent storage space else- where. This would result in their inability to pay the previously offered $250.00 per month for the use of the facZTity
Mr. Ruotolo stated the organization would provide the City with a schedule six months in advance, which would allow scheduling the use of the facility for other organizations. He proposed that the organization would not need the facility approximately 10 weekends a year, 250 days a year, and 150 nights a year, at which times it would be available for pub1 ic use.
He expressed the desire of working out an agree- ment with the City for their use of the facility, and expressed the desire of being consulted about such things in the auditorium as lighting.
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Council recognized Mr. Raymond €de, 2600 Ocean Street, Carlsbad, Chairman of the Board of Direc- tors of the Senior Citizens Association.
Mr. Ede referenced the Association's letter to Council dated September 25, 1978. He stated that
with approximately 3,100 members, they would be needing considerable space when access to the ,Center is available to them. He continued statin it should not be tied down to any one particular group, but should be available to all organizatio
in the community. He stated the Senior Citizens Associat'ion, as well as other organizations, may like to use the facil ity on Saturday mornings. I
Mr. Jack Jimmink, Coordinator for the Senior Citizens Association, addressed Council. He referenced Page 2, paragraph 2 of the letter to Council , and read same with regard to suggesting that the Senior Citizens Organization be respon- sible for scheduling use of the facility.
Mr. Ruotolo addressed Council. He stated he wish ed to clarify that a schedule would be presented six months in advance, thereby allowing schedulin of the facility. Further, .it would always be available on Saturday mornings.
The Acting Parks and Recreation Director, Joe Eggleston, responded to questions of Council re the remodeling of the auditorium as proposed. In addition, he responded to questions concerning th current usage of the auditorium.
Various Council members expressed their concern about restricting the usage of the auditorium by allocating a great deal of time to one organizatio They expressed the feeling that the auditorium should support various activities and groups .Tn th communi ty .
Councilman Skotnicki expressed the feeling that the center should be utilized by many groups and organizations, and should not be restricted to full usage by those over"the age of 55 in the Cit He continued stating the San Dieguito Little Theater had not requested exclusive usage of the auditorium; and therefore should be allowed to use same in that it would add culture to the community. He concluded by expressing the feelin that there would b-Gqlenty of time left for other uses, and urged Council's favorable Consideration of the request.
Following further discussion, Council denied the request of the San Dieguito Little Theater for usage of the Harding Street Auditorium. I
Councilman Skotnicki stated the film was being shown at his request for Council's consideration.
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Following the film, Council expressed approval of the c'oncepts outlined in the film.
Councilman Skotnicki expressed the desire for setting a pol icy re goals, and to receive reports on that policy in order to'achieve established
Mayor Packard reported on his attendance at the recent League of California Cities Conference held in Anaheim.
He outlined the various sessions he attended, which included a session wherein Long Beach had explained their progress and plans for developing long-range plans for the City.
Councilman Skbtnicki expressed the desire of receiving the tapes from that session.
Mayor Packard continued by outlining briefly some of the Resolutions which were approved at the conference.
The City Attorney reported on his attendance and activities at the League of Cit'ies Annual Conference relative to his actions as a member of the Resolutions -Committee.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at
9:08 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,