HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-06; City Council; Minutes.3 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meet: Time of Xeeting: 6:OO P.M. * Date of Fleeting: February 6, 1979 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers - .. ROLL CALL : INVOCATION given by Mayor Packard .-x .. I. . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE given e I c421 PRESENTATIONS : A. - Citizen Of The Year .. Mayor Packard.introduced Bill Miss,ett, Managing Editor of the Blade-Tribune, who presented the Blade Tribune's Citizen Of The Year award to GEORGINA COLE, City Librarian, in honor of her' contributions to. the . . . excellence of the Carlsbad City Library. Ms. Cole received a standing ovation from all those present. .. ~701 B. - Parks & Recreation Commemorative Mayor 'Packard introduced Betty Wollrich, a Parks & Recreation Commissioner, who pre- sented the City with a sampler depicting the resources indigenous to Carlsbad which she designed in tribute to the City parks and recreational areas. Ms. Wollrich suggested that the sampler be included in the McGee House decor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one Motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held January 16, 1979, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held January 23, 1979, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Study Session, held January 30, 1979, were approved as presented. I CONSENT CALENDAR: ,/e Councilman Anear requested .that Item 1/12 be removed from.the Consent Calendar. Councilman Skotnicki requested that Items {/i4 and #15 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following Items., with the exception of Items #12, 1/14, and #15, were approved by .one motion, affirming the action of the Consent Calendar. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE AND 'RESOLUTION TEXTS - P~ADIEG. Council waived the reading of, the texts 0.f all Ordinances and Resolutions before Council at this meeting. c 501 .. .. 2.' AB -#572& .- PADENT OF BILLS. ' . .. - , ' .I Council authorized payment of bills for the general expenses of the City and for the Water .Department in the amount of $809,189.64. .. .. .. .. " . . . ., .. i couN( ' .- , 1 Motion Ayes I I i ~ I ~ ~ I I I ~ .. ., I I * CITY OF CARLSBAD - 2- cxnJN4 B 20 F 1 I ~ ~ ~ I i I ~ i 1~ I I ~ ~ ~ .... . I. ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD - 3- February 6, 1979 111111 .t - _. 0 [601 10. AB 85734 - TERRITORIAL RATING BY . AUTOMOBILE INSURERS. Council adopted the following Resolution: .. RESOLUTION 5661 URGING INSURANCE COMMISSIONER TO MAINTAIN AND. RECOMEND . TO THE LEGISLATURE MAINTENANCE OF, AN EQUITABLE SYSTEM OF TERRITORIAL RATING. c 841 11. AB #5695 - Supplement #l - PURCHASE OF FUME ROODS. - Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5662 ACCEPTING A BID AND FOR THE PURCHASE OF FUlYE HOODS. . AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT [a41 13. AB /I5736 - PURCHASE OF S-TKKE PLATF0Et.M TRUCK^ . Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION.5664 ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A STAKE PLATFORN ... TRUCK. RESOLUTION 5665 ACCEPTING A BID AND xUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A COMPACT STAKE PLATFORM TRUCK. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: - Dl I 12. AB, #5735 - ACCEPTAXE OF TELECOmICATOR FOR DEAF AND HEARING IWAIRED PERSONS. Councilman Anear stated he had requested this item removed from the C.onsent Calendar in orde. to state that items of this nature should not be placed on the Consent Calendar since the donor would not be given proper recognition. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5663 ACCEPTING A GIFT OF A TXLECONMUNICATOR FOR DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED PERSONS. C841 14. AB #5737 - APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR A-MODULAR BUILDING. Councilman Skotnicki stated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to inquire if such modular buildings were authorized under the City Building Code and, if so, what were .the long-range plans. for such modular units. 7 K COUNI kt k 21 \ ._...I -. Motion Ayes 3 CITY OF ' CARLSBAD - 4- COUN4 22 1 . .. i. CITY OF CARLSf3AD -5- February 6, 1979 " I 8 DEPARWNTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS PLANNING: 18, AB #5 739 - COASTAL ZONE BOUNDARY - [a71 AD JUSTRENT. - The Planning Director indicated that Ass,,ociate Planner, Tom Hageman, would show Council with the use of transparencies and wall maps, the existing coastal boundary and the four alternative boundaries prepared by Staff. 1 Mr. Hageman indicated that Alternative "B" would have the least effect on the existing boundary, with Alternatives ~ rrC", "D", and. "E", excluding progessively more area from the Coastal Commission jurisdiction. Council discussion reflected their feeling that the. existing coastal boundary was not logical or consistent with the rationale behind a coastal boundary and posed great difficulties to the City re its plans for redevelopment of the downtown area. 0 Councilman Skotnicki, however, questioned the basis for justification of any receding of the Coastal Zone Boundary indicating it was his opinion that with the exception of Alternative "B", none of the proposals could be adequately supported. .Council recognized Bob Allen of Standard Pacific Corporation, 7906 Convoy Court, San Diego, CA., who spoke in favor of Alternative "E", with the modification of extending the proposed boundary west of the property owned by his company in order to exclude it from the coastal zone. Council recognized Guy Moore of 6503 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA who spoke in favor of Alternative "E". Council dirrected that a coastal zone boundar; in the northern section of the City be pursued which would adjust the existing boundary west to the railroad tracks and exclude all of the downtown area. - A motion was made and seconded which proposed that .a coastal zone boundary be pursued as reflected in Staff's Alternative "E" . .. A motion was made to. amend. the motion to extend the. boundary west to include the property owned by Standard Pacific Corpora tion. .. Council. directed -that Altkrna-tive '.'E",: ,as amended be proposed as the Coastal Zone Boundary. 3 7 " COUP(( I I I ~ i .I I i ~ I ~ I 1 '~ I .# ~ ' "., I ?fo tion Ayes Noes Motion Motion Ayes Noes Mo tion Ayes Noes .. C CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- February 6, 1979 - 8 PUBLIC HEARING L-681 17. AB #3648 - Supplement 84 - REVISED - REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STRATEGY '(RAQS) The Assistant Planning Director gave a brief staff report indicating that Bob Aulick of CPO was present to answer Council's que's tions on the proposed program. Mr. Aulick addressed the Council and indicated that EPA had recently relaxed their. standards for clean air requirements. MayorPackard announced a public hearing on the matter at 7:39 P.M. Harold Clarke, 824 Caminito del Reposa, Carlsbad, CA addressed Council in favor of adopting the program and proposed some. specific ways in which the program could b e implemented . Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor ~ ~ Packard closed the public hearing at 7: 45 : P.M. Council discussed the matter' and the City Commitments attachment, noting that responses were predicated on current fiscal year plans. . .. .. Engineer clarified portions of the RAQS Council adopted the following Resolution: - RESOLUTION 5668 ADOPTING THE REVISED REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STRATEGY CONMITMENTS TO IMPLEMENT TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES. RECESS: Mayor Packard announced a recess at 8:05 P.M. Council reconvened at 8:21 P.M., with all members pres ent . 0 ... . CITY COUNCIL ADDITIOIUL BUSINESS : - E861 26 - AB a5476 - REQUEST TO ADDRESS. COUNCIL MR. - JX. IRVING, REPRESENTING CARLSBAD CITY' EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. Mayor .Packard suggested and Council concurred that this item be removed from order and discussed at this time. J.K. Irving, 2266 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92108 addressed 'the Council with a synopsis of the letter communications betwee he and Mayor Packard, dated January 15, 23 and - - ' 25, 1-979, respectively. .Mr .. -Irving again . .. . stated his reques-t. €or a meeting with the City representatives. - I.. : . Inasmuch as Council concurred with. the positio taken by Mayor Packard in his January 23, -1979 .. letter, no action was taken by Council. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 'I r 1 Cow 24 B - 1 ."., Motion Ayes i j I 1 ~ .. I CITY OF CARkS5AD -7- February. 6, 1979 - 8 0 * " . , 7 L DEPARTMENTAL AXD .CITY YAPTACER W'POR'TS (Cont .) PLANT-JIT-JJCT : 19. AB #5740 - SECOND DFASE 'SE!4?R ALLOCATION SYSTE?I. The. Planning Director gave a brief staff 1931 . .. .reyort of the matter. .. Council discussion reflected thei-r various concerns and they directed staff to vrepare a Second Phase Sewer Allocation System for use when sewer cayacity is available and to set the matter for hearing before Council in accordance,with the desires exnressed by Council; to- include nwefereotial treatment for proiects who have nroceeded to some degree as oonosed to new (rat7 land) nrojects, reverting to-a lottery if necessary. Tn additl;,.on, those on septic v7ould remain on sentic, and develorers would enter into agree- ment re nayment of an-7 established fees. a I [941. 20. . AB #3481 -. SupDlement $21 - REVISION TO PRECISE PLAN FOR PLAZA CAXINO REAL/CHANXEL RELOCATION -- PP 24B The Planning Director gave a brief report on the matter. Council recognized Jim Williams, representing the May Company, at 2501 El Carnino Real, Carlsbad, CA, who addressed Council indicat- ing his principal had reviewed the conditions for approval of subject revision and agreed with same. I Following brief discussion, Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5676 APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A REVISED ALTERNATIVE PRECISE PLAN (PP-24B) FOR THE EXPAJ!EION OF TI-IE PLAZA CAXINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER. PUBLIC FJ0R.K.S : 21. . AB #5741 - IIE@UEST TO' ADDRXSS COUNCIL: REPRESENTATIVE OF C?'VJD. E861 Jack Kubota, Post Office Box 1095, CarlsSad CA addressed the Council with regard to the present plans of Cp.IwD to sell non-potable water with the assufance that such operations would not duplicate or conflict.with City water operations. ,,Cy$& , 22. AB #5742 - SATELLITE PLANT "ASTER PLAN - A staff report on this matter was given b'y Public Works Director, who referenced his memorandum of January 30, 1979. I COUM 25 1 1 " .__, Flotion Ayes c . CITY OF CARLSBAD. COUN( -9- P " I 8 - .. e [831 26. (A) ' AB $/5:747 - ENGILEERING. DEPARTPENT , ' REORGANIZATION. A staff report was given on this matter by Public Works Director, Ron Beckman. Council discussion reflected questions reg.arding the proposed restructuring which were clarified by Yr. Beckman. Councilman Skotnicki stated his opposition to the structure:.ofthe reorganization. Council directed that the Public Works Administrator's recommendations be approved and instructed staff to prepare the necessary resolutions establishing the new classifica- tions and adjusting salary schedules. ADDITIONAL CITY COUNCIL. BUSINESS: INFORMATION 'ITEM "D" Council directed that staff prepare a Resolution in favor'of State Constitutional Amendment No. 2 and that the appropriate regard to supporting SCA-2. INFORMATION ITEM "E" W1 Council directed that an Agenda Bill be prepared regarding implementation of new election laws for presentation to Council. See Pg. REPORT ON CPO MEETING 10 Councilman Skotnicki reported on a recent CPO meeting. With regard to the Series IV Population Forecasts, Councilman Skotnicki suggested, and Council concurred, that population forecasts figures should be based on past growth rates. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 P.M. to February 13, 1979 in the Council Chambersat 7:OO P.M. Respectfully submitted, C621 . ' officials in Sacramento be contacted with ,I- Ir \ 'rr ALETW URffiZiz L . RAU.TENKMHZ, City Clerk Anita Dack Xurphy Recording Secretary "Councilman Skotnicki requested and Council concurred that the Minutes be corrected to reflect the following "Council directed that staff proceed with applications for dtscretionary planning review for projects in the Leucadia County Nater District . VI :*Councilman Skotnicki requested and Council concurred that the Minutes -be corrected. to reflect the following Yotion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes - .... > Motion Ayes