HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-03; City Council; Minutest * .. , CITY OF CARLS5AD. . .' UYJNI *. .. .I CITY ' OF CA miqi -3- July 3, 1979 Et He indicated that sub-.paragraph IIG" tended to place. the Disaster Council in a subser- vient position to the County. While he- did not recommend withholding approval of the document, he indicated his desire that staff obtain clarification of same. I t 0 Council adopted the f'ollowing Resolution: I (41) RESOLUTION NO. 5825, ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDED EMERGENCY AGREEMENT OF THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZA- TION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN. SAID AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 13. AB #5903 - CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY - KAY VILLA. The City Attorney indicated that this matter had been. placed on the agenda per standard policy re claims against the City. He indi- cated that he had been notified that the in- surance company had reviewed the claim and advised the City to return it as late. Council directed th8 City Attorney to return the claim as late. PUBLIC HERRINGS: - .-. i i (113) FOR 23 DETACHED DWELLING UNITS. 16. AB #5905 - CP-6 - CONDOMINIUM PERMIT The staff report was given by the Assista'nt to the Planning Director, who described the location of subject propcrty using wall ex- hibits A, B, and C. Council recognized the applicant, Mort O'Grady, 221 W. "E" Street, Encinitas, .who concurred with the conditions set forth by the staff and the Planning Commission. Mayor Packard opened the.public hearing at 6:13 P.M. Since no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:14 P.M. In response to Council query, staff indicated the differences and similarities between the PUD and the Condominium Ordinance were being studied as were the methods of providing public facilities. Further Council discussion centered around the possibility of imposing a construction mora- such time as the Council is able to develop a public facilities fee. ~ ! torium, or conditionxng applications until I Following discussion, Council directed the Cit Attorney to prepare the necessary doc-uments approving CP-6, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1527, with the understanding that the City Attorney would include condition concerning provision of public utilities. I I 170 'g Motion Ayes Motion Ayes I j Motion j Ayes i i I I t I i I I .. (114) 17. AB #5846 - Supplement #1 - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCE .. The staff report Was given by' the Redevelop- m.ent CoorSinator. He gave a b.rief history. of the formulation of the Adult Entertainment Ordinance, essentially as contained in his memorandum of June 25, 1979, emphasizing the regulatory and control elements to ensure the .. iqtegrity of the community. ’ ’ CITY OF CARLSBAD.. July 3, 1979 I RESOLUTION NO. 5835, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DEC-ISION RE CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-203) FROM P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) TO P-u (PUBLIC UTILITY) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED N/E OF EL CAMINO REAL,. SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 78.. APPLI.CANT: ROY WARD, LAKE . CALAVERA HILLS. . . CaJN El 173 \ - Motion Ayes Motion Ayes . .~ .. D - . . .. ” Motion Ayes S S Motion Ayes 3. . ,- .>. .. .. ,. .. . .. CITY . OF . CARLSBAD.' . . .. cow .. -8- :. F