HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-09; City Council; Minutesc CITY OF CARkS5AD Joint Meeting of the City Council and Meeting of: Carlsbad Unified School District 'School Board Time of Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: October 9, 1979 Place of Meeting: Valley Junior High School Mayor Packard stated that. Mr. Curtin of the Schoo Board would chair the meeting. By way of intro- duction, he noted that all Council members were . ..,_ I Also present were School Board Directors Thomas Curtin, Mary Scherr, John Mamaux, W. Allan Kelly, and Richard O'Neil. 1) (70) 1. JOINT USE SCHOOL FACILITIES - PARKS AND ATHLETIC FIELDS. Mr. David Bradstreet, the City Parks and Recreati Director, was introduced to make a presentation o the matter. " With the aid of. wall exhibits, Mr. Bradstreet explained the background .information leading to this particular meeting, and the resulting propo- . sal for joint usage of the school facilities. He then referenced wall exhibits listing the various prpposed projects, suggested phase develo ment, maintenance impact, funding sources and the recommendations .previously presented to Council. Mr. Bradstreet concluded his presentation by pre- I i senting the following recommendations: 1. School District allow areas to be used on 2. City and School participate jointly in develo ment costs. 3. School District responsible for water and utility costs. 4. City responsible for on-going maintenance and repair. 5. School District to provide rest rooms. Mr. Bradstreet then responded 'to questions re his presentation and the estimated costs and flexibil .. after school basis. * Discussion related to costs of providing land, costs of developing and maintaining the facilities and desirability of an equitable distribution of those costs between the City and the School District. The School Board expressed concern that the only project involving their School District in Phase I, as proposed, was Magnolia Phase I. They requested that Council consider including Magnolia Phase I1 and either Kelly or Valley in the proposed Phase I of the projects. I i COaSMC ~ I " .-. I ;y . Council noted that of all the projects in all Phases, only three were not within the jurisdictio of the 'Carlsbad Unified School District. In this regard, due to the budget constraints and projects requiring minimal improvements, two of those th.ree were included' in Phase I. ¶ I CITY OF CARLSBAD CCWNC .. -2- ~~ The majority of the School Board .expressed agree- ment with the proposed distribution of costs. The Council stated they would consider the request of the School Board for inclusion of additional projects in Phase I. matter explaining the number of school districts within the City boundaries of Carlsbad. He in- dicated a desire for a study on the matter. Superintendent Cra,wford explained the methods by which scho.01 boundaries could be changed. The School Board expressyd concern about bringing additional students into the district when the facilities are currently at maximum capacity. In this regard, they questioned the economic feasibility of such action. Mr. Crawford stated that the Chamber of Commerce has formed a committee headed by Mr. Fred Morey to study the matter of co-terminus boundari.es. The School Board an.d Council expressed the desire to view the study when completed. I RECESS: Mr. Curtin called a recess at 9:42 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at 9:57 P.M. with all members present. 1 0 .- . .e: (70) 3. UPDATE ON SWIMMING POOL. The City Engineer, Les Evans, gave a report on the matter with the aid of a display chart. He began by briefly outlining the history of the matter. He then outlined the progress of the pool design. He then explained the estimated schedule for con- struction of the pool, and displayed a plan showing the proposed pool complex layout. Mr. 'Evans then responded to questions from the School Board re specifics of the proposal. I (91) 4. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS - NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT (104) DISTRICT/CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mr. Mamaux gave background information on the matter explaining the fees charged by North County Transit District and problems relating to the transportation of the school children. In addition it was noted that the mahter was bei,ng presented to Council in that a Council representative served on the Transit District Board. 1, The School Board expressed the desire for considera-, tion of overcrowding on the buses, cost of passes, possibility of a family maximum, the penalty for lost passes, and possibility of special pass a.nd rate for school children. I a g f f 3 4 t 2 .. .. Superintendent Crawford referenced his recent , d.iscussions with the District indicating they had agreed to,eliminate the charge for lost passes on a tri,al basis. In addition, he indicated the .District had expressed a wil.lingness- to take the matter of student passes and rates to the,Board for consideration, as well as fami1.y passes. In conclusion, he stated he would take the matters, to the Transi,t Board for discussion, but could guarantee no results: In addition, he stated he . w.ould direct the Transit staff to work with t-he School Distric.t staff to attempt to solve some of the problems. .ADJOURNMfNT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 P.M. . Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ I e a c 5 0 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WITH CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL UNADOPTED Val ley Junior Hi gt 1645 Magnolia Aver Carlsbad, Califort Tuesday, October ! The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Thomas L. Curtin. Call to Order. Mayor Ronald C. Packard introduced himself and the fol1 ow- ing representatives of the City of Carlsbad: e Ronald C. Packard, Mayor Gi rard Anear, Counci 1 man Mary Cas1 er , Counci 1 woman Claude Lewis, Councilman Anthony Skotnicki , Councilman Wayne Dernetz, Interim City Manager President Curtin introduced himself and the following Roll . representatives of the Carlsbad Unified School District: ' Thomas L. Curtin, President, Board of Trustees Mary A. Scherr, Vice President, Board of Trustees Richard R. O'Neil, Clerk, Board of Trustees W. A1 lan Kel ly , Member, Board of Trustees John J. Mamaux, Member, Board of Trustees Robert A. Crawford, District Superintendent - 0 Dave Bradstreet, City Parks and Recreation Director, Consideration, Jo presented a detailed report using visual aids to describe School Faci 1 i ti es sites for recreational development and proposed building Parks and Athleti plase priori ties. The city's adopted Phase I (the only city-approved phase at this time) included an irrigation system, soil and equipment, additional costs, and utility costs for Magnolia School. In addition, the city's Phase I project contained improvements at Chase Field and at Levante School /Park ( 1 ocated wi thin the Enci ni tas School Di s tri ct) . The city proposals requested that: 1. The school district allow areas to be used on an after-school basis. 2. The city and school district participate jointly i n devel opmen t costs . 3. The school district be responsible for water and uti 1 i ty costs (Magnol ia School ) . 4. The city be responsible for ongoing maintenance and repai rs (Magnol i a School ) . 0 5. The school district to provide rest room facilities. The city's cost breakdown proposal for Phase I work at Magnolia was estimated as follows (taking into account that volunteer work would be performed by citizen groups): 0 # e . UNADOPTED Speci a1 Meeting 0 Irrigation System Additional Costs Soi 1/Equi pment TOTAL -2- October 9, 1979 City District Joint Use, Facilit $4 , 500 (a1 ready spent) 2 , 400 $6,900 $6,900 $6,900 Maintenance Costs: 9 Grounds Utilities 5 ,700 1,350 GRAND TOTAL $1 2,000 . $8,250 It was the city's contention that the district's contribution of land would be offset by the city's annual maintenance cost -- ongoing utility costs. A1 1 improvements (rest rooms , turfed areas , bleachers, etc. ) would become the property of 0 the school di stri ct . It was noted that some of the work DroDosed b.v the ci t.y for Magnolia in Phase I had already been accomplished by the school district. (The report had been prepared earlier. ) For this reason, school board members were interested in moving Magnolia work listed in Phase I1 to Phase I. It was felt that staff had sufficient direction to proceed with further arrangements. The City Council would need to vote on any changes to Phase 1. Upon agreement between representatives of both the city and the school district, the agenda item regarding trans- portation was delayed until later in the evening. The city supported the idea of one school district, rather Consideration, Cc than the current five, within its boundaries. The school Boundaries district representatives expl ai ned the complex problems encountered in changing the district's boundary 1 i nes and also explained the problem of housing additional students. The two ways in which a school district boundary change could be initiated were cited: 1. A petition signed by 25 percent of the registered electors residing in the territory proposed to be transferred; or 2. A petition signed by a majority of the members of 0 the governing board of each school district affected by the proposed change. . .. - e e .' ' Special Meeting -3- 0 It was announced that the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce had appointed a committee to study this same issue and would present its findings to the Chamber in the near future. Discussion included the possibility of a study bei.ng pre- pared and the question of permanent buildings in any arrange- ment for the additional students to be served if the boundaries were, in , fact, changed. A recess was cal led at 9: 42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:55 p.m. @ Les Evans, City Engineer, reported on the events that had taken pl ace since the city's swimming pool cmi ttee was first formed in 1972. At the present time, final plans for the $1,350,000 project are scheduled to be presented for approval of the City Counci 1 in November. If approved, the time schedule then listed the bidding process, award of contract, and construction to be completed by November of 1980. However, at this point, the city has not commit- .ted itself to the $1,350,000. This i tem was placed on the agenda due to the city's representation on the governing board of the North County Transit District and because of the revenue collected by the city based upon ridership. While the transit district is not in the school bus business, the students add a ' large number to the percentage of riders. The concerns expressed to the school board earlier by parents were itemized by President Curtin. Mayor Packard indicated he would support them and bring them to the attention of the NCTD Board of Directors. However, he informed the group that the transit district's income only provided for 21 percent of the total operational costs, which would present problems in requesting lower rates. UNADOPTED October 9, 1979 Coterminous Boundat Recess. Reconvene. Update on Swimning NCTD Transportatio Arrangements It was noted that recent meetings between school district staff, parents and NCTD representatives produced some satis- factory results and the representatives pledged further cooperati on. No other matters of mutual interest were discussed. Mutual Interest The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Ad j ournmen t . Other Matters of 0 Thomas L. Curtin, President Rlchard R. O'N eil , Clerk I) MEMORANDUM TO: Althea Rautenkranz; Carlsbad City Clerk FROM: Anita Wi 1 1 i ms , Secretary to the Superi ntendent SUBJECT: Joint Meeting, Board of Trustees/City Counci 1 , October 9, 1979. December 13, 197 r, <' , P I thought you might like to have a copy of the minutes prepared fc the school district's records. If you have a spare copy of the City Council minutes for the October 3 meeting, I would appreciate receivinc them. Thanks . aw att. 801 Pine Avenue CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Carlsbad, California 92008 ~~ ~- ~ ~~ 729-4 F CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT e\ MINUTES OF JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WITH CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Thomas L. Curtin. Mayor 'Ronald C. Packard introduced himself and the follow- ing representatives of the City of Carlsbad: Ronald C. Packard, Mayor Gi rard Anear, Counci 1 man Mary Cas 1 er , Counci 1 woman C1 aude Lewis y Counci lman Anthsny Ekotniski 3 rw?cslman Wayne Dernetz, Interim City Manager President Curtin introduced himself and the following representatives of the Carlsbad Unified School District: Thomas L. Curtin, President, Board of Trustees Mary A. Scherr, Vice President, Board of Trustees Richard R. O'Neil, Clerk, Board of Trustees IJ. A1 1 an Kel ly , Member, Board of Trustees John J. Mamaux, Member, Board of Trustees Robert A. Crawford, District Superintendent .. Dave Bradstreet, City Parks and Recreation Director, presented a detai 1 ed report using visual aids to describe sites for recreational development and proposed building phase priorities. The city's adopted Phase I (the only . city-approved phase at this time) included an irrigation system, soil and equipment, additional costs, and uti l.ity costs for Magnolia School. In addition, the city's Phase I project contained improvements at Chase Field and at Levante School/Park (1 ocated within the Encini tas School District) . The city proposals requested that: 1. The school district a1 low areas to be used on an after-school basis. 2. The city and school district participate jointly @ in development costs. c 3. The school district be responsible for water and uti 1 i ty costs (Magnolia School ) . 4. The city be responsible for ongoing maintenance and repairs (Magnol ia School ) . . @ 5. The school district to provide rest room facilities. The city's cost breakdown proposal for Phase I work at Magnolia was estimated as follows (taking into account that volunteer work would be performed by citizen groups) : Val ley Junior 1645 Magnol i a Carl sbad y Cali Tuesday, Octob Call to Order. Roll (. - Cons i derati on ! School Faci 1 i 1 Parks and Athl c A F Special Meeting -2- October 9, 1979 .. City District Joint Use, Facili Irrigation System $4 , 500 (a1 ready spent) Additional Costs 2,400 Soi l/Equi pment L $6 , 900 TOTAL. $6,900 $6,900 Maintenance Costs: rj?.cUXk 5,10!! Utilities 1,350 GRAND TOTAL $1 2,000 * $8,250 It was the city's contention that the district's contribution of 1 and would be offset by the city's annual maintenance cost -- ongoing uti1 ity costs. All new improvements (turfed areas , bleachers , etc. ) would 'become the property of the school district. It was noted that some of the work proposed by the city for Magnolia in Phase I had already been accomplished by the school district. (The report had been prepared earlier.) For this reason , school board members were interested in moving Magnolia work 1 isted in Phase I I to Phase I. It was felt that staff had sufficient direction to proceed with further arrangements. The City Council would need to vote on any changes to Phase I. .e Upon agreement between representatives of both the city and the schooi district, the agenda item regarding trans- portation was delayed until later in the evening. The city supported the idea of one school district, rather Consideration, C than the current five, within its boundaries. The school Boundaries e district representatives expl ai ned the complex problems encountered in changing the district's boundary lines and also explained the problem of housing additional students. The two ways in which a school district boundary change could be initiated were cited: 1. A petition signed by 25 percent of the registered electors ' residing in the territory proposed to be transferred; or 2. A petition signed by a majority of the members of 0 the governing board of each school district affected by the proposed change. # y-y Special Meeting -3: October 9, 1979 e It was .announced that the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce had appointed a committee to study this same issue and would present its findings to the Chamber in the near future. . Discussion included the possibility of a study bei.ng pre- pared and the question of permanent buildings in any arrange- ment for the additional students to be served if the boundaries were , in fact, changed. A recess was called at 9:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:55 p.m. Les Evans , City Engineer, rep~rtnd OR the events that had taken place since the city's swimming pool comnittee was first formed in 1972. At the present time, final plans for the $1,350,000 project are scheduled to be presented for approval of the City Council in November. If approved, the time schedule then listed the bidding process, award of contract, and construction to' be completed by November of 1980. However, at this point, the city has not commit- ted itself to the $1,350,000. This i tem was placed on the agenda due to the city's erepresentation on the governing board of the North County Transit District and because of the revenue collected by the city based upon ridership. While the transit district is not in the school bus business, the students add a large number to the percentage of riders. The concerns expressed to the school board earlier by parents were itemized by President Curtin. Mayor Packard indicated he would support them and bring them to the attention of the NCTD Board of Directors. However, he informed the group that the transit district's income only 1 provided for. 27 percent of the total operational costs, r WhS ch WCS? d present pmb? 2RS ',E requestf:.rg 1 wet- rztes . 1 It was noted that recent meetings between school district . staff. Darents .and NCTD remesentatives Droduced some satis- factory results and the representatives pledged further *cooperation. . .@ No other matters of mutual interest were discussed. Coterminous Bounde Recess. Reconvene. Update on Swimdry NCTD Transportatic Arrangements Other Matters of Mutual Interest The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Adjournment. 9