HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-15; City Council; Minutes.. CITY OF CARLSBAD. -2- May 15, 1979 I .~~ ~ 1 6. ' AB +51'82 - Supplement' # '5' '-' COASTAL BIKE Resolution No. 5767 rejecting all bids for Contract No. 1061 for construction of the coastal bicycle 'route;. and adopted Resolution No. 576'8 approving revised plans and specifica tions and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for the construction of the coastal bicycle route - Contract No. 1061. 7. ' AB $15297. - Suppl'ement' #2' '-' STREET IMPROVE ' 'CONTRACT' NO. '1057.. Council authorized the re- allocation of $16,000 in Gas Tax (Account No. 02-200-3052) to unappropriated Gas Tax Reserve and adopted Resolution No. 5769 accept.ing bids and. authorizing the execution of Contract No. 1057 "for.street improvements on Valley Street and Basswood Avenue. '70) ' ROUTE '-' CONTRACT' NO.' '1'0'61. Council adopted (45) 8 (97) . MENTS ON VALLEY STREET AND BASSWOOD AVENUE - (45) (27) 10. AB,$/5843 - AUDIT PROPOSAL. By a Minute (45) Motion, Council approved retention of George A. Peterson and Company to perform the audit of the City and the'City Water Department for fiscal year endbg June 30, 1979. .ITEMS. REMOVED FROM THE' CONSENT CALENDAR: 8. AB j"5841 - TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER - [;($) ' APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. ' I. Councilman Lewis indicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to inquire into the cost aspects. In response, staff highlighted the terms of the contract and noted any additional services would require Council approval since a budget adjustment would be required. It was further pointed out that consulting services were previously furnished in addition t0.a salaried Transport,ation Engineer. However, it now appeared that the level of expertise 'needed would be satisfied under the proposed arrange- ~ i I ~ ment . Council adopted the following Resolution: e RESOLUTION No.. '5770 approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. for Consulting Services for Transportation Engineering. (36) 9. AB $5842 -' CITY CLERK FEES. Councilman Skotnicki indicated he had requeste this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to question the disparity in the recommended charges under the headings of "Mailing of Environmental Notices" and "Agenda Mailing". Councilman Skotnicki expressed the concern that the frequency of mailing Environ- mental Notices did not justify the charge;and expressed the opinion that they should be re- duced. .. . -. i -. C 4 COUN 117 F .Ib.IcII , *.,. . -. Motion Ayes , I CITY OF ~ mu 118 F P Motion Ayes Mot ion Ayes Motion Ayes ! -. . *.: Motion fgsetsain , ~ I i i I .. CITY OF -,-CARLSBAD .. May 15, 1979 " 8 0 Mr. Green noted th.at Carlsbad,'in comparison with the San Diego region as a whole, had reallzed a decrease in crime since 1976. How- ever, the lncidences used to compile the statistics were taken. only from the 7 major felony categories, as stated in the graphs. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 12. AB $15818 - Supplement' #l. - AQUACULTURE ('I4), AS A PERMITTED USE BY CUP '-' ZCA-'106. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9522 AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SE.CTION 21.42.010 TO ALLOW "AQUACULTURE" AS A PERMITTED USE IN ALL ZONES WITH A CONDITIONAL USE. PERMIT. (ZCA-106) 13. AB' 115819' '- Supplement' #l' - C.OMNITY (114) 'IDENT.ITY SIGNS .-. ZCA-'l07. Council adopted'the following Ordinance: ORD'INANCE NO': 9523 MENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MlJNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.41.075(a) TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY IDENTIFYING AND FREESTANDING STGNS IN CERTAIN PLANNED INDUSTRIAL OR OFFICE PARKS. (ZCA-107) 14, AB 115820 - Supplement 81 - CONDOMINIUM ('I4) ' 'STOCK COOPEMTIVES' '-' 'ZCA-'1'08 - @ouncil.adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9524 AMENDING TITLE -I CHAPTER 21.47 OF THE CARLSBAD . &iIcIPAL CODE BY THE MENDMEW OF SECTION 21.47.020 TO APPLY CONDOMINIUM AND CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION STANDARDS TO STOCK COOPERATIVES. (ZCA-108) PUBLIC .HEARINGS : 15. AB' YF5845 - EXPANSION AND UPGRADING OF (92) ' ENC'BNA WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY '-' 'PDP-1 JA (45) Following the recommendation of James Hagaman, Planning Director, that this matter be continue to allow Council to review the Environmental Tmpact Report, Mayor Packard questioned if all those persons who had filed requests to speak could be available at the next meeting. I A motion'was made that the matter be continued .I to the next Kegular Meeting on June 5, 1979 at 6:OO P.M. ~~- .p f ?, : 1 cwh \ 119 - Motion Ayes Mot ion Ayes ' -. -. Motion Ayes - i .. Motion Ayes CITY OF - 6- CARLSBAD q COUN 121 \ - Motion Ayes ~o tIbn Ayes Motion Ayes Noes .. CITY OF -- 7 CARLSBAD May IS7 1979 .. - ~__ ~ 8 (99) ~ ~~ 23. AB j15847' - .MIITOR 'S'UBDIVI'S'JON NO. 393 - CALDWELL . Les Evans, the City Engineer, reported on the matter and wlth.the. aid of wall maps, demon- strated the configuration and location of the subject property and desired division. In response to Council questions, Mr. Evans gave clarification on the disputed improve- ments and desirability of requiring same. Council recognized Birch De Witt, 900 Fifth Street, Oceanside, CA., who indicated he was a licensed land surveyor and was appearing on behalf of the Caldwells. Mr. De Witt expressed the opinion that the requirements were not justified or desirable. Council discussed potential problems of accepting the lien as proposed by the . . Caldwells. : A motion was made t.0 grant the appeal and accept an agreement for the construction of improvements on Minor Subdivision 393 prior to issuance by the City of a building or grading permit. Motion failed for lack of majority . A motion was made to refer the matter back to staff to determine if staff and Caldwells could agree on partial improvements at this time, with a'lien contract for performance of the remaining required improvements. I - C'ity Manager I (68) 24. AB' $15848' -' COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION STAFF PRESENTATION. .I This item was pulled from order and discussed following item No. 11. I ; (74) 25. .AB 7,5849 - WORK CLOTHING FOR MI'SCELLAN- EOUS EMPLOYEES. m Jerry Pieti, Personnel Director, gave a staff report on the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO .. 5776 RESCINDING- A SECTION OF THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 5635, EFFECTIVE WORK CLOTHING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. (74) 26 .. AB 715850' - THE CITY "S'. CLAS'SI'FICATION ' ' PLAN 'STUDY. Jerry Pieti , Personnel Director 7 presented the matter. Council received the reports of Ralph Andersel regarding study of the classification plan. CCWN 122 ., . \ Mot ion Ayes Noes .-, I Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Mot ion Ayes -1 8 I. I v CITY OF CARLSBAD WN