HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-27; City Council; MinutesI r *r". 2- .CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNl - 8, e Meeting of: CITY COUI4CIL (Adjourned Regular Heeting) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: ' .March 27, 1979 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers . ... 74' . P ROLL CALL: '[gg] 1. AGENDA BILL #5792 - SUBDIVISION- ORDINANCE REVISIONS. '. The City Attorney gave a stiff report on the matter explaining the purpose of changing the Subdivision Ordinance is to bring. it into confor- mance with the changes in .the legislature. He then referenced his Memorandum to Council dated March 20, 1979 and. reques-ted Council consideration Council discussed the itemized matters outlined in the Memorandum from the City Attorney and #3 pertaining to notification to school. districts of subdivision maps remain as written in the proposed ordinance; ,. ordinance; #8 pertaining to Council findings relative to condominium conversions and parcel maps remain as written in the proposed ordinance; #10 pertaining to adjustment plat procedures. remain as written in the proposed ordinance; #11 pertaining to commitment of park fees remain as written in the proposed ordinance;' ': the ordinance per Council discussion and return at the meeting of April 3, 1979. / . -. *' .1 # CITY OF CARLSBAD . - 2 ,- " 4' e ~ ~ ~ March 77. 1979 I [zs] 2. ,AGENDfi BILL #5755 - Supplement Wf .- VILLAGE AREA- PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE. I After Council rec.ommendations of applicants for appointment, and appropriate 'procedures for determining the seven-person,. commi.ttee, the following Resolution was adopted: ' RESOLUTION NO. 5720, APPOINTING MEMBERS YO THE I VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA COMMITTE, those seven members being Jeffrey Chandler, Norris W. Cochran, Thelma I. Hayes, Frankie Gene Runzo, Robert L. Nielsen, David Ruhnau and Kenneth .L. Criss. [f7] 3. AGENDA BILL #5789 - EVALUATION OF PROJECTS DURING PLANNING MORATORIUM. I Following a brief fntroduction of the matter by the City Manager, the planning Director referenced his Memorandum to Council dated April 18, 1978, and briefly outlined the contents of same. Council recognized Mr. Roy. Ward., 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad. Mr. W.ard referenced his letter to Council dated March 1, 1979. He reiterated his desire for Council to allow planning and stated he was not pursuing discretionary approvals. Mr. Fred Morey, La Costa Land..Company, Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Morey e.xpressed concurrence with Mr. Ward and requested Council 'allow planning processes to continue. . Counci 1 recognized .Mr. Don Agatep , 292.1. Roosevel t , Carslbad. Mr. Agatep indi,cated he was speaking on behalf of a number of citizens and property owners. He stated he desired the opportunity to meet with staff for the purpose of planning, not for obtaining discretionary, approvals. Council discussed the pros and cons of allowing planning to proceed prior to sewer availability. Also discussed was the possibility of estahlishjing a procedure which would speed up the processing time, as well as the poss'ibility of pr0jecting.a time when sewer would be available in order to . ". allocate and process plans in accordance with that allocation prior to its availibility. Concern was also expressed about insuring that other public facilities are available concurrent with need. - Council found that the contents of the' Memorandum , to Council dated .April 18, 1978 are still valid, and agreed that the Planning Moratorium should continue. Council requested a report from staff as to current planning processes, with an analysis of methods of reducing the time required, and also to include the possibility of projecting such a time when sewer capacity may be,available.' I COuNi - 75 T I Mot i on Ayes I I I ~ ~ ~ Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes ._" .. 5# # - II e ~ ~~ "."".__ -.- . .- . . ._.. ._.. . ._ 4' mq CITY OF CARLSSAD COUNi March 27, 1979 . . . 76 .F -3- .. r3~1 4. COUNCIL POLICY DEVELOPMENT. . .. Mr. Frank Mannen distributed to Council a li'sting of Categories.and suggested goal statements. Councilman Skotnicki explained indicating the items had been categorized. in accdrdance:with functional areas in which distinct problems cou.ld be seen. He then briefly explained the goal statements and the method used for arriving at these statements. ~ ~ Councilman Skotnicki concluded by suggesting that each Council person review this document and prepare. their list of objectives for each category ~ which could be discussed at the next workshop. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ~ The City-Attorney referenced a Memorandum he had previously sent to Council re 'Palomar Airport. He stated the contents were intended to inform Council of legalities regarding the expansion of the airport. As a matter of., clarification, he stated the County is free of zoning and building restrictions of cities. However,. many aspects of the law are unclear, and-it is unclear at 'this time as to the City's legal rights regarding the airport. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called a'n Executive Session at 9:55 P.M. for the purpose of discussi'ng litiga-tion Council reconvened at 10:44 P.M.. with four Council members present and .Mayor Packard announced that litigation had been discussed. ADJOURNME.NT ~ By. proper motion, the meeti.ng was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. ~ Respectfully submitted, I ~ I @4?2%!4@fly LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City C1 erk ~ 1 ~ I I I