HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-17; City Council; Minutes4 -. t CITY OF .CA Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular M Time of Neeting: 6;OO 'P.Y. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: April 17, 1979 Council Chambers .. " m ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~- ~~~~~ I CALL TO ORDER was made at 6:OO P.M.' by Mayor Packard. I ROLL CALL was taken by the.City Clerk. 8 . INVOCATION was given by Don Brown, Executive Vice-president. of the Carl.sbad Chamber of Commerce. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Vice-Mayor Skotnicki. I OFFICIAL MELCOME: On behalf of the City Council , Mayor Packard extended a formal welcome to LES EVANS, who became the new City Engineer on.Apri1 2, 1979. - PRESE.NT.,ATION OF RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION: Hayor Packard read, and on behalf of the City Council, presented a Resolution of Appreciation to DAVID MITCHLE.Y, Carlsbad Fireman, in recognition and appreciation of his courageous off-duty sewice in saving the life of an Oceanside citizen on February 28, 1979. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held April 3, 1979, were approved as presented. . . ,I' CONSENT CALENDAR: I The fol lowing Items were approved by one ' notion affirming the action of the Cons'ent Calendar: .I - 1. WAIVER OF ORDINAWCE TEXT AND RESOLUTION TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the .text of all Ordinances and Resolutions before Council at this meeting. [501 2. AB #5808 - PAYMENT. OF BILLS. Council authorized payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City and for the Water Depart- ment in the amount of $385,070.89. [SO! 3. AB #5809 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Counci ratified the payment of the payroll in the' ' amount of $184,823.89 for the period March 19, 1979 through April 1, 1979. a [931 4. AB 85564 - Supplement #2 - RETURN OF 6- EDU's FROM DAVID THOMPSON'S VILLAGE COMMERCIAL PROJECT AT 2922 ROOSEVELT STREET. Resolutiaon No. 5741 rescinding resolution 5534 and return- ing 6 EDU's to the remaining balance of, EDU's original l'y a1 located to Cj ty capital improvement projects and failing septic systems, was adopted. I e mNC i I I JN( D I CITY OF .CAWiS5AD -. 6 - \pril 17, 1979 -1-J- 1,-1- dkrr~II 27. AB #2261 - Supplement #4 - SEWER CONNECTION FEES. A brief staff report on the matter was given .by the Ci-ty Engineer. Council discu.ssed the June 30, 1979 expiration of the clause allowing connection of failed septics to the sewer for a $50.00 fee. Counci'l i ntroduced the fol lowi ng Ordinance: [931 - . ORDINANCE NO. 7057 AMENDING CHAPTER. 13.08. OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SYSTEM CONNECTION FEES. . SECTIONS 13.08.080 TO INCREASE THE SEWER 28. AB H5824 - REQUEST FOR REFUND - BRUCE M. [so! EVANS. A brief staff rep-ort on the matter was given by th.e Ass is tant City Manager. Council discus.sion reflected their concurrence wi.th the conclusion-and recommendation as contained in the April'lO, 1979 report to the City Manager. Council denied the request. [lo31 29. AB #5825 - TRA.FFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Mayor Packard announced his intention to reappoint ALLAN JACOBS, who is currently filling an unexpired term. He. further .announced the?resi.gnation of WILLIAM HARKINS and noted that su'ch resignation created a third vacancy. In r,esponse to Councilwoman Casler's request that a woman .be contacted-with regard to serving in one of the positions, Mayor Packard invited the news media to participate in -informing any .women' interested in being.appointed. [281 30. AB #5744 - APPOINTMENTS TO AUTHORITIES, [76j COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES. C94j Mayor Packard announced that JOHN ALLEN would . be leaving the City in June which would create a vacancy on the Housing Commission. No further action was taken. [28] 31. AB. #5760 - COMMITTEE AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Packard indicated he would be taking no . ' action at this time. cam 93 ,l Motion Ayes Motion AY ,eS CITY OF CARLSBAD CCXlNl April 17, 1979 " 8 0 -7- 94 F CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Pal omar Airport Ci ti zens I Advisory Committee. Mayor Packard indicated he had received a letter from Supervisor Paul Eckert requesting nomina- tions of Carlsbad c'itizens to serve on his committee to respond to complaints resulting from noise, and other problems at Palomar Airport. Manager's Memorandum Re Satellite Sewage Treat- ment Facility. Council unanimously. consented to bring up the Memorandum from the City Mana.ger noting that many policy questions and decisions needed to be discussed by Council before. the Planning Commission could go ahe.ad with decisions at that 1 eve1 . [921 A motion was made to request the Planning " Co,mmission to postpone any f.urther action with regard to the application for approval of a specific plan for Lake Calavera Hills until after Council had reviewed and established certain policies. Council recognized ED HAYWORTH, 1207 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad., California, who spoke to Council on behalf of Lake Calavera Hills Associates. Mr. Hayworth supported Council consideration of policy is!sues, but requested that the process of approval of the application be continued. A motion was made to direct staff to prepare the report addressing issues requiring Council determination of policy to be ready for the May 1, 1979 Regular Meeting. Disaster Council Meeting: Councilman Skotnicki reported on his attendance at,the recent Disaster Council Meeting and noted their discussion of reorganization of county staff to handle an emergency and indicated that .changes would be reflected in the Joint Powers Agreement which governs this. CPO : Councilman Skotnicki reported on the recent CPO meeting and noted that item regarding the reorganization of the transit districts in the County in accordance with Senator Kapi loff Is bill and Assemblyman Frazeels bill -- decisions on which will be taken at the next meeting. Parks & Recreation Commission Councilman Lewis reported on the recent Parks & Recreation Commission. He indicated an item of concern was the study on the Hosp Grove park area. Motion Ayes X . ,. Motion ,Ayes