HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-16; City Council; Minutes- .., * a CITY OF CARLSBAD COUN January 16, 1979 9 F -2- - *. a [50] 4. AB #5720 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized payment of the requested refunds of overpayments of charges made by the City per specific requests filed with the C1 er k. [41] 5. ' AB #5721 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - GABRIEL C. ROCHA. Council adopted the following Resolution: - RESOLUTION NO. 5651 DENYING A CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY. [41] 6. .AB #5722 - APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION - TO FILE LATE CLAIM -. CAM.INO 'REAL 'VETERINARY - HOSPITAL, INC. '(.JA".ES R.. .BABBI'TT) . Council denied the application for leave to file a late claim. [84] 7. AB #5723 - PURCHASE OF COPIERS. C45 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5652 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE COPY MACH1 NES. [28] 8. AB #3325 - Supplement #3 - REDEVELOPMENT [45] SPECIKL COUNSEL. Council directed the City to terminate the existing agreement between the City and Eugene B. Jacobs for the provision of special legal consulting services. [SI] 9. AB #5724 - QUITCLAIM OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDI'CATED .ON, FINAL MAPS FOR SEACREST ESTATE'S, 'UNI'TS NO: 1 'a'nd NO. 2. Council authorized the Mayor to sign a quitclaim deed for a1 1 the 8 foot and 12 foot public uti1 i ty easements shown on the maps for Seacrest Estates Unit No. 1 and.Unit No. 2, excepting thereform the easement pre- viously quitclaimed over lot 28 of Unit No. e 1. .. .. [97] 10. AB if5427 - Supplement #2 - CONSTRUCTION [45] OF WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AT 'ELM 'AVENUE RESERVOIR AND EASEMENT WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL NEAR PARK DRIVE - CONTRACT NO. 1047 .. Council accepted the work and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice.of Completion and release the bonds at the appropriate time. .. ~. . ... - .. . ' \!. 1 ' CITY OF CARLSBAD CBUN - 3- January 16, 1979 - .! 10 - " . ~~ 1 I ~~ I .I [97] 11 . .AB #5@1 0 -: S'u,pp,le'me'.ri,t, #3 '-. 'RESURFACI NG E451 0 F V'A'si;I'~OUS CI'TY. 'STREETS, FI'S'CAL' YEAR '1 9'76-'1 977 - CONTRACT NO..' '1'039. .I Council adopted the following Resolution: $ RESOLUTION NO. 5653 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SOUTH COAST ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO. , INK. FOR A COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT AND MUTUAL RELEASE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. Council authorized Change Order No. 1 deletin: the chip seal portions of the contract, accepted the balance of the work as completed and, conditioned upon satisfaction of the tern of the settlement agreement, directed the Cit) Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds at appropriate time. - -. 1791 12. AB #5703 - Supplement #1 - REVISED - TRAVEL POL1 CY. Council approved the Travel Policy as revised. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: [Sl] 13. AB #5725 - GIFT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR PARAMEDIC UNIT. councilman Anear stated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to state that items of this nature shoul not be placed on' the Consent Calendar so that proper recognition could be given by the Council to the donor. Council directed staff to prepare an appropriate letter of appreciation .to Joseph Trerotola on behalf of the City Council and adopted the following Resolution: 0. RESOLUTION NO. 5654 ACCEPTING A GIFT OF MONEY TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE PARAMEDIC FUND. , . ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTI.ON: [114] 14. AB #5711 - PLANNING MORATORIUM ZCA-lg3 - CITY OF .CARLSBAD. Mayor Packard stated that Roy Ward had requested the opportunity to ad.dress Co-unci1 on this matter. ROY Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Carlsbad,. CA read his letter of January 16, 1979 directed to Mayor Packard which expressed his feeling that adop-tion of the subject Ordinance woul d precl ude any advanced .. planning by the City. I 1 r i .." . x j Motion Ayes L . ,~, . '1 ' . ,' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUN 3a.nuary 16, 1979 - .. 1 \ A Motion Ayes Motion Ayes ._ . ... .. I I i , 1 1 ......... . .,. ........... .T * .. ... ..... .. -. .L. :- .I I .... .. -. CITY OF -C -6- $1 January 16, 1979 13 F " I e. PLANNING: [70] 19. AB #5250 ',-' S'u'ppl'e'metit '#4 '- AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON - POL'T'CY 'ISSUES. Director of Utilities & Maintenance gave a staff report outlining his Memorandum of January 5, 1979 and indicating his specific recommendations were on page 5 rather than page 3. Council discussed the desirability of deferring any definitive involvement until the litigation regarding ownership was resolved. Further discussion concerned imposing speed limits and/or restrictions on use, versus requiring persons engaging in activities with potential liability to the City to furnish individual insurance in order to remove possible risks to "the City. Counci also discussed the necessity of obtaining responses from SDG&E and the Department of Fi and Game regarding their respective participa tion/assistance and approval in dredging. 1 S - I Council directed staff to defer any long-term Motion commitment for lagoon management or maintenanc Ayes until the issue of ownership is resolved. 4 e Council directed staff to conduct discussions with the Department of Fish & Game to determin their position on the matter of dredging the middle and inner 'lagoon to accomplish the purposes of Dr. Smith's study, and if the Department of Fish & Game agreed that dredg- ing would not be an obstacle, then staff is directed to monitor the siltation rates as proposed by Mr. Greer in his second recommenda tion for the amount of $4,000 per year. Mo t4 o n Ayes Council directed staff to investigate the Motion matter of a proposed speed limit with the Ayes owners of Snug Harbor and boat users, and to report back to Council--,said report to also include consideration of tide elements and the possibility of each person using the lgaoo to supply their own 'insurance. C961 20. AB #5714 - Supplement #1 - TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMI'NO REAL AMD TAMARACK AVENUE. - I City Engineer gave a staff report referencing his Memorandum of January 10, 1979. I' Council recognized Roy Ward, -3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Carlsbad, CAY who stated he would be willing to advance his fair share of funds ,required from his development to facilitate installation of signal as expeditiously as possible. Council made the determination that it is the appropriate time to install the signal at El Camino Real and Tamarack and directed staff to take appropriate steps necessary to call the outstanding obTigations in order to- j accomplish the matter. otion Yes