HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-02; City Council; MinutesJ CITY * Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: OF CAWLSBAD CI.TY COUNCIL (Regular 6:00 P.M. January 2, 1979 Council Chambers Meeting) :501 :501 :501 [771 r701 r451 ROLL CALL INVOCATION given by?layo.r Packard PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-GIVEN INTRODUCTION: Mayor Packard introduced David .Bradstreet,.. announcing that Mr. Bradstreet was welcomed as the new Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Carlsbad. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held December 19, 1978, were approved ,as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Skotnicki requested that Items #6 and #8 be removed'from the Consent Calendar; ant Councilwoman Casler requested that Item #5 be removed from the Consent.Calendar. The foll&$ng Items, with the'exceptions of #5, #6 ar%d':*#8, were approved by one motion, affirming the ,action of the Consent Calendar: 1 . WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived 'the reading of the text of all Ordinances before Council at this meeting. 2. AB #5705 - PAYMENT OF .BILLS. ‘: Council authorized payment of bills for the General Expenses 0.f the City and for the Water Department in the amount of $861,151.63. e 3. AB #57’06 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Council ra'tified the payment of the payrol.1 in the amount of $176,615.72 for. the period December 11, 1978 through December 24, 1978. . 4. AB #5707 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized payment of the requested refunds of overpayments of charges made by the City,- P.er specific requests fiTed with the Clerl . 7. AB #5710 - FEES. FOR CONDOMINIUM PERMITS-. Council adopted'the,following Resolution by tit only: RESO.LUTION NO. 5647 FIXING CHARGES FOR CONDOMINIUM PERMIT APPLICATIONS. 9. AB #3552 RESTORATION. - Supplement #ll - MAGEE HOUSE . . . . . . . : Council accepted the work and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds at appropriate time. resent lotion \yes Ylotion lyes - 1, 1 1 CITY OF .CARISBAD .:. I -2- January 2, 1979 - ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: [70] 5. AB #5708 - OFFER TO CONTRIBUTE TO OCEAN STREET PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS.. Councilwoman Casler stated she had requested thi item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to inquire as to the reasons for offering such contribution. I Donald A. Agatep, 2921 Roosevelt Street, Carlsba CA., was recognized by Council .' Mr. Agatep stated he represented Gary Naiman, ind.icating his client desired to make a communit contribution and, as' owner of property on Ocean Street, had elected this method to facilitate th City's development of the access. Following brief discussion, the following Resolution was adopted by title only: - RESOLUTION NO. 5646 ACCEPTING A GIFT OF MONEY FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC B.EACH ACCESS AT NORTH END OF OCEAN STREET. [34] 6. AB #5709 - QUARTERLY REPORTS-CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Councilman Skotnicki stated he had requested thi item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to express his concern that subject reports reflected services other than those cont.racted for by the City. In order that it not appear that the City was subsidizing services benef.icia to business groups, Mr. Skotnicki felt the reports should reflect only City contracted services. Council accepted the reports from the Chamber of Commerce and authorized payment of.$17,000. [63] 8. AB #5571 - Supplement #1 - INTER-LIBRARY (ILL) REIMBURSEMENT. .. Councilman Skotnicki stated he had requested thi item removed from the Consent Calendar for clarification and justification of the proposed return of monies to the Serra System. Councilwoman Casler explained that the monies proposed to be returned to the.Serra System were for inter-library loans, while the funds rece.ive under the Equal Access provisions of the C:LSA would be retained by the City. -Council discussion reflected their concerns that the Equal Access monies be h.eld and disbursed appropriately. The following Resolution was adopted by title I only: RESOLUTION NO. 5'648 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER UP FUNDS FROM THt CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY TO THE SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM. - S d, Y e S 1 S d ... .. .. .. COUNCILMEI . ." .. . . . ._ - . . ." - ... . . . _I . . ... .>., , M o't i on Ayes xxx I .-.. Motion xxx Ayes X Motion. , X X X Ayes " X CITY OF .c€N -I ~ e .. 3 - - - - a 4 - P I q - - - I - - p - - - - I ~ - d g G % i - _&y 3 P CITY OF CARLS GWN I -7- .! .9! 1 January 2, 1979 - 7 - ~~~ ~ 1' Y I I RESOLUTION NO. 5650 REQUESTING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION ASSISTANCE IN ACQUIRING FEDERAL, STATE AND OTHER FUNDS TO DESIGN A PEOPLE MOVER CONCEPT TO BE USED BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SHOPPING CENTERS ADJACENT TO HIGHWAY 78. I IMPACT FEES: " Cou'ncilman Anear reported that he had received a copy of the Impact Fees adopted by the City of Oceanside, and indicated copies could be'made available to Council. JAC : Councilman Skotnicki reported on the recent JAC meeting, and indicated the reason for non-complianc with the cease and desist order from Regional Water Control Board to Encina Control Facilities was due to the inability of the removing trucks to meet the schedule. He further indicated that the results of the Industrial Waste Study presented'no evidence that the faulty digestor was the result of industrial waste. Additionally, he advised Council of Leucadia Water District's desire to function as operator of the plan and the opposition of Encinitas. INFORMATI0.N ITEM F: Councilman Skotnicki advised the Council. of information he acquired on the subject of energy and water aud.its while attending a conference and suggested there were more realistic .and economic approaches to the matter. The following Resolution was adopted by title only: Councilwoman Casler commented on a UGSD study and suggested that the results and recommendations of that report were available. FURTHER MEETINGS: Mr. Bussey then invited Council preferences in scheduling matters for Council consideration in the near future. - ADJOURNMENT: By pro'per motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, e ALETHA *5?.4&4 L. d8- RAUTENKRANZ CITY CLERK Anita Dack Murph.y Recording Secretary