HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-21; City Council; Minutes-, Q7 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) ROLL CALL : Calavera Hills The City Manager, Mr. Aleshire, reported to Council of the requ.est by Roy Ward for City approval of an agreement between Tree Top and Calavera Hills. . He indicated Tree Top is a developer who is buying property in the Calavera Hills development and will be expending signifi- As clarification, Mr. Aleshire stated the basic would basically serve as a fi.nancing vehicle. The City Manager gave a brief introduction of the matter and. the recent discussion of same by the Senior Citizen's Association. It was noted that they had reluctantly agreed to be moved to the Magee House. . Council Lewis expressed opposition to the propo organization plan, and' questioned the rationale for not placing the Housing and Redevelopment staff in either the Greenwood or Kruger house. Mayor Packard requested that staff report to Council of any problems arising out of the pro- posed moves as they occur. Council recognized M.r. Raymond Ede, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Senior Citizens Association. He stated the biggest problem wit locating at the Magee House will be that of transportation. He also indicated it may be desirable to place a ramp on the east side of the building for entrance convenience. Council recognized Mr. Jack Jimmink, Director o the Senior Citizens Associati.on. He questioned when the move .to Magee House would take place. In response, staff stated the move could be immediate with the understanding that an agree- ment would need to be reached between the Assoc tion and the City, and electrtcal work is still necessary in the house. 4r CITY OF CARLSBAD CWNCltME~ - I) e -2- January 21 , 1980 I Councilman Anear suggested selling the Greenwood property and utilizing the money to build facilities on the land next to the fire station. Council authorized the relocation of the Senior Ci.tizens from the H,arding Street Community Center to the Magee House and authorized the re- location of Housing and .Redevelopment. to the Harding Street Community Center. In addition, Council directed that occupancy agreements out- I ining terms and conditions of occupancy for the Carlsbad Senior Citizens and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Ag,enc.y be returned, with the condition that the Senior Citizens ag'reement be worked out by February 1 , and that the City take on responsibility of moving their furniture and supplies to the Magee House. (68) 2. ADVISING CPO DELEGATE - "4-95" REVIEW OF FUND ING FOR REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORT I UM. Councilman Skotnicki gave a brief explanation of the matter indicating the requested action would allow CIP-0 ' to begin its review of the annual plan and grant app.1icatio.n of the Regiona.1 Employment and Training Consortium. Following brief discussion, Council djrected to take back to CPO the City's approval of their revised procedure which would allow them to review' the RETC General Plan earlier in its time frame. -their CPO representative, Councilman Skotnicki, (8!) 3. REPORT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR EMISSIONS FROM THE ENCINA POWER PLANT STACK. The Public Norks Administrator gave a brief report on the matter explaining the difference between the annual reports required and the report on compliance with conditions of the ordinance which is due five (5) years from date of the ordinance. In addition, he informed Council of the locations of the three air qualitg monitoring stations and comparisons of results before and after the tall stack. Council directed staff to provide the report from SDG&E to the local news media and such additional data from APCD as might be available on the air monitoring equipment and the results thereof; and further that staff investigate with APCD as to whether or not they could provide for aninformational type presentation to Council at some time in the f,uture on this same subject. (5Ei) 4. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO SUPPORT APPLICA- TION OF TRI-CITY HOSPITAL FOR ADDING 29 PSYCHIA- TRIC BEDS., .. Cou.nci1man Skotnicki reported on a recent pre- sentation by the Regional Health Services Agency which included a report on the cost of ma-intain- ing empty hospital beds. .. Motion X Ayes;?;. xxx Mot i on X Ayes , XX) , i .. CITY OF CARLSBAD - 3- January 21 , 1980 ... I) I, Additional Council' discussion related to any existing facilities in the immediate area, or lack of same. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6068, SUPPORTING TRI-CITY HOSPITAL'S APPLI-CATION FOR 29 PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. (373 5. REPORT AND REVIEW OF EXISTING CITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. Mr. Dernetz gave a .brief introduction of the remaining i tems on the agenda as they relate to. the .beginning of the 1980-81 budget procedures. Mr. .Frank Mannen continwed the report by refer- encing Coun.ci1 Policy 27 with the aid of. a. trans- parency which showed an outline of procedures to be followed. Councilman Lewis referenced page 4, Lagoon ' Management, and suggested the City study the possibility of assuming responsibility for the operation and management of the lagoon. Council concurred with the suggestion and indicated their desire to discuss same during discussion of the report on Febru.ary 11, 1980. In response to Councilman Anear's query, Council concurred that sidewalks should be included in the goals and objectives, and directed staff to develop same for inclusion. Councilman Skotnicki suggested, and Council concurred that a goal or objective should be included to require the restudy the unwritten policy for annexations, and to develop a policy in full consideration of the impacts of Proposition 13. Council also requested a report determining the effect of condominium conversions on the avail- ability of rental units. It was the consensus of Council that the land acq.uis.ition policy b,e included more definitively. Mr. Dernetz stated the directions of Council will be provided to Council for their meeting to be held January 26, 1980. (50) 6. REPORT ON PROJECTED CITY REVENUES AND EXPEN- DITURES ON FUN.D BY FUND BASIS .DURING 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR. The Finance Director began with a brief report on the matter.referencing his Memorandum to the City Manager dated' January 18, 1980. With the aid of transparencies, he outlined the contents of Table I, Table VI and Table VI1 as contained in his Memorandum. CCWNCthME? I .- I - e 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD COUMCDLMEO -4- ..January 21, 1980 29 Council discussed and questioned the figures in terms of current and possible future legislation which would limit spending. In conclusion, the Finance Director indicated arr updated report would be furn'ished to Council in the near future. (29) 7. REPORT FROM DEPARTMENTS OUTLINING EXISTING PROGRAMS AND SERVICE LEVELS AND DESCRIBING ANTICIPATED CHANGES DURING 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR. Frank Mannen reported to Council referencing his Summary to. the City Manager dated January 21 , 1980. He gave a brief description of any sub- stantial changes proposed in the program state- The City Manager stated no action .was necessary at this time on the program statements. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Councilman Skotnicki reported on the recent meeting and that the majority of the CPO Board concurred to inform the Board of Supervisors of the desire to retain the current structure with ... regard to Air Quality Management. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an executive session at 1O:ll P.M. for the purpose of discussing litiga- tion. Council. reconvened at 10:33 P.M.' with all Council members present. The Mayor announced that litigation had been discussed, and no action ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:34 P.M. to Saturday, January 26, 1980, at 1O:OO A.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ 1