HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-07; City Council; Minutes- I) c B CITY OF CARLSBAD .. . . CBUNCLlkEtE '* -. Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting 'held October 24, 1978, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: removed from the Consent Calendar. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki requested that Items #lo, #11 and #13 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council- man Anear requested that Item #15 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Lewis requested that Item #17 be removed. from the Consent Calendar. The following Items, with the exception of Item Nos. 8, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 17, were approved by one.motion, affirming the action on the Consent Calendar.. . "1.. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all . 0rdin.ances before Council at this metting. 2. AGENDA BILL #5620 - PAYMENT OF..BILLS. Authorization was given the payment of bills approved by the Auditing Committee. October 16, 1978 through October 29, 1978, as certified by the Director of Finance and . approved by th.e Auditing Committee. 4. AGENDA BILL #5270.- Supplement #l - AMEND- for the design of a mixing sys'cefrr for digester No. 2 at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, was. adopted. CjTY .OF . CARLSBA5 -2- November 7, 1978 CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) 5. AGENDA BILL #5622 - .CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY WESELOH CHEVROLET. Reso-lution No. 5570, author izing the City Attorney to compromise a claim against the City by We.se1oh Chevrolet, was adopted. 6. AGENDA BILL #5623 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY 'PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Resolution No. 5573, denying a claim against. the City, was adopted; 7. AGENDA BILL #5444 - Supplement #1 - AMEND- MENT TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND CONSULTING SERVICES IN IMPROVING THE SOLIDS PROCESSING FACILITIES AT EWPCF. Resolution No. 5574, approving an amendmentto the agreement between C M Engineering Associates and the City of Carl bad for design and' consulting services for im- provi.ng the solids processing facilites at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility,-was adopted. 9. AGENDA BILL #5426 - Supplement #4 - RESUR- CONTRACT NO. 1054. Council accepted the work and.directed the City Clerk to record the Notic FACING OF VARIOUS CITY STREETS FY 1978-79 - of Completion and release bonds at appropriate time. -12. AGENDA BILL #3101 - Supp-lement #4 - (PARK'WOODS - CALAVO COURT). Council accepted the improvements as completed, directed the Uti1 ities/Maintenance Director to commence thei maintenance and the City Clerk to release the bonds for public street improvements. " ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. CT 74-6 14. AGENDA BILL #5l1l - Supplement #3A- LA COSTA CANYON RARK - CONTRACT"N0. 1045. Resolution No. 5577, rejecting all bids for contract No. 1045 for La Costa Canyon Park', .. was adopt2d. .- 16. AGEND'A BILL #5619 - Supplement #1 - SEWER ALLOCATION REQUEST 'CONSIDERATION FOR PROJECTS OUTSIDE THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Resolution No. 5579, authorizing the allocation of 2.3 EDU's. for proposed e.xpansion of the Carlsbad Montesso School pursuant to the Third Revision to the First Phase Sewer Allocation 'System, was adopte 18. AGENDA BILL #5627 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS - EASEMENTS .FOR PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK PURPOSES ON CHESTNUT AVENUE. Resol.ution No. 5583, acceptin a grant deed from Jack Scales and Carolynn Scal for an easement for public sidewalk purposes, was adopted. Resolution No. 5584, accepting a grant deed from Melvin J. Henry and Kay .Iren.c Henry for an easement for public sidewalk pur- poses, was adopted. . ", Cxx~NetLME 2 i S - m i November CtTY . OF CARLSBAD WUNLJ.tLkCLi -3- CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Resolution No. 5586, accepting a grant deed fro Ronald M. and Julia A. Severino for road ease- ment purposes, was adopted. 20. AGENDA BILL #5629 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS- accepting a grant deed from Mola Development rights purposes, wa.s adopted. Resolution No. 5591, accepting a. grant deed from Mola Develop- ment for public road purposes, was adopted. 21. AGENDA BILL #3427 - Supplement #1 - World Account, Inc. for collection of delinquen transportation, and authorizing the City Manage to execute said agreement, was adopted. . -. .accounts for City provided emergency medical 22. AGENDA BILL #5630 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMEI'JTS ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 8. AGENDA BILL #5624 - BALLFIELD USE STU.DY. Councnwoman Casler indicated that she had re- to Council's questions re the recommendations of the Parks & Recreation Commission, and indi- cated that the fees proposed will cover the costs to the City for maintenance and lighting. CITY OF CARhSBA5 -4- ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR (Co,nt'd): 10. AGENDA BILL #5436 - .Supplement #2 - PURCHA - OF EMERGENCY. GENERATOR. D Vice-Mayor Skotnicki indicated that he had re- quested this item removed from the Consent Cal- endar in order to receive clarification as to whether the generator would also provide power run the air conditioning. In addition, he questioned the need for a generator with that much power. In response, staff stated that air conditioning was not included. Staff then detailed the size of generator necessary for emergency operationa needs and described the building proposed to house the genera.tor. In addition, staff re- sponded to questions re the generator currently in use by the City. 1- The following Resolution was adopted by title i I only: t RESOLUTION NO. 5575, ACCEPTING A BID OF ASCOT I I ELECTRIC, INC., AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CHASE AND INSTALLATION OF AN EMERGENCY GENERATO A CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING FUNDS FOR THE PUR- E701 13. AGENDA BILL #3413 - Supplement -#3 - SPACE ,AL.LOCATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. .. i D Vice-Mayor Skotnicki stated that he had request this item be removed from the Consent Calendar in that he felt that Council had already made a decision on the matter when they had agreed to review the regulations and usage of the Center after six months. He also indicated his fee'lin that increased membership figures were being -. used to try to influence Council in this matter [961 [451 Following discussion, Council concurred wi.th staff recpmmendation that the Car.lsbad Senior Ci ti.zens Association'not be giv'en scheduling responsibiJities for the Harding Street Commu- nity Center, and directed that the matter be referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission for advice and report. 15. AGENDA BILL'#5626 - TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN AND STREET WIDENING AT PAL0MA.R AIRPORT ROAD ANC PASEO DEL NORTE - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. . - Councilman Anear indicated he had requested this item 'be removed from the Consent Calendar in that he questioned if staff had'obtained competitive bids and inquired as to the reasons staff's .recommendation. The Pub1 ic. Works Administrator responded re the method used for evaluating the proposals and contract be awarded to Herman Kimme? & Associat . .staff's reasoning for recomme'nding that. the "9 I I I cDi.wCLLME .. m c911 - Dl41 c1 051 a .CITY OF . CARLSBAD COQi~C!LkE The City Engineer further explained the differ- ences in' the bids and responded to Council's questions. the following Resolution by title only:. RESOLUTION NO. 5578, APPROVING AN AGREEME-NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND HERMAN KIMMEL AND ASSOCIATES, INC.,.FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ROAD AND PASEO DEL NORTE. vote on the matte-r. only: RESOLUTION NO. 5580, ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITIO THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS- A CONDITIO OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH. SCHOOL DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 5582, ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITIO OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS 1;IITMIN CERTAIN UEAS OF THE.SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT'. 23. AGENDA BILL #5596 - Supplement #1-PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. (CASE NO. ZCA-100). ORDINANCE 'NO. 9509, AMENDING TITLE'21, CHAPTER 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY: Council adjourned to the Housin,g;Authority at 6:48 P.M. and reconvened at 6:49 P.M., with Novem - C1131 - - II 131 C681 .Illli be CiTY CF . CARLSBAD . . . , VCTJNLILk?L, .- .. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning 28. AGENDA BILL #5585 - Supplement #1 - ZONE BRYAN. CHANGE FROM R-1-7500 to R-P-Q - ZC-199 - JERRY RESOLUTION NO. 5593, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND TO R-P-Q (RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFIED) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PI0 PICO DRIVE BETWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND STRATFORD LANE. The following 0rdi.nance was introduced for a first reading by title only.: DECISID!4 RE CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-199) FROM R-1-7500 ORDINANCE NO. 9511, AMENDING .TITLE 21 OF. THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-199) FROM R-1-7500 TO R-P-Q (RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFIED) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PI0 PICO DRIVE BETWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND STRATFORD LANE. 29. AGENDA BILL #5614 - Supplement #l - CHANG The following Resolution was adopted by title - RESOLUTION NO. 5594, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION RE CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-200) FROM R-I-IO,OOO TO P-u (PUBLIC UTILITY) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF INTER- STATE 5, BETWEEN POINTSETTIA LANE AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. The folldwing Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only': ORDINANCE NO. 9512, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING PORT ROAD. 30. AGENDA BILL #5642 - CPO REGIONAL ENERGY PLAN. The staff report was g.iven by the As.sis.tant Planning Director. In addition, he outlined staff's recommendation. .Vice-Mayor Skotnicki commented that CP'O is goin to provide workshops and technical assistance to all cities in an attempt to*dBtain uniformit of plans adopted. IDII.y1 I) .. L November CITY . OF CARLSBAD Ck)"di'dLI.LkrSt -7- 30. AGENDA BILL #5642 - CPO REGIONAL ENERGY PLAN (Cont'd). Council discussed adoption of the entire plan versus adoption of portions of the. plan. The City Manager then read the text of a sam.ple Resolution furnished by CPO. Following discussion, Council 'approved the adoption of a Resolutjon affirming the CPO Regional Energy Plan Policy, to incorporate the text as read by the City Manager. RESOLUTION NO. 5604. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki requested, as he is the Council representative to CPO, to be kept in- formed as to the progress with regard to imple- mentation. - RECESS: and Council reconvened at 7:28 P.M. with four members present. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 24. AGENDA BILL #5640 - PUD EXPIRATION - ZCA- 107. ..- , -. The staff report was given by the Planning Direc.tor. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki declared the phblic hearin open and asked if anyone wished'to be heard. Since no one wished to speak re the matter, Vice-Mayor Skotnicki closed the public hearing at 7:30 P.M. by title -only: ORDINANCE-NO. 9510, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.45 OF THE CWRLSBAD MUNICIPAL.CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.45.130 TO EXTEND The City Manager indicated that due to the complexity of the matter., staf'f was su.ggestirig Vice-Mayor Skotnicki inquired if anyone wished .to speak who would not be able to attend the November 14, 1978 meeting. No o.ne wished to speak on the matter at this tifn;: Council accepted staff recommendation and con- .. .. CETI"f .OF CAREBAD. .. -8-. . . November 7, 1978 I ~. ~~ [I131 - - ~51 I I 1 I I ' ~ -~~~ I 26. AGENDA BILL #5641 - SP-l75(A). - ALTAMIRA' HOMEQWNERS' ASSOCIATION. APPLICANT: HOWARD SHOMATE. . The staff report was given by the Planning Director. Council questioned the implementation of proposed condition No. 3 with regard to obstructing the ocean view. The City Attorney stated the condition could be deleted and staff directed to communicate to the Homeowners' Association the Council's desire of this being included in the CC&R's. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak. The applicant, C. Howard Shomate, 6725 Russelia Court, addressed Council. He indicated that the Homeowners' Asso.ciati.on has an Architectural Review Committee that is more restrictive than City processes which is authorized to take action to deal with anyone who is in violation of their regulations. He then responded to questions from Council. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Vice-Mayor- Skotnicki closed the public hearing at 7:48 P.M. Following discussion, Council directed the City . .Attorney to prepare documents approving SP-175A as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1478, subject to the deletion of Condition N.o. 3 on page 2. 7- .- 27. AGENDA BILL #3798 - Supplement #4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT (SOUTH CARLSBAD NO. 1.24) ANNEXATION. .. The staff report was given by Mr. Frank Mannen, with the aid of a wall exhibit showing the . location of- the area to be annexed. He indicated that the purpose of the hearing was for Council to hear and-receive any oral or written protests to the annexation. He then explained the alter- native courses of action available to Council upon conclusion of the hearing. Vice-May0.r Skotnicki inquired if the City Clerk had received any written protests to the annexa- tion, and was informed that none had been .re- ceived. He then declared the public hearing open and inquired-if anyone wished to speak on the matter. . Jim Simmons, 624 Kaylyn Way, San. Marcos, repre- senting the Citizens Against Expansion. of Palomar Airport, addressed Council. He spoke in opposition to the annexation and expressed the feeling that it would be directly related to future expansion of the airpo'rt. He then pre- sented a letter to the Vice-Mayor -from his group opposing the proposed annexation'drid expansion. WdiilLt.iMt1 I .. .. - B. 5 D ChTY OF CARLSBAD. , . . -9- November 7, 1978 1251 27. AGENDA BILL #3798 - Supplement #4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT(S0UTH CARLSBAD NO. 1.24) ANNEX- - ATION (Cont'd). Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, addressed Council in support of the annexation. He indicated the feeling that it would be better for the, City to deal with the problems of the expansion and development of the airport itself, rather.than relying on the County to do so. He also com- mented on the commerci-a1 advantages to the City in the form of increased revenues. George Bostrom, representing a group owning businesses'located at Palomar Airport, addresse Council. He indicated their concern -over and questions re how the annexation would affect their businesses. Staff indicated that many of the answers to their questions were included as part of the City's application to LAFCO for the annexation, . and that same wou-ld be furnished to Mr. Bostrom upon request. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter Vice-Mayor Skotnicki cilbsed the public hearing at 8:06 P.M. Following discussion, Council directed staff ,-:to return to Council with a resolution approvin the annexation incorporating the appropriate findings regarding written protests, on Decembe 19, 1978. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning - _. [861 31. AGENDA BILL #5644 - OUTDOOR DISPLAY .AND S OF FUR.AND HIDE PRODUCTS. The Assis-tant Planning Director gave a brief history of the matter and the code amendment requested -by Mr. Robert Smith of the Rainbow Valley Fur Co. Council discussed the request, and'their reluc- tance to approve such an amendment in that it would provide that similar business be allowed to locate in the City, thus creating future problems. Following discussion, Council ordered that the matter .be 'filed. .. -* i [105] 32. AGENDA BILL #5645 - FIFTH YEAR BLOCK GRAP ,. The staff report was given by the City Manager. He indicated the proposed Resolution No.5595 is the same as those adopted by.Counci1 in previot .years aid- noted that an .add3 tional .requirement for an affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan may necessitate reconsideratiot?*dt a later date , I 1 II WNC[JJ&E - 0 .. I m DO1 L-451 CITY OF . CARLSBAD . . CCJdNC!L,R5E RESOLUTION NO. 5595, APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THE FIFTH YEAR OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY'DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. 21, 1978 meeting with a report on the County Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan. The staff report -was given by the 'Planning Director. He gave a brief history of the matte and explanation of th2 Planning Commission's recommendation for approval subject to four Vice-Mayor Skotnicki indicated his opposition to including condition #4, as propos.ed by the' :Planning Commission. ject'to the delection of condition #4, and the wording 0-f condition #3 to read '.'Occupancy shal not.be permitted unt'il the City Manager deter- mines that the construction'contractor has met all obligations. . It was the consensus of Council th.at a letter be drafted by the City Manager for the Mayor's signature in response to the question posed by the Planning Commission in the next to the last paragraph of their minutes pertaining to. the matter. . Pub1 i c Works 34. AGENDA BILL #3652 - Supplement #8A- 1049. HARDING.STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - CQNTRACT NO. sought. Council discu'ssed the possibility of reducing the scope of the project without jeopardizing the grant for same. ., . -, . . ... CITY .OF CARSCBAD . ' .~ -11- I November 7. 1973 c701 34. AGENDA BILL #3652 - Supplement #8A- C451 - HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - CONTRACT NO. 1049 - (Cont'd). Following discussion, Council rejected all bids and authorized staff t:o return the contract to bid, and if necessary, seek bids from 0utsid.e of San Diego County. c701 35.- AGENDA BILL #3552 - Supplement #9 - MAGEE PARK - RENOVATION OF OLD BARN INTO FOOD COOPER- ATIVE. The staff report was given by the Public Works Administrator. Council discussed the will and uses of the pro- perty allowed by s,ame. Following discussion, Council concurred with of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association for renovation of the old barn in Magee Park. Council also expressed the desire that the barr be demolished as soon as possible. - staff's recommendation and rejected the request 1991 36. AGENDA BILL#5646 - REQUEST TO MODIFY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - SHELLY CARON. " . A brief staff report was given by the City Engineer. Staff then .indicated that a letter had been received this date from the app.licant's attornc reuqesting that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting of the City Council. It was the moved that the matter be continued. to the next- regular meeting as requested by the applicant. DO1 37. AGENDA BILL '#5647 - REQUEST TO REVISE - BUILDITIb YLHN3 - tUKm MtHl MAKKtl. The staff report was given by the City Enginee who outlined the contents of his memorandum of October 11, 1978 to the City Manager. He then responded to Council's questions re the size of the building and the number of EDU's requir Walter Kuetzing, the current architect for Mr. Haedrich addressed Council. He exp1aine.d pre- vious actjons on the project and explained . the reasons for the current request.. In addi- tion, he responded to Council questions re the plans a'nd the number of EDU's that would be necessary. Council made the finding that the plans are process the plans according to the original application. . "9 i . . substantially the same and-directed staff to , WdNCfLME \ Novembe m r CITY , OF CARLSBAD. . WFJNCfl@f City Manager 38. AGENDA BILL f5648 -. AUTOMATIC AID - CARLSBAD/ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRKT. an automatic basis. The foll.owing Resoluti,on was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION N0.5597, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT 39. AGENDA BILL #5545 - Supplement #1 - 1978--79 TAX RATE. The staff report was given by the City Manager. Council approved the adoption of a resolu.tion in accordance with the figures (or rates) re- ques.ted by the County.-Resolution No. 5605 40. AGENDA BILL #5649 - SOUND AMPLIFICATION I HOL I DAY PARK. Ir Following brief discussion, Council concurred with staff recommendation and directed that the conditions as recommended by the ,Parks & Recreation Commission be placed in the Parks. Pr Recreation Pol icy Manual. 41. AGENDA BILL #5650 - REQUEST ADDITIONAL PERMANENT POSITIONS IN BUILDING DEPARTMENT. department, and the feeling .that permanent employees were necessary to meet the demands. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki expressed dis'approval of making budget cuts, and then eliminating the cuts on an item by item basis. Following Council discussion, re the recently approved.1978-79 budget for the Building ,Depart ment, the following Resolutions were adopted by title obly: RESOLUTION NO. 5598, AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF THREE BUILDING INSPECTORS AND 0NE.CLERK - RESOLUTION NO. 5599, AMENDING,THE BUDGET FOR .THE BUILDING 'DEPARTMENT. . e-, . k C1j-j' OF CARLSBAD . . .~ . GoWKE.LME -13- 42. AGENDA BILL #5651 - REORGANIZATION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION. the request of the Mayor. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki briefly outlined the c0.n- tents of the report. Council concurred with the recommendation as set forth on page four of the Callahan Task Force Report/Implementation, dated October 16, 1978. City Attorney: 43. AGENDA BILL #5652 - OCEANSIDE-CARLSBAD PARKING LOT AGREEMENT. The City Attorney indicated it was being re- commended that this item be continued to' the meeting of November 14, 1978; however, he would be happy to respond to any questions or concern of Counci 1. 14, 1978-. .:44. AGENDA BILL #5653 - RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES SERVING SIX OR LESS PERSONS. directed the Planning Commission to set the matter for public hearing. 45. AGENDA BILL #5402 - Supplement #1 - ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY. and October 31, 1978, and explaine'd the need and reasons for assistance in his office. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY. PLAN FOR CERTAIN MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL FOR THE. ORDINANCE N0.1211, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER .,ATTORNEY TO THE UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. _. , .r ,.,' . . ., .. . . .- . .. .,. _. . . .. .. . .. . .. I_/_. . , .. . . . . .. .. . . . ._, >... . . :e,'. ..... :.: . : . .I. .. \ CITY . .OF ' CARLSBAD . , .. GuuNLlkMt AGENDA BILL #5402 - Supplement #I - ASSISTANT' CITY ATTORNEY. (Cont'd). RESOLUTION N0.5603, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF $8000.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. 01-105 FOR THE PURPOSE OF HIRING AN AS.SIsTAN -CITY ATTORNEY. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Funding on Phase I11 - Encina Treatment Plant the matter stating the funding required Council - consideration. - the'Basic Agreement in which Vista was authorize Bi.strict to continue. [92,] Councilman S'kotnicki reported on the"1ast meetin of the JAC reorganization committee. As a result, he stated each agency was to determin.e if they would desire to be the administrator. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting -was adjourned at 10:54 P.M. to Tuesday, November 14, 1978, at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Karen R. Stevens, Recording Secretary. MEMORANDUM Page 326A DATE: November 20, 1978 TO: Mayor Packard and Members of the City Council FROM: City Clerk SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1978. Please consider the following as an insert to your minutes of the Meeting of November 7, 1978, in that it was inadvertently omitted: 11. AGENDA BILL #5625 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPUTER LINE PRINTER. 1841 Councilman Skotnicki stated he had requested the item removed from the Consent Calendar in that he questioned previous plans for the computer. The Finance Director responded indicating originally it had been planned to expand the computer approximately five years from its purchase and installation. However, due to the increased demand and unexpected rapid growth of the City, it necessitated expansion prior to the f i ve-year expectations. The following Resolution was adopted by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5576, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT OF THE CITY TO INVITE BIDS FOR A COMPUTER LINE PRINTER. Motion - Anear 4 - Ayes 0 - Noes