HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-06; City Council; Minutesi CITY OF CARLSBAD' COuNI I- ., Fleeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of 'Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: March 6, 1979 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers F 46 1 Present . ..: No tion Ayes Motion Ayes . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD. CQUNJ - 4- ET March 6, 1979 " "" 8 m- " . ~ . ~- ~~ ~"~__~_ _~_~_ ~-.- -, ~ [114] 16. ' AB' 7j5'6.53' '-' Sup#l - RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILI- TI'ES' SERVING '6 OR LESS' PERSONS '-' ZCA-I'OZ. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE 9513 AMENDING VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF' TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE :THE ZONING REGULATIONS REGARDING RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES SERVING SIX OR FEWER PERSONS. ' PUBLIC' HEARINGS: .. Mayor Packard indicated that the following two items were .slated fox Public Hearing at 7:30 P.M. and would be deferred until that hour: . .. . .. . . . . . . . . [I 131 17.". AB. #5.7'71 .-'..CHANGE OF ZONE -FROM R-I to R-P-Q ZC"2'01, APPLICANT: ' JAMES' HUNT. - [I 131 18. : AB' q;5'77'2' .- -TOOTS'IE '"K"' RE'ZONING FROM L-C . . . . . . . to' R-E --. Z'C-'202 ~ I [ 1 OS] HOUS IXG AUTHORITY : . . . . . . . . . Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at s:33 P.M. Council reconvened at 6: 35 P.M., with all .members present. Council authorized staff to request an updated appraisal on the land east of the City Libraq to be done by Lee Johnson, ?%I. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 15. ' AB $109'7 - SUp#1 '- REVISION OF XASSAGE ' . c31 I PARLOR REGULATIONS. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE- 3112. AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.16 OF THE CARLSBAD MTJMCIPAL CODE BY AMENDYENT, DELETION AND ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO REVISE THE: REGULATIONS REGARDING MASSAGE ESTABLISH- MENTS AND MASSAGE TECHPJICIANS. e DEPARTMEZIJTAL & CITY MANAGER REPORTS: PLAfJNING : .- [57] 19. AB 46.773 - SELECTION OF A CONSULTANT FOR [45] - THE' HOUSIXG ELEMENT' OF THE GENERAL PLAN. The Planning Director gave a brief report on the matter highlighting the background of staff' recommendation. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. H.agaman in- dated City staff was qualified to complete the project but other priorities and the requirement that, the City adopt such element by a specific date prevented staff from assuming the entire .' task. 49 ! .- . ~ .~ Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes -. I I. 1 i CITY OF- CAWL§BAD' CXNNC 0 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5702 APPRQVING PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE. CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR COHSTXUCTION OF THE COASTAL BICYCLE ROUTE - CONTRACT 1061. Notion Ayes [I101 24 AB 15775 - WATER WSTER PLAN - NORTHEAST ~451 QU~DMNT .OF CITY. Utilities/Maintenance Director gave a report. Council discussed merits of staff's recormnendatio Mr. Skotnicki, however, expressed the opinion that staff was justified in that a conf1,ict of interest could be inferred. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD WMC - 8- \ March 6, 1979 53 - I) ~~ I I 1 I Council adopted the following Resolution after insertion of the firm of Woodside/Kubota instead PI0 t ion Noes of Alderman, Swift & Lewis, as proposed by staff : Ayes 8 RESOLUTION 5 70 3 APPROVING .AN 'AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI.TY ,OF CARLSBAD AND WOODSIDE/ KUBOTA AND ASSOCIATES FOR CONSULTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF OF WATER MASTER PLAN FOR THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY 'S WATER SERVICES AREA. 25.. . AB {I5776 - E1G:ITH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC ''*I AGREEMENT - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL '451 FACILITY. Public Works Director gave a brief report.. Council adopted the following Resolution: PdSOLUTION 5.704 APPROVING ALYD AGREEING TO THE EIGHTH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF LIABILITY SANITATION DISTRICT, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, SAH MAXCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND ENCINI~AS SANITARY DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID SUPPLEMENT i BETWEEK TiE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND VISTA . .;.i .. ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Motion Ayes .- * .". " 26. AB # 5777 - NINTH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC [''I AGREEMENT -. EPJCINA WATER FOLLUTI'ON CONTROL [451 - FACILITY. Public Works Director gave a report. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION 5705 APPROVING AND AGREEING TO THE NINTH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC AGREEMEST FOR P-USE I11 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CABLSBAD AND VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AXD ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING THE XAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID SUPPLEMENT ON BEHAnF OF THE CITY OF CABLSBAI: TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEPENT SERVICES I Motion Ayes ~ b 27. AB 85444 - Sup#2 - MENDNENT TO PHASE 111' 0 ["' DESIGR AGREEMENT ENCINA WATER SOLLUTION CONTROL '451 - FACILITY. Public Works Director gave a brief report. Council approved Joint Advisory Committee recommef.d- ation and approved Amendment No. 2 .to Agreement Vista SanitatiorDistrict to proceed. Ayes for Step 2 Engineering Services and authorized Xstion CITY' !TANAGER: [34] 28. AB jE57.78 '-. CWBER 'OF C'OPPIERCE SPRING FAIRE. . . Council adopted the -following Resolution: €40 t ion Ayes.. WN4 CITY OF CARLSBAD -9- March 6, 1979 RESOLUTION 5706 TE&'OTCARILY CLOSING CERTAIN CITY STREETS FOR A LOCAL SPECIALITY EVENT, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN . CONDITIONS. . .. . The City Manager indicated that since the barn was to be used exclusively for storage purposes and no human occupany was intended, there was no requirement for the plan to provide for structural repairs. A Motion was made and seconded to find the plan as submitted unacceptable. A motion .was made to approve the proposal of : the Historical Society as contained in their lette of February 8, 1979 and agree to allow them to proceed with such plan.. 0 30. AB +;5779 - .PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE - SPECIAL ELECTION. The City Manager indicated that 'November 6, 1979 as well as June 5, 1979 was available for a Special Election. In response to Council questions, the City Attorney indicated that there are many aspects of Proposition 13 which are unanswerable. Council dire-cted the matter be returned to Staff for preparation of the necessary documents to call a Special Election June 5, 1979 for the purpose of establishing public facilities fees. 31. AB #5759 - Sup#l - NEW ELECTION LAW. Council directed the Memorandum of February 27, 1979 from the City Clerk be filed. 32. AB #5744 - APPOINTMENTS TO AUTHOXITIES , - CO~~IISS; lul\nn 6 Mayor Packard indicated that Richard Cecelski's r.esignation from the Traffic Safety Commission had been withdrawn due to a change in Commissioner Cece.lski's earlier employment assignment out of the area. Mayor Packard announced that Lillian Fox did'not wish to be considered for any further appointment on the Housing' Commission, but that Jesus Marix had expressed such a willingness. .. Mayor Packard indicated that A.A. Sugg.did not . desire to b'e considered for further appointment to the Parking Authority. .. Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes - . - .. I I Motion Ayes i I 'I Motion ~ Ayes . .. .. CITY OF CARLS5AD -10- March. 6, 1379 :r ,8. . .. e. E281 331 7w C861 ;'c*,k Mayor Packard restated h'is request that' each Council member have two recommendations on PIarch 20, 1979 for the expiring terms of E .H. Jose and Mary Marcus, Planning Commissioners, bot of whom have submitted new applications for appo in tmen t . .. .. 33. AB #5760 - COMNITTEE AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS JUNE, -19 79 . Mayor Packard announced h.is intention to appoint Herbert B. Falkenstein to the Library Board of Trustees. Mayor Packard indicated that Margaret Bonas had indicated a willingness to continue as 'a member of the Personnel Board, should that be the desire of Council. Based upon Mayor Packard's recommendation, a motion was made that staff prepare the necessary documents to discontinue and disband th.e Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : - Informa tion I tem A. A Motion was made to fiorward $150 to the City of Arcadia to help support their defense of a lawsuit resulting from passage of Proposition 12 LJ . Report .- on Coastal Boundary Adjustment Proposal. Nayor Packard reported on the recommendations made by various governmental agencies as to the City's request for a coastal boundary change. Report on Handicapped Parking. Councilwoman Casler reported that the Library Board of Trustees had solicited her aid in bringing to Council's attention the difficulties regarding availability of sufficient handicapped parking. - Report on CPO meeting: Councilman Skotnicki indicated he had voted as. Council instructed with regard to growth figures He indicated the vote had been .unanimous, but that CPQ staff had nonetheless been instructed to investigate policies which could be imple- mented by 1ocal.governments in order to slow down growth in order that Cities be better able to provide the necessary services. .. :. .. .. .. .. I 7 I.! COBdNt ! I I I I ~ I I I I I I I 1 I b WNCII - lh- ADJOUPdmNT : at 7:OO P.Y. Respeetfully submitted, Councilman Packard Councilwoman Cas'ler The record was corrected to show that Councilwoman Casler indicated slze had been advised by the Library that police were un- willing to issue a citation for violation of handicapged Darkinn spaces in t5e absence of an Ordinance prohibiting use of such spaces by non-handicapped persons. The City Manager indi-dcated such an Ordinance was being prepared