HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-28; City Council; Minutesa CITY OF CAWLS cou& Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: November 28, 1979 i Time of Meeting: 2:30 P.M. \ Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 332 I I ,: I CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 2:30 P.M. I *- a ',. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk: DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY .MANAGER REPORTS: (68) 30. AB #6077 - CPO HOUSING ALLOCATION FORMULA The Planning Director gave the staff report., including b'rief history and analysis of the matter. Mr. Hagaman then introduced the CPO staff representative. I~ Counci 1. recognized Mike McLaughl in , 1.200 Third Avenue, San Diego, CA. Mr. McLaughlin outlined the proposed formula and explained method of computation, in response to Council questions. Council discussion reflected their concerns re accepting the "fair share" allocation prior to completion of .the City's Housing Element, scheduled for completion in Japuary, .1980,and Series V Forecasts and the City's future growth as to the effects both would have on the "fair share" al.location. 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5995, ADOPTING CARLSBADIS "FAIR SHARE" HOUSING ALLOCATION OF 825 LOWER INCOME UNITS AND RE'COGNIZING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION'S FOR THE PERIOD 1980 TO 1985. REGIONAL -HOUSING ALLOCATION FORMULA Council requested the matter of Assembly Bill 1092 be reviewed by the City Attorney, with his report and opinion re same placed on a future Agenda. A brief report was then given by the Redevelop- ment Coordinator regarding the Board .of Supervisors meeting of November 21, 1979 on the Sixth Year Block Grant Funding. He indicated that the Board of Supervisors acted recommendation re a housing policy to implement 1 ow i ncome housi ng. ~ ~ 1 to amend their recommendation to add Carlsbad's j (81) 31. AB #6043 - Supplement #1 - LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OFFICE SPACE. The staff report was presented by Jack Henthorn referencing his memo of November 14, 1979 to th City Manager, which outlined the alternative private and Ci ty-owned sites. In response to Council questions regarding use of possible sites, Mr. Henthorn explained possible- problems in utilizing certain facilities in relation to Grant Funding regul ati.ons. 1 .I $ Present , ~ I I ~ I I Motion Ayes _1 _L .. I. 1 CITY OF CARLS5AD COUNt -3- November 28, 1979 a Council directed staff -to return with a schedul'e regarding re1 ease of. funds as further directed staff to prepare a report administrative fees to be charged for handling funds, and an opinion re City's liability as to releasing or retaining the school fees in view of pending litigation. The following matter was taken out of order and heard at this. time: '_ required by the Municipal Code. Council .a regarding specific dollar amounts of (92) 34. AB #6078 - LA COSTA LAND .COMPANY AVAILABILITY OF SEWER IN SAN 'MARCOS' COUNTY 1, WATER DISTRICT. Motion Ayes I I I 1 .. .. I CITY, OF RLSBAD cum( " t c ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Council adjourned at 5:35 PM to Monda , December 3,1979 at. 2:OO P.M. in CLERK Secretary