HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-07; City Council; Minutes.. .. rqTy or .w I ~ji?ij~~~~yq~. : ' . . . .. c%xmC t .. CITY F L§ cxYJ& - 4- .Au ust 7, 1979 I E311 21. AB $13611 - Supplement $13 - QUITCLAIM DEED .TO KATHRYN A. AND RICHARD S . McCAULEY. 8 Council authorized execution of the Quitclaim Deed. .. [70] . 23. AB V5708 - Supplement $13 - OCEAN STREET C451 BEACH ACCESS STEPS. Council accepted the work under Contract No. 1058, directed-the Clerk to record Notice of Completion and release bonds at appropriate time; and directed that the requested con- tinued appropriations for the project be put' into Unappropriated Reserves Account No. 01-000-0900. i 1 C701 24. AB $15936 - LIFEGUARD SERVICE- - CARLSBAD ~ E451 CITY BEACH. Council adopted Resolution No. 5866, authoriz- ing the Mayor to execute a contract to provide lifeguard services on Carlsbad City Beach. [811 25. AB g59.37 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FRON PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK. Council adopted Resolution No. 5867, accept- ,ing a Grant Deed from Paloma'r Airport Business Park for general utility and access purposes. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: I c411 22. AB $15935 - GROVE LITIGATION - SETTLEMENT. (I) Mayor Packard indicated he would be unable to attend a meeting on August 14, ,1979 and since earlier Council discussion on the matter had resulted in a 3/2 vote, he felt all members of the Council should be present. Council directed this matter be continued to the Regular Meeting of August 21, 1979. 25A. AB $15938 - CLASSIFICATION PLAN CHANGES [741 FOX MISCELLAKEOUS EMPLOYEES. Council recognized Marlin Schlueter, 3733 Sant Ynez Way, Oceanside, CA., who indicated he was employed by the City of Carlsbad in the street department. Mr. Schlueter distributed copies of the job description for Street Maintenance Worker 111 and pointed out that the underscore duties were not performed by.a leadman. He expressed-the opinion that greater skill was required to perform the duties of he.avy equipment operator and the-refore the position should remain a separate classification and be compensated accordingly. '1 7-Y mb IT F -6- August 7, 1979 F+%SfYx€S% ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: - ~511 26. AB $15806 - Supplement $11 - LETTER SIZE FOR FIRE LAKE SIGNS. 8 Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 2034, AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 17.04.060 TO CHANGE THE LETTER SIZE REQUIRDTENT FOR FIRE LANE SIGNS. c501 27. AB {I5923 - REVISION OF PdFUND PROCEDURES Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1215, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.20 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AIYENDNENT OF SECTION 2.20.060 AND BY THE AMENDPENT OF CHAPTER 3.32.TO REVISE THE PROCEDURE FOR CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. r373 28. AB $15925 - ADDITIONAL TIME LIMITS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1216, MENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.16 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 1.16.020 AND AMENDING TITLE 21 BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.61 TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TIME LIMITS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW. C771 29. AB #5877 - Supplement $13 - FEE FOR MAILING ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICES. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. ' 12x7 , AMENDING TITLE 19, CHPATER 19.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ANENDMENT OF SECTION 19.04.260 TO REDUCE THE FEE FOR MAIILING OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICES TO $50.00. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 30. AB $15.866 - Supplement {I1 - ZONE CHANGE TO "Q" OVERLAY, ZC-204. The Planning Director gave a brief 'report on the 'matter indicatgng '.the recommended zone change would conform the subject lots with adjLacent property and accord the City desired discretion during development. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 6:58 P.Y. There were no responses to address Council and the public hearing was closed. 1 "Y F - CARL GOUN *sw. 8 0 - -1 - ta ! k ~. \-. 'et t 207 Council directed that the City Attorney pre- Xotion pare the necessary documents approving the Ayes request as per Planning Commission Resolution 1532. 31. AB $15904 - 'Supplement $11 - PR.OPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7. The City Engineer gave a brief staff report, and responded to questions relative to location. He advised that construction would be scheduled to coincide with the construction of the coastal bike route. Xayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:Ol P.M. Since no one wished to speak, either in favor or opposition to the matter,. the public hearing was closed at 7:02 P.M. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5870, DECLARING AND DESIGNATING A CEXTAIN PART OF SAID CITY AS UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7 AND FAKING ORDERS IN REGARD THERETO. ' ??lo t ion Ayes ! 32. AB $15803 - Supplement $14 - PRECISE DEVELOP?IE?Sr PLAN - LAKE CALAVERA HILLS (PDP-2) . The City Attorney referenced technical changes in the Revised Conditions in order to clarify problems associated with obtaining rights-of- way. He recommended that a portion of Condition 9 be amended to read, "Applicant shall use due diligence ... first within the Master Plan boundary ... and if necessary within alternative recharge basins...". He further stated that Condition 15 be amended to include a reference to Condition 11. Staff responded to Council questions and it was acknowledged there would be an agreement to guaranty financially against any defects for a period following the City's acceptance of the plant. .. Mayor.Packard opened the public hearing at 7:11 P.M. Ed Haworth, 1207 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, representing the applicant, Lake Calavera Hills, addressed Council indicating complete accord with the technical.changes. Bob Allen, 7906 Convoy Court, §an Diego, CA., representing the Quail Ridge project of Standard Pacific, addressed Council and requested clarification of certain conditions as they applied to his principal. Staff responded that approved tentative maps were included as part of all future developmen in that the intent of the condition was that each applicant was responsible for guarantying reclaiming uses for the effluent generated by their development. .. The City Attorney recommended that the words, "of such development or otherwise guaranteed to the satisfaction of the City Council" be added at the end of Condition '6. It was further noted that the formula in Condition 7 was to be used as a guide and . the discretion of the Planning Director was intended to facilitate the use of all reclaimed water within establ.ished policy of the City regarding landscaping. There were no further responses to address Council, and Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 7:22 P.M. In response to Council concerns relative to public facilities, the City Manager noted tha references to same also applied to those required for the development of Lake 'Calavera Hills itself. He further noted that a condition of the Master Plan required a fee structure to be approved by. Council -for the provision of all public facilities before development could occur, either for Lake Calavera Hills, or as adopted by the Council on a City-wide basis. Councilman Skotnicki took exception to the proposed Resolution in that if adopted such The City Attorney responded-that -this was an issue reserved for resolution which could be accomplished: (1) as part of the consideration for an amendment to the planning moratorium; (2) as a result of a conditionfbthe Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan which makes it subject to whatever growth management plan Council may'adopt; or (3) within the cont-ext of the Master Agreement relating to the extent to which the applicant will be entitled to develop units as part of their development of the sewage treatment plant. He further noted that approvals could not go forward until Council deals with the financial construction agreement. It was the- City Attorney's recommen.dation that if Council desired to apply growth-management devices, it could be accomplished via an amendment to the planning moratorium. Councilman Skotnicki then requested clarification of Condition 9 regarding phase construction in view of the reference to same in Condition 3. August "e The City Attorney responded that this also was an issue reserved for resolution. He indicated that Condition 9 reflects the City's position with regard to the plant. However, i may be possible within the context of the agreement to recommend viable alternative for Council consideration, which was consist- ent with the City's position, yet to some extent would accomodate the needs of the developer. He indicated the condition provide the necessary flexibility to do so. Mr. Bussey indicated that ih may be possible that some of the facilities, part2cularly those that relate to the disposing of effluent, either through failsafe or percolation ponds, may reasonably be phased. In response to concerns regarding responsi- bility for providing reclained uses of effluent for the already approved Tentative Xap units, the City Attorney responded that a condition requiring the applicant to pro- vide a use could be explored with the applicant and included in the construction agreement. As a point of infomation, the City Manager noted that-switch-overs from Encina to the new plant may be contemplated on a temporary basis in order to put the new plant in operation. As a technical and not a policy matter, he indicated that such effluent did not need to be reused. In response to concerns relative to the exceptions provided in Condition 13, the City Attorney indicated that the intent was to recognize. the existence of currently- approved Tentative Maps and allow them to proceed, assuming all other requirements were satisfied. However, no new developments would proceed. In response to concerns relating to capacity reserved to the applicant, the City Attorney indicated the amount of capacity, if any, was a judgment to be made by Council within the context of all other matters to be resolved in the Financial Construction Agreement. However, it was staff's intent to recommend that there be some reservation in accordance with negotiations. The Planning Director responded to concerns raised relative to the possibility that uses for reclaimed water may be contrived by developers. He defined Type I water and acknowledged that all such uses would be approved within established policy regarding landscaping and preservation of natural vegetation. 8 e f-=.""p?! ITY ~~~~~~~~~ 9w b- "0- The City Attorney then indicated that if it was Council's intention to. make a requirement for the provision of the adoption .of some different City-approved reclamation plant, a simple clarifying sentence to the end of Condition 8 indicating that Conditions 6, 7, and 8 are subject to modification in accordanc with such City-wide adopted plan for water reclamation which Council may adopt. The motion maker, with the consent of the second amended the motion to include the addition of the words, "with the exception of references to growth management which the City Council intends to address separately in the context of City-wide concerns" at line 26, Page 1 and the follow- ing Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5871, APPROVING A. PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PDP-2) FOR A 1.2 MGD WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AND RELATED APPURTENANCES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH- EAST OF EL CANIN0 REAL, SOUTH OF EIGHWAY 78. APPLICANT: LAKE CALAVERA HILLS ASSOCIATES. present. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) [114] 33. AI HOUSING ORDINANCE ZCA-85. A staff report was giveh by the Redevelopment Coordinator referencing the 3 page Hypotheti- cal Project Dat.a Sheet distributed to Council, and presented as a transparency. The public hearing was opened at 8:52 P.M. and William Rick, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, CA., addressed Council. Mr. Rick expressed the opinion that adoption of the Ordinance was preferable to rent contro and in respo.nse to Council query, indicated he would be willing to accept the provisions of Section 8, but did not wish it to be written into the Ordinance, but rather into the particular application. .-.... ~. ."".._. ,. T F A- <>A e,, . et aL4 -11- Au ust 7, 1979 "."f I" I Raymond Ede, President of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association, 2945 Harding. Street, Suite 109, Carlsbad, CA., addressed Council urging that the matter be considered very carefully in f I view of the need for more senior housinn. t - There were no further responses to address Council, and the public hearing was closed at 9:02 P.M. Council discussed concerns relating to the increased density allowed by the proposed ordinance as affected by CPO population projections which would possibly increase population in soEe areas and decrease in others. Further discussion concerned the pro'cess of any CUP application under the ordinance. e Council introduced the following Ordinance: OXDINANCE NO. 9528, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.18 OF THE CARLSBAD ?W~ICIPP!L CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.18.045 TO PROVIDE FOR SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. IN THE R-P ZONE. E 0 1291 34. AB #5939 - 1979/1980 FEDERAL ,REVENUE SHARmG BUDGET AND FINAL OPEMTING BUDGET. . A staff report was given by the Acting Finance Director referencing changes which Council had made during budget meetings. He additionally recommended authorization to amend the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to reflect the greater appropriation for the library land acquisition funds being derived from Federal Funds rather than the City's General Fund. I Council adopted by minute motion the Federal Revenue Sharing Budget as amended to reflect a shift of $250,000 from General Fund to Federal Revenue. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 9:42 P.M. There being no responses to address Council, the public hearing was'close As a point of clarification in response to Council discussion relative to Council'.s policy statement on the library land acquisi- tion, the City Manager indicated that the County had indicated that they did not feel the land was available. A budget change to facilitate such policy direction had not been.made since the capital improvements could be adjusted to facilitate such goal, as well as for the police station. 21 1 'p v E- 1 - 12.- August 7, 1979 -.a3 9EB*y .. -e .-% - Council adopted the following Resolution reflecting the'amendments in the Revenue Sharing Budget: RESOLUTION NO. 5881, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL I YEAR 1979-1980 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD b AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS. Council adopted the following Resolution with the amendment at line 19/20.delethng the words "to those purposes described in attachment "A" : RESOLUTION NO. 5882, TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM YAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS RESERVE FUND TO GENERAL FUND TO SUPPORT OPERATIONS DURING 1979-1980, AND APPROPRIATING THE REMAINING BALANCE OF THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS RESERVE FUND. Council adopted the following Resolution with the amendment at line 18/19 cleJkting the words "to those purposes described in attachment "A"; change at line 15 to indicate the figure of $1,426,002.00; and change at line 18 to indicate the figure of $754,136.00: RESOLUTION NO. 5883, TUNSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION RESERVE FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND TO SUPPORT CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION DURING REMAINING BALANCE OF THE CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION RESERVE FUND. 1979-80, AND APPROPRIATING THE , [llZ] 34A.AB {I5872 - Supplement #2 - WEED ABATE- MENT COST REPORT CONFIRMATION. The Director of Utilities & Maintenance gave a report on the matter indicating that a further report would be presented in approximately one month reflecting the administrative costs of the project. I) The City Clerk indicated that.no written protests were received regarding abatement costs. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 9:42 P.M. There being no responses to address Council, the public hearing was closed: Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NC). 5877, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE. UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR SHOWING COSTS OF WEED ABATE- MENT AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND IN SAID REPOF.T, CONFIRYING THE COSTS AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON THE REGULAR TAX BILL. 7 PdCS R$!) $3 i b.y( 1": ,z 21 2 .%P i"fo t ion Ayes Mot ion Ayes Not ion Ayes Mot ion Ayes v F I ,. , 8 e i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ 1 I I I 1 I .-13- August 7, 1979 ~051 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Mayor Packard indicated he had received a memo that there were no bills to be paid and therefore no action. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS : Planning : [991 35. AB $13737 - Supplement $13 - RANCHO LA QUESTA, PHASE 5, CT 79-4 - AYERS. The City Attorney referenced his Memorandum of August 1, 1979, attached to the following item 36, and indicated a correction on Page 2, line 6 which added the words, "for sewer service. " Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5872, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP, (CT 79-4) TO REVISE A PREVICUSLY APPROVED SUB- DIVISION CT 76-7, RANCHO LA QUESTA, PHASE 5, THE SEAPORT, ON APPROXIMATELY 15 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE WEST OF EL CAVINO REAL AND NORTH OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON. APPLICANT: AYERS. [113]' 36. AB $15905 - Supplement #l - CONDOMINIUN PERMIT FOR 23 DETACHED DIELLING UNITS - CP-6, O'GRADY. C1141 The City referenced his Kemorandum of August 1, 1979 and indicated a correction on Page 2, line 7 which added the 'words, "for sewer service. " Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5873, APPROVING CONDOMINIUM PERMIT (CP-6) FOR. A TWENTY - THREE DETACHED DS;JELLING UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF ZAMORA WAY, BETWEEN ALICANTE ROAD AND AUUDEN LANE. APPLICANT : MORT 0 I GRADY. 37. AB $15836 - Supplement $11 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - RV STORAGE/MINI-IJAREHOUSE . A staff report was given by the Planning Director indicating the need for clarifica- tion of Council's intent regarding inclusion of mini-warehouse in the RV storage amendment Council acknowledged that permits could be granted to allow mini-warehouse storage and RV storage together. 1 I I Council directed that a separate ordinance amendment for mini-warehouse storage be prepared and returned to the Planning Commission for consideration. I n;l NCI . . . . . - . .. " .. . . . . ,- , !T ~~~~~~ -14- 7 I 8 0 ~131 38. AB 115921 - Supplement #l - CLARIFICATION OF OCCIDENTAL LAND PARKS' DEDICATION RELATIVE TO MP-133. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 5874, CLARIFYING OCCIDENTAL PARK LAND DEDICATIONS AS RELATED TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 20.44.110. RESOLUTION NO. 5875, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND OCCIDENTAL LAND INCORPORATED REGARDING PARK DEDICATION ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOP- MENT PARCELS 12 AND 13 OF IQ-133. c89 1 39. AB 115940 - PROPOSED COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DESIGNATION - S/ S OLIVEHAIN ROAD. Mike Zander of the Planning Department gave a staff report on the matter and with the aid of wall maps outlined the configuration of the subject area. Mayor Packard indicated he had received a Request to Speak on the matter. Council recognized Christopher Allen, 2503 Sombrosa Place, CarIsbad, CA. ,. who .addressed Council in opposition to the natter indicat- ing he represented the Ranch3 Ponderosa Homeowners' Association, who had retained the services of professional architects, and referenced statistics compiled in support of their position. Council directed that a letter be prepared for the Mayor's signature opposing the industrial designation. .. c871 40. AB 115941 - PROPOSED REVISION TO COUNTY CIRCULATION ELEMENT REGARDING SA 680. Mike Zander of the Planning Department gave a staff report with the aid 0.f transparencie showing the subject area, and showing the changes and deletions made. He further pointed out the elements which staff did not feel were sufficiently considered. Mayor Packard indicated he had received two Requests to Speak to Council on the matter. Council recognized Stephen R. Kissick, 7912 Las Nueces Place, Carlsbad, CA., who indicated he represented Rancho Ponderosa Homeowners' Association and distributed material to Council. Mr. Kissick suggested that Council support Alternative "D" to the County in that they did not feel there was a need for SA 680. ~~~~1 1- ,$ Council recognized Philip L. Hinshaw, Post Office Box "A", Rancho Santa Fe, CA., who represented the Rancho Santa Fe.Association. Mr. Hinshaw indicated support of staff I s position with regard to the EIR. Council directed that a member of the Council along with a member of staff appear at the hearing on August 9, 1979 and voice the concerns relative to SA-680. Public Works m1 41. AB #5942 - COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO APPEAL TO STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5876, SUPPORTING WATER RECLAMATION PUNS AND POLICIES FOR THE SAN DIEGO BASIN. C701 42. AB #910 - Supplement #19- - MUNICIPAL C451 SWIM COMPLEX - SOUR HEATING. A staff report was given by the Public Works Administrator. Following brief discussion, Council directed that staff be authorized to approve the design contract modifications to provide for design work on the solar system providing that such contract modifications do not exceed $15,000. It was the consensus- of Council that the concerns of Councilman Anear regarding. the modification fees be addressed by staff during their negotiations for 'same. m1 43. AB $,5932 - SANTA MARGARITA - SAN LUIS REY WATERSHED PLANNING AGENCY. Council adopted the fgllowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5858, APPROVING MEMBERSHII WATERSHED PLANNING AGENCY. IN THE SANTA MARGARITA-SAN LUIS REY 0 44. NO ITEM ASSIGNED THIS NUMBER ON SUBJECT AGENDA. City Manager [291 45. AB #5943 - PARKS AND RECREATION CONI9ISSI( RECOMMENDATIONS RE PRIORITIES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. [291 45. AB #5943 - PARKS AND RECREATION CONI9ISSI( RECOMMENDATIONS RE PRIORITIES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. Mayor Packard sug.gested this matter be delayed. + 46. AB $15944 - DELETION OF SECRETARY FROM PARKS & RECREATION CONMISSION. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1218, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.36 OF THE CARLSBAD HUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF SECTION 2.36.050 TO ELIMINATE THE POSITION OF SECRETARY FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMISSION. 47. AB $15945 - PARKS & RECREATION FEES. Mayor Packard suggested this matter be trailed to the next regular meeting. 48. AB {I5946 - REGIONAL OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN AND PROGRAM. The City Manager suggested this matter be continued to allow Council an opportunity to review relevant material. 49. AB $15947 - DISCRETIONARY PLANNING APPLICATIONS - SAN MARCOS SETTER PLANT REACTIVATION. Mayor Packard suggested this item be continued. -50. AB $15948 - NOYINATIONS TO HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY OF SAN DIEGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES. Mayor Packard announced he had requested this matter placed on the Agenda in order to allow Council to make any desired recommendations. Mayor Packard offered the names of Council- man Anear and Mary Scherr of the School Board. No nominations were made. 51. AB ik5949 - PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES .. A brief staff report was given by the Personnel Director, outlining changes being recommended. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 5878, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. RESOLUTIOE NO. 5879, ADOPTING CHANGES TO TEE EXECUTIVE COfQEMSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN MANAGEXENT PERSONNEL FOR 1979-1980 FISCAL YEAR. 6 -1 7- August 7, 1979 .aema7- p m* I [741 51. AB !I5949 - PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR XANAGEMENT EXPLOYEES. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1219, AMENDING TITLE 2. CHAPTER 2.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.44.030 BY ADDING TITLES NECESSARY FOR THE IMPLEPIENTATIOP? OF CLAsSFICATION PLAN CHANGES. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1220, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.43 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECT10 2.48.030(7) BY ADDING TITLES NECESSARY FOR THE IMPLEPIENTATION OF CLASSIFICATION PLAN.CHANGES. 1681 52. AB #5950 - CPO REPRESENTATION - REGIONAL - COAST COMMISSION. Councilman Skotnicki expressed the opinion that coastal cities should have a majority of representation on matters, but chat'coasta resources are not within their exclusive purview. However, if Council desired a representative from a coastal city should the prior.vote be reconsidered, he would vote accordingly. It was the consensus of Council that Councilman Skotnicki affirm his original vote. r 281 53. AB /I5951 - APPOINTIENT OF A CITIZENS' " COMNITTEE TO REVIEIJ THE NEED FOR A PUBLIC FACILITIES' FEE. It was the consensus of Council that popula- tion segment categories' list be a.guide, but that Council not be bound to select representatives identified with all categories. C281 54. AB #5909 - APPOINTMENTS TO AUTHORITIES, r 401 COMMISSIONS. AND COMMITTEES. r6d " Mayor Packard announced his-int-ention.to appoint the following-named persons to the Parks & Recreation Commission: Jeanne McFadden, Chinquapin, Carlsbad Ge0rg.e Hinds, Trieste, Carlsbad John Murk, Pintoresco, Carlsbad. ADDITIONAL CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS: Councilman Lewis noted that a group consist- ing of he, Councilman Anear, Parks & Recreation Director and Police Officer would be visiting Mission Bay to observe and inquire into the aquatic facilities with a report coming back to Council. 217 p B -7 Mot ion Ayes Mot ion Ayes E?. I 6 c I rTY F *28 c August 7, 1979 218 x*m;m* L e '0 Councilwoman Casler requested that none of the Parks & Recreati.on portion of the budget report be implemented without further direction from Council. The City Manager noted that the report would be brought back. Council directed that the following items on the subject Agenda be continued to the next regular meeting of August 21, 1979: c291 45. AB $15943 - PARKS AND RECREATION CO~~ISSIO RECOMMENDATIONS RE PRIORITIES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. f701 47. AB #5945 - PAXS & RECREATION FEES. C681 45. AB $15946 - REGIONAL OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN AND PROGRAM. 1771 49. AB $15947 - DISCRETIONARY PLANNING - APPLICATIONS - SAN MARCOS SEWER PLANT REACTIV- ATION. c 281 53. AB 115951 - APPOINTMENT OF CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO PSVIEW NEED FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: - Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 11:45 P.M.for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Council reconvened at 12:13 P.M., with all membesr present and Mayor Packard announced that personnel matters had been discussed. f741 Council directed that the City Attorney return with documents pursuant to the City Manager's menorandm of August 7, 1979 with option that there be a 7-1/2% employee increase or City pay PERS contribu- tion and that it be retroactive to July 1, 1979. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, Council adjourned at 12:13 A.M. to August 21, 1979. Respectfully submitted, &A@- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CJAZRK Anita Dack Murphy, Recording Secretary I 1 , , I ~ j Motion j Ayes j , L ~ ~ Mot ion Ayes