HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-11; City Council; MinutesA fJ~-y F $9 ;+$ p9 &&&&-~&J q&> :-!$ gT c$z3d t'< P R Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. c' Date of Meeting: September 11, 1979 ti Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 246 rCr e ~~.~,~~~~~~~-~*,~~,~~~~~-~~~~~<-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~---, _- r - t% -. i " -.. ~ & 8$ m ROLL CALL: -. . Mayor Packard questioned whether Council desired to add an item for discussion to the agenda re the Coastal, Zone as being discussed at the legis- lative level. Council agreed to include 'the matter of the Coast Zone Act to the Agenda for consideration. a Mayor . . Packard . . - " . . . .. . - . . . stated prior to consideration of the agenda items, he desired to announce the resigna- tion of Mr. Paul D. i3ussey, the City Manager. He then read Mr. Gussey's letter of resignation. (77) Coastal. Zone Act ~ Following a brief introduction of the matter, the Planning.Director gave a staff report. Referenc- ing a wall, map he explained the previous location of the Coastal boundary, Council's previous recommended change to the boundary, the area recommended for deletion by the Senate Resources Committee, and the area recommended for deletion by the Senate Finance Committee. He then explained the area contained within each recommended change. He concluded stating the Mello Bill, as it currently exists, began with. the origin.al Coastal boundary', deleted the. portion of the Japatul property, Palomar Airport, Palomar Airpovt Indus- tri,al Park develbped area, and the Biener propert In addition it deleted the portion recommended by the Senate Resources Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. I Following Counc,il discussion re' the areas proposed for deletion, Council agree$ to support the .Me110 - Bill as amended. (70). 1. ATHLETIC FIELD DEVELOPMENT T-he Parks and Recreation. Director, David Bradstreet gave the staff.r.eport on the matter with the aid of wall exhibits. He detailed the August 23, 1979, and September 12, ?979. . contents of his Memoranda dated Au'gust 22, 1979, Council discussed the number of participants in activities requiring facilities, time and costs involved for completing the facilities and possible parking problems resulting from increase usage of certain facilities. Council recognized Mr. Charles Harp, Jr., 2266 Plazuela,. Carlsbad', representi,ng the Encinitas Optimist Club. Mr. Harp complimented Council on their choice of Llr. Bradstreet as Parks. and Recreation Director. Mr. Harp reiterated the need for additional athletic facilities in North County. Present. Motion Ay e s Motion Ayes fioes c n .-" 8 '. .* e D " F 5 Page 2 247 % I- , .. .,.- b , 1 . . -=Tgz2a="& Counci 1 discussed the proposed phasing schedule as contained in'Mr. Bradstreet's recommendation, and expressed the desire that equitable considera- tion be given the southern portion of the City. In this regar-d, Council referenced the $50,000 set aside in the 1979-80 budget for playing fields and suggested the lighting of the third field at Chase be delayed, and the money be used toward development of another area. Council directed staff to acquire the materials necessary for the sprinkler system for Magnolia Field for installation by volunteers. By consensus, Council directed that staff arrange the, app,roprtate meetings with the School Boards and Council for discussion of policy issues ~ related to joint usage of the school athletic facilities. Motion Ayes In addition, staff was requested to prepare addi- tional reports with specific recommendations as to proposed agreements. Council agreed that the projects ljsted in Phase I should be pursued to the extent of the budgeted amount, and indicated further cpnsidera.tion would be desired regarding any additional phasing of projects . i RECESS: Playor Packard called a recess at 8:55 P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:07 P.M. with all Council members present. Mayor Packard announced receipt of letters of resignation from Stephen L'Heureux of the Plannin Commission and from Thomas Richardson of the Building and.Advisory Appeals Board. g (93) SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM. Mayor Packard relinquished the Chair to Vice- Mayor Skotnicki for the matter d'ue to a determine confl i.ct of interest. The Planning Director gave'a staff report on the matter explaining the contents of the Memorandum from the Sewer Committee dated August 28, 1979 and the referenced changes to the proposed system I Council recognized .Mary Ann Haasl, 6411 Via de that additional consideration be given those applicants who were denied allocation from the Fivst Phase Sewer Allocation. .La Reina, San Luis Rey Downs. Ms. Haasl suggeste Council recognized Mr. ,Larry Hunts, ,501 Chinquapi Carlsbad, representing Papagayo, who spoke in opposition to 'the lack of consideration for those applicants who have been waiting with approved projects. tie expressed the opinion that the . negative point system penalizes large projects and requested deletion of same. tie also requeste that the lagoon be included as a 'recreationa? area. Y . - . . . -. . -. . - . r Page 3 ndy, 1205 Magnolia,. d di.sapprova1 with the proposed percentage allotments to the corn- ' mercial, industrial and residential developments. In addition, he requested consideration for those in the redevelopment area who are not within the "core" area who will be requ'ired to wait addition- Council recognized Mr. W. F. Strong, Partner in the Highland Company, developers of Tanglewood. He requested consideration for developments with previously recorded maps and installed inprovemen thews representing nal City. Mr. i li ty of amendin'g ply for sewer. Staff stated the proposed system would allow applicants to amend maps to allow for phasing in smaller segments. Council recognized Mr. Ed Sloan representing Covington Brothers. He expressed support of the previous comments, and requested consideration for projects in existence for s.evera1 year,s that h.ave paid fees and bonds. .. Fol.lowing discussion of same, Council agreed that the first tie-breaker utilized would be considera Council also concurred that the 6-month time . period required for those in the Redevelopment Area but not in the Core would be considered in the near future. Vice-Mayor Skotnicki indicated that the proposed Vice-Mayor Skotnicki stated the Second Phase Sewer Allocation System as presented would be p1ac"ed on the agenda at the next regular meet-ing of Council subject to the inclusion of the ' previously di,scussed tie-breaker, whi.ch would . apply to the original applicant. In addition, the deadline for submitting applications would be determined at that mee-ting. Vide-Nayor 'Sklotni.cki retu:rned the Chair to Mayor P'ackar-d-for c'ontinu-ation of. the meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an Executive Session at 10:18 P.M. for the purpose of discussing personn Council reconvened at 11:12 P.M. with all Council members present and Mayor Packard announced that personnel had been discussed. -~.%W&%"p! p :. L, Q .' F b"RL A Cg-&JN! 8-k Page 4 nr2ii2 S evGm -4- r ug7&,- 7 ~ Y -Ea5 . . L , . ,&.U*"P . 3 -3, Council instructed-the current City Flanager,. Mr. Paul Bussey, to' provide Council at the earliest possible date with a list of possible candidates to fill the Ci.ty Manager's billet on.an interim basis. In this regard, Council expressed-the desire for paperwork and interviews.with those listed. Council agreed that the firm of Ralph Anderson & Associates be hired to conduct the hiring program of a full-time. City Manager with the provision that Mr. Anderson conduct-the screening. Council indicated if Mr. Anderson should be unabl to comply, then the firm-of Korn & Ferry Interna- tional would be hired. City Council Additional Business: Councilman' Anear stated San Marcos would be running a sewer line through Japatul and question whether the line should be oversized in order to act as a failsafe line. The City Manager stated a report would be furnish to Council on the matter. ADJOURNMENT: , BY pr0pe.r motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:14 P.M. Respectfully su'bmi tted, &4&5LA<* A'LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City C1 erk .. , I I l e* j I I I I I 249 ~ \ --a= -Motion Ayes Motion Ayes 1 j ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ i I ~