HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-20; City Council; Minutes? _.. ' ,: CITY OF. CAWLS5AD' COuN~ 'Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. :Date of Meeting: February 20, 1979 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1 '. Xeeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) 31 " ROLL CALL : I INVOCATION given by Don Brown of the Chamber of Commerce. (I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE given. APPROVAL - OF MINUTES : (Approved by. one Motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held February 6, 1979, were'approved as corrected. Minutes of the Study Session, held. February 13, 1979, were approved as presented. I CONSENT CALENDAR : - Councilman Lewis requested that Item #ll be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following Items, with the exception of Item {Ill, were approved by one motion, affirming the action of the Consent Calendar: 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions before Council at this meeting. - .. 1 [SO] 2. AB 85748 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. - I I Council authorized payment of bills for the general expenses of the City and for the Water Department in the amount of $528,321.13. I [SO] 3. ' AB /I5749 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. - Council ratified the payment of the payroll in the amount of $184,745.38, for the period January 22, 1979 through February 4, 1979. [50] 4. - AB /I5750 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS. Council authorized payment of the requested re- funds of overpayments of charges made by the City per specific requests filed with the City Clerk. 0 [Sl] 5. AB $15751 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEED - NEWPORT - SHORES BUILDERS. Council adopted the following R,esolution: RESOLUTION 5677 ACCEPTING A GRANT DE-T SHORES BUILDERS ' FOR SEWER EASEMENT PURPOSES. [SI] 6. AB j'5752 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEED -: 2621 - ROOSEVELT. Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION 5678 ACCEPTING .A GRANT FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES. - . . DEED FRO24 VICTOR MOrCENO FOR AN EASEPENT .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . Present Motion Ayes Motion Ayes ,. .. i I' CITY OF CARLSBAD could4 February 20. 1979 - 3- 33 p " ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION : Council adopted the .following Ordinance : .@ ORDINANCE 1213 AMENDING THE .CARLSBAD . RUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMEMDYENT OF CHAPTER 2.04 AND. BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 1.20 TO PROVIDE FOR CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: .- [31 I 13.. AB $11097 - Supplement $11 - REVISION OF MASSAa PARLOR REGULATIONS. The City Attorney gave a brief report in response to Council queries relative to the jurisdictional effects of such ordinance. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading : - ORDINANCE 3112 ' AWNDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER .5.16 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDTENT, DELETION AND ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS REGARDING MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AND MASSAGE TECHNICIANS. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 14. AB $15653 - Supplement #1 - RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES - Z'CA-102, .CITY OF CARLSBAD. ~ [n4] I Mayor 'Packard indicated this item was slated for public hearing at 7: 30 P.M., and would be deferred until that hour. [I 131 15. AB #3528 - Supplement #lo - AGUA HEDIONDA - LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM '(LCP) REPORT.. TO BE CONTIItJUED TO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 27, 1979. " Mayor Packard indicated that Council would take formal action on this matter during the time for public hearings. 0 ~1051 - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUfiORITY: . Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 6:22 P.M. Council reconvened at 6: 26 P.M. with all members present. - DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY ?%MVAGER REPORTS: PLANNING - : .. 16. AB, #5755 - REPORT ON DRAFT REDEVELOPMENT f 2 8-1- Docum-J!JTS AND PROJECT AREA 'COTMTTEE. I: ' . . . . ,. The Redevelopment Coordinator, Jack Henthorn, reported .on the matte-r referencing his Memorandum of February. 9, 197.9. .. .. . ,. . . .. . , . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Motion Ayes - ..._ I I ~ I I I I I 1 February 20, 1979 OF -4- CBUPII F 34 P I .. $ 0 Council queries related to clarification of financing of redevelopment 'projects, concerns that plan is too broad, questions regarding land use and ultimate results of redeveloped area. In response, Mr. Henthorn referenced applicable portions of his Memorandum. He further stated that community input was . essential in arriving at precise design in the plan and indicated that the power of tax increment financing was reserved. Council directed staff to distribute draft documents and authorized the posting and distribution of notices calling for applications to serve on the Village Area Redevelopment Project Area Committee. PUBLIC WORKS : - 17. AB $3652 - Supplement #9 - HARDING STREET CENTER - CONTRACT NO. 1049. [::\ . COmmITY - Joe Eggleston of the Public Works Department gave a staff report on the matter. Council desired clarification as to the span in the amounts bid for furnishing and installing the security system and discussion ensued re- garding obtaining another bid for that particula item in the bid. A motion was made and seconded to adopt Resolution 5683. A motion was made and seconded to amend such motion to delete acceptance of the portion of the subject bid concerning security system, -which should be further investigated by staff to- determine the desirability of obtaining bids for same. Council adopted the following Resolution as amended: RESOLUTION 5683 ACCEPTING BIDS AND KUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1049 FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5684 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STFEET COMPlfUNITY CENTER. [qA 17A., - AB $,5761 - SATELLITE RECLAMATION PLANT Mayor Packard announced that a letter had been received 'from the applicant requesting the matter be continued to the next Regular Meeting of March 6, 1979. Council. directed. that this matter be continued .to March 6, 1979. Council. directed. that this matter be continued .to March 6, 1979. Motion Ayes I- . ' ... Motion Motion Ayes No tion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLSBAD COUN February 20, 1979 35 F -5- -- .- 8 0 E81 1 E81 1 C1141 ~ 1 j ~ j I ... .. - CITY MANAGER: 18. AB $,5756 - CITY FEES The Assistant City Manager, William Baldwin, gave a staff report on the matter. Council acknowledged they would approach staff recommendations on a department-by- department basis. 19. AB #575 7 - OFFER TO P'URCMSE GREENWOOD PROPERTY. - The Assistant City Manager, William Baldwin, gave a. staff report on this .matter, including the suggestion that a iong-term lease of the property could generate more money to the City in the long run thafi an outright sale of the property. After :a .brief discussion, it was the consensus of Council that this item be discussed con- currently with Item #20 since it appeared they were companion matters. PUBLIC HEARINGS : - "14. AB $/5653 - Supplement #l -' RESIDDJTIAL CARE FACILITIES - ZCA-'lO2', 'CITY OF 'CARLSBAD. The Planning Director, James Hagaman, gave a staff report on the matter, emphasizing this ordinance would bring local authority in line with state law. Mayor Packard then opened a public hearing at. 7:31 P. M. Mr. Roy FJard of 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Carlsbad, CA spoke to Council in favor of adopting proposed ordinance. Mrs. Thelma Hayes, 570 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, CA, spoke to Council in favor of adopting proposed ordinance. Since no one else wi.&ed to speak on the matter, Mayor Packard closed the public hear- ing at 7:40 P.M. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading: ORDINANCE 95 13 AmNDING VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF 'TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE ZONING REGUTATIONS REGARDING RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES SERVING SIX OR FEWER PERSONS. .. .. .. .. . .. .. " . .. .... ' I. . No tion Ayes CITY OF CARLS - 6- \ February 20, 1979 - ~~ ~ I ~ ..~ - ~ - - ~~.~" ~_~~~. 8 U131 15. AB #3528 - Supplement #lO - AGUA HEDIOklnA LOCAL COASTAL PRO'GRAM (LCP) REPOXT. Mayor Packard indicated this item was advertised for public hearing and specificallJ invited the public to return for the Adjourned Public Hearing. Council directed this matter to'be cqntinued to an Adjourned Meeting on February 27, 1979 at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. - I : CITY MANAGER: .. As previously decided, Council discussed the following two .items simultaneously: C811 19. AB ~5757 - OFFER TO PURCHASE GREENWOOD PROPERTY. I - I L401 AND 20. AB #5758 - REPORT ON FACILITIES NEED - RECOMMENDED BU1LD';IiTJG PROGRAM. I Tlze Administrative Assistant, Frank Mannen, gave a staff report on Item #20. Council adopted the Recommended Building Program as detailed .on page 9 of the, subject report, as the program concept. It was the consensus of Council that the ,. program phasing reflected on Page 11 of the report be revised to show the Police Facility as .third and the Community Development building as fourth, with the understanding that financing and need would dictate the actual phasing. Council then discussed the advantages and disadvantages of several proposed actions on the Greenwood property. e Y Council tabled Item No. 19, Agenda. Bill #5757. Council directed staff to re-examine location of the proposed Community Development Building to a location east of the library and report back to Council on March 6, 1979. Staff was directed to include in such report the possibility of augment- ing the City's holdings alongside the main fire station to provide for an alternative. site. ., . 1. - .. . .. . CCWN 36 F - Motion Ayes Motion Ayes ... ' .a . Motion Ayes. . *I CITY OD" CARLSBAD CQWN February 20, 1979 - 7- F 17 1 " JI I .. Mayor Packard requested that staff also address the question of finances for the purpose of determining whether the Greenwood property should be held, sold or leased. .- 8 Council authorized staff to enter into negotiations with the County of San Diego . for the acquisition of County-owned lands as a potential site for a Law Enforcement and Maintenance Center and Lib.rary, obtain appraisals on potential County-owned sites and consider any other suitable site. Council directed, staff to solicit proposals from architects to assist in,site evaluation, layout, and design of the City Maintenance Center. RECESS : Mayor Packard announced a recess at 9: 43 P.M. 'Council.reconvened at 9:56 P.M. , with all members present. 1 [481 21. AB #5759 - NEW.ELECTION LAWS. I The City Clerk made a brief introductory statement of the matter. In response to Council query, the City Clerk indicated that implementation might be cost effective when the county had modified its system accordingly. '% e .. Council requested additional information on the matter of mailing one package of election materials to an address where two or more registered voters have the same surname and same address. c281 22. AB 15744 - APPOINTME3JTS TO AUTHORITIES, COMMISSIONS AND COMHITTEES. Various Councilmembers brought up items which must. be considered in'making subject appointments and Mayor Packard reques,ted that each Councilperson return on March 20, 1979 with one suggest$on for each vacancy-on the Planning Commission. Xayor Packard announced that he had received a letter of resignation from Richard H. Cecelski, Commissioner of Traffic Safety and that it would be necessary to appoint someone to fill Mr. Cecelski's unexpired term. c761 1941 - c 281 23. AB +I5760 - COMMITTEE AND BOARD APPOINT- c631 MENTS . Mayor Packard indicated these terms would expire in June, and he would appreci.ate. any suggestions from Council for nominees. .. . . . .. ,. .. .. . .. ., . . Motion Ayes Motion Ayes .a. -. Motion Ayes .- ..I 7' CITY OF CARLS5AD' - 8- UwNf 3.8. 7 Motion Ayes Noes I " . Motion Ayes. Motion Ayes ~ i 1 2rs .